Adventurers (Book III – Issue #4)

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The issue begins with the City of Liam being rocked. Her insides burn from Sultar’s flame, and the flames of hatred now burning in the eyes of those Citizens who have turned a blind eye too long to the foul intentions of the Baal Temple.

Captain Kuranuk knows that if the Baal Soldiers storming Liam from outside are not allowed to gain entrances – his betrayal to the City of Liam will cost him his life – in painful measures. Leading several Baal soldiers to Liam’s main front gate, he pounds on the door demanding that the guards let him in – lying and saying that the Baal soldiers have gone crazy and begun killing people.

Shadolok leads the others to the Vellina Gate, knowing this is where the Baal forces intend to make their attack. Shadolok begins barking commands to rapidly form a defense for the onslaught they know is coming. When Sultar admits his fear, Shadolok turns to him and tells him to go with Bladehelm and get his revenge. The word “revenge” seems to snap Sultar back to that time when his sanity was questioned, but his power was not.

The scene shifts again and we see Kerrin the Butcher carrying Coron on a special harness. Coron speaks of using the slaves – even if it costs their lives – to build the bridge so that they might reach Liam quicker.

Back to the inside of the City of Liam, Bladehelm tries to use an axe to break down the door, but it resists. Sultar then unleashes his flame, destroying the door in mere moments.

One the walls of Liam, Shadolok commands the archers – having them hold their fire until he gives the signal. As an expert archer, he gives the command and the volley of arrows strike with deadly accuracy. Shadolok then leads a group of soldiers to meet the Baal invasion, taking them hand to hand.

Inside the gate, Sultar continues to use his flaming powers to destroy anyone and anything that gets in his way – including the cowardice of Captain Kuranuk who has chained himself to the wheel – but says he will gladly remove his hand if he is spared. Sultar grants no such mercy and melts Kuranuk’s face away, killing him.

Shadolok and Barak meet on the field and engage in combat. But the fight is cut short when the Vellina Gate begins to go down. Shadolok breaks from combat and joins his comrades inside Liam’s walls, fending off any Baal Soldiers who attempt to slide in. With Vellina’s Gate down, Liam’s chances of defending herself against Belgur’s army significantly increase.