Adventurers (Book I – Issue #2)

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The issue begins with the Adventurers (Shadolok, Sultar, Nightwind, Coron, Argent, Bladehelm and Dhakab) discussing what they should do next. While Bladehelm is all too eager to leave before the grogs find them again, Coron states that they have gone too far, and that they must find what they’ve come for. Sultar explains that the grogs know the tunnels well and would find them all too quickly; so Shadolok offers to split the party – with him and Sultar remaining behind while the rest press on.

The others, after some convincing, agree. Shadolok tells Sultar not to worry – having seen what Sultar could do, Shadolok had developed a plan – but it would require some work.

The scene shifts to the grogs telling Delgar the Beast that the humans had escaped. Delgar mutilates several grogs before pushing them out of the way and tearing down the gate which separated them from the humans.

The scene shifts to Coron and company. Following a gem that would lead them to the treasure, they find yet another empty room – save for a few skeletons. While examining the skeletons a Crypt-Spider leaps down at Coron – but Dhakab saves him, informing him that the venom from a Crypt-Spider is certain death. Nightwind then begins harvesting venom from the Crypt-Spider’s venom sac.

The scene shifts to Shadolok and Sultar. Just as the grogs break through the door, Sultar uses his ability and ignites a massive pile of wood, just beyond the door that he had mustered together. Several of the grogs immediately burst into flame, unable to get around the massive fire.

Back to Coron and the others, Bladehelm manages to locate the secret passage. Going down the secret passage, Bladehelm is attacked by a ghoulish creature and rendered unconscious by its powerful blows. Only Dhakab’s quickness saves Bladehelm from death; but the creature is far swifter than it appears, and manages to capture Dhakab in mid-air. Argent quickly cast a spell that momentarily protected Bladehelm and Dhakab – but under the strain, could barely maintain the spell. The creature’s monstrous appearance even shakes Coron. When Nightwind moves in to attack – even she is overcome by fear.

Shadolok and Sultar arrive, and Coron calls upon Accuris to hold the creature down. While the creature is held by skeletal hands that have risen from the cold stone – Sultar uses his powers to ignite the dreadful creature, destroying it, though Sultar passes out in the process.

With the creature destroyed, they check on Bladehelm and Dhakab to find that Dhakab is fatally wounded and dying. Coron convinces the others, that for Tirian’s share of the gold, his god Accuris may be able to heal Dhakab and save his life. The others search for Rhannon’s Treasure as Coron takes care of mending Dhakab. Argent locates the room beyond a block of ice, and the Adventurers are greeted by more gold and treasure than they could have ever imagined.

Sultar awakens to hear Coron’s prayer to Accuris, which essentially bonds Dhakab to Accuris and Coron as a slave. Sultar explains that he heard nothing when Coron notices that Sultar has regained consciousness.

The Adventurers load up their bags and pouches with gold, and Argent manages to locate the second key which Tarrus One-Eyed had sent them there for. The Adventurers are spotted by grogs, as well as Delgar the Beast; and Bladehelm is forced to drop his bag of gems, to help carry the still unconscious Dhakab. As they make their escape, Argent uses the Stone of Tribulia to bring Tecumeth’s walls down on Delgar the Beast’s head.

Nightwind brings the key to Tarrus One-Eyed, who then asks if she and her companions are ready for the next task…