Adventurer's Path:
King's Quest Easter Eggs
King's Quest 1
- Enhanced Version
- Look at the smoke that comes out of the pot in the witch's house. It comes out as monsters.
- Both Versions
- When you give the rat in the leprechaun tunnel a piece of cheese, it will swipe your fingers. Count your fingers!
- There's the gingerbread house. Of course! It's the same gingerbread house which appears in the fairy tale Hans & Gretel.
- The Beanstalk from the game is naturally from Jack & The Beanstalk.
King's Quest 2
- After you've travelled to the top of the cliff with the magic carpet, walk past the snake and you will come to a rock with a small hole in it. Look inside it to see a preview of Space Quest I.
- Go outside Hagatha's cave, and walk on and off the screen a few times. You will eventually see the batmobile coming out of the cave.
- On the screen with the trident, walk one screen north and one screen east. Go behind the tree that is the closest to the screen on the right, and type "Read sign". An announcement for Space Quest II will appear.
- At any time, type in "What is Graham's first name?" and it will respond "Cracker."
- When Graham finally meets Valanice, type kill woman for a funny message!
King's Quest 3
- Look behind the tapestry in the hallway upstairs by your bedroom. It will display a message about the upcoming King's Quest IV.
- When in the 3 bears house, try sitting in the chairs, then sleeping in the beds. Eat the porridge, too, to hear his response...but don't eat the little bowl without saving!
- Enter the chicken coup and try to eat chicken to get a strange message.
- At the waterfall in the mountains, drink water.
- In the pirates ship in the room just above the hold, walk into the hole so you start to fall and while next to the ladder type "JUMP ON LADDER" and it will make you be able to walk on the air. Save before trying.
- After rescuing Rosella from the dragon, talk to her. She will say she doesn't believe that it's her brother and mention a birthmark her brother had on his butt. He ends up showing her the birthmark!
King's Quest 4
- When you're swallowed by the whale, you can see a bottle inside of him. Take it and read the note inside. Many questions of troubled adventurers are written on it.
- Wear the crown in the swamp. Save first.
- The minstrel's name is Frankie of Avalon, a parody of the singer Frankie Avalon.
- Type in a bad swear word (Such as the 'F' word) and the game will mention Leisure Suit Larry.
- When you enter the storage room to retrieve the hen and Pandora's box, listen to the music. It's the music of Astro Chicken from Space Quest 3!
- After you kill Lolotte, go to the hallway outside the prison cell, then type BEAM ME. You get teleported to a room with a bunch of Sierra employees! This only works for the AGI version of the game.
King's Quest 5
- Put cape on sled after it crashes (non collection version of game).
- After Cedric is kidnapped by the wolves and Graham is about to use the sled, look at the middle mountain. It will mention it looks familiar to Graham. That looks a lot like the Sierra logo mountain!
- Have Graham go very close to the anthill and he'll start to dance.
- Go to the screen west of the anthill. After few seconds, the Roadrunner will appear. If you click the eye icon on it, you will get the message, "It looks like something's after him." If you click the hand icon, you will hear "Beep! Beep!"
King's Quest 6
- If you walk up the cliffs of logic then make Alexander fall (by clicking on the ground). Do this 3 times and he'll tell you to stop.
- On the shelves in the pawn shop are items that of the previous King's Quest games (1-5).
- At the gate to the Realm of the Dead, use your hands on the bones.
- Talk to the rotten tomato after you pick him up.
King's Quest 7
- The rat under glass in Dr Cadaver's office quotes from Silence of the Lambs.
- In the Faux Shop you can spot the glasses that the Two Guys from Andromeda wear (Space Quest).
- After wearing the cloak, try to meet the boogy man - he'll have an interesting conversation with you.
- After wearing the cloak, visit the pumpkin house kids.
- In chapter two, when you play Rosella, click on the stove in the kitchen. She'll say it's large enough to cook a moose in there and then you'll here a moose grunt.
King's Quest 8
- Daventry
- When you are at the fountains, keep drinking. After a few times, Connor will have too much water and make an obnoxious sound.
- When you get to the house across the bridge in Daventry (the house where the childs house is), go to the backyard. You'll see an outhouse in the corner. Go in it and a Spriggan is in there doing his business.
- When you are at Connor's house use a reveal potion and look at the trees click on the red glob. Connor acquires a bare skin armour with a mask piece for censorship.
- The only part where you can climb the mountains of Daventry is by Sarah's house. There's a part where you can climb all the way to the top. When there, go straight forward and you can see a picture of a married couple from the Mask Team.
- In Daventry, drink a bunch of beer in the tavern to see Connor get dizzy! Plus, you get health points!
- Dimension of Death
- Bring the Ice Scepter back to the sylph and you will hear voice clips of the guy who plays Connor. There are 4-5 clips and are a little risky.
- Click on the box near the dead guy about 25 times and you will hear someone say 'Let me outta here!'. It is said someone from the Mask Team had a desk toy that did this.
- Frozen Reaches
- Go to Queen Freesia's castle. She will say something. Click the sword on Queen Freesa. She will say something. Click the sword on the nymph standing to the left of Queen Freesa. She will say something. Put away your sword. Now go look at the northwest corner of the west wall (the section of the wall closest to the door nymph). You will see a series of bricks on the wall. Starting a the very top of the northwest corner, go down 3 blocks and over 7 blocks (total of 9 blocks). Half-covered blocks count as one block. Click several times on that last block (ninth block) with just the arrow cursor (no sword), and a little Leisure Suit Larry 7 character will make a cameo appearance. Listen to what Connor and Queen Freesa's reactions to this character! It is a bit off-color.
- In Console Mode
- Type oscar to see programmer David Wenger's bassett hound Oscar floating around Connor in circles.
- Type ruth to see artist Todd Bryan's wedding photo floating around Connor.
- Type welch-piel to produce a painting in Connor's house Art Director Jason Piel's wife.
- Type rocket to show the type of rockets that one of the programmers had worked on as a researcher.
- Want to see our beloved hero Connor in his birthday suit (he's naked except for a mask covering his front)? There are two ways:
- 1. Hold in Ctrl+Shift+7 and then type in give birthday suit.
And for you more challanged people:
- 2. Go in front of Connor's house. Use a Clarity potion (or cheat and hold Ctrl+Shift+7 and type in give clarity then the number of potions you want), and look around. You will see a red object in one of the trees. You need to jump to get it or shoot it down with your crossbow. It is very difficult to get it, but it's well worth it.
Also for some other fun Cheats...
Again hold Ctrl+Shift+7 and type in any of these:
welch-piel (Check Connor's house after this one).
- Want something even more challening?
Go to the right of Sarah's house (either that or it's after the Church). There will be part of the mountain you can climb on. Don't jump off the cliff, instead face the mountain and try to climb it. There are specific area's that you can climb to get up. Once you are at the top, look around. There is a wedding picture of one of the Staff. It's really hard, but it's worth it.
- Where's Waldo in KQ?! · In the Frozen Reaches go to the outside of Queen Freesa's castle and click on the guard w/ your weapons cursor. then click all of the guards in the throne room, going counter-clockwise from the entrance. Next face queen freesa and turn to the left wall. click the block on the wall that is down three and over seven. You'll see waldo and then Freesa and connor will have a funny but x-rated conversation.
Gabriel Knight Easter Eggs
Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
- Wait until the mime starts following you in Jackson Square. When he starts to follow you, talk to him. You'll tell him to stop following you. Do this about 20 times, and watch Gabriel lose his cool.
- At Tulane University, notice on the bulletin board a conference with Laura Bow-Dorian, heroine of the Laura Bow games.
- If you go and talk to Madame Cazaunoux before dressing as the priest one of your speaking options is to say "Landshark!" and Madame Cazaunoux will say that you are no Bill Murray.
- At the start of "Day 8" when you leave Schloss Ritter in the car, hold down the space bar as soon as this scene appears. The vehicle will have an accident, so save before trying.
- In the museum, operate the wishing stump more than 3 times.
- At Malia's, look at the rug on the floor.
- Operate the ladder at the bookshop.
- Operate the left confessional at the church.
- At the shop, touch Grace.
- Use the pickup icon on other's people's butts.
- On Day 2 after getting thrown out of Malia's, return to the police station to return the badge.
Gabriel Knight 3
- Turning on the Console · Some eggs require you to bring up the programmer's console within the game. This can be achieved with the keystrokes "Ctrl-Shift-~", where the little squiggly thing is the tilde key. (This final key may be a different key from tilde on non-American keyboards.)
- The same key combination also turns off the console. While the console is turned on, it isn't possible to "skip" dialogue or animation with the "Esc" key, so either turn off the console while you're walking around, or be patient.
- When you turn on the console, you should see a purple box in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen during game play.
- The Big Egg Trigger · To trigger the major eggs within the game, you must first bring up the console. Within the console window, type "SetFlag", and then hit the space bar. Within the quote marks that appear, type "EGG" and then hit Enter. This command enables the Egg action icon, which you may use later in the game on objects or other characters.
- It's best to enable the trigger early in the game, because some eggs can only be seen during certain time blocks.
- Emilio's Fancy Levitating Trick · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. To see this egg, click on Emilio during Day1, 10am-12pm, while he's still sitting in the lobby reading the newspaper, and select the egg action icon.
- Something's Wrong with the Chicken · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. Click on the chicken at any time, and select the egg action icon.
- Grace Sure is Flexible · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. Click on Grace at any time, and select the egg action icon.
- Jean Loves to Show Off · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. Click on Jean at any time, and select the egg action icon.
- The Barman's Been Hiding Something from Us · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. Click on the Rennes-le-Baines barman at any time, and select the egg action icon.
- Spam is Everywhere · If you've enabled the Big Egg Trigger, Grace will receive an interesting e-mail in Sidney.
- Clown Shoes · Bring up the console. Type "ClownShoes" and hit the space bar. Within the quotes that appear, type the name of a character within the game. (Examples of names are "gabriel", "grace", "buthane", "chicken", "jean", "emilio", etc.) Hit enter. This character will pick up some interesting attire.
- Put these shoes on Mesmi while working on the temple puzzles (Day3, 9pm), and Mesmi will eventually float through the roof. Put them on Jean in the lobby, and he'll get a little boost while washing the high spots on the lobby windows.
- Somebody's a Little Cranky · Bring up the console. Type "SetMood" and hit the space bar. Within the first set of quotes that appear, type the name of a character within the game. (Examples of names are "gabriel", "grace", "buthane", "chicken", "jean", "emilio", etc.) Within the second set of quotes, type "pissed". Hit enter. This character will experience a sudden case of vampirism.
- You can experiment with other moods besides "pissed", such as "angry", "happy", and "confused", but these are more programmers' tools than real Easter Eggs.
- The Joke · As Gabriel, go to the Devil's Armchair while the police are still there. Click over 10 times on one of the police cars with the "Look" action icon. Eventually, Gabriel will break down and tell you a joke.
- From the Ministry of Silly Walks · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. While following Prince James' men on Day1, 6-10pm, click on either of the men and select the egg action icon. Somebody's had a leeetle too much whiskey...
- What's Next? · While in the "Search" screen of Sidney, type "gk4" into the search box. You'll get a little hint about Gabriel's next supernatural adventure.
- No In-Flight Meal Served · The Big Egg Trigger must be enabled first. Go to the old ruins at Chateau de Blanchefort, click on the sign pointing to Mt. Cardeau, and select the egg action icon. Did I mention you might need flying lessons?
Leisure Suit Larry Easter Eggs
Leisure Suit Larry 1
- Dial Sierra from the payphone outside the convenience store at 209-683-6858.
- Dial sex line from the payphone outside the convenience store at 555-6969. Enter store and come out, answer the phone.
- Sit on whoopie cushion in the cabaret when the comedian is performing.
Leisure Suit Larry 2
Leisure Suit Larry 3
- To enter the Chip and Dale's Club without paying as Patti, type "suck cock" to the doorman.
- Talk to the Creators · 1. Start LSL3 2. Get to the comedy club 3. Go inside
4. Walk to the two guys sitting at the table in the lower-left corner of the screen 5. Type "talk to al" (without quotes) 6. Type in anything you want in the next input window. 7. Bill will talk to Al and tell him an idea about Larry walking in and saying to them exactly what you typed. 8. They will go away and you get a point.
Leisure Suit Larry 4
- The whole game's an egg!!
Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Outside of the Hard Disk Cafe, walk behind the plant on either side of the entrance and use the zipper icon on Larry.
- When you are at the dentist's office and looking at Chi Chi Rodriguez (the assistant), click the hand cursor on the button of her blouse five or six times in rapid succession.
- How Rude! · Not really too much of an Easter Egg, but a neat little fact. 1. Start LSL5 2. Press the following function keys (the ones at the top of your keyboard) to hear sounds of bodily functions: Flatulence, vomiting, etc.
F1, F3, F4, F6, F8, F9, and F10
Leisure Suit Larry 6
- In Larry's bathroom, sit him on the toilet (using the seat cover from the maid's cart), use the brochure from the health spa on Larry, then use the moisturizing cream from the maid's cart on Larry.
- Click the zipper icon on the box with the keys in the lobby.
- Click the zipper on Gammie behind the desk.
- Go behind the plants in Larrys room and talk to the lower part of the plants.
- Click the zipper icon on the water fountain.
- Click the zipper icon on Gary
- Click the zipper icon on the Food Cart in the food room.
- After you get Cav's badge, keep clicking on her shirt with the HAND icon. (Not pick up icon) (SAVE First)
- Click on the record player in the Aerobics room to play some tunes.
- When inside the pool, click the zipper icon on the water.
- Click the zipper icon on the beer bottles in the faculty lounge area where the gate is.
- Keep clicking on Larry using the HAND icon for some good play.
- After you progress in the game keep going in the bar to see some naked swimmers.
- Open the door to the left in the bar at your own risk.
- Stand around in the shower room with your clothes on. Eventually the water spits up.
- Dial 911 on the phone.
- Dial "976" then 4 more numbers (any) for phone sex. (976-2424 / 976-5555)
Leisure Suit Larry 7
- "Milk" stuffed beaver in the library and then go into the Juggs dressing room.
- After she changes into Vicky, look at her computer screen and click on the guy on the left while holding the control key down. Ask Vicky about the weather.
- After the Juggs perform, go backstage and "feel" the mixer. Talk to Drew about Fokker.
- Talk to Drew, "push" the branch in front of her.
- Use orgasmic powder on Drew's gigantic erection drink and try to "drink" it.
- Before talking to Jamie, walk into ballroom and "dream".
- At Annette's foyer, "unzip" the plastic bulge on the third statue from the left.
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Extra Bonus Fun
- Control-P twice takes you to Psychedelic Mode, repeat to turn off.
- From Horseshoe Competition, use map to goto Das Grande Atruimo and you'll be able to walk to any point on the screen, even the sky!
- While talking with Peggy, Look at her chest.
- Functions keys (not F1) play different sound effects.
- Let Larry stand still for a while to see what he does!
- Flush the toilet for different effects.
- Use the toilet paper on Annette.
- Show dirty picture to different characters. Show to some people again after you put mucilage on them.
The Easter Egg Movie
I haven't verified this trick yet, so please let me know if it doesn't work. To see the "secret" hidden movie of LSL7 in place of the opening movie, just follow this procedure:
1. Make a new directory, example C:\Sierra\LSL7\movies
2. In your LSL7 directory, use Notepad to edit the file named RESOURCE.WIN or RESOURCE.CFG. (You have the former if you're play-ing the Windows version. You have the other if you're playing the DOS version.)
3. Find the line that sets the movie path. Change it to the directory you created in step 1 (i.e., C:\Sierra\LSL7\movies)
4. Put the LSL7 CD in your drive.
5. Copy D:\movie\*.* to C:\Sierra\LSL7\movies
6. Select all the .VMD files.
7. Press Alt-Enter and deselect the Read Only check box.
8. 17.VMD is the opening cartoon. Rename it 0.VMD.
9. Rename 13.VMD to 17.VMD
10. Start the game and watch the intro.
Here's a partial list of scenes you can rename and watch this way:
10.VMD Orgasmic Hallucination
11.VMD Model Larry
12.VMD Clean Ending
13.VMD Dirty Ending
14.VMD Larry Goes to the Opera
17.VMD Opening Sequence
Leisure Suit Larry's Casino
- If you type alshead in the game, and press enter, Al Lowe's head will float around the screen. Clicking him with make him drop chips. You can type alshead several times, for multiple Al's. Keep in mind you can't get rid of him until you leave the game.
Leisure Suit Larry 1
Age Check Trivia Quiz
While this isn't copy protection per se, it is a pain in the butt. Don't you wish you had known these when you first played the game?
In the original, 1987 EGA version, just press Alt-X to bypass the trivia quiz.
In the 1991 VGA version, I was much, much more sophisticated. There you have to press Ctrl-Alt-X to bypass the trivia quiz.
Leisure Suit Larry II:
Manual-Based Copy Protection
From Al Lowe's site...
When I was testing the game, I quickly grew tired of looking up the telephone numbers of all those girls so I made my birthday a substitute for any or all of them: 0724. (Of course, there's a 555- before that number.)
Leisure Suit Larry III
Copy Protection:
Henry "Hank" Aaron is best known for
a. his prowess with a stick.
b. his ability to talk to animals.
c. his skill at lifting weights.
d. "Hank who?"
Correct answer: a.
Acupuncture is
a. the ability to accurately puncture anything.
b. extremely painful.
c. a style of kinky sex.
d. an ancient form of Chinese medicine.
Correct answer: d.
If you inhaled Agent Orange you were probably
a. in Vietnam.
b. stoned.
c. loaded with Vitamin C.
d. able to talk like Donald Duck.
Correct answer: a.
An abacus is
a. another name for a chalkboard.
b. a technique for counting.
c. an insignificant Roman god.
d. something dirty.
Correct answer: b.
Your abdomen is located
a. inside your bank.
b. inside your Audi.
c. beneath your chest.
d. best after dark.
Correct answer: c.
A W-4 is
a. the best all-around motor oil.
b. a tax form.
c. a fighter plane.
d. Leisure Suit Larry's draft rating.
Correct answer: b.
The Electoral College is
a. in upstate Vermont.
b. Ronald Reagan's alma mater.
c. a system of direct representation.
d. ridiculous.
Correct answer: d.
The Presidency of Gerald Ford is remembered for
a. the escalation of the Vietnam War.
b. the beginning of the Watergate scandal.
c. the decline of inflation.
d. nothing much.
Correct answer: d.
a. America's first line of defense.
b. a government agency.
c. the coalition of oil producing countries.
d. a computer language.
Correct answer: c.
"The Andy Griffith Show" was a spinoff of
a. "Make Room For Daddy."
b. "Mayberry R.F.D."
c. "Matlock."
d. none of the above
Correct answer: d.
An aneurysm is
a. a swamp-dwelling marsupial.
b. quite enjoyable.
c. an enlargement in an artery.
d. usually caused by frog urine.
Correct answer: c.
In 1979, the Vice-President of the U.S. was nicknamed
a. "Poppy."
b. "Fritz."
c. "Hans."
d. "Dutch."
Correct answer: b.
A balloon mortgage is
a. an early type of aircraft
b. a kind of French torture device
c. a type of home loan
d. a cross-country hot air balloon race
Correct answer: c.
Who played Patty Duke's cousin on "The Patty Duke Show?"
a. Patty Duke
b. Pia Zadora
c. Patty O'Rourke
d. Patty Melt
Correct answer: a.
Krakatoa is actually ____ of Java.
a. West
b. East
c. Northeast
d. Southeast
Correct answer: a.
Jack Benny's chauffer was
a. Westchester.
b. Portsmouth.
c. Rochester.
d. underpaid.
Correct answer: c.
"Who threw the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's
a. laundry?"
b. merkin?"
c. mukluks?"
d. chowder?"
Correct answer: d.
"You won't have ____ to kick around any more."
a. Richard Nixon
b. Charles Atlas
c. Al Lowe
d. Pele
Correct answer: a.
"Candy is dandy, but"
a. "who ordered candy?"
b. "booze is badder."
c. "cheddar is better."
d. "liquor is quicker."
Correct answer: d.
Abbie Hoffman wrote
a. "The Grapes of Wrath."
b. "The Wrath of Khan."
c. "Take My Wife... Please!"
d. "Steal This Book."
Correct answer: d.
Who died in "Love Story?"
a. Ali McGraw
b. Ryan O'Neal
c. Brian Piccolo
d. the audience
Correct answer: a.
A philatelist is
a. a humanitarian.
b. a barbarian.
c. one who licks and tells.
d. a stamp collector.
Correct answer: d.
Comedians often play in
a. the Bible Belt.
b. the Corn Belt.
c. the Borscht Belt.
d. their food.
Correct answer: c.
"Ask any mermaid you happen to see,"
a. What's the finest caviar?
b. What's the best tuna?
c. What is Tom Hanks really like?
d. Are you Shirley McClaine?
Correct answer: b.
Charles Dickens wrote
a. "Tails From Two Cities."
b. "David Copperfield."
c. "Magic Made Easy."
d. "Doug Henning."
Correct answer: b.
Lizzy Borden gave her mother
a. a poem lovely as a tree.
b. a cherry that had no stone.
c. gray hair.
d. forty whacks.
Correct answer: d.
The five Marx brothers were Groucho, Harpo, Chico,
a. Bobo and Rollo.
b. Zeppo and Gummo.
c. Karl and Freddy.
d. Scooter and Skido.
Correct answer: b.
Pesticide is
a. a legal term for the murder of a younger sibling.
b. a slang term for the harassing of nerds.
c. a bug killer.
d. taking sides with obnoxious people.
Correct answer: c.
An oil glut is
a. the latest tanker spill.
b. how doctors describe cholesterol in arteries.
c. a typical fast-food meal.
d. an overabundance of the commodity in the world markets.
Correct answer: d.
A philanthropist is
a. a humanitarian.
b. a stamp collector.
c. a frivolous lover
d. the lasso-slinging ability of Phil's aunt.
Correct answer: a.
"The Munster's" pet dragon was called
a. Spot.
b. Fred.
c. Igor.
d. Smokey.
Correct answer: a.
Cat Stevens is
a. a famous cat food promoter.
b. a beatnick politician of the 50's.
c. a singer/songwriter who "got religion."
d. Austrian.
Correct answer: c.
In the TV show "Rawhide," Rowdy Yates was played by
a. Harry Carey
b. Clint Eastwood
c. Harry Palm
d. Clint Walker
Correct answer: b.
The "Women's Suffrage" movement was run by
a. Susan B. Anthony.
b. Jacqueline Susann.
c. Gloria Steinem.
d. Paula Abdul.
Correct answer: a.
Two famous sex researchers were
a. Olsen and Johnson.
b. Masters and Johnson.
c. Johnson and Johnson.
d. Hall and Oates.
Correct answer: b.
What is a "Brainfour?"
a. a thinking device
b. a quadralateral circle
c. an operation to remove blood clots
d. a memory chip holding four times more information
Correct answer: a.
The fastest speed you would reach if you jumped off a 40-story building is
a. 400 MPH (40x10.0).
b. 0.4 MPH (40+4/10).
c. 4 MPH (40/10).
d. irrelevant to you at the time.
Correct answer: d.
Are you a kid?
a. Yes, but I wanna play anyway.
b. Yes.
c. No.
d. No, I are a grown up.
Correct answer: c.
Social Security is
a. for people afraid to be alone in public.
b. an underarm deodorant.
c. a contract signed when you get married.
d. some sort of governmental thing.
Correct answer: d.
"All Along the Watchtower" is a
a. religious publication.
b. song by Bob Dylan.
c. nickname for guard duty during WW II.
d. "Great Wall of China" fight song.
Correct answer: b.
In the 60's television show, U.N.C.L.E. stood for
a. Underground National Council for Large Earlobes.
b. United Network Command for Law Enforcement.
c. United Naval Commission for Leaders of Europe.
d. "truth, justice, and the American way."
Correct answer: b.
Vertigo is
a. a balance disorder of the inner ear.
b. an Alfred Hitchcock film.
c. any sudden vertical movement.
d. both A and B.
Correct answer: d.
Watergate is
a. a hotel.
b. a large, water-driven power station.
c. a valve used to stop leaks in water pipes.
d. German for "your father's heart."
Correct answer: a.
A "condominium" is
a. a prophylactic for midgets.
b. a small supermarket.
c. an apartment you can purchase.
d. the smallest size.
Correct answer: c.
Which was not a '60s rock group?
a. The Who
b. The Stones
c. The Beatles
d. The Bangles
Correct answer: d.
Spiro Agnew was
a. a linebacker for Green Bay.
b. a billionaire Greek shipping tycoon.
c. an ex-con.
d. pardoned.
Correct answer: c.
In 1980, Americans supported the Iranian hostages by
a. not buying gasoline.
b. taking out a contract on the Ayatollah.
c. holding mass rallies.
d. tying up innocent trees in yellow ribbons.
Correct answer: d.
In the mid-70's, you had the "dry look" if you
a. had too many dry martinis for lunch.
b. used a blow dryer.
c. had too many dry beers after work.
d. wore desert boots.
Correct answer: b.
A square root is a
a. mathematical term.
b. nerd cheer.
c. path with no diagonal movement.
d. painful condition.
Correct answer: a.
Senile people
a. have been to Egypt.
b. study rivers professionally.
c. live in pyramids.
d. (I forget the fourth answer.)
Correct answer: d.
"Brown vs Board of Education" concerned
a. corporal punishment.
b. desegregation.
c. forced busing.
d. declaring catsup a vegetable.
Correct answer: b.
Canasta is
a. the capital of Haiti.
b. a Cuban dance.
c. a card game.
d. Madonna's last name.
Correct answer: c.
If someone called you a thespian, he would probably be
a. referring to your dramatic skills.
b. referring to your ethnic background.
c. insulting your sexual preferences.
d. punched out!
Correct answer: a.
ARVN stands for the
a. "American Recreational Vehicle Network."
b. "Army of the Republic of Viet Nam."
c. "American Rock Video Network."
d. "Automatic Recovery Vehicle--Nuclear."
Correct answer: b.
"The Naked Lunch" is
a. served at only your more sophisticated restaurants.
b. live at CBGB's.
c. available in VHS.
d. a beatnik novel.
Correct answer: d.
The Gestapo was a
a. now-defunct chain of Quiki-Marts in the Deep South.
b. tribe of headhunters.
c. WWII German police force.
d. popular 60's dance.
Correct answer: c.
"LSD" is
a. used to slow the spread of cancer.
b. able to really mess up your head.
c. any "Large Screen Display."
d. a "Large Stomach Disorder."
Correct answer: b.
Analgesics are used to
a. control pain.
b. enhance rectal pleasure.
c. prevent pregnancy.
d. kill fleas.
Correct answer: a.
The term "Baby Boom" refers to the
a. now-defunct practice of exploding ugly offspring.
b. noise a baby's bottom makes.
c. increased birthrate following WWII.
d. sound a baby makes when dropped from a high building.
Correct answer: c.
Someone interested in animal husbandry
a. is married to a sheep.
b. petitions for animal rights.
c. would be arrested in Michigan.
d. breeds livestock.
Correct answer: d.
A Bar Mitzvah is a
a. famous Manhattan gay bar.
b. Jewish religious ceremony.
c. Yiddish granola bar.
d. special kind of cracker.
Correct answer: b.
The Big Bang is
a. the title of a hit porno movie.
b. Bernard Goetz's favorite sound.
c. how the universe got its start.
d. a 27-car pileup.
Correct answer: c.
The U.S. Vice-President elected in 1988 was
a. J. Danforth Quayle.
b. not ready for prime time.
c. "No Jack Kennedy."
d. All of the above.
Correct answer: d.
What is interface protocol?
a. a required course in "The Famous Beauticians School"
b. Chapter Three of "How to Earn Big Bucks as an Ambassador"
c. foreplay between consenting computers
d. when the eyes and the nose cast their "Ayes" and "Nos"
Correct answer: c.
Josephine the _____
a. Bonaparte
b. Manicurist
c. Eighth
d. Plumber
Correct answer: d.
Who had a rabbit and a talking grandfather clock?
a. Captain Kangaroo
b. Glenn Close
c. Jimmy Stewart
d. Pee Wee Herman
Correct answer: a.
What band was Paul McCartney in before Wings?
a. Menudo
b. The Beatles
c. The Monkees
d. The Traveling Wilburys
Correct answer: b.
If they could just stay little until their _____ wear out.
a. Carters
b. undies
c. kidneys
d. Legos
Correct answer: a.
What was the first TV show with the sound of a flushing toilet?
a. "Maude"
b. "The Jeffersons"
c. "American Top 40"
d. "All in the Family"
Correct answer: d.
What TV show featured an appearance by Richard Nixon?
a. "Hello, Larry."
b. "Mr. President."
c. "Laugh-In."
d. A special 2-hour "Love Boat."
Correct answer: c.
The phrase "Cutting the cheese" refers to
a. hors d'oeuvres preparation.
b. topping another French chef.
c. leaving a warm climate.
d. flatulence.
Correct answer: d.
Which of the following was NOT a carbonated drink?
a. "Nik-L-Nip"
b. "Vita-Cola"
c. "Moxie"
d. "Mr. Pibb"
Correct answer: a.
The "Domino Theory" refers to
a. "30 minutes! Guaranteed!!"
b. Southeast Asia.
c. the speed of collapsing rows of vertical dominoes.
d. the non-Latin Mass.
Correct answer: b.
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is
a. a typo.
b. misspelled.
c. an adjective.
d. a palindrome.
Correct answer: c.
In "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy's last name was
a. Parker.
b. Gale.
c. Gumm.
d. Minelli.
Correct answer: b.
Who fought the Battle of the Bulge?
a. General Ullyses S. Grant
b. Colonel Tom Parker
c. General MacAuliffe
d. Elizabeth Taylor
Correct answer: c.
Muhammad Ali was originally known as
a. Cassius Clay.
b. Titus Andronicus.
c. Sonny Liston.
d. Wally Cox.
Correct answer: a.
Marijuana has never been called
a. pot.
b. grass.
c. reefer.
d. off.
Correct answer: d.
Who never won the Nobel Peace Prize?
a. Teddy Roosevelt
b. Henry Kissinger
c. Linus Pauling
d. Pope John XXIII
Correct answer: c.
In the Spanish Civil War, the Fascists defeated the
a. Democrats.
b. Republicans.
c. Libertarians.
d. Armada.
Correct answer: c.
Ronald Reagan was never a
a. sportscaster.
b. professional football player.
c. governor.
d. napper.
Correct answer: b.
The Mason-Dixon Line is a
a. betting spread.
b. geometry problem.
c. surveying boundary.
d. type of fishing gear.
Correct answer: c.
Muhammed Ali was known for
a. his skill as a poet.
b. missing the draft.
c. boxing.
d. All of the above.
Correct answer: d.
Which of the following is not a Woody Allen film?
a. "Exteriors"
b. "Manhattan"
c. "Annie Hall"
d. "Bananas"
Correct answer: a.
People discussing arms control are
a. involved in the prosthetics industry.
b. mitigating the destructiveness of war.
c. preparing for short arms inspection.
d. practicing cheerleading.
Correct answer: b.
Artificial insemination is the
a. study of plastic plants.
b. study of sex among the insemians.
c. technique widely used to breed animals.
d. safest form of sex.
Correct answer: c.
Artificial intelligence is
a. computers pretending to be human.
b. humans pretending to be computers.
c. an oxy-moron.
d. a blow-up doll.
Correct answer: a.
The author of this game likes to wear his hair
a. parted on the left.
b. parted on the right.
c. long.
d. on the inside.
Correct answer: d.
Mikhail Baryshnikov is famous for?
a. being an ex-Commie
b. wearing tight underwear
c. performing while on tip-toes
d. All of the above.
Correct answer: d.
What occurred at the Bay of Pigs?
a. Many ugly women took a bath.
b. A big mistake.
c. The first bacon factory was established.
d. Columbus arrived in America.
Correct answer: b.
Which was not a Beatles song?
a. "Please, Please Me"
b. "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da"
c. "Put This In Your Mouth"
d. "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill"
Correct answer: c.
Pearl Harbor is best known for
a. being a great place to shop for necklaces.
b. her five years as a Washington D. C. madam.
c. being bombed during World War II.
d. her singing voice.
Correct answer: c.
Macadamia nuts are
a. caused by infrequent bathing.
b. extremely painful.
c. usually supplied with batteries.
d. common in Hawaii.
Correct answer: d.
Mace is
a. liquid tear gas.
b. a mild aphrodisiac.
c. best applied as a topical lubricant.
d. a brand of underarm deodorant.
Correct answer: a.
If "the rabbit died," what really happened is
a. its ears went limp.
b. somebody's been doing something to someone.
c. you need a different brand of rabbit chow.
d. there'll be no more rabbit poop around the house.
Correct answer: b.
What can you get in a "red light" district?
a. in many cases, trouble
b. the Blue Plate Special
c. outdoor lighting fixtures
d. lingerie
Correct answer: a.
To impress your date, you should
a. sing (loudly) Barry Manilow's greatest hits.
b. casually mention how you flunked your last blood test.
c. not bring up the vast quantities of ear hair they have.
d. discuss your plans to continue living at home with Mom.
Correct answer: c.
According to men, women think foreplay should last
a. longer.
b. much longer.
c. much much longer.
d. All of the above.
Correct answer: d.
I am easily offended by
a. nudity.
b. racial humor.
c. foul language.
d. None of the above.
Correct answer: d.
The rhythm method is
a. how drummers do it.
b. a popular form of birth control.
c. percussive in nature.
d. a way to fool around while listening to music.
Correct answer: b.
Eleven inches is
a. a foot.
b. a yard.
c. .70 meters
d. more than I have.
Correct answer: d.
Who should be on top, the male or the female?
a. On top of what?
b. the male
c. the female
d. What species?
Correct answer: d.
Which of the following does not belong?
a. walking the dog
b. hunting beaver
c. chasing tail
d. trolling
Correct answer: a.
How many virgin cheerleaders are there?
a. Five million.
b. Two thousand.
c. One hundred.
d. Too many.
Correct answer: d.
Which of the following does not belong?
a. Safe
b. Raincoat
c. Tire iron
d. Condom
Correct answer: c.
Who comes on New Year's Eve?
a. Santa Claus
b. The Easter Bunny
c. Jason
d. Sometimes, me
Correct answer: d.
A conundrum is
a. used to prevent disease.
b. a riddle.
c. a yuppie habitat (sometimes known as a "condo").
d. a musical instrument of the percussion family.
Correct answer: b.
What lies on the back of a Playboy centerfold?
a. several jokes
b. a tattoo
c. her boyfriend
d. a hairy wart
Correct answer: a.
What celebrity was the first Ronald McDonald?
a. Willard Scott
b. Larry Laffer
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Bert Parks
Correct answer: a.
A homophone is
a. opposed to the gay lifestyle.
b. in favor of the gay lifestyle.
c. a word that sounds like another word.
d. a communication device.
Correct answer: c.
What is "Where the Rubber hits the Road?"
a. Trojan
b. Firestone
c. The Hollywood Drive-In Theatre
d. Galoshes, Inc.
Correct answer: b.
Who does not belong?
a. Marilyn Monroe
b. Phyllis Diller
c. Jayne Mansfield
d. Bo Derek
Correct answer: b.
A reefer is
a. to give to or assign to someone.
b. a good place to store beer.
c. where ships often crash.
d. sometimes smoked illegally.
Correct answer: d.
TM is most often associated with
a. the Bahgwan Shree Rajneesh.
b. Shirley MacLaine.
c. the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
d. Yogi Bear.
Correct answer: a.
Buddy Holly died
a. on stage.
b. in the saddle.
c. in an airplane crash.
d. in the "Blue Ball Saloon" when he bent to tie his shoelace.
Correct answer: c.
What did Gomer Pyle say when he was excited?
a. Shazam!
b. Wanna buy a duck?
c. Yes, sir!
d. Yabba Dabba Doo!
Correct answer: a.
A loop is
a. often used in family planning.
b. repeated instructions in a computer program.
c. in downtown Chicago.
d. All of the above.
Correct answer: d.
Decalcomania is
a. an obsession with decimals.
b. an obsession with Californians.
c. sticky.
d. a mental disease involving decalcos.
Correct answer: c.
STD is
a. an automotive lubricant.
b. something to avoid.
c. commonly associated with celibacy.
d. a West German political party.
Correct answer: b.
Who does not belong?
a. Peter Lawford
b. Sammy Davis
c. Stevie Wonder
d. Dean Martin
Correct answer: c.
Who invented "The Twist?"
a. Chubby Checker
b. Michael Jackson
c. The American Chiropractic Society
d. Milton Bradley
Correct answer: a.
CP/M is
a. a first aid technique.
b. a type of accountant.
c. a female problem.
d. an operating system.
Correct answer: d.
Chlamydia is
a. a baroque musical instrument.
b. often "gotten off a toilet seat."
c. a flower with purple petals.
d. the fifth wife of Emperor Nero.
Correct answer: b.
Who was not in the original "Saturday Night Live" cast?
a. Chevy Chase
b. Gilda Radner
c. Eddie Murphy
d. John Belushi
Correct answer: c.
Which of these do you consider most offensive?
a. Abstinence
b. Graphic sex
c. Gratuitous promiscuity
d. Racial slurs
Correct answer: a.
An IUD is
a. a promissory note.
b. an international organization.
c. used to increase fertility.
d. supposed to limit reproduction.
Correct answer: d.
Which of these is out of place?
a. cathouse
b. house of ill repute
c. bridge club
d. the Chicken Ranch
Correct answer: c.
Which of these is not related to fowls.
a. laying an egg
b. getting laid
c. telling a yolk
d. "finger-lickin' good"
Correct answer: b.
What country produces the Mercedes Benz?
a. The same folks that brought you sauerkraut
b. Atlantis
c. Sweden
d. Japan
Correct answer: a.
What does the "F" stand for in JFK?
a. Forest
b. Fitzgerald
c. Franklin
d. Fitzpatrick
Correct answer: b.
When a character in the game asks you to find a ticket number on some certain page, just use this table. Note that no ticket numbers are greater than 65,535. Why do you suppose that is?
Ticket Number
Locker Combination
After getting Cheri Tart's Fat City membership card, turn it over to discover the names of three island businesses. Look in the manual (or use the chart below) to find the page on which those businesses advertise. Write down those three numbers. They're the combination to your Fat City locker (which is, of course, locker #69).
Page #
Pink Flamingo
Comedy Hut
9 Nontoonyt Community Center
Island Computer Center
Bippi’s Island Liquors
Freddi’s Feral Bar-B-Q
Panti of the Month Club
Chip ‘n’ Dale’s
Island Office and Voodoo Supply
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe
Witch Doctor Appearance Center
Piggi’s Coffee Shop
19 Nontoonyt Nectarine Advisory Board
Fat City
Hurtz Rent-A-Bike
Getting Through The Maze
The shortest possible path to get Patti through the bamboo maze is hidden in the manual, in the lyrics to the song about Nectarines. Just look at the first letter of every word in the song on pages 14-19 of Nontoonyt Tonite and translate those letters into the four directions, North, South, East and West. It will get you through every time. (N-N-E-E-N-W-N-E-N-N-N-W-W-S-W-W-N-N-W-N)
While in the maze, you will get thirsty, but wait until you are literally crawling before you "drink the water."
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Click to englarge...
Leisure Suit Larry VII:
Teleporting around...
Start Notepad.
Type nothing. Just do a “File > Save As…”.
Click the Browse button and maneuver your way into the LSL7 directory.
Name your file CLASSES. Click Save.
Exit Notepad.
Switch to the LSL7 directory. Notice that Notepad conveniently added a .TXT extension for you, which you now must remove.
Right-click on CLASSES.TXT and choose “Rename…”. Erase the .TXT leaving the name just CLASSES. Ignore Windows helpful error message about how this may end life as we know it.
Once that naked CLASSES file is safely tucked away in your LSL7 directory, you can Teleport!
How to Teleport
Anywhere in the game, press the gray minus key (that’s the one on your keyboard’s 10-key pad, not the one near the P key) while holding down both Shift keys. (Yes, I know it’s a stretch, but we wanted something that no one would ever type accidentally!) This brings in the Debug module. Ignore any error messages.
Now, whenever you want to change scenes, type Alt-T. A dialog box will appear. Type in any of the following numbers. ENJOY!
Where to Teleport
Mgm Sierra Opening
La Costa Lotta Bedroom
Shamara’s Front Room
Title Screen
Game Ending (Clean)
Ending Scene (Dirty)
On The Mizzenmast
Bridge Exterior
Bridge Interior
Captain’s Suite
Going Inside The Captain’s Suite
Talk To Captain
Boarding Deck
The Lounge
The Juggs Singing
Juggs’ Dressing Room
At The Door To The Juggs’ Room
Horseshoe Competition Area
Poop Deck
Talk To The Juggs
Promenade Deck
Talk To Peggy
Going To The Swimming Pool
Changing Cabana
Talk To Drew
Boning Suite
Boning Exterior
Talk To Annette
Blind Dessert Testing Room (Dark)
Inside The Tasting Room (Light)
Look At Annette’s Chair
Talk To Wang
Lobby (Lower Level)
Purser’s Desk M. S.
El Replicant Sculpture Garden
On The Scaffold
At The Crap’s Table
Employees Only Break Room
Break Room Door
Talk To Xzywts
Bowling Competition Area
Inside Queen’s Ballroom
Talk To Jamie
Ballroom Exterior
Your Dance In The Ballroom
Luvmaster 2000
Cook-Off Competition Area
Prude Vicki
Wild Vicki
Best Dressed Competition Area
Pinsetter Hold
Pinsetter Bulkhead Door
Enter Dewmi Moore’s Cabin
Start The Game Of Liar’s Dice
Win The Game Of Liar’s Dice
Beaver Hold
Beaver Bulkhead Door
Luggage Storage Hold
Luggage Bulkhead Door
Larry’s Cabin 0
Larry’s Hallway
Phantasmagoria Easter Eggs
Phantasmagoria 1
- Go to the nursery. Click five or six times in rapid succession on the child's picture. (Note: If you go to the nursery on the third floor in any chapter apart from chapter seven and click on the baby picture four times in succession, its eyes will glow and an evil childish laugh will be heard. Adrienne does not respond to this phenomenon).
- Click the chair next to the toilet seven times, and then click on the toilet. Make sure Adrienne has NOT gone to the bathroom that chapter.
- Look at the portrait above the fireplace in the dining room. Now look at the mirror to see the reflection of the room. The portrait has changed!
- Look at the girls in the posters at Bob Thompkins's office. Don't they look like the girls from Sierra's Leisure Suit Larry 6 game?
- Look at the books on the shelf at Lou-Anne's antique store.
- Open the Malcolm Wyrmshadow's mailbox and look at the letter. It's from R. Williams.
- The music playing in the background of the Nipawomsett General Store was also taken from the Leisure Suit Larry series.
- The hole Adrienne creates by removing the library fireplace bricks that block access to the chapel looks suspiciously like the mountain depicted on the Sierra logo. This would explain why some bricks are split in half for no apparent reason.
- Using the drain cleaner on the manacles in the cellar will result in patches of "blood" appearing on Adrienne's head and shoes and the blood-like speckles will also appear if you click on the drain cleaner while Adrienne is in the pantry and has the light turned on. In contrast with the cellar situation, there are no changes to Adrienne's head but there is more blood on her shoes.
- A strange picture may be seen in chapter three during the conversation with Malcolm. Many framed photographs have been placed on top of the shelves by the fireplace to the right of the screen. One of these "photographs" is actually a green and black image of the popular stereotype of a space alien.
Phantasmagoria 2
- Log in as TrevorB, use password BELLYBUTTON.
- Log in as Therese or Jocilyn, password xxx, nudity code-adrienne.
- Position the cursor over the mask in the hallway beside Curtis's bedroom doorway and type: burp. The hallway will shake as if in an earthquake and a loud burping noise will be heard. This Egg works in every chapter.
- Position the cursor over the mask in the hallway beside Curtis's bedroom doorway and type: burP. The results are the same as in the previous Egg, only more pronounced. This Egg works in every chapter.
- Ctrl-Alt click [in other words, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and click the left mouse button] on the coffee table book in Curtis's living room to see "Wes' Big Book of Tractors - Book 1". A single red tractor is shown on the cover.
- Ctrl-Alt click on the large painting at the top left while Curtis is facing Blob's cage to see a tractor picture. This Egg works in every chapter.
- When Curtis is facing Blob's cage, click on Curtis's nose until he picks it and you hear "Homer Simpson" eating something. This Egg will work in every chapter apart from chapter 3.
- Keep clicking on Curtis's nose after performing the above step and Curtis will make a farting noise at the fourth "pick". This Egg will work in every chapter apart from chapter three.
- Click at least ten times on the radio situated on a low lying table a cursor's width to the right of the bookcase for a "jukebox" of Phantasmagoria 2 game music. You can also try out this Egg in chapters 2-4, but remember that points are only awarded upon the first activation. Attempting to activate the jukebox Egg in chapter 5 will crash the game. Once you have accessed the jukebox, take a look at the picture of Gary Spinrad - the composer - at the top right of the screen, and then listen to his music. Use the top arrows to select the game location and the bottom arrows to select from the various musical pieces relevant to that location. The bottom arrows may also be used as a slower means of changing game location music. Clicking on the jukebox arrows will not physically transport Curtis anywhere, nor will it change the current background music when you exit this Easter Egg.
- In the network room at WynTech, click the screwdriver on Curtis five times and the wallet on him once for "bouncing Curtis" complete with "boinging" sound effects. The inventory items will highlight as you use them on Curtis to activate this Egg.
- Alt-click [hold down Alt and click the left mouse button] on Curtis's bellybutton area at WynTech when he is in the office cubicle area and in a position where you can see his entire body and the water cooler is shown at the right of the screen. Keep Alt-clicking until you see a floating head (of Andy Hoyos). Curtis will then shake his head vigorously. This Egg will not work in chapters 2 or 4.
- Login to the WynTech network as Trevor Barnes and use the password: bellybutton. Click on the Games directory and play one or all of - Pong, WynVade, or WynTrek. Be warned...these games are very primitive! This Egg works in every chapter.
- After activating the previous Easter Egg, Alt-click on Wynvade.exe. If you win the game, the spacecraft will change to human heads (of director Andy Hoyos, producer Matthew Thornton, and project manager Tammy Dargan), you will hear a deep laugh, and a voice will say, "Stay a while, stay forever". Just for fun, play this new game ("BossVaders") for a few moments. This Egg works in every chapter.
- Login to the WynTech network as either Jocilyn or Therese with the password: xxx. A small black and white box will appear on screen and ask you to "Enter nudity code". This Egg works in every chapter.
- Type: adrienne as the nudity code after completing the above step. A message will appear saying "Nudity code activated!". If you log into the network as Jocilyn or Therese again and follow this step and the previous one, you will get a new message that says "Nudity code De-activated!". Every time you activate or deactivate the code, you will hear dialogue from either Jocilyn or Therese, depending on what name you used to login. Deactivating the nudity code is not a necessary step in getting these one hundred points. As for the nudity that is implied by the nudity code, there isn't any apart from the ending to chapter one if you are playing the game in uncensored mode - but this will occur with or without the code being activated. This Egg works in every chapter.
- Click on the stuffed weasel in Warner's office three or more times for the zooming in and out effect of the "Weaselcam". This Egg will not work in chapter 3.
- When Curtis and Jocilyn are sitting on the couch in the living room of Curtis's apartment just before the concluding movie to chapter one, hold down Alt, and move the cursor over Jocilyn's breast area. Do not click now or at any other point during this Egg. Move up, down, and around. Every now and then, a sound file will be heard. Keep moving the cursor in the specified manner until you have heard: brrrisky, brrrisky, fresh (plus slap), brrrisky, brrrisky, and honk-honk (combined with a laugh). For good measure, wait a few more "brrriskys" before continuing gameplay.
Chapter 2.
- Look at the bed in Curtis's bedroom. Ctrl-click on the bathroom door six times and then Alt-click on that same door six times. The cursor will highlight. Click again (without holding down any key) and Curtis will disappear, the door will become slightly ajar, and you will hear "Homer Simpson's" voice say, "I'm whizzin' with the door open, and I love it!" Curtis will then reappear and the door will close.
- Ctrl-Alt click on the coffee table book in Curtis's living room to see "Wes' Big Book of Tractors - Book 2". Two blue tractors are shown on the cover - one looks very old.
- In the network room at WynTech, click the screwdriver on Curtis five times and the Post-It note on him once for "bouncing Curtis" complete with "boinging" sound effects. The inventory items will highlight as you use them on Curtis to activate this Egg.
- In the network room at WynTech, click the screwdriver on Curtis five times and the Post-It note on him once for "bouncing Curtis" complete with "boinging" sound effects. The inventory items will highlight as you use them on Curtis to activate this Egg.
- Just after Curtis enters the WynTech main office area via the door from the corridor and the left side of his head covers the right of the screen, click on his ear five times. You will hear a mouse squeaking sound and Curtis will shake his head vigorously.
- While Curtis is in Warner's office after impersonating Tom on the telephone, click on the nostril of the goat next to the Carpe Diem plaque about twenty times and the stuffed animal will bleat.
- When Curtis visits Dr. Harburg for the first time, click the lace from your inventory on the window. It will highlight. Do the same with the sexy postcard and the greeting card. They too will highlight and you will see a short scene of Andy Hoyos sitting on a couch (at the house they used to film Curtis's boyhood home) and kicking his right leg while James Brown's "Shake Your Money Maker" is played in the background. James Brown is the "Godfather" of soul music - a singer, songwriter, band leader, and even occasional actor.
Chapter 3
- Ctrl-Alt click on the coffee table book in Curtis's living room to see "Wes' Big Book of Tractors - Book 3". A huge old tractor is shown on the cover.
- When Curtis is facing Blob's cage, click on Curtis's nose until he picks it and you hear "Homer Simpson" eating something. Keep clicking on Curtis's nose and he will expel Andy Hoyos's head from his rear end after four "picks".
- In the network room at WynTech, click the screwdriver on Curtis five times and the hammer on him once for "bouncing Curtis" complete with "boinging" sound effects. The inventory items will highlight as you use them on Curtis to activate this Egg.
- Click three times on the silver statue on Therese's desk after she leaves following the "I want more" vision and you'll hear a barking seal.
Chapter 4
- Rest the cursor over Detective Powell's rear end for about twenty to thirty seconds during the questioning session at the beginning of the chapter and you'll hear her say "My ass".
- Ctrl-Alt click on the coffee table book in Curtis's living room to see "Wes' Big Book of Tractors - Book 4". A green tractor and a large farm machine are shown on the cover.
- Just after Curtis enters the WynTech main office area via the door from the corridor and the left side of his head covers the right of the screen, click on his ear five times. You will hear a mouse squeaking sound and Curtis will shake his head vigorously.
- Click the wallet on the largest diploma behind Dr. Harburg's desk. The wallet will highlight as you do this. A box similar to the one connected with the "Nudity Code" Easter Egg will appear. It asks "Who are you?" Type: batman. If you do, the Egg will work and you'll hear an evil, deep voiced laugh. If you type anything else, Trevor's voice will say "Nope". Continue normally and watch the movie where Curtis storms out of Harburg's office closely. The doctor will eventually say "Next?" and "Batman" (actually Matt Jensen, Director of Photography) will walk into the room. Harburg (out of character) smiles at this sight and laughter may be heard in the background.
- In the network room at WynTech, click the screwdriver on Curtis five times and Jocilyn's hairpin on him once for "bouncing Curtis" complete with "boinging" sound effects. The inventory items will highlight as you use them on Curtis to activate this Egg.
- Access the closeup view of the Borderline nightclub's bathroom door before you meet Therese in the "Pit". Type: whipme and you will hear the sound of a whip cracking twice.
Chapter 5
- Ctrl-Alt click on the coffee table book in Curtis's living room to see "Wes' Big Book of Tractors - Book 5 [kids edition]". Beavis and Butthead riding a small red tractor over a flower bed are shown on the front cover as a cartoon rather than a photograph. This Egg will not activate unless you have seen all previous "Wes' Big Books of Tractors" in chapters 1 through to 4.
Here is an undocumented debugging feature that will be of interest to those who want to know a bit more about the VMD movie files.
Go to the Phantasmagoria directory on your hard drive to edit either of the PHCD.BAT game startup files. Locate the copy you normally use to start the game.
Open this file and find the line beginning with the full path to the SIERRA executable (it should be similar to c:\sierra\scarydos\sierra....).
Put an extra space between the end of the first listed file pathname and the second; then type -V (capitalisation is important). Ensure there is a further space between the -V and the rest of the line.
- Modified PHCD.BAT file taken from my own MS-DOS installation of Phantasmagoria -
@echo off
call CheckCD E
@if exist vesadrv.bat call vesadrv.bat
D:\GAMES\PHANTAS\sierra.exe -V D:\GAMES\PHANTAS\resource.cfg
cd ..
Start Phantasmagoria using the modified batch file and view some VMD movies such as the Game and most chapter introductions.
At the conclusion of each movie, a small white box containing black writing will appear in the middle of the screen which details the number of frames in the file you have just watched along with the number of frames that were skipped. Quite ominously, the box is titled "Alert", but there is absolutely no danger in causing it to appear.
To resume play, press Enter or the Esc key.
When you are finished experimenting with this feature, simply remove the -V addition from PHCD.BAT - do not remove the entire line!
If you have installed Phantasmagoria as a Windows program, edit the command line used to start the game (this will be found in the properties dialogue box of its startup file) instead of the batch file mentioned above.
This feature is particularly useful for those who want to ensure they have not missed anything or want to get to any of the key video scenes without having to play or replay the game.
All video scenes in Phantasmagoria are one of two types. The most elaborate and dramatic are usually represented in VMD (Video and Music Data) files. Examples include the introductions to the game and chapters one, two, three, four, five, and seven; all murders and direct demon involvement scenes, and the panoramic views of the reception hall and theatre. They are entirely self-contained (providing you view them using the method outlined below), holding information regarding the actors, props, backgrounds, and the DAC based soundtracks and sound effects. The others, which include scenes ranging from Adrienne conversing with the realtor to merely opening a door or drawer, are known as robot or RBT files. If these are viewed outside of their proper game context, all you will see are the actors and some props. There is speech and sound effects, but no background music which would be MIDI based anyway and is obviously contained within a separate file (probably RESSCI.*). Sets are non-existent, transparent backgrounds being the norm. RBTs are normally transposed onto large, static, predrawn backgrounds stored inside RESSCI.*. Any representative of both of these file types may be viewed out of its normal game context if you follow these directions:
Go to the Phantasmagoria directory on your hard drive to edit the RESOURCE.* (i.e: RESOURCE.CFG or RESOURCE.WIN) configuration file.
Open this file and find the lines beginning with movieDir= and robot=.
For each line, add a full directory path name just after the equals sign that points to a location somewhere on your hard drive, preferably a newly created temporary directory. Follow this with a semicolon.
- Example of modified movieDir= and robot= lines -
To be able to view every scene, you will need at least eighty-two megabytes of free hard disk space (assuming you delete each video file that you copy to your hard drive immediately after viewing it to make room for another one), although around half this amount is quite adequate for all but the VMD scene covering Adrienne's second visit to Malcolm.
To view any VMD file, copy it from the Phantasmagoria cd of your choice (VMDs are located in the \VMD directory) into the directory referred to in step 3 and rename it 10.VMD. Now, insert cd #1 into your cd-rom drive and watch the game's "Introduction"!
To view the RBT scenes, copy any two robot files from the Phantasmagoria cd of your choice (RBTs are located in the \ROBOT directory) into the directory referred to in step 3 and rename them 91.RBT (usually the Sierra logo) and 90.RBT (usually the flickering word "Phantasmagoria"). Now, insert any Phantasmagoria cd into your cd-rom drive and start the game. Be sure not to press the Esc key after you do this. Instead of the Sierra logo, you should see whatever RBT file you renamed 91.RBT. This should be followed by whatever RBT file you renamed 90.RBT rather than the word "Phantasmagoria" flickering across the screen.
When you are finished experimenting with this feature, you may delete the additions you made to the RESOURCE.* file, but that is not really necessary because, unlike cheat A detailed above, Phantasmagoria will play quite normally as long as it does not find any required VMD or RBT files on your hard drive.
Variations of this procedure include replacing any file with another simply by copying it to the designated hard drive directory and renaming it as appropriate. Under this method, you will have to play the game up to a particular point. Who says Adrienne has to see a vision of Marie and Gaston attempting to murder Carno while exploring the theatre's stage? [copy a VMD file other than 5460.VMD to the indicated directory and rename it 5460.VMD] Why can't Adrienne be shown from the waist up in the realtor's office - floating in mid air and flipping through the Illusionist Quarterly? [copy 2040.RBT from cd #1 to your hard drive as above and rename it 1808.RBT] Have fun! Unfortunately, you still cannot view any letter or journal article this way as these static graphics are likely contained within the same file on each cd (RESSCI.*) as the environmental backgrounds onto which the RBT files are transposed.
Police Quest Easter Eggs
Police Quest 1
- Text Version
- Type "remove clothes". Sonny will remove his clothes! Be sure to save first.
- In the newspaper at the briefing room, check out the story about the three headed dragon in Daventry (KQ3).
- Sometimes when you pull over the stolen vehicle, you arrive in front of Lefty's (the bar from LSL1).
Police Quest 2
- At the top of the escalator in the airport is Larry Laffer (Leisure Suit Larry). Walk up to him, type "talk to Larry" and hear Larry's theme plus a conversation.
Police Quest 3
Police Quest 4
- When you try to use the computer in Luella Parker's office (on the office screen, not the desk screen), the game responds that you don't have time to play Space Quest 5: The Final Frontier.
- Play one of the games at the Short Stop. On the high score screen, three names can easily be recognized: Larry Laffer (from Leisure Suit Larry, Sonny Bonds (from Police Quests 1-3 and Daryl F. Gates (the game designer).
Quest for Glory 1 Cheat
The following codes are activated by typing in Razzle Dazzle Root Beer at any time during the game. I believe that this cheat was put in for and by programmers and beta-testers, to bypass long or difficult sequences. The codes can be use to edit skills, stats, inventory items, and teleport you to different places and times. To activate a cheat, hold the ALT key, and press the key indicated. Some codes have been known to cause minor bugs and/or glitches in the game, so be careful. You have been warned! Cheat codes are for original text version of the game only and not the icon version.
Cheat Codes
P - Changes the screen funny colors
C - Changes the screen like Alt-P
V - Returns the screen to normal after using Alt-P or Alt-C
S - Shows the Cast
M - Shows memory
I - Get inventory item (see codes below)
K - Set one of your skills (see codes below)
B - Changes your money (max 9911)
X - Changes all your skills to 80
Skill Codes:
00 - Strength
01 - Intelligence
02 - Agility
03 - Vitality
04 - Luck
05 - Weapon Use
06 - Parry
07 - Dodge
08 - Stealth
09 - Pick Locks
10 - Throwing
11 - Climbing
12 - Magic
13 - Experence Points
14 - Health Points
15 - Stamina Points
16 - Magic Points
17 - Open Spell
18 - Detect Spell
19 - Trigger Spell
20 - Dazzle Spell
21 - Zap Spell
22 - Calm Spell
23 - Flame Dart Spell
24 - Fetch Spell
Inventory Item Codes:
01 - Silver Coin
02 - Gold Coin
03 - Food Ration
04 - Mandrake Root
05 - Large Brass Key
06 - Broadsword
07 - Dagger
08 - Leather Armor
09 - Shield
10 - Piece of Paper
11 - Apple
12 - Vegetable
13 - Glowing Gem
14 - Vase
15 - Candleabara
16 - Music Box
17 - Silver Candlestick
18 - Pearl Neckless
19 - Gold Ring
20 - Spirea Sead
21 - Small Rock
22 - Flowers
23 - Lock Pick
24 - Thief's Tool Kit
25 - Thief's Guild License
26 - Empty Flask
27 - Meeps' Green Fur
28 - Flask of Fairy Dust
29 - Flask of Flying Water
30 - Mushroom
31 - Cheetaur Claw
32 - Troll Beard
33 - Chain Mail
34 - Healing Potion
35 - Mana Potion
36 - Vigor Potion
38 - Dispel Potion
39 - Undead Ungent
40 - Magic Mirror
41 - Magic Acorn
Quest for Glory 2 Cheat
The following codes are activated by typing in Suck Blue Frog at any time during the game. I believe that this cheat was put in for and by programmers and beta-testers, to bypass long or difficult sequences. The codes can be use to edit skills, stats, inventory items, and teleport you to different places and times. To activate a cheat, hold the ALT key, and press the key indicated. Some codes have been known to cause minor bugs and/or glitches in the game, so be careful. You have been warned!
Cheat Codes
B - Edit money and communication skill
K - Edit one skill-see below for skill lists
H - Edit all skills-sets all skills to designated value
I - Edit inventory items-see below for item list
T - Teleport to certain place or time. See below for place lists.
S - List of sprites on current screen
E - Ego status
P&C - Changes screen
V - Restores screen
F - Memory stuff
Skill Numbers:
0 - Strength
1 - Intelligence
2 - Agility
3 - Vitality
4 - Luck
5 - Weapon Use
6 - Parry
7 - Dodge
8 - Stealth
9 - Pick Locks
10 - Throwing
11 - Climbing
12 - Magic
13 - Communication
14 - Honor
15 - Experience
16 - Hit Points
17 - Stamina Points
18 - Magic Points
19 - Open Spell
20 - Detect Spell
21 - Trigger Spell
22 - Dazzle Spell
23 - Zap Spell
24 - Calm Spell
25 - Flame Dart Spell
26 - Fetch Spell
27 - Force Bolt Spell
28 - Levitate Spell
29 - Reversal Spell
Inventory Items
1 - Centime
2 - Dinar
3 - Ration
4 - Broadsword
5 - Dagger
6 - Leather Armor
7 - Shield
8 - Paper
9 - Rock
10 - Lock Pick
11 - Thieves Tools
12 - Thief License
13 - Incense
14 - Beard
15 - Chainmail
16 - Magic Rope
17 - Gold Coin
18 - Healing Pill
19 - Mana Pill
20 - Vigor Pill
21 - Dispel Potion
22 - Map
23 - Compass
24 - Fine Sword
25 - Bellows
26 - Flowers
27 - Sapphire Pin
28 - Griffin Feather
29 - Scorpion Tail
30 - Ghoul Claw
31 - SoulForge
32 - Pot o' dirt
33 - Brass lamp
34 - Basket
35 - Empty Pot
36 - Fruit of Compassion
37 - Waterskin
38 - Cloth sack
39 - Powder of Burning
40 - EOF Badge
41 - Raseirian Visa
42 - Oil
43 - Water Elemental
44 - Djinn Ring
45 - Silk Scarf
46 - Mirror
47 - Black Bird
48 - Poison Cure Pill
49 - Change of Clothes
50 - Saurus
51 - Bag of Sand
52 - Earth Elemental
53 - Silver Tea Service
54 - X-Ray Glasses
55 - Leather purse
56 - Silver Dagger
57 - Emerald Bowl
58 - Rusty Nail
Telelport Locations:
100 - Inn
101 - Asleep
120 - Money Changer
130 - Apothecary
140 - Weapon Shop
150 - Arm Wrestling
160 - Guild Hall
170 - Fighting Uhura
180 - Aziza
190 - Talking w/Aziza
199 - Aziza's Door
200 - Astrologer
210 - WIT
220 - WIT Path
240 - Front of Palace
250 - Magic Shop
260 - Thief House
270 - EOF Room
290 - Saurus Stables
300 - Gate Plaza
310 - Fountain Plaza (N)
320 - Fighter Plaza (W)
330 - Fighter Plaza (E)
340 - Fire Elemental Death
360 - Blue Parrot Inn
370 - Signor Ferrari
380 - Gates Plaza Rasier
400 - Plaza (Rasier)
410 - Khaveen's House
420 - Ad Avis
430 - Zayisha
440 - Rasier Jail
450 - Fountain Plaza (S)
460 - Rasier Fountain Plaza
470 - Antechamber (Rasier Palace)
480 - Harem
490 - Ad Avis (Balcony)
500 - Ad Avis (Chamber)
530 - Eunuch Room
550 - Forbidden City
560 - Fire Room (Forbidden City)
570 - Water Room (Forbidden City)
580 - Bottom Air Room (Forbidden City)
600 - Treasure Room (Forbidden City)
610 - Iblis Chamber
620 - Dervish
630 - Caged Beast
640 - Julanar
650 - Griffin
750 - Intro
770 - Intro II
780 - Outside Shapier
790 - Death by Iblis
800 - Character Selection
810 - Character Sheet
820 - End Game I
840 - End Game II
850 - End Game III
860 - Caravan
880 - Outside Rasier
Quest for Glory Easter Eggs
Quest for Glory 1
- Enhanced version
- If you walk all the way right from the door to Spielburg and then return (might have to repeat a few times) you'll see Earl the Dinosaur (from the Dinosaurs TV show) returning from work!
- Look at the lamp in the inn. You'll get a message "Lamp for rent. Inquire in Quest For Glory 2: Trial by Fire for information.".
- The submarine from Codename: Iceman sometimes appears at Mirror Lake.
- Delphineus from EcoQuest 1 sometimes appears at Mirror Lake.
- Nessie also sometimes appears at Mirror Lake.
- If you look at a tree in the forest long enough, the hero calls it a Daventree (Daventry is the homeland of the King's Quest characters).
- In the town, find the poor beggar. When you give him an alm, talk to him. He will tell you a story about a man who invented a cider. He calls it Amblin Entertainment from Spielburg (referring to Amblin's Entertainment from Steven Spielburg).
- The gargoyle's questions at Erasmus' place contain a lot of cameos. The following things are mentioned: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (the "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?" question, the answer "42" and the comment "So you put some Deep Thought into the question, eh? (Deep Thought was the computer that found the answer)) "The Wizard of Oz" ("I am Oz, the great and terrible" answer, the gargoyle's reply "And who am I, Dorothy?" plus also the answer "The Wizard of Oz" to the question "Who do you seek here?" and the gargoyle's comment "Somehow, I don't think you're in Kansas anymore"), "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" ("I seek the Holy Grail" answer and the gargoyle's reply "Sorry, that Jones guy found it already"), "Secret of Monkey Island" ("I want to be a pirate" answer), "King's Quest" (answer "I am King Graham Cracker" and the gargoyle's comment "Right, and I am princess Rubella").
- Also at Erasmus', look at the sarcophagus. You will see it's a Leyendecker sarcophagus (it has a ribbon around it). The Leyendecker was the location in The Dagger of Amon Ra.
- The book which the shopkeeper Kaspar of Dry Goods reads, is called Quest For Glory: A Hero's Death.
- Just outside Spielburg you can see the place where a mapseller used to be. Now he's in Shapier.
- At the ending party, the creators of the game are at the party. Click on some of them and they do funny things.
- If you click long enough on a tree in the forest, he sometimes call it a Daventree (King's Quest - Daventry). One of the trees is called The Undiscovered Countree (Star Trek movie - The Undiscovered Country).
- If you click the mouth on your hero, he says Mumble, mumble... overworked... mumble... underpaid... mumble, mumble... no control over my life...
- Text version
- The submarine from Codename: Iceman sometimes appears at Mirror Lake.
- At Erasmus' place, there's a plane labelled Lytton PD in the room where you first enter. Lytton PD is the police department in Police Quests 1-3.
- Also at Erasmus' place, there are some hieroglyphics on a stone. Look at them. The stone is described as a "Rosella stone" (reference to KQ4). Rosella is also on it.
- At the main menu, right click on the scorpion (and shift?). Congratulations! You've discovered the first bug in the game!
- Sometimes during the game, you get bitten by a program bug (and die). Guess this is the Coles' way of saying: Error found.
- At Erasmus' place, look at the armor standing close to the stairs. You can see it's from Colonel Dijon (Dijon is a character from Sierra's "Colonel's Bequest").
- If you click on an uninteresting part of the screen and there's no response, keep clicking. Sometimes you get funny messages.
- Type fart.
- Both versions
- The antwerp in the Adventurer's Guild was slain by the Two Guys from Andromeda, aka Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, the creators of the Space Quest series.
- The moose head at the adventurer's guild is courtesy of the Sierra Prop Department.
- The blackbird that appears in all of the QFG games is in the brigand leader's office (although the hero doesn't know what it's for yet).
- The Three Stooges in the cafeteria.
- The address for the School of Famous Adventurer courses for Heroes is: 12345 Aerris Way, Silmaria. Aerris is an anagram of Sierra.
- A sign in the cafeteria reads "Brigands uber alles!" which is a takeoff on the famous german phase.
- When you are at the bear in the cave, try talking to him. Try it again for a very silly answer.
Quest for Glory 2
- In the intro, the Enterprise appears.
- You can examine things by right clicking on them. This is supposed to be used on screens where you have control, but try it in cut-scenes or the menu!
- At the house in Raseir where Zayishah asks you to give her your clothes, put on the X-Ray glasses after you hand over the clothes.
- If you throw a dagger at the plant woman Julanar, the dagger will bounce off and effectively break your screen. That'll teach you to throw daggers at an innocent woman!
- Scramble the letters of the second city "Rasier". You get "Sierra".
- Try asking the griffin something. Somehow, I don't think the hero is translating properly...
- Among Keapon Laffin's goods is a hand puppet named Rosella (quite clearly a reference to King's Quest), some Orats-on-a-stick (from Space Quest 3) and the USS EnterPrise (relabelled "The USS ExitPrise").
- When you ask the astrologer about the model, he'll tell you that it shows the relations between stars called "Xenon", "Ortega", "Phleebhut", etc. Naturally, the aforementioned celestrial bodies have all starred in Space Quest games.
- The blackbird you steal from Khaveen's house appears in all of the QFG games.
Quest for Glory 3
- There's a Silly Clown from QFG2 sitting in the Inn at Tarna.
- The moose in the bazaar is property of the Sierra Prop department (look at it, you'll see).
- Oliver from the programming team is sitting at the Inn in Tarna. He's the guy with the tons of food and a coke can.
- The weapon seller is selling daggers from the Aman Ra tribe, in reference to the game "The Dagger of Amon Ra".
- If you leave a fire burning in the savanna, a death message appears. Then the game tells you that was just a test of the emergency death broadcasting system.
- For the funniest way to die, go to Salim's apothecary and sit down. Now light the pipes with your tinderbox and HAND them three times. Kids, don't try this at home!
- The weapon seller is selling a bow from the Lara tribe, in reference to Laura Bow.
- When you're starving in the savanna, the Awful Waffle Walker will start following you.
- The blackbird that appears in all of the QFG games (if you're a thief) is sold by the Junk Dealers at the bazaar.
- Weird food · 1. In Quest for Glory III, drop all of your food (rations, fish, etc.), but SAVE FIRST! 2. Go out into the savanna. You should be starving after some time. 3. Sometimes, when your character is starving, you will be interrupted by a hallucination(?) of a giant waffle. You can click the HAND icon on it to eat it. It cures your hunger. You can toast it (if you are a magic user) using Flame Dart. 4. If this doesn't work the first time, try, try, again. Try a different savanna screen, or reload. I've seen it. It's just rare.
- The Pretty Colors · 1. Most owners of QFG3 have seen the "Smokey the Elephant" death, caused by leaving a campfire lit in the savanna, but did you know that there is a "druggie" ending? 2. To see it, buy a tinderbox from the merchant in the bazaar, then go to Salim's apothecary. 3. Sit down on the floor cushion, and use the tinderbox on the pipe three times. Look at the pretty colors!
Quest for Glory 4
- One of the books in the Adventurer's Guild is an advertisement for "Castle of Dr.Brain".
- The T.R.A.P. at Dr. Cranium's house mentions Smokey the Elephant sometimes (you know, the guy that appears on the fake death message in QFG3).
- The blackbird that appears in all of the QFG games (if you're a thief) is in a niche above the monastery's door.
- In the 4th issue of the famous adventurers correspondence school, you can see an advertistment from Carl Atlas Body Boulding Equipment Company. The adress is 9999 Risera Lane, Silmaria. Risera is another anagram of Sierra.
- Just outside Baba Yaga's hut, you can see a pestle and a mortar. When you look at it, the narrator says that is could belong to a frontier pharmacist, referring to Freddy Pharkas.
- With a lockpick, try to pick the lock of the door outside Dr. Cranium's house. "Naughty" will appear twice under the nose. Also, if you try to pick the nose, a text will appear, saying that it's rude to pick other people noses.
- When you are a thief, make the thief sign at the Rusalka for a very silly answer from her.
Quest for Glory 5
Shivers Easter Eggs
Shivers 1
- Go to the room with the Alchemy machine. Click to open the crate with the sicle in it, look in, then close it and open it again quickly.
- There are two plants in vases. The one on the left will move if you are off to it's left, looking back, and waiting about 20 seconds.
- In the "Man's Inhumanity to Man" room, look at the skeleton in the cage in the ceiling. Click on the glass, pitcher, and hand of the skeleton to hear a sound byte.
- First Egg · 1. After solving the Stonehenge puzzle in the beginning of the game, and have turned the power on in the museum, turn right from the switch.
2. Click twice on the lightbulb. 3. This can also be done at the lightbulb at the end of the corridor, before opening the door. From the door, turn around and click twice on that lightbulb.
- Second Egg · 1. Go into the Mysteries of the Deep room. 2. Click several times on the Poseidon statue's head. The amount required to click is random, so just keep at it until he says something.
- Third Egg · 1. Solve the Siren/Organ puzzle in the Mysteries of the Deep Room. 2. Enter the hall and begin sliding the stones in the door, but don't solve the puzzle. 3. After sliding the stones for a while, the egg should start. If not, keep sliding stones.
- Fourth Egg · 1. Solve the Siren/Organ puzzle in the Mysteries of the Deep Room. 2. Enter the hall and solve the door puzzle at the end, after completing the third egg. 3. Solve the maze and you should be in the Subterranean World room. Look at the statue from the side, not head-on. 4. Read the plaque next to it. 5. Now click 5-6 times on the statue's head.
- Fifth Egg · 1. Go to the Shaman room. 2. Walk up to drums. 3. Take the mallet from the Shaman statue. 4. Pound on the drums like this: Ram-Bo-Ram-Bo-Ram-Bo. 5. Now hit the statue on the head with the mallet. It seems like most of these eggs involve heads of statues, huh? This isn't the last one.
- Sixth Egg · 1. Enter the Incredible Inventions room. 2. Open the crate that has the ax (I think that's the right one). 3. Look inside, then close the crate. 4. Re-open it, and the egg should begin.
- Seventh Egg · 1. Enter the Man's Inhumanity To Man room. 2. Find the caged skeleton. 3. In the close-up view, click the pitcher, glass, then the skeleton's hand to get the egg.
- Eighth Egg · 1. Enter the Man's Inhumanity To Man room. 2. Solve the gallows puzzle. 3. Climb onto the gallows, then down the ladder to where the body is hanging. 4. Turn around. You should see the man's nipple off to the right. 5. Click it four times (yuk!) to start the egg.
- Ninth Egg · 1. First, you must have solved the Page 17 riddle. 2. Go back to the Man's Inhumanity To Man room. 3. Chop off the guy's head at the guillotine. 4. Click on the executioner statue's head twice. See? ANOTHER egg involving a statue's head.
- There are also a lot of weird things that happen at random around the museum. I guess they wouldn't really be considered eggs, so unless you want to find these completely on your own, DON'T READ AHEAD.
- 1. In the projector room, enter the shelves of movie reels. Turn around to face the door. If nothing happens, keep turning around until something creepy happens.
- 2. The same thing will happen on the spiral staircase leading to the Clock Tower, but I can't give specific information. I know you must be walking up the stairs, but I forget where it will occur. Just walk up and down until it happens.
- 3. When entering the Underground Lake for the very first time, bats may or may not fly out the door.
- 4. The last random occurance (That I know of) takes place after crossing the tar pit in the Subterranean World room. Climb both staircases, and at the top of the second one, SOMETHING might appear. I don't know what the heck it is, but it scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.
Space Quest Easter Eggs
Space Quest 1
- Enhanced version
- The triple-breasted hooker from Eroticon VI (reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) is sitting at the bar at Ulence Flats.
- When leaving Ulence Flats, the time pod from SQ4 pops up.
- The droid in the Deltaur's armory is Marvin, the ever-popular superintelligent paranoid android from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- The Warbird from Star Trek appears in the intro and when you choose the wrong coordinates for your ship three times.
- The closet door in the Arcade shuttle bay entrance bears the logo of a sword through a planet - used by the Alternate Federation in Star Trek: Mirror Mirror.
- When entering the hologram area on Kerona, the theme song starts out like the theme song from "2001: A Space Oddysey", but then changes into something different.
- When you press the "don't touch" button in the escape pod, you end up at Nottingham Castle, featured in "Conquests of Camelot".
- The storedroid working for Droids-B-Us is Robbie from "The Forbidden Planet".
- The nose of a Star Trek: TNG shuttle is sticking out from behind the bar.
- The Xenonian man that awards you with the Golden Mop at the end of the game is King Graham from the King's Quest series.
- At Ulence Flats, look at the mountains in the distance. YoWammy National Park is mentioned. This is a parody of Yosemite National Park.
- Text Version
- In early versions of the game, type "ken" on the first screen of the game. Ken Williams will appear, complaining how the game was behind schedule. This has been eliminated in newer versions (guess Ken Williams found out about it).
- When you press the "don't touch" button in the escape pod, you'll wind up in King's Quest 1.
- When you talk to one of the guards at the Deltaur, he will eventually ask you if you've played King's Quest. (Note: answering yes gets you points.)
- If you type in "scott" or "scott murphy", Scott Murphy will ask you to drop him a line at Sierra OnLine and tell him if you liked the game.
- Walk behind Droids-B-Us and type "take leak". You get one of three messages. Sorry, no graphic! You can also get 5 buckazoids.
- Both Versions
- The Blues Brothers, ZZ-top and Madonna appear in the bar at Ulence Flats. (Madonna's not in the original).
- Droids-B-Us is a parody of Toys-R-Us. There's even a modified version of the Toys-R-Us giraffe in front of Droids-B-Us (Enhanced version).
Space Quest 2
- The kissing alien in Vohaul's asteroid is the alien from Ripley Scott's "Alien".
- ED-201 from the RoboCop-movies can be seen in Vohaul's asteroid. He's the thing chasing you away from the escape pods - however, he has cleverly been re-labelled "Vohaul MarrowMatic".
- While playing, type CHEAT and press return. This brings you to an alternate "THE END" screen (as the one in SQ1) with 255 out of 250 points.
- A graffitti in Vohaul's toilet reads "King Graham cross dresses", in reference to King's Quest. Also mentioned are Al Lowe and Ken Williams.
- When Roger is caught in the hunters snare on Labion, he dreams he is Leisure Suit Larry.
Space Quest 3
- There's a small signature hiding in the introduction sequence. The pic where the droid is monitoring the escape pod - in the right lower corner, there's a signature reading "Crowe" (as in graphic artist, Mark Crowe).
- In the programming cubicles at ScumSoft, there are two guys walking up and down with big whips. These are Ken Williams and Rick Cavin, who was head of production at the time (information about Rick Cavin obtained from Troels Pleimert's SQ FAQ).
- Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the Arnoid Annihilator android.
- When you first arrive to Monolith Burger, the USS Enterprise (from the original series) warps out of there.
- The Aluminum Mallard is a spoof on the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars.
- Ken Williams appears in the end sequence.
- There's a TIE fighter (from Star Wars) in the garbage ship. However, it's been renamed to a bow-tie fighter from the cologne wars (the original movie mentions the Clone Wars).
- Also in the garbage ship, the ship Jupiter 2 is from the old "Lost in Space" series.
- Fester has a postcard from Arrakis in his shop. Arrakis is the planet from the movie "Dune".
- The game's subtitle, "The Pirates of Pestulon", could be a twist of the musical "The Pirates of Penzance".
- ScumSoft is a parody on Microsoft, and Elmo Pug seems to bear a striking resemblance to Microsoft CEO, Bill Gates.
Space Quest 4
- At the Big and Tall store at the Galaxy Galleria, you can occasionally spot a guy rummaging around, occasionally pulling out a pair of red shorts. This is Bob Andrews, former Sierra OnLine programmer.
- The games at the software store are all parodies of other games. Here's a list of the parodied games: "Boom" by Morrie Brianarty is a parody of "Loom" by Brian Moriarty. "It came for Dessert" is a parody of "It came from the Desert". "Defender of the Crown Rib Roast" is a parody of "Defender of the Crown". "Where in the World is Hymie Lipshitz (and who really cares)" is of course a parody on "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego". "Sim Sim" from MaxThis is a parody on the Sim games from Maxis. "Cluck Egger" lets you design a chicken and fly it over barnyard scenery. This is a parody on the flight simulator "Chuck Yeager".
- Leisure Suit Larry is mentioned on the recording in Xenon's sewer control room.
- When you're in the pterodactyl's nest on Estros, you can see something streak across the sky. This is in fact King Graham being carried by a condor (from King's Quest 1).
- Luke Skywalker's little red speeder is disguised as the crashed hovercraft on the Xenon streets.
- The Quest for Glory theme music is occasionally played in the Software Store at the Galaxy Galleria, made out to sound like a PC internal speaker.
- Cedric, the owl from King's Quest 5 has an appearance in the Ms. Astro Chicken game at the Galaxy Galleria's Arcade.
- The trash can in the Galleria's Arcade is one of the agents from "Get Smart". Try talking to it, you'll see what I mean!
- During your visit to Ulence Flats, the Blues Brothers appear on stage at the bar, since they also appear in SQ1.
- There's a secret time code in the game that takes you to Ortega (SQ3). It's simple: type in the top row left to right, then type in the leftmost symbol in the second row.
- The robots in the SuperComputer are the Imperial ProBots from the Star Wars movies.
- In the Control room of the SuperComputer, two programs immediately come to mind: King's Quest and Leisure Suit Larry.
- The Latex Babes of Estros might be a parody of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos.
- If you smell the back of Droids-B-Us at Ulence Flats, the game says: "Smells like another lawsuit coming back to haunt the Two Guys from Andromeda". The reason?? Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe got sued by Toys-R-Us for putting Droids-B-Us in SQ1.
- When you first visit the Software Store at the Galaxy Galleria, the bouncer will tell you that the Two Geeks From Andromeda are in there, signing copies of their latest release.
Space Quest 5
- Worf from Star Trek is sitting in the academy's classroom. However, he has been renamed "Woof" and is described as the academy's ambu-jitsu champion.
- Elvis appears in the right half of the academy rotunda.
- Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi are fighting their famous lightsabre battle in the academy hallway.
- In the academy's landing bay, there's a skull fighter from SQ3.
- The guards in the rotunda are playing games on their consoles. Specifically, they're playing "Asteroids" and "Missile Command".
- In the Eureka's shuttle lab, there's a display above the teleporter. The computer is playing an old (REAL old) game called Pong on it.
- The moon visible through the academy's rotunda windows is described as "one of the nine moons of Nova", in reference to the Dynamix game Nova 9.
- The coordinates to Klorox are 90210 - the same as in that tv show.
- The Tasmanian devil is in one of the cages at Genetix (then again, it might be the Labion Terror Beast from SQ2).
- The Astro Chicken from Space Quest 3 has a quick appearance in the Eureka's pod bay. There's a row of lockers to the far left. Open the leftmost one and watch!
- The PacMan makes a quick appearance in the Goliath's ventilation system. On level 8, find the intersection where you can go in all four directions. Go left. Roger will come back, followed by the PacMan.
- Both Flash Gordon and Albert Einstein are mentioned on the academy's grade machine. They both fail, too.
- The Millenium Falcon is disguised as the bridge simulator (check it out when Roger walks away from the sim).
- Patrick Stewart (who plays Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek) plays the mutated colonist at Klorox II.
- One of the ships in the academy's shuttle bay belongs to the Two Guys from Andromeda (Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe).
- The main theme song, played during the introduction sequence, was made out to be a spoof on the title song from Star Trek - The Original Series.
- The entire SpaceBar sequence is a spoof from Star Trek: TOS.
- Captain Quirk has a Dynamix coffee cup. It's visible when the Eureka intercepts the strange transmission.
- When Roger is taken to the Eureka, the game says that he has "undergone an extensive captain's training seminar on the planet Oakhurst". Oakhurst is, as we all know, the seat of the Sierra On-Line HQ.
Space Quest 6
- There's an imperial shuttle from Star Wars in the DeepShip's shuttle bay (along with the message: "Remember your parking space, Luke!").
- The alien from Scott Ripley's "Alien" pops up after Wriggley (pun intended) helps you restarting the stolen ship's engines.
- Laurel and Hardy are disguised as guard nanites near the entrance to Stellar's brain.
- A graffitti in the DeepShip 86's brig reads "Sarek lies!". Sarek is a character from Star Trek.
- ET is sitting in Boot Liquor on Polysorbate LX.
- Elvis sometimes pops up in 8-Rear.
- The Road Runner gets a mention in cyberspace - the unmistakeable bowl of "free bird seed" is sitting underneath a huge rock.
- 8-Rear (the DeepShip's lounge) is a spoof on 10-Forward, the lounge on the USS Enterprise.
- The Vulgar nervepinch is a spoof on the Vulcan nervegrip that Spock so often uses in Star Trek.
- Several elements from "Back to the Future" are mentioned on the Popular Tektronics CD in Nigel and Singent's apartment. Check under the section "Building a time machine out of a DeLorean".
- Dorff mentions a planet called Daventry VIII (not sure about the number) when you're locked up in the brig. Daventry is the homeland of the characters in King's Quest.
- The Popular Tektronics CD in Nigel and Singent's apartment mentions an e-mag called "Mired", a spoof on "Wired".
- William Gibson and Isaac Asimov have been turned into drink choices at the Orion's Belt bar.
- Elton John appears during Magnum's transformation in the Shuttle Bay Entrance.
- Jurassic Park and Douglas Adams have been turned into wines behind the counter at Boot Liquor (although the names have been slightly changed).
- When using Dr. Beleauxs' communications system, the name Plodigy pops up. This is a spoof on Prodigy (the speed is also quite accurate).
- Elvis is a victim of a poster manipulation in Nigel and Singent's apartment.
- Talk to something in the alley outside the Orion's Belt (in the part of the alley you can't go into). You'll get two messages. One is from Star Trek, the other from 2001.
- When talking to the left door in the Ascend-O-Pad at Delta Burksilon V, you'll hear Cedric the Owl (from King's Quest 5) say "If you're going in there, Graham, I'm staying out here" or "If you're staying out here, Graham, I'm going in there." (depends whether the door is open or closed).
- The games at the arcade are parodies of games or jokes. Here's a list: "Mixed Up Mother Theresa" - "Mixed up Mother Goose" by Roberta Williams. "Beat the crap out of Urkel" - Urkel was the star of an old comedy. He would constantly play accordian and act all stupid and clumsy. "Disembowling for Dollars" - "Bowling for Bucks" (a US game show). "MBA Toejam" - "NBA Jam" by Acclaim. "Secret Recipes of the Luftwaffe" - "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe". "Stooge Fighter III" - "Street Fighter II". "More Dull Kombat II" - "Mortal Kombat II".
- During the introduction, Admiral Toolman throws Roger's underpants up into the air, and they turn into the DeepShip 86. This is a take-off of the intro from Stanley Kubric's "2001: A Space Oddysey", in which a monkey throws a skeleton bone into the air which turns into a spaceship.
- Jebba the Hop is a spoof on the evil snail-guy, Jabba the Hutt, in the third (sixth) Star Wars movie.
- The Bjorn collective is a spoof on the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The name came from a Swedish tennis player, whose name is Bjorn Borg.
- Dr. Beleauxs' computer monitor is from Cyberdyne, the hightech company that invented the Skynet-chips in the Terminator movies.
- The opening sequence is kidding around with the movie JUDGE DREDD, in which Stallone is also stripped, although they didn't go as far out as in SQ6.
- Commander Kielbasa's scratching post, er, command center is capable of getting him to level six of "Super Nunzio World", a parody of Nintendo's "Super Mario World". Also, a part of the console is actually a Gravis GamePad.
- The cyberspace receptionist is called Sys Inny - a name which, when pronounced "correctly", becomes a Windows system file, SYSTEM.INI.
- One of the building machines in cyberspace is a spoof on one of the weapons in DOOM. The yellow machine to the left is called a BFT-9000 Cyberearth mover - the seventh weapon in DOOM is called a BFG-9000. Since BFG means "Big Frigging Gun", BFT probably means "Big Frigging Truck" or something similar.
- When talking to the brig replicator, Roger will say: "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot," in reference to Captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- The sequence where Roger is being chased by the gigantic gallstone in Stellar's digestive systems is a direct steal on the opening sequence in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".
- The sentence "Big Brother is watching you!", which appears on the scrolling board in the shuttlebay entrance, an often-used sentence in the book "1984".
- R2D2 from Star Wars has been reduced to a GenBlood blender in Fester's "Implants-N-Stuff".
- Ripley's ship from the movie "Alien" is the green ship in the bottom right corner.
- A Star Trek shuttle (with the unmistakeable 1701D insignia) is located in the middle of the left row.
- One of the random exit messages is "Aren't you glad your middle name isn't Lawrence?". This is a poke at the game designer Josh Mandel. The reason? Josh's middle name is Lawrence.
- The "Abby Normal" brain in Fester's Implants-N-Stuff is from "Young Frankenstein".
- The endodroid is a mixture of the T-1000 Terminator from "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" and Roy Batty, who was the leader of the escaped Replicants in the movie "Blade Runner". This becomes apparent when Roger freezes the endodroid and makes fun of the "Hasta la vista, baby!" phrase. He says "Frosta la keister, baby!".
- The Qodrac Mobile Photo Booth is a spoof on the Kodak Non-Mobile Photo Booth.
- Look at the Sectors command in the cyberspace office. Gary Owens (the narrator) says "You probably want us to say something corny, like 'Klingons in sector 2.8, Captain'", in reference to Star Trek.
- Blaine Rohmer is obviously a spoof on the Blade Runners, from Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" movie.
- Odd Files · 1. Get to the File Room. 2. Go to the row labeled S-Z 3. Open the drawer that's ten drawers from the left and two from the bottom. 4. You will find some special files.
- Credits?! · In the 8-Rear Lounge aboard the Deepship 86, do this: Hold Ctrl and click on the view screen (not the windows, the VIEW SCREEN) 6 times and you'll see the renegade credits.
Space Quest 5 Cheat
When you die, if you click the mouse about an inch below the word Space on the top bar, you can see different death scenes.
Space Quest 4 Cheat
Try pressing one of the below key combinations :
[Alt]+[I] - Show all objects and be able to obtain any.
[Alt]+[M] - Add 20 bucks to your payroll.
[Alt]+[R] - Shows current Room number.
[Alt]+[T] - Teleport.
Laura Bow Easter Eggs
Colonel's Bequest
- Rumor has it, if you walk outside the back door you can, somehow, see a flying statue. If you know how to trigger this, email me please!
- Use toilet in bathroom.
- Take a shower (save first).
- Turn handle on the player piano.
- Bridle the horse.
- Try to break downstairs mirror.
- Try to talk to Celie's chickens.
- Try to kiss the frogs outside.
- Look in the mirror.
- Pet and kiss the dog in Acts 1, 7 and 8.
- Open the other vaults in the tomb for some fun.
- Try oiling the helmet of the armor without having the oil can.
- Spin globe in study.
- Swing in the swing near playhouse. Save first.
- Oil the axe of the armor. Save first.
- Follow Jeeves in Act 2 for fun.
- Try kissing the men.
- Try to stand in Fifi's way while she cleans.
- When you find the doctor's body in the stable, ask about Wilbur.
- Pet and kiss horse before and after giving the carrot.
- Try to take or pet Polly.
- Try talking to the ghost in the graveyard.
The Dagger of Amon Ra
- Look in the preservation vats, you'll see a unicorn and King Edward! (Vat 14 - Edward, Vat 10 - Unicorn).
- The other reporter calls Laura, Laura Bains. Bains is the last name of the bad guy in Police Quest.
- Look at the food in the buffet with your magnifying glass.
- Look closely at the painting with the skeleton key (before you remove it), but not at the key -- at the king. You will get a message telling you that it is King Graham!!
- When you look at the skeleton key inside the painting, you will get a message mentioning Pandora's Box.
- Try to interpret the hieroglyphics in the tunnel when Laura and Steve Dorian are escaping from the murderer.
- Try to get shovels near furnace in basement.
- If you look at the phone book on the desk at Dr. Carrington's office, you will see a phone number belongs to R. Williams.
- In the mummy storage room, open the mummy case just east of the elevator. Look at the mummy. His name is Itinkisawaputtytat IV. That is what Tweety Bird says when he sees Sylvester the Cat in Looney Toons!
- Look at the stars through the glass ceiling of Dr. Carrington's office. You may notice some interesting stars, one of King Cetus from Eco Quest 1. Unfortunately, this only works in the floppy diskette version of the game.
Early KQ/SQ Cheat
Here is how to access the debug mode in King's Quest I-III and Space Quest I-II. In the newer versions of the games though, most of the debugging options won't work. While playing, press Alt+D. Two information boxes will appear. Press enter to get rid of them. Now type in the following:
GIMME GIMME (gives you all items in the game)
TP (Changes rooms)
ROOM (displays room number)
SHOW VAR (show variable)
CHANGE VAR (changes variable)
NOTE: If you use the versions that came with the SQ collection, or KQ collection, then only the TP and SHOW VAR cheat works.
Here is how to access the debug mode in Space Quest III and King's Quest IV.
To access the debug mode in SQ III, and KQ IV, or any other SCI 16 color game, press both SHIFT keys at the same time, then while holding those keys down, press the minus (-) key on the numeric keypad. (make sure Num Lock is off) Now, a debug window should have appeared in the top right-hand corner. If you wish to exit debug, press Shift-D.
To Teleport: While your still in debug mode, press G. This will open up another window at the bottom of the screen. The variable that controls what room your in is 13, so type in 13 and press enter. You will now see a number assigned to the room you are in. Delete that number, and enter a different number.
To get an object, press I from the main window. In the next window that appears, type in Inv. This is a collection, so hit C for collection. Keep hitting ENTER until you see the object you want. Now, you'll want to change where the object is located. Hit E for edit, and type location. In the resulting window is the number of the room that the object is located in. Delete that, and type in ego.
Early KQ/LSL Cheat
In games like LSL2, LSL3, KQ1 (1990) you can enter Sierra's debug mode by pressing LSHIFT RSHIFT GREY -
All global variable values can be changed. Changes take effect after exiting DEBUG mode.
Global variables | Notes |
1 - Game ID (Example kq1) | Read only (@) |
2 - Room number (Ex. rm8 for room #8) | Read only |
3 - Speed | 0 - Max, but 99 is quite slow |
4 - Unknown | |
5-8 - Something from EventHandler | |
9 - Pointer to object inventory | Read only |
12 - Previous scene number | |
13 - Scene number | Can be used for teleport. |
14 - Breakpoint flag | If non-zero, Auto-DEBUG on room CHANGE |
15 - Score | New score is displayed only after next non-DEBUG change. |
16 - Max Score | New score is displayed only after next non-DEBUG change. |
30 - Pointer to SG Directory. | Use INSPECT to view SG directory. |
Global variable's marked with (@), attempted value changes have no effect. They are automatically restored. Here are the debug commands.
Key - Command | Notes |
q - Quit | Quit immediately |
t - Temp variable | Inspect temp variable |
a - Inspect | acc |
i - Inspect | See chapter "Inspect" |
o - Object | See available objects. |
r - Resources | See resources |
s - Send stack | |
d - Display memory | |
f - Free heap | |
g - Global variable | Inspect global variable |
l - Local variable | Inspect local variable |
b - Break in (If object value is changed, Auto-DEBUG) | |
c - Inspect current object | |
Inspect subcommands
Keys | Effect |
Up, Down, Left, Right | Scroll |
Enter | Next item |
[,] | Move to address |
i | Inspect |
e | Edit |
c | Collection: If you press C while inspecting Inv, you can get Inventory List. |
Use inspect subcommands recursively. Example While viewing Inventory List, assign ego address to owner. ego, owner are objects. So you can collect all treasures at any time. Write ego in lower case.
You can inspect hex address of memory (Example $3455) or any object (Example, Sound)
From over at Al Lowe's site, I managed to pick up these tid bits of good info (they're mostly based around Leisure Suit Larry, but some files Mo'Slo may be useful with other games)... Check it out.
Having audio trouble?
Newer machines no longer load the DOS-based drivers expected
by some of the older games. Here's a "miracle
driver" (though the file says .zip, it's not. Had to rename it so Geocities would let me upload it. Rename it so the extention is .drv (audblast.drv is how it should appear) you can download and try. I don't guarantee
it will work, but several people have told me it does.
Installation Instructions
Right-click on the link above and select "Save Target As..."
and switch to the game directory (probably C:\Sierra\LSL?).
Say "Yes" when it asks if you want to replace the
existing file. Run the game. It might just work!
Larry 3
Stripper Dance
You might think your machine has hung when Larry finally starts
dancing in his featured costume, but just give him time. For
some reason, fast machines confuse his timing. You might have
to wait a few minutes even, but eventually, he will get tired
and the game will continue.
Again, just be patient. Eventually, it will show up.
Weight Machines
No one (including me) ever
dreamed that people would still be playing Leisure Suit Larry
3 when computers were as fast as they are today. Therefore,
my "weight loss to time spent exercising" algorithm
in Fat City is totally hosed. On a fast machine, you may never
lose weight, no matter how many hundred reps you do!
Fix 1: Restore past it
I haven't found a way around
this yet, but Sean Toomey and "The Sniper" were both
kind enough to send me games that they saved just after successfully
completing the exercise machines. It took 500 reps on a
P3-500. That's not my idea of fun!
If you want to skip them
too, download either this file
and/or this file, and save
them into a subdirectory all by themselves. I recommend
C:\Sierra\LSL3\ThinSave. You will need an "unzip"
program. Unzip one but not both of the files. (If you unzip
both, the second will overwrite the first). Start LSL3, choose
Restore, switch to directory you just created, and hit "Restore."
You should be past the exercise machines and have all the points
possible up to that point.
Wrong Interpreter?
If you get an error message when you try to restore (probably
something like "That game was saved under a different interpreter.
It cannot be restored.") you're out of luck. Delete those
files. They'll never work.
Fix 2: Slow your machine
Download the freeware program Mo'Slo
and let it slow your CPU. It supposedly works on processors
up to at least 750 Mhz and can slow them down up to 98 percent,
with a hotkey on/off button, popup display, etc.
Here's how: (You will need an Unzip program.) Right-click on
the link above, and choose "Save Target As..." put
the Zip file into some unused subdirectory. Unzip the file and
follow the instructions inside.
Larry 6, Windows
High Colonic crash
Just as Larry is about to receive his "refreshing"
high colonic, sometimes the game crashes and you receive one
of those lovely SCI error messages (that were never intended
to be seen by anyone outside of Sierra!):
Error 99: Error loading resource 3250.snd
Script 64989/$b3
As I am sure you surmise from the above, the answer is simple:
when the CD was created, someone had his own little "colon
error." (You'll get the joke in a moment...)
Here's the fix:
If you're running the DOS version of Larry 6, don't do this.
It won't make any difference. This is only for the Windows version!
Warning: After making these changes your saved games
will no longer work. You'll have to start all over again from
the beginning.
This assumes you installed the game on C:\ and your CD-ROM drive
is D:\. If not, change the lines below to match your computer.
Note: The backslash is the one that is not on
the question mark key.
- Run Notepad (usually "Start > Programs > Accessories")
- From Notepad's File menu, select Open.
- Enter this (or navigate to it) "C:\SIERRA\LL6CD\RESOURCE.WIN"
- Find the line that says:
- Insert a colon, backslash, and the word "hires"
so it reads:
And from Al Lowe's site, the following is available for free:
Donald's Playground.
"Donald Duck's Playground" won several awards from educational software magazines as best educational game of the year. In it, you are Donald, working at four different jobs to earn money, which you then spend to buy playground equipment for your nephews to enjoy.

Mickey's Space Adventure.
Mickey's Space Adventure" was designed by Roberta Williams, but I did create the music for it. Players visit all nine planets in the our solar system. The file you download unpacks to 2 subdirectories called "Disk 1" and "Disk 2." It requires a blank floppy disk in drive A for your saved games.
The Black Cauldron.
The Black Cauldron" was the last of the pre-Michael Eisner Disney animated feature-length movies. Disney had no software developers back then and had seen my very early game, "Troll's Tale." They asked me to do a movie spinoff using its simplified Spacebar & Enter key-only interface. They gave me complete access to the original hand-painted backgrounds, the original Elmer Bernstein score, even the original animation cells, which were still literally lying in heaps, before being sent off to the dump! (Eisner fixed that tradition quickly!) The story echoes the movie, but anywhere you could do something different from the action in the movie, you received more points for doing so. There are at least six different variations of the ending, based on decisions made throughout game play.
Troll's Tale.
"Troll's Tale" was the inspiration for "The Black Cauldron" game and is the third game I ever programmed. It looks incredibly simplistic now, but as I recall, I worked a lot of hours on it!

Winnie The Pooh.
"Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood" was another game using my "Troll's Tale" engine, except the word "engine" is too high-falutin for that simple thing. Anyway, I consider this game one of my best. Again, Disney shared artwork from their Pooh movies which our artists used to come up with the background art and I used as inspiration for the locations and puzzles.