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Adventurer's Path: Home |
SIERRA Lighthouse WalkthruClick on the chair. Click on the desk drawer, open drawer and read journal. Click on the box on the desk, open it and take lighter. Click on telephone, click on messages button, listen to messages. Turn to right to see lighthouse get hit by lightning. Go left twice, click on table, open drawer. Move top items around, take keys. Get umbrella and purse on coat rack. Open door, click keys on car. Open mailbox, take letter. Walk forward twice. Click on black lantern, open lantern, take key. Walk forward, look down. Move four items, under one will be a key, take key. Turn around, go left. Click on storage shed and unlock padlock with key from lantern. Take crowbar. Open breaker box, flip two left switches. Return to front door and enter with key. Go through door on left. Take the papers on the counter (pages 31, 32, 49) and read them. Open refrigerator and take milk. Turn around, click on bookshelf, open it and take compass. Go to room directly across. Get toy soldier from floor. Click on Amanda, if she starts to cry, give her milk. Turn to right and get papers on nightstand (pages 63, 72, 73) and read them. Turn around, take alarm clock. Go to the study, it's the door near the front door. When you hear Amanda cry, return to her room immediately. In the study, click on several books on the second shelf of the bookshelf to reveal a safe. Turn left and get a mechanical bird, shells, and two tear shaped red objects from the shelf. Turn around and open the top drawer of the desk. Take the letter opener. Click on letter in inventory, so that it opens in a new window. Click the letter opener on the letter and read the letter, noting 5-18-28. Go to the wall safe, click on it. Move the dial a full rotation to the left (return to 0). The combination is 5 right, 18 left (past zero), 28 right. Click on the handle of the safe and take the book with pages 52, 53, 54, 58, 59 and read them. Note date on page 59 (8-24-96). Return to desk, open the roll top and get the papers (pages 116, 117, 118) and read them. Click on the box. Turn the box and click on one of the side spinners. Click on the light colored blocks from top to bottom, left to right. Slide the remaining blocks around to reveal a red button. Press the red button. Turn the box around to reveal the big red button. Press the large red button and then turn the box around and press one of the gray buttons on the sides (center). Press the large red button again. Take the key from the drawer. Click the large red button again. Turn the box so that the side that partially opened is facing you. In the lower right corner is a brown square, press it. Rearrange the tiles to match the drawing on page 118 of the journal. If you have trouble solving this puzzle, back up, click on the box again, press the brown button again and back up again and click the box again, etc until you receive a message that says "Solve it?". Click on the solve it button to automatically rearrange the tiles. A sheet of paper will come out with a circle, triangle, box and plus sign. Click on the paper. Turn the box and click on one of the gray center buttons to reveal a pattern with fish. Click on the four blue tiles and then on the lower fish. Click on the button that is revealed. Click on the four gray (light brown) tiles and then on the upper fish. Use the key from the box drawer on the keyhole. Leave the study and go to the silver door. Click on the keypad, enter 82496 and enter the lab. Click on the large red and white machine, open the panel and click on the round button. Turn around and click on the white box. Use the crowbar twice on the lid. Take one green light. Turn right and click on worktable. Take soldering gun, fuse, small black wire in front of microscope. Take the papers (pages 79, 80, 81, 92, 125, 126) and read. Go right and click on the white hourglass shaped machine, open the panel and move forward. Take the burnt out fuse in front and replace with your fuse. Take the burnt wire, replace with your wire and solder both ends of the wire. To the right of the hourglass is a panel, face it. Flip all eight black switches and move left lever. Back up and turn right; go up the ladder. Use crowbar on lock three times, continue up. Open the panel on the machine and remove the light, replace it with yours. Look up and click on plug. Exit lab, exit house, return to shed. Open it and open the breaker box. Flip the right switch. Return to lab and take another green light (click on button to open lid). Go to the computer and click on the flashing retry. Turn around and pull the right lever. Go through portal. SAVE. Walk forward until you hit the pier. Turn right and take 3 stones. Turn right and take another stone. Face the pier, turn left and click on bottle. Click on cork, read letter. Go to the end of the pier and take metal bar. Return to portal, and move forward past the portal (don't go through portal). Walk to tower. On the left pillar, click the gray dial and insert metal bar into opening. Click on the rod above where you inserted the metal bar. Use the control (joystick) on the left to move the top right hook to the hooks on the bottom. When your hook is to the right of the other hooks, move upward. Cross bridge and go all the way up the stairs. When the bird shows up, stop. In inventory click on the toy soldier and remove the back key. Put this key on the mechanical bird in your inventory. Click your bird on the clock. Click the pendulum. SAVE. Quickly open gate, open green door, go through door, move to the desk, open the small drawer on the bottom right, click on screws, click on panel that the screws were on, take key, go to the open window, close the window and lock it with the key from the desk. If the bird man got into the room, restore and try again. Return to the desk, open the large bottom left drawer. Move the files until you see a key (after moving about 3 or 4). Take key. Open the middle desk drawer, get lever handle. Open the upper left drawer. Click on the bottom left of drawer, top right of drawer, center of drawer. Get metal coil. Open the center cupboard, read scrolls. Use the key from the files and open the drawer by the skull, get whistle. Find where the white and orange vases are next to each other. Move one next to the skull and the other near the brown vase. Click on opening where vases were. Click on handle to slide shelf and take object. Click on the skeleton, take medallion. Exit room, go down the stairs to a door. Open door and move forward until the gates close in front of you. SAVE. Use your rocks and hit the bird man in the head, quickly throw another at the lever to the right of him that closed the gate, move forward. If you missed, try again. If you miss again, restore and try again. Go to the window the bird man left by and quickly close it and lock it with the same key as before. Click on the large table, take the wrench and nuts and bolts. Click on small table and take remote control. Put the remote control on the table with the drill arm. Click on the remote. Click on the drill head. Click the wrench on both nuts in the remote. Remove the coil and replace it with yours. Click on the drill head again and take the remote. Exit and return to the room with the skeleton. To the right of the bed is a plant, look up. Use the remote, click on the left button and then on the round button. Go up the ladder. Turn right, get drive wheels. Turn left, go forward twice, get crank on wall. Turn right twice, go forward twice, get key on the desk near the lantern. Back up, turn around, turn left, forward. Use key from desk on release unit on the wall, click the handle. Back up, turn around go diagonally right/forward. Go forward to wheel unit. Insert wheels, insert crank on wheels. Turn crank to the right (clockwise) 14 times. Click on cockpit of the bat. Press brown button near brown lever on left. Click brown lever. Move forward, left forward, click on elevator, move forward. Walk forward and enter door. Click on girl (Lyril) to talk to her. Talk to her several times. Give her shells and nuts and bolts. Talk to her some more. Click the letter from the bottle on her. Talk to her some more. When you can, back away from her. Click on the center lever (might have to be just next to lever... Lyril should say that she doesn't know you). Exit room, go left and enter door. Move towards flower bud. Ring left bells, right bells, repeat. Find the two rust colored horizontal levers. Move both of them in one drag to the other side (one by one). Pull the top bud lever. Ring left bells, right bells. Move the coiled lever left. Take the disk. Exit room, go forward the room at the end. Put the disk on the blue circle on the left and push the button. Return to the center room. SAVE. If Lyril isn't there, knock on her door by clicking on it. Turn left, go forward. Slide the horizontal lever and the bird man comes out. When the bird man is under the magnet, move the vertical lever until he's caught. Talk to Lyril some more. Click the central lever and pull it towards you. Click on box in front of you, take circuit board. Turn left, open box and take object. Turn left, get an item from each wooden crate, take drawing from wall. Click on control unit - left then right button (large buttons). Note coordinates (22.01N & 119.11W). Click on central lever to return to main floor. Push lever away from you to move up. Turn around. Click on left one, plug it in. Back up, move right, forward. Pull main center breaker next to 4 red lights. Flip the large switch to the right of the breaker. Turn on the four monitors to the left, turn right (twice?) and turn on the large monitor. Underneath the large monitor, turn the left dial until you see a picture of the lighthouse. Turn the right dial until you see a picture of the laboratory. Click the black button to the right of the right dial. Look down. Pull the left lever down, pull the right lever down. Push the lower left button. Align the lines with the dot in the circle by turning the four dials. Lower the two small levers at the top of the monitor. Pull the breaker at the bottom. SAVE. Click on the slider lever on the top. Watch the gauge - when the line hits the red, click the slider lever again. It must land exactly on the red line. If you miss it, restore and try again. Flip the bottom breaker again. Back up, walk up the stairs and enter the portal. Exit the lab and enter the study. Click on the desk, click on the box. Click the medallion onto the gray disk. Click the red teardrop stones on the medallion. Click the top button. Align the four symbols to squares. Align the four symbols to circles. Align the four symbols to triangles. Move the symbols so that the top row is a circle, 2nd row is a triangle, 3rd row is a square, bottom row is a plus (looks like a diamond). Get the bottle. Go to the lab. Go up the ladder and replace the light again. Go downstairs, reset the computer, turn around and pull the right lever. Enter the portal. Turn around, move forward to the tower. Go up the stairs and enter the first door. Before getting to the workshop, go right and follow the path to water. SAVE. Click on the crane's control box. Find the 2 weights and metal hook to the left of the crane and the platform. The crane should be pointing over the platform. Move the crane over one of the weights, lower the crane and raise the weight. The crane must be directly over the weight to lift it. Move the weight over the platform and drop it. Raise the crane and pick up the 2nd weight and place it on top of the other weight. Move the crane over the metal hook and raise it. Turn right and move to the control unit. Turn the wheel until the bridge extends completely and click on the black locking arm. Walk to the sub, open the hatch and get in. Go to the front of the sub. Turn the ignition key under the wheel. From inventory, click the lever arm (looks like a T) and place it into the tube near the bottom right. Move the two feather shaped keys on the right until they are standing up. The three keys on the left are from top to bottom: 1, 2, and 3. Turn key 3. Back up and turn left. Pull the two small levers down. Spin the left wheel, and when the water rises to the blue line in the lower tubes, turn the right wheel. If you miss, pull the levers again and then repeat the wheels. Move right, forward. Turn key 1. Back up, turn around. If the door is closed, open it by turning the wheel. Move forward to another door and turn the wheel to open up the engine room. Move forward then move the lever on the right. Return to the front. Turn key 2. Back up, turn around, move forward, turn right. On the back wall are vacuum tubes. Take the right one to see a map. Move right to the navigation panel, click on the globe. On top of the keypad are two switches, click the left one. On the keypad, enter 2067 and click enter. Click the right top switch and enter on the keypad 11896 and click enter. Click on the left switch again and enter 2201 and click enter. Click the right switch and enter 11911 and click enter. On the map, click on the bottom red star. The keypad should read the shipwreck's coordinates (20.67, 118.96). Click enter. Return to the front of the sub and push the throttle lever (the lever you inserted). Go to the back of the sub and down the hatch. Pull the right white lever (on top), then the left lever. Turn right and pull the diving lever. Pull the first switch just right of the window. Near the bottom center of the screen is a red ball and to the left of it is a lever (crank). To move the red ball, click to the left or right of the ball. Wait until ball returns to the center before making the next move. Move the ball to the right, click lever. Click lever. Move ball to right, click lever. Move ball to right, click lever. Move ball to right, click lever. Click lever. Turn right, pull diving lever. Move ball to left, click lever. Move ball to left, click lever. Move the robot arm by moving the two controls on the top right. Move the left control to move it left, right, up, down (or use keyboard) and use the right control to make a grab. The red light on the top center will light up when the robot arm is in the correct spot. Get the hook on the wall. Don't touch the robot controls after getting the hook. After you get the hook, turn right to pull the diving lever. Move the ball left, click lever. Move the ball left, click lever. Click lever. Move the ball left, click lever. Move the ball left, click lever. Click lever. Turn right and pull diving lever. Move the ball left, click lever. Use the right robot arm control to grab wood. Move the ball left, click lever. You are trying to put the hook on your robot arm into the hole. Adjust the robot arm up to get the hook in the hole. You might have to move it left or right slightly. You should be facing the safe again, if not, move the ball right, click lever. Adjust the robot arm to open the safe. It probably just needs to be moved slightly up. Grab the safe contents with the same robot arm position. Once in the sub, turn on ignition key. Go to engine room, move the lever, return to the front. Turn key 2 and go to navigation panel and click on the globe. Click on the red star in the center of the map, click enter on the keypad. Return to the front of the sub and push forward the throttle lever. Exit through the hatch at the back. Turn right, move forward, turn right. Click on fishing rod, then reel. Turn left, move forward, open door. Go through doorway with orange/red bricks on the top to the power room. Click on machine on left. Click on the lever. Go to the other machine with the brick base and click and hold the crank and turn it. Click the lever on the brick machine. Return to the first room. Click on the large table saw. Pull the lever and click on the wood twice to get two slats of wood. Move to the table with the horned head. Take a piece of wood from the bottom and flip the switch. Do this 4 times. Return to the power room. Go up the stairs. Go up the ladder. Look up and place the fish on the hook. Go down. Go through the door that is not surrounded with statues on both sides. Return to the room with the saws. SAVE. Look through the window, look down. Back up until you're away from the window. Repeat looking out the window until you see the monster walking in the tower (top right). Turn left to the darkened doorway. Move forward. Place the long wood slats on the opening and put the smaller wood pieces on top to make a bridge. If the monster comes and destroys your bridge, restore and try again. Make sure that the monster goes in the tower to eat the fish before leaving to make the bridge. Once you safely cross the bridge, move forward to the metal shop. Go up the stairs. Move right to the cannon. Pull the pin from the back of the cannon. Take a cannonball, gun powder and fuse. Open the cannon cover and insert the powder, then cannonball. Close the cover. Insert the fuse in the hole. Click on the telescope to make sure the monster is there. Back up, light your lighter and light the fuse. Go back down to the metal shop. Get firewood, coal, metal casting mold from the table and metal bars. Put the wood and coal into the oven (wood first). Light lighter and light the wood. Put metal bars in the hanging pot. Put the casting mold on the center of the table. Move the lever on the right, in front of the hanging pot. Let the bars cook for at least 30 seconds. Pull the lever again to bring back the pot. Press the button. Pull the left lever. Bring back the cast, open it and get your metalwork. Return to the power room and go up the stairs. Enter the tower and go through the door with two statues surrounding it. Enter the door. Click on the table and take the key. Return to the statue room and look at the center statue. Look down and use the key you just got to open the compartment and get item. Return to the other tower. Click on the airplane in the center. Click the metalwork you created on the piece hanging off. Turn right and pull lever by the table. Turn around and flip the switch to positive and turn the crank. Return to the sub. Turn the ignition key, go to the engine room and pull the lever. Return to the front of the sub and turn key 2. Go to the navigation panel and click on the top red star. Return to the front of the sub and push the throttle lever. Exit through the hatch at the back. SAVE frequently with different names in the volcano. Turn left. Find the orange train. Click on the silver storage compartment and take the cutters and dynamite. Turn right and use the cutters on the fence lock. Open the fence. Get in the train. Turn left, flip switch. Turn around and move forward. Click on the red button to start the train. The lever on the right moves the train forward and backwards. Click on the center of the lever area to stop the train. Move forward until the train stops itself. You are now at the main intersection. The red button on the lower left of the screen toggles you from in the train and out of the train (external view button). Click on the green box and pull the lever. Click on the external view button. Move forward until the external view button appears and stop the train. Click on the external view button. Click on the box in the middle of the screen. Get the metal rod. Click on the train's storage compartment and take the wrench. Click on the switching box post in the tunnel. Insert the metal rod and turn it with the wrench. Click on the external view button. Go forward to the main intersection and stop. Click on the external view button. Click on your compass. Click on the wooden post, pull the ring and turn the crank. Notice the compass changed. Turn the crank until north is at the top of the compass. Sometimes you have to turn left or right to find the wooden post. Click the external view button. Go north and at the first intersection (where you can switch tracks), switch to the left track. To switch tracks at an intersection, move the gray switching lever on the left. When the time to switch comes, the red light next to the switching lever with light up. If you miss the switch, you can back up and try again. The train will stop by itself after the Dark Being threw rocks on the track. Get out of the train. Use the dynamite on the rocks and light the dynamite with the lighter. Get back in the train and move forward. The train will stop itself. Get out through the door and find the green door, try to open it. Get back in the train and reverse to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that east is at the top of the compass. Move forward, completely pass the first intersection and stop the train. Move in reverse and flip the switching lever to change tracks. The train will stop by itself in front of Amanda. Facing Amanda, look at the control unit in front of her. Flip the breaker switch on the left. Turn right. Notice the hole on top. When the door is up, stick your umbrella in the hole to hold the door up. Pass through the hole. Notice the open gate. Get your umbrella and get in the train. Move forward until the train stops itself. Go through the door on the right and look at the metal walkway. A close up view should appear with one section hanging down. Pull up the hanging section with your umbrella and while it's up, click on the top of the walkway (in the close up) to latch it. Cross the walkway. Move the right lever up on the panel. Walk forward and enter the sphere. Lower the sphere with the right lever. Look at the pipes on the wall. Find 6 arrows on the pipes, we're going to turn 4 of them. Number the 6 arrows 1-6 from the top. Turn arrows: 1, 2, 4 and 6. You turn an arrow by moving the lever on the left (or use keyboard) left and right and the up and down lever on the right. Move both levers until you're in front of an arrow (the white light at the top right will light up when you're in the right spot). The arrows will actually turn to the left or the right. When all four are turned, move the right lever all the way down and a sphere should be open (if it's not you made a mistake with the arrows). Take the item in the sphere with the arm. Move back up and return all the arrows to the upward position. Move all the way up and exit the sphere. Find the valve room (a room with 7 pipe valves). Turn the wheels on the 3rd pipe from the left and the rightmost pipe. Return to the train and reverse to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that east is at the top of the compass. Move forward, pass the first intersection and stop. Reverse and move the switching lever and end up at Amanda again. Put your umbrella in the moving door again to hold it up, face Amanda. Turn the dial on the silver pipe. Pull the lever towards you. Turn around to face the control again. Press the center button to pick up a rock. Continue until you catch a rock. Move the lever towards Amanda until you see the rock over the white thing sticking out of the cage. Press the button to drop the rock. Go through the door with your umbrella and get Amanda, get your umbrella. Get back in the train and return to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that east is at the top of the compass. Move the train in reverse past the place where three tracks come together and stop. Move forward to pass the switching box and stop. Reverse and move the switching lever, you should stop at a draw bridge. Click on the external view button. You see, in the lower right corner of the screen, the train controls. The top left controls move the hook. Move the lever on the top left to lower the hook and raise it to lower the bridge. SAVE. Get in the train and move in reverse. As soon as you see the external view button on the screen, stop the train. Get out of the train, click on the broken section of track. Open the train storage compartment and take the large pullers. Use the pullers on the track to remove it. Turn left and get a piece of track and place it where the bent track was. Get in the train and move forward to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that east is at the top of your compass. Move forward and switch tracks when you come to the first intersection. The train will stop itself. Press the center button to dig a hole in the rock. Get out and walk through the hole. Look at the diagram in your inventory to see the cannon. Look at the table and click on the wood piece. You are going to make a cannon, which can be very frustrating and tricky. The 7 parts of the cannon are: lightbulb, barrel, box with handles, mouse-like object, ball with 3 arms, wood piece, crystal bottle. The order that they are displayed in the cannon screen (from left to right) is: mouse-like object, barrel, wood piece, box with handles, lightbulb, crystal bottle, ball with 3 arms. You're going to combine pieces to create the cannon. Put the lightbulb and the barrel on the screen. Turn them so that the plug of the lightbulb faces the barrel and that the barrel's tip faces the lightbulb. Move the lightbulb and click it on the barrel's tip. They should click together, if they didn't adjust the alignment and retry. Put the box with handles on the screen. Rotate the combo pieces so that the lightbulb faces left. Rotate the box with handles so that the broken handle faces the combo pieces. Move the combo pieces over the box with handles and they should combine. Move the mouse-like object to the screen. The ears can be clicked to three positions. Make sure the ears are in the center extended position. Turn the mouse-like object so that the pointy side is facing the combo. Combine the pieces... the box with handles will go on top of the mouse-like object. Put the ball with 3 arms on the screen. Click the white arms so that they open. Rotate it so that the yellow arm is facing the right. Combine the objects, and click on the white arms... the white arms click into the mouse-like object. Place the wood piece on the screen. Rotate it so that the wood piece faces you with the high part towards the right. Fit the cannon onto the wood piece. On the box with handles, click on both handles, then click on the silver lid. Put the crystal bottle on the screen. Rotate it so that the bottle opening faces left. Insert the bottle into the box with handles. Close the lid and flip the handles down. Click on exit. Get in the train and reverse to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that north is at the top of the compass. Move forward until the train stops. Get out and go to the pipe valve room. Turn the wheel on the fourth pipe valve. Return to the train and get in, reverse to the main intersection. Rotate the train so that east is at the top of the compass. Move forward and switch tracks at the first intersection to end up at the Dark Being's lab. Exit the train and open up the storage compartment. Take the hammer and dynamite. Attach the circuit board to the dynamite and the clock to the bomb. Go to the green door and open it. Move forward once. The Dark Being will be moving levers around. When he moves toward the large yellow machine with the large lever in front of it, click the cannon on him. Pull the lever in front of the yellow machine. Look at the Dark Being in the bottle. Click on the trunk under the table. Use the hammer on it. Click on it again to open it, get the blueprints. Move to the control panel near Krick. Pull the left lever. Flip the 2nd breaker switch down. Turn the dial to the 2nd position, a wave will appear on the screen. Pull the right lever down three times. Click on Krick 3 times. Click Amanda on him. Click the blueprints on him. Go through the portal. Click on Krick until he asks you to leave and turn around to leave. Additional info submitted by Adrian Hurt: In your house, right at the start of the game, observe the names on your phone. Then check the game credits... The entry combination for Dr. Krick's laboratory is 8-24-96. This is obviously a date, but I didn't find out its significance until I checked someone else's walkthrough page. (I can't remember where it was, now.) Apparently that was the wedding day of one of the programmers. Dr. Krick should never have told you to throw that bottle in the sea. It was washed up and found by a fisherman who thought it contained a genie who would grant the usual three wishes - not a mistake he's going to repeat. The Dark Being has returned to the Alternate World via Dr. Krick's portal generator and is now back in business, having first released the Birdman and instructed him to do a more thorough job of sabotaging the radio control. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to return to the Alternate World, recapture the Dark Being, and bring him to the Temple for safe keeping. You can not use Martin's radio control. The mission will end when you present the Crystal Bottle to Lyril. I can't reprogram the game, of course, but Lyril will say something suitable when you show her the filled bottle. While you're there, show her Amanda, too. The result is both very predictable and very amusing - poor Lyril really needs to get out more, but unfortunately she can't... When you first enter Martin's study (the room past the green gate at the tower, just after you pacify the guard hawk by activating the cuckoo clock), the Birdman might steal something from a drawer. Do not panic, you can get it back by either of two ways. The first is to go up the ladder in the bat hangar (near where you used the key to release the bat). This leads to the hawks' nest. Turn around a couple of times. The Birdman will appear. Quickly press the middle button on the remote control ("Attack"), then press the large "Activate" button. The hawks will attack the Birdman, forcing him to drop what he took. You must be quick, otherwise the Birdman will attack first and destroy one of the hawks; the others will then not respond to the control. (I never did find a use for the third button, "Patrol".) If you are not quick enough to defeat the Birdman here, or if you don't choose to do this, you can still get the stolen object later; he'll still have it when he appears at the Temple, and will drop it there. In the Temple, there are a number of ways you might upset Lyril - hopefully not on purpose! The worst is to mess with her personal controls. If she gets really angry, she won't want to talk to you. Give her some shells to show that you're not really that bad. (There's another set of shells on a beach outside the Temple. From the Bat plane, move forward, then right. Or, from the main level, return to the elevator, go back down, then go forward until you reach the beach.) On the Temple top level, the transporter device will start charging itself up as soon as the roof is open. The slider by the power gauge makes it charge up more rapidly, but may overload it. If so, assemble the three bits you got from the crates in the basement, and use the completed part to replace a burnt part in the top control panel, accessed by a hatch at the top right. The best way to charge the device is to push the slider lever to the right, wait until the power gauge is just short of the red, then push the slider back and let the device complete charging slowly and safely. Only pull the bottom breaker, which activates the beam, when everything else is done. In the Fortress, the aircraft which you repair can take you back to the Temple. After turning the aircraft round and turning the crank, move to the front of the aircraft and get in the cockpit. Click on the handle on the column on the left; this moves the aircraft out of the tower. Click the knob on the right of the control panel; this spreads its wings. Click the T-bar on the left of the panel; this starts the wings flapping. Finally click the big lever on the right; this launches the aircraft. (And don't take too long about it, otherwise the aircraft will discharge itself. You will then need to bring it back into the tower and charge it up again with the crank.) In the Volcano, it is a good idea to save the game before turning any of the big valves in the boiler room. This is because one of them supplies power to the turntable. If you turn that by mistake, then try to use the turntable, the game will get stuck; you will need to shut down the game (and if necessary your computer), then reload the game and restore that position. After reversing the train to the bridge and using the crane to lower it, you should return to the turntable and get the train to face east (to the exit with two large metal chevrons). Then return to the bridge, this time facing forwards, so you can see where you're going. (You need to do this eventually anyway so that the drill is pointing the right way.) That tool you use on the chest in the Dark Being's lab is not a hammer, it's a pick. I'm convinced this is a joke on the programmers' part; you have to pick the lock! For an alternative ending, do not assemble the bomb. After Krick has gone through the portal, return to the train, then to either the Tower or the Fortress, then by aircraft to the Temple. Find Lyril and show her the captured Dark Being. Then use the Temple transporter to return to Krick's lighthouse. And for a challenge, see if you can complete the game without using the remote control from the Birdman's workshop. It is possible... |