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"don't be afraid"
an explanation
a new life
going on
a bright sun
“Don’t be afraid!” Shadow heard the words of his deceased friend, Wildthorn, who had been Chief before Shadow. “Don’t be afraid to try anything and everything. Don’t be afraid to live. To make choices that won’t make everyone happy.”
Wildthorn lived life on the edge. He was often times impetius. Shadow closed his eyes, remembering how that very urge and lust for life had also eventually led to Wildthorn’s death, rather than pausing and having a clear head to try and think things through.
Shadow was different. He befriended humans. He befriended trolls. Shadow always moved against the grain of what was expected and normal.
Shadow was on edge within the Palace. It was wonderful and beautiful. But he did not feel free. He could not see the world around him. Only cold, stone, frozen walls.
Wardance rounded the corner, “Shadow! Shadow! It’s happening! Now it’s happening! She’s yelling for you! Now! Come!”
Shadow blinked. Wardance was rattling on and on, entirely too fast for Shadow to process. His mind was elsewhere. Then Wardance finally said it, “Foxhair is giving birth!”
Shadow’s eyes opened wide. There was no need to explain anything else. Shadow ran past Wardance, bumping into an assortment of gathered elves that mulled about the Palace.
He rounded into the room she was in, sliding down next to her. “I’m here,” he whispered. She took her hand into his and squeezed.
“We’re going to have a cub,” she smiled. Though they had not Recognized, the Palace’s magic had enhanced their chances of bearing a cub.
After several hours, Snowspring was born, in honor of Shadow’s own sister, who tragically passed. In her eyes, Shadow saw large luminous eyes, full of wonder and life. In her eyes, despite the walls, the snow, the mountains, the cold, he saw a bright sun.