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Adventurer's Path: Home |
SIERRA Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within WalkthruChapter One Read wolf sign. Click on cage and click on wolf twice. When man comes talk with him. Go left and talk with Dr. Go to Locham and enter. Click on tape icon on right and load Klingmann's tape in A and a blank tape in B. Click splice. Click words so bottom reads: "Thomas? Herr Doktor Klingmann here. Show our wolves to Mr. Knight." Transfer. Return to Dr K's office and click on coat. Click spliced tape on walkie talkie. See wolves. Click on tag. Pet wolf. Go to Prinzregentenplatz. Enter station and talk with man. Go to Huber Farm. Go inside. Read Dr's receipt front and back. Use receipt on mirror. Go to Marienplatz. Go left, enter Ubergrau's office. Talk with him. Exit. Walk right until you reach cross street. Go to post office and click letter to Grace on door. Walk north and enter Hunt Club. Talk to man: hunter and prominent German family. Leave. Go back to Ubergrau's office and ask about papers. Go to the Universitat. Give both hair samples and paw print cast to man. Exit. Go to Marienplatz. See Ubergrau for the family papers then go to Hunt Club and tell Xaver you are a Ritter. Chapter Two Click on green door. Talk with man. Enter bar. Talk with man. Go to church. Try talking with man. Go upstairs. Look at coffins and see heart. See mayor and ask about trial records. Go to Schloss Ritter. Talk to Gerde about car. Go upstairs. Click on fireplace. Get screwdriver from tool box. Click on fireplace twice (regular icon). Use screwdriver on hole in fireplace. Open closet and enter passageway. Go right. Look at picture. Open closet and take key. Open closet and leave. Go left. Use key on locked door. Click on middle shelf, read book and letter. Click on right shelf, read journal. Sit down. Use Barclay's card on phone. Click on right shelf, read journal. Go to Rittersberg. Talk with mayor. Click on window in dungeon. Look at church. Look at bed. Talk to mayor. Go to church and give note to priest. Talk to mayor. Go to pub. Talk to man about Ludwig. Go to Schloss Ritter. Use typewriter in library. Show envelope to Gerde. Go to Rittersberg. Give package to post office and pay woman. Chapter Three Visit Ubergrau, get package and read it. Talk with him. Go to Cuckoo Clock Shop, click on clock on left of counter, pay man. Go to Dienerstrasse and click on cars. Talk with Leber. Click analysis report on press. Go to Hunt Club. Talk to Xaver. Walk to back and put clock in big plant. Walk back to Xaver and after he leaves, open drawer in podium and take keys. Unlock door in back and repeat clock action to return keys. Go through the now unlocked door and look at pictures, trophies and black book. Talk to von Zell. Go to Perlach. Talk with him and look at mask. Go to Prinzregentenplatz. Talk with him. Look at map, use notepad on note with phone number. Go to Huber Farm. Use Grossberg's phone number on the phone. Write Grace a Letter. Go to Marienplatz. Talk to Ubergrau. Mail letter and enter Hunt Club. Talk with Preiss. Talk with von Zell. Put tape recorder in magazine. Replace magazine. Talk with von Aigner twice. Chapter Four Go to post office and read letter. Go to pub and talk with Smiths. Go to church. Go upstairs. Click on Gerde. Go to Schloss Ritter. Go to passageway. Walk north. Take roses. Go to Rittersberg. Enter the church and give Gerde roses. Go to Schloss Ritter. Use keys on car. Go to Neuschwanstein. Click on all tapes, pictures, statues, items of interest, etc. Go to Herrenchiemsee. Buy a ticket from woman. Look at all items, plaques and captions in Entry Way, Display Room I and Display Room 2. Talk to woman about Wagner. Go to the Wagner Museum. Talk with man. Look at all the displays and plaques. Look at letters from Ludwig to Wagner twice. Talk with man. Look at book on desk. Go to Rittersberg. Go to pub and ask for Smiths. Tell her about dream. Go to Schloss Ritter. Go to library and call Barclay. Call Dallmeier. Go downstairs and talk to Gerde. Go to Starnberger See. Walk left, look at chapel, continue left and click on railing. Talk with man. Click on cross in water. Go to Schloss Ritter in Rittersberg. Talk to Gerde. Use Ludwig book on phone in library. Call Chaphill, write Gabriel. Go to Rittersberg. Mail letter, pay woman. Click on trees outside church and click on lily. Look at lily. Go to Starnberger See. Click on shore. Look at lake. Put lily in water. Go to Schloss Ritter in Rittersberg. Get info from Gerde. Go to Rittersberg. Get fax from post office and read it. Go to the Wagner Museum. Give diary to Georg. Chapter Five Ask Leber for Grossberg's account book. Play him Von Zell's Conversations Tape. When he leaves the room, take the account book from Leber's in-box and rip out the ledger page. Go to Buchenau. Knock on door. Talk to him, leave. Go to Marienplatz. Go to Ubergrau's and get 14000 DM. Click on Weiss Wurst sign and the wurst (white in front) at the Wurst shop. Pay. Go to Buchenau. Pay Dorn the 14000 DM and question him. See wolves cage, pick up straw. Give wurst to tiger. Get tags. Go to Marienplatz. Go to Hunt Club. Automatically takes you to the Hunting Lodge. Open window, look down. Enter back, right room. Open closet, get rope. Use rope on window ledge. Walk to middle bedroom, enter. Look at book on nightstand, read letter. In bathroom, look under mat at footprint. Exit through window, go right and go downstairs. Talk with Henneman. Get lantern from closet. Go outside, get shears from stable. Woods screens:
(Hunting Lodge is East and West of 1 and 4 (respectively). Cannot travel between 7 and 9 or 8 and 6.) Look at wolf prints at #1 and #9. Use shears on thicket in #9. Enter small cave. Return to Lodge. Go upstairs, enter 1st door on left and show him Wolf Tags. Enter middle left door and talk to him. Go downstairs and get matches from fireplace. Return to cave behind thicket. Light lantern with matches in the pit room. Return to Lodge, go upstairs, enter 1st room on right. After von Glower disappears, you are at area #10. SAVE. Go to area #6 and wait for wolf. Click talisman on it. Walk south to area #7. When able, shoot wolf. Chapter Six Go to Gabriel's bedroom and get pillowcase. Go to Rittersberg. Go to dungeon. Use dinner roll on pigeon, then the pillowcase. Go to Altotting. Look at placard on penitent offerings case. Priest's office: use wallet on basket. Talk to priest. Go to Neuschwanstein. Go to living room, walk to other side, walk back and pour the bottle of water on the chair. Go to bedroom and click on panel between both doors. Go to Grotto. Wait til guard leaves, click on left side of wall. Go to Singer's Hall. Walk to other side. Use pigeon on doorway. Walk to other side, click on wall underneath center painting. Go to Altotting. Go to Priest's Office and give him the Priest's Card. Notice the heart urns shelf on the right side of the chapel and the penitent offering box. Look at the Madonna. Exit room. Look at the silver crosses on wall. Go to Rittersberg. Go to St. Georg Church, Wolfgang's casket and look at the Silver Heart twice. Go to Schloss Ritter. Talk to Gerde. Go to Rittersberg. Enter church and get silver heart off the casket. Go to Altotting. Give card to priest. Put heart in penitent basket. Go to the right, open door. Click on chair, get bottom left urn. Take an Opera Program from the table. Read Opera Program. Look at the Chandelier Diagram (click on the X). Go to other side of Foyer and go right. Enter last door. Get to-do list, opera glasses and theater seating chart. Talk to Gabriel. Look at seating chart, click on Mittel Loge. Return to foyer and enter double doors. Talk to Georg and chandelier man. Exit. Go through middle door, with stairs going up, back door. Get the rope on the pulley. Go downstairs. Walk right and find the Wall Panel. Open wall panel and get keys. Walk right, right, south, south to the Furnace Room. Open furnace door, shovel coal, press Automatisch button and move handle to "Mittel". Walk left, left, left, left, north to Prop Room, enter and go left. Take PRIVAT sign. Test keys on door. Walk north, left, left, south, go upstairs and enter double doors. Grace should mark the seating chart with seat assignments. Exit, go to right to door at end of hall. Turn on spotlight, move the handle and center the beam on the Mittel Loge Section of the Theater. Go to the Foyer. Give usher the marked theater seating chart. Go to the Office. Talk to Gabriel. After you end up in foyer, return to office and put on dress. Go to spotlight room. Look through the window and use opera glasses to see Von Glower. Go outside the Mittel Loge. Put the Rope on the Mittel Loge Door handles and place the "Privat" sign over the rope. Go left. Move center trunk. Use dagger on vent. Enter vent. Go up, up and go up stairs. Get tape from pulley (where rope was). Go to dressing room (right from backstage). Take red costume. Put on costume. Click on vanity, take powder, use powder on mirror. Click on dressing screen. Click tape on man. Watch the opera. Gabriel's Wolf - |