Hey! Wait a minute! Where did the EQROLL stuff go?
The folks at WaRP have politely asked me to take the EQROLL stuff down.
But why?
Well, there were images that were technically copyright/trademark to WaRP (the picture of Bearclaw rolling some dice with trolls, for example, was right out of the comic!)
But, what about the character sheet and the map?
Also, technically, copyright/trademark stuff.
Your program was your own thing, though!
You're not wrong. So why not leave that up? Well, let's say I will remain in talks with them. See, if one day maybe it can be brought back. So that's why I put this place holder page, rather than the page going to a 404. I have hopes that at least the program will be able to be restored back up! But in the meantime, I am going to comply with what they want.
As always, thanks to everyone who has used it and reached out to me about it! It's been very cool to hear from folks! If you've enjoyed the program I wrote in the past and would like to donate, feel free.
If you're still interested in the game...
I have a copy of the game, which has been out of print. So you will have to get that yourself. You can typically find it on ebay, for the complete set for about $50.
While you're here, please also take the time to visit Lindsay Archer's website when you get a chance! And go like her Facebook Page!
Art by Lindsay Archer (Tymber and Sureshot)