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Staying warm
A conversation
Elvin humor
He couldn’t stop his body from shaking. Sandstorm wrapped his leathers tightly around himself. “What is this madness? This white fall from the skies?” His black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin marked him as a member of the Oasis Tribe; a nomadic tribe that lived somewhere beyond the Barren Wastes, where there was nothing but sand and sun. His fellow tribesman, Highsun, seemed to be fairing better, his arm wrapped tightly around Freefall, of the Skymountain Tribe; her white hair, blue eyes, pal complexion seemed to reflect the very snow that she was accustomed to.
“It’s called snow,” Freefall explained, smiling, her beautifully full lips parting into a smile.
“Well, I don’t like it,” Sandstorm spat.
“There is a saying in my tribe,” Freefall smiled, “How is a man like a snow fall? You never know how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.”
Everyone seemed to enjoy the joke, but Highsun. He shook his head, grumbling to himself.
“If you found someone to tree with,” Foxhair, Shadow’s mate, and mother of Snowspring suggested.
Stream looked at Highsun, hopeful. Foxhair noticed the look that crossed the young healer’s expression.
“There’s no one here I would tree with,” Highsun replied, never seeing Stream’s hopeful expression that begged for him to run to her. “All of you with your light colored hair, and light colored eyes, and light colored skin! Have none of you ever sat beneath the sun and let her bathe you in her life giving warmth?”
His reluctance to tree with anyone amused everyone, save one. Stream. His words cut her heart in two. Her memory drifted back to when they were fleeing from the frost trolls. The death that she witnessed. The cold snow that was settling in the land was a bitter reminder to those memories. Memories she was sure she could wash away in the embrace of one who would love her; if not true love, then a love that was mutual in sharing their bed together.