Final Soul is a game I designed back in 1995. It’s a text based adventure game (in .EXE format), where you control the main character trying to get out of what appears to be a haunted house, after being invited there. You interact with other people in the house, find items to use later to solver other riddles. Because of the compiler used back then, it is limited in some areas, unfortunately – but a pretty fun game none the less. There’s a few tricks and cheats as well! If you’re familiar with older Sierra (ie, King Quest 1, 2, 3, 4 and the like, then you will pretty much know how this game works). If not, feel free to drop me a line, or check out the walk thru provided down below. The file was uploaded to America Online and was actually a fairly good success there as well! It’s already zipped, a mere 87k – so it’s a quick download for hours of fun (or as some have called it: ‘fun’stration!)
Here’s how it appeared on AOL (it should still be available there if you don’t want to download it from here and you have America Online):
Imagine being stuck in a mansion… invited here by some of your closest friends… then imagine that several other friends have been invited… but they are now disappearing… talk to them before they do… some may tell you nothing, others will give hints… you must solve a series of riddles and puzzles in order to escape…
UPDATE: Thanks to Collector, from SierraHelp.com an installer was creating that uses DOSBOX so that it works on modern machines! You can get that right here: FinalSoulSetup.exe (424,634 bytes)
I (then press Enter) – This will show your current Inventory
N, S, E, W – These are the directions for North, South, East, West
U (Item Name) – This is for using a specific item (for example U Computer Game will use the computer game). If it can be used, it will tell you – otherwise, it will let you know that the command doesn’t make sense (there). You can only use items that are in your possession.
G (Item Name) – This is to pick up or get an item (for example G Computer Game will allow you to get the computer game, which then goes into your Inventory). Some items you don’t have to get. Sometimes, the L command works.
L (Item Name) – This is to look at something. Some items can’t be picked up, but can be looked at to provide more details. (For example L Book).
T (Name) – This allows you to talk to someone who has entered the room. You can only talk to them as long as they’re in the room.
M (Press Enter) – This will show you the map of the house, and where you are.
Need a walk thru for FINAL SOUL? The FINAL SOUL WALKTHRU is now finally available!
Ever wonder what became of Final Soul 2?
Contact Me With Questions!
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