Adventurer's Path:
RAMA Walkthru
Hub Camp
Move forward, left, forward twice. Click on the computer, click on mail. Click on each message and the play arrow to view each message. After you've viewed them, click return and then click exit. Move left, forward four times, left, forward and click on the ladder. Move right, forward and click on the nuclear device. Take the key that's near the inactive light. Return up the ladder and move forward, right, forward, right. Click on locker 2, use key 2 to unlock it and click on the handle to open it. Take all items, back up and open locker 9, it's unlocked and take Puck. Ignore Francesca's vidmail. Open locker 6 with the key from the nuclear device and take all items. Use the datacube on your wristcomp. Use the blank green key from locker 6 to open locker 7 and take all items. Use the datacube on your wristcomp. Move left, forward twice, right, forward, left and click on the cable car. Enter 4143 and press the red button.
Base Camp
Move right, forward and get note and datacube from table. Use the datacube on your wristcomp. Move left twice, forward, right. Open the specimen box and take all. Puzzle tiles may be placed here later. Move left twice, forward. Move forward until your screen turns into a blue map (radar map).
Central Plains
The red dots on the radar map are locations you can visit. Click on a red dot to get an outline view of the destination. If you wish to travel to this location, click on the outline view. If you do not wish to visit the location, click anywhere outside the outline view. In an outline view, if there are crew members at the location, their code number will be displayed in the outline view. Biots (Raman robots) will also be shown in the outline view. A biot is marked with green dots. You can run into two types of biots on the Central Plains; centipede and crab biots. The centipede biots are marked with four green dots in a straight line and are harmless. The crab biots are marked with six green dots in a triangle formation. If you see the crab biots in an outline view at anytime, do not enter that area, you will die.
The locations on the radar map are: Warehouse, London, Bangkok, Big Wheel, Base Camp and the Iceport. Using clock notations, here are the locations of each area - Warehouse at 3:00; London at 1:00; Bangkok at 9:00; Big Wheel at 10:30; Base Camp at 4:00 near the edge and the Iceport at 4:30 near the center. All other dots are either crew members or biots.
First visit each red dot (except the crab biot dots). Crew members will talk to you, some will give you something. Find the centipede biot and he should drop an object... pick it up. If the centipede biot doesn't drop anything, try finding him later. If he never drops anything, Nicole will give you the object that he dropped. There are a lot of puzzle pieces you need to pick up. They are sometimes lying on the ground outside and sometimes they are lying around inside of buildings. Don't forget to turn around at each spot (especially after entering a new room) to make sure there aren't any pieces to pick up.
Move forward, left, forward, right twice, forward twice. Talk to Reggie if you already haven't, view his datacube. This is one of the trash cans. Puzzle pieces may be placed here later. Move left twice, forward, right, forward, right, forward, right and take the red crystal. Move left, forward, right, forward. Move Puck over each type of biot in the garage (6 types). Exit the garage, move left, forward twice, right, forward and check for puzzle pieces. Return to the radar map and go to London.
Move forward. The forcefield flashes 9 times before a long break. Wait until the long break comes up, count 9 flashes and move forward. Turn left and pull the tan colored drawer. Take any puzzle pieces. Move right twice, forward. Click on the right post with the red diagram on it. This reveals a tile puzzle. Figure out which puzzle piece belongs in the pattern. Move forward twice. Turn left and click on the computer. Press the purple triangle button and then press each green button once, press the yellow button and the right purple button. Turn around and move forward. You should have 12 vertical rectangular puzzle tiles, if not, search the grounds, specimen box and trash cans for the remaining vertical tiles. There are two panels. Move forward towards the left panel. With 6 of the tiles, create an oval map. This map is to corridors in New York.
 and it changes to this after completed:
Move back and move forward to the right panel. This shows a map of the Central Plains. Which looks like...
 and it looks like this after completed:
Move back, left and move to door. Click on yellow post with red marking for another tile puzzle. Move forward twice, right, forward, left, forward. Move forward twice and take the box. Move back, left. In inventory, click the ISA tool over the eyes. Press the button on top of the tool until it changes into a flashlight. Click the red crystal over the ISA tool. Use the tool over the laser target. Move back, forward and repeat the laser trick. Walk down each walkway. On the walkways you may find puzzle pieces. At the end of each walkway, there are puzzle pieces in the trash, take them. Return to the elevator and use the red laser to go up. Move right twice, forward, right, forward twice, right, forward twice, right forward, left. Click the post for another tile puzzle. You probably do not have the correct tiles, so exit the building. Move right, forward. Use the box on the triangle switch. Get the puzzle piece from the box. Return to the map and go to Base Camp.
Base Camp
Check the specimen box for puzzle pieces. Open the refrigerator and take the box of powder on the bottom shelf. Return to the radar map and go to the Big Wheel.
Big Wheel
Francesca will give you a decryption card, use it on your wristcomp. You can now read coded messages. Read the previously coded message titled Trinity. Move forward. This is the other trash can. Puzzle pieces may appear here at any time. Move back, right, forward twice, right and get a metal seed from one of the plants. Move left twice, forward, right, forward and get a bent rod off of the biot. Move left, forward twice. Click on the lower central area. Insert the metal seed in the star shaped hole. Put the box of powder in the other hole. Click on the thumbwheel at the upper left. Move back and click on the right part of the machine. Press the red button. Here you can clean the dirty puzzle pieces you have. You can only clean four more pieces, so make sure you clean the ones you need. Another metal seed will grow after you leave the area, in case you need to clean more tiles. Put the dirty piece in the tray, press the button and take the clean piece.
If you do not have 3 lenses (2 round, 1 square) then find Wakefield on the Central Plains. He'll give you the third one. Move to the gun in the center of the area. Click on it. Insert the three lenses. Return to the Warehouse.
Move forward, left, forward and get the puzzle piece. Check the trash can. Return to London.
Return to the door we stopped at earlier, you should now have the correct puzzle piece. Solve the puzzle and move forward twice, left, forward, left, forward twice, right, forward, right. Click on the console. Move right, forward, left, forward twice. Get the alien palette on the ground and click the monitor on the wall. Pull the lever. Exit London and go to Bangkok.
Move forward and solve another tile puzzle. Move forward, left. Click on the left computer. Copy the number it displays on the screen. If it displays 42, click 42 on the keypad to the right. Click on the phonograph looking object. Move up, back and click on the center computer. Count the number of balls on the screen and type in the answer. Move up, back and click on the right computer. Solve the addition and subtraction problems. Take the gem, move up, back, right, forward. Look at the displays in the human museum. Find the elevator and click on the center post for another tile puzzle. Solve and press the purple button. Move forward, left. Click on the left computer. Copy the symbols as displayed on the screen. Click on the phonograph looking object. Move up, back and click on the center computer. Solve the counting problems and take the tile. Move up, back and click on the right computer. Solve the addition/subtraction problems and take the gem. Move up, back, right and go through the door. Look at the displays in the Rama museum. Take the clippers (one of the exhibits). Move to the next elevator. Solve the tile puzzle, click the purple button, move forward turn left and click on the left computer. Once again, copy the symbols displayed. The thin, leftmost bar in the display with the horizontal striped bars can be ignored when you're copying colors. Click on the phonograph looking object, move up, back and click on the center computer. Solve the counting problems and take the tile. Move up, back, click on the right computer. Solve the addition/subtraction problems and take the gem. Move up, back, right and go through the door. Look at the Octospider museum. On the floor is a diamond shaped gem, pick it up. Return to the elevator you just left and insert the three gems into the slots. Take the box. Exit Bangkok and go to the Big Wheel.
Big Wheel
Stand by the gun, facing the Big Wheel (it has a ramp). Move forward twice, down, forward, left, forward three times, right, forward twice to the control room. Click on the monitor and press the right button. Return to the radar map. There are spider biots running loose, so don't venture out anywhere! Go to the Warehouse.
Take the gate that was holding the spider biots back. Return to the Big Wheel.
Big Wheel
Go to the control room and put the gate to the left of the monitor. Click on the gate to climb and take the blank plaque. Go to the Iceport.
Move left, forward, right. Get datacube and view it. Head towards the dock. Before reaching, go to the right and look at the nuclear device. Go down the pier to the dock and get in the icemobile.
New York
Move up the stairs, turn left. Put the alien palette on the console. Turn right, move forward. Take datacube on the floor and view it. Move forward three times to the Avian Plaza.
Throughout New York, in the plazas, lairs and corridor maze you can use your map on your wristcomp. This will help you navigate. The map from the London tile puzzle (click to see map) is a map of New York. The left dot is the Avian Plaza, the middle is the Octospider Plaza and the right is the Human Plaza. The lines are the corridors between the plazas. A location will show up on your wristcomp's map once you first get there.
Avian Plaza
Move right, forward, right twice, forward twice, left forward and click on the machine. Put the blank plaque into the slot in the center. Press the green right triangle button until the yellow tipped rod until it's fully extended and the right red light is glowing. Click on the blank plaque to take it. Move back, left, forward, right, forward twice, right twice. Walk through the maze and pick up 5 tuning forks. Go to the Octospider Plaza.
Octospider Plaza
From the entrance, move forward (in the center), right, forward twice, left and get jewel on the floor. Move right twice, forward and get a blue filter on the ground. Moe left twice, forward, left, forward twice, right, forward twice, left, forward and take the camera. Turn the camera and take the datacube out of it. Use the datacube on your wristcomp. Go to the Human Plaza.
Human Plaza
From the entrance, move right, forward twice and look down. Move up, left twice, forward twice, right, forward, right, forward and take the jewel on the ground. Move left twice, forward, right twice, forward twice, right and get the jewel on the ground. Move right, forward twice, right twice, forward, right and click on the tuning fork sculpture. In inventory, use each tuning fork over the eyes and click on the button. The color displayed is the color of the tuning fork. Use the blue tuning fork on the statue. Move left, forward. In inventory, remove the red crystal from your flashlight and place the blue filter on the flashlight. Use the blue light on the laser target. Enter the room and get into the blue chair. Press the red button. Move forward twice, right. Note the 9 blank monitors on the top and the three with pictures on the bottom. Click on the pictures to view them up close. Place the pictures in this order on the top monitors: Protozoa, Ant, Snail, Frog, Cat, Eagle, Seal, Cow, Elephant. Return to the blue chair, press the red button, move forward twice, right and continue placing the pictures in the above order. Return to the blue chair, press the red button and you'll land at a locked door. Press the red button again, move forward twice, right and complete the picture pattern. Return to the blue chair and continue pressing the red button until you're facing another blue chair. Move forward and get into that blue chair. Press the red button. Press the yellow handle. Return to the blue chair, get into the other blue chair, press the red button until you see the plaza and get out. Return to the Octospider Plaza.
Octospider Plaza
From the entrance move left, forward, left and get another jewel. Move right twice, forward, right, forward. Click on the green pedestal on the left. Place the green-green jewel in the slot on the left and take the photo. In inventory, turn the photo around and note the number (this changes each game). Back up and click on the gray and white pedestal on the right. Place the blue-yellow jewel in the slot and take the new jewel. Back up and click on the center pedestal. In inventory, remove the blue filter from your flashlight and use it on the prism. If it doesn't release, click the mirrors on the base of the pedestal 5 times and retry. Take the prism. Move back, right three times, forward, left, forward, left, forward, right, forward. Click on the triangle on the left. Put the prism into the hole and click on it with the flashlight. Move back, forward into the tetrahedron and click on the machine. Notice the three slider bars on the left and the one slider on the right. The one on the right controls the displays on top. The sliders on the left control the amount of color. You're going to match the colors on top of the displays on the displays. The center red button turns the machine on. For the left display - the left and center sliders are all the way down and the right slider is ¾ of the way up. The display should change to blue and put an X on it. If it doesn't, press the red button again and make sure the right slider is in the correct spot. To get the center display - the left slider is ¾ of the way up, the center slider is ½ the way up and the right slider is all the way up. For the right display - the left slider is ½ way up, the center slider is ¾ of the way up and the right slider is ¼ of the way up. When you have 3 X's on the 3 screens, return to the Avian Plaza.
Avian Plaza
From the entrance, move forward twice, left twice, forward, right, forward, left twice, forward twice, right, forward, right. Click on the wall recess and place the red tuning fork into the slot and the white ramp will move. Repeat this action until the ramp is under the open doorway (you won't be able to go up the ramp until it's under the open doorway). From the recess move back, left twice, forward twice, left twice and take the piston on the floor. Move forward twice, right, forward, right and click on the statue. Put the piston between the sections of the base of the statue. Click on the piston to knock over the statue. Move back and click on the statue. Move right and take the perch that fell over. Move right, click on statue, forward, left, forward, right twice, forward twice, left. Place the neck ring on the avian statue. Move right. Put the avian perch on the top step. Click the handle at the top. Move back, forward twice. Click on the red handle. Click on the rotary dial until you see a picture of an oval with some designs (manna melon). Click on the right slider. Move back, left, forward twice, right twice, forward twice, left. Move forward twice to the edge of the Avian Lair. Move forward into the Avian Lair.
Avian Lair
Move forward, up, left, forward twice. Take the melon from the avian and cut it in half with the ISA tool. Change the tool to a spoon and eat half the melon. Give the other half to the avian. Move forward to the elevator, accept their gift, turn around and back and return down (automatic). Move left, forward, right twice, click on the handle to get another melon. Repeat to get a 2nd melon. Cut them in half, do not eat them now. Move right twice, forward twice, down, forward, up, left, forward. After the actors leave the stage, move forward, left forward. Take the oil filled gourd on the right of the lit gourd. Move right, forward three times, right twice. Move left and get the pyramid on the stand with the Octospider costume. Move right, forward three times, left. Move forward on the right of the screen, right, forward twice, right. Click on the green bridge control at the lower left. Put some oil from the gourd on the wheel and turn it. Move back, left, forward, left, down, forward, up, left, forward, left. Note the room code on top of the entrance (11, 8, 3). Move left, forward twice, left, forward, left, forward. Eat half of a melon to see the code (6, 9, 8). Move right, forward, right, forward, right, forward. Eat half of a melon. Move right, forward, left three times, forward three times, up, forward, down, forward, right, up, forward twice, down, left, forward. Note the room code on top of the doorway (7, 2, 15). Move forward. Look at the alien gift in inventory and press on 7, 2, 15. 0 - 7 are on the top row and 8 - 15 are on the bottom row from left to right. Move forward twice. Click twice on the large circular red knob. Click on the keypad. On the keypad, press 11, 8, 3. The keypad is:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 0 |
Move the blue sliding knob at the right down to the lowest position. Move right, forward and use the alien gift with 7, 2, 15 again. Move forward twice, down, forward twice, up, forward, left, up, forward, down, left, forward, right, forward twice, left, forward, up. Click on the bars. Move left and get the grappling hook. Move left twice and click on the bars. Move forward four times, down, forward twice, up, left, forward three times, right, forward three times, right. Use the grappling hook on the metal bar and click on the cable. Move forward, right, forward twice, left and take the bowl. Move forward four times, left, forward twice, left and use the bowl on the pool. Move forward, left, forward and click on control panel. Use the bowl with liquid on the lever with the green stuff. Pull the lever down. Click twice on the center pointer and click on the right post to make it vertical. Click on the red button on the pointer. Move back, left twice, forward, right, forward, right and take the pyramid. Move back, right, forward four times, right and click on the rope. Move right, forward twice, right, forward, left twice, forward three times, up, forward twice, down, left, forward, right, forward, left, forward, left twice. Click on the panel. Put the costume pendant in the triangle hole and then put the pool pendant in the triangle hole, take the card. Move back, left, forward, right, forward twice, down, forward, up, forward, left, up, forward twice, down, left, forward twice. Use the alien gift and press 7, 2, 15. Move forward and note the number over the elevator shaft (9, 14, 7). Move forward, down and use the alien gift and press 9, 14, 7. Move up, left, forward and insert the magnetic card into the slot. On the keypad enter 6, 9, 8. The keypad is:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 0 |
Move right, forward, down, use the alien gift and press 9, 14, 7. Move up, right, forward, use the alien gift and press 7, 2, 15. Move forward, forward, up, forward. Go to the Octospider Plaza.
Octospider Plaza
From the entrance, move forward toward the tetrahedron at the right, left, forward three times, right, forward, left. Click on the hexagon panel. Put the star shaped Octospider tile in the lower hole and the costume pendant in the upper hole. Move back, forward three times, right, forward twice, left, forward three times, right three times, forward five times down the ramp. Click on the gate in front of you. Click on the left part of the gate and use Falstaff to get the jewel. Move back, right, forward, right and click on the uniform. Take 3 datacubes and view them. Move back, left twice and press the 3rd white key from the left. Move left twice and click on the panel. Put the indigo-yellow jewel in the hole. Take all of the jewels. Move back, left, forward twice and use the blue-orange jewel in the hole. Move forward twice and look up. This color/number puzzle resets itself each time you step on a sinking platform. To get the number: Look at the 3:00 position, this is the starting position. Notice the inner circle of colors and the outer circle of colors. Starting with the inner circle, count how many positions away the white bar is (count clockwise). Take this number and multiply it by 8. Next take the outer circle and count how many positions away the white bar is (counting clockwise). Add the two numbers together for the answer. For example - the inner white bar is at the 9:00 position and the outer white bar is at the 6:00 position. The inner white bar is 6 away. 4 * 8 = 32. The outer white bar is 2 away. 32 + 2 = 34.
Move left twice, forward and use the yellow-red jewel on the hole. Move forward six times, right and click on the alien device. Click on the blue button at the bottom center. Click on the bars on the display to change it red. The number of red bars will equal the answer to the color/number ceiling puzzle, in my example 34. Click the blue button again. Move back, left, use the green-red jewel on the door. Move forward twice, left, forward, down, forward three times, right. Click on the map and press the blue button. Move back, up and solve another color/number ceiling puzzle. Move down, right, forward three times and click on the device. Press the blue button and highlight the number of red bars from the 2nd ceiling puzzle. Move back, left, forward, right and see O'Toole's crucifix. Move up, forward, right and go towards the left tunnel. Use the violet-blue jewel to open the door. Move forward, right, forward into the trophy room. Look at the stuffed beings and photos on the wall (in yellow frames). Move towards the closed door (you'll see the avian on the right of the doorway). Use the orange-red jewel to open the door. After the glass shows a 7, you have to turn the color tower by using the open hand icon on the top left of the tower. Use the pointed hand icon on the light purple bar. Take the card the Octospider offers. Take the number chart on top of the color tower and the organic lump from the food dish. Move left twice, forward three times, left, forward twice, right, forward, down, forward four times, left, forward. Put the organic lump into the subway car - it's the round car. Click Falstaff on the subway car. You are now Falstaff. Click on the organic lump to take it and press the white button. Move forward. Move left. And take the hand laser on the wall. Move back, right and put the organic lump in the empty food dish. After the Octospider returns, move right and take O'Toole's ID. Move back, right and get in the subway car. Press the white button. Move forward. You are now yourself again. Move right, forward twice to see Francesca's scarf. Move forward, left, forward to the sinking platform. Look up and get a new number for the ceiling puzzle. Move down, forward three times, click on the device and enter the new number. Move left, forward, up, forward, right, forward and take the right tunnel. Move forward to the end of the tunnel to the hub, turn right 3 times and move forward and up the ramp out of the lair. Go to the Human Plaza.
Human Plaza
From the entrance, move right, forward three times. Click on the hexagon panel. Use the human icon tile in the right hole and the pool pendant in the left hole. Move back, forward twice. In this puzzle, each of the three rings moves separately. Click the inner ring 3 times, the center ring 1 time and the outer ring 4 times. Move forward, left, forward, right. Use the hand laser on the laser target on the other side of the room. Move right, forward, left, forward and click on the bomb.
To get the bomb code, you need the photo of O’Toole from the octospider museum, his catechism card from the octospider teacher and his ID card from the subway. The code has 20 numbers, 5 groups of 4 numbers. Look on the back of each item and you’ll see numbers, one on the photo and 2 on each of the catechism and the ID cards. Use these numbers to find a number in O’Toole’s number sequence:
0041 | 0043 | 0047 | 0053 | 0061 |
0071 | 0083 | 0097 | 0113 | 0131 |
0151 | 0173 | 0197 | 0223 | 0251 |
0281 | 0313 | 0347 | 0383 | 0421 |
0461 | 0503 | 0547 | 0593 | 0641 |
0691 | 0743 | 0797 | 0853 | 0911 |
0971 | 1033 | 1097 | 1163 | 1231 |
1301 | 1373 | 1447 | 1523 | 1601 |
If the number on the back of an item is 20 count across to the 20th number and get 0421.
The bomb code numbers are found, from left to right, from the catechism card, photo, ID card, ID card, catechism card. Use the sequence numbers above on the bomb and press the input button. You have three chances to disarm the bomb. Back up, move right twice, forward four times and watch the endgame sequence.
Additional information submitted by Adrian Hurt:
On the desk at the Tent Site, Nicole has left a data cube and a written
message for you. The data cube is a plug for "3001", the final book of
Arthur C. Clarke's "Space Odyssey" series.
If you click on a radar point and find crab biots, it may actually be possible
to approach them. If they're coming towards your position, get out of there
fast. But if they're heading away from you, you can go in for a closer look.
(Also watch for spider biots later in the game, after they have been released.
They show up as a sort of large green X. Do not approach them from any angle!)
At the Biot Warehouse, just before you turn to enter, you can pick up one of
the three lenses needed to repair the cannon near the Big Wheel.
In the Octospider Lair in New York, you have quite a complicated way of
getting the number from the circles above the sinking platforms. I prefer
to regard each pair of colours as an Octospider number - you'll have learned
the Octospider number system in Bangkok, and you'll have the number box to
remind you. Observe the pair of colours at the 3:00 position. Translate the
two colours to numbers. Multiply the left colour/number by 8, then add the
right colour/number - for example, green-orange = 4-2 = 4 x 8 + 2 = 34.
And finally, a piece of trivia. The part of Shigeru Takagishi was played by
Jim Ishida. The same actor played a rather similar character as a guest
scientist on "Babylon 5", in the first series episode "A Voice In The