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Adventurer's Path: Home |
SIERRA ![]() King's Quest 4 WalkthruWatch for the bird trying to catch worms. Get worm. Go east twice, north. Look under bridge. Go north. Stand in front of pond and give ball to frog. Walk to frog and get frog, kiss frog. Get ball. Go east, south. Open door. Clean. Clean. Get pouch. Exit house. Walk south, enter mine. Walk down and east. Stand in front of dwarf with white beard and give pouch to dwarf. Exit mine. Go west 3 times, south twice. Go to end of pier, follow man to house. Open door. Give pouch to man. Exit, go to end of pier, put worm on pole, fish until you catch a fish. Walk east 4 times, south, east. Open door. Go west, get book. Find minstrel and give book to man. Find pan, play lute, give lute to pan. Go to pool (leave and return if cupid doesn't appear) and walk near pool, get arrow. Go north twice, east 3 times. Stand in front of waterfall and wear crown. Get board, enter cave, get bone. Exit cave and waterfall. Go south, start up east path. Walk west 5 times, south twice. Go down pier and fall off. SAVE. Swim west til island. Walk west and get feather. Walk right. SAVE. Swim east, when you see whale, swim over it. Look at teeth. SAVE. Climb up on left side and SAVE periodically. Stand under uvula and tickle uvula with feather. Swim north. Walk inbetween boat and look at ground. Walk near bird and throw fish to pelican. Get whistle, blow whistle, ride dolphin. Find unicorn, shoot unicorn with arrow. Put bridle on unicorn, ride unicorn. Walk west twice, south. Open door. Throw bone to dog. Go upstairs, get ax. Go downstairs. Open door to closet. Look through keyhole several times until ogre is sleeping. Open door, get hen, open door to leave house. (Quickly walk north, east twice!) Start up east path. Go west, south and use ax. Walk east. SAVE. Enter cave and quickly SAVE. Walk right around cauldron and get glass eye. Keep repeating get glass eye until you get it. Exit cave. SAVE. Re-enter cave. Get scarab. Return eye, exit cave. Walk east, north twice, east. Wear crown, SAVE. Enter cave, light lantern. SAVE often. Walk east, east half way and south, east and bottom of screen, SAVE, go halfway across screen, put board over chasm, walk right, walk towards light. SAVE. Walk to edge of shore, jump, repeat until last lilypad. Put board over water. Walk onto island, stop. Play flute. Walk to tree and get fruit. Jump over lilypads, enter cave, walk south, put board over chasm, walk west, north, west, exit waterfall. Walk west, north. Open door, go west, look at painting, look at left wall, flip latch. Enter passageway, get shovel, exit, go east. Go upstairs, enter left room, enter 2nd room, look in cradle, go east, south, downstairs, south, west. Go to grave in back, left of tree. Read tombstone (Hiram Bennet), dig, return to cradle, put rattle in cradle. Go downstairs, south, west, leftmost grave read tombstone (Newberry Will), dig, enter house, give coins to ghost. Go upstairs, right room, walk north. Go downstairs, south, east. Grave is near bottom read tombstone (Betty Cowden), dig, go upstairs, give locket to ghost. Go downstairs, south, west, 2nd grave from right, read tombstone (Lord Coningsby), dig, enter house, give medal to ghost. Follow boy upstairs, climb, climb down, south, go downstairs, south, east. Grave in back, read tombstone (Willy), dig, go back upstiars, give toy to boy. Open chest, look in chest. Go downstairs, west, through secret door, SAVE, upstairs. Sit, play sheet music, get key. SAVE. Go downstairs, east, east, south, east. Go to crypt, unlock door, open door, enter. Get rope, climb, walk to box, get pandora's box, climb, go west, south twice, east up path. Look at rose, get key from rose, unlock door. SAVE. Go downstairs, east, SAVE, enter door towards back, open door of right cabinet, get things. SAVE. Exit room, enter door towards front, go east do not walk on rug. SAVE. Climb stairs to 2nd level. Unlock door with gold key, open door, shoot Lolotte with arrow. Get talisman, go downstairs to 1st level, go west. Open door, get hen, get pandora's box. Go south, east, downstairs, west, south, enter stable. Open gate. Go south, SAVE. Walk down path. Go north twice, enter crypt, climb, drop pandora's box, climb, exit, close door, lock door. Go west 5 times, north, go to end of pier, SAVE, swim to island, go south, open door. Go west, up stairs. Give talisman to Genesta. ![]() |