Stonehowl Links Stonehowl Holt's information is hosted on Tawmis' website. You can help ease the burden of bandwidth by making a donation through Payapl. |
Q. Why don't I recognize any of these characters from ElfQuest? A. These Elves are a creation of my own. They were created and developed as a part of the ElfQuest forum's "Build A Grab Bag" challenge. Q. Why is there no pictures of the elves in their character profiles? A. Simply put - I am not an artist. I can't really draw. Writing is all I do. And I'm not the best at that either! Q. Will the Stonehowl Holt ever running into "canon" ElfQuest characters? A. I am trying to stay away from the canon characters and do my own story with them. But if you have a read a few, there's already a tale that involes Winnowill and Two-Edge, as well as Madcoil (to some degree). But for the most part, there's no plans for this Holt to ever encounter Cutter and the Wolfriders. Trolls such as Gutterkraw and Greymung, have been mentioned and seen. We will probably see them in the story to some degree - especially Gutterkraw. Q. Why do your elves live in caves, rather than trees like the Wolfriders? Since they ride wolves just like Cutter's tribe? A. The easy answer is - when was the last time you saw a wolf in a tree? When I developed my tribe, I wanted to bring them closer to what wolves were like. Wolves are more inclined to live in a den made of stone, then somehow live in a tree. So that's why they live in stone caves. Q. Are your elves a part of Timmain's Bloodline somehow? A. While I haven't fully developed their bloodline just yet - you can bet they share a similar type bloodline as the Wolfriders, where it is of wolf and elf. But it will not (as far as I know, at this moment!) be tied to Timmain. I want mine to have their own origin. But you will see that in my story telling, that many High Ones escaped the slaughter brought on by the humans when the Palace crashed. I always thought it made sense that a lot of High Ones got away - I mean, it was an entire Palace full of them! However, you will find that sometimes, dying at the hands of the humans may have been a better way to go! Q. I like __________ - will you be doing a story specifically about them? Even the dead ones? A. I never know what my story is going to be month to month! I await the elements of the grab bag for the month then let the story really write itself. I have very little control over this band of merry Elves. Got a Question for me? Email me and let me know! Elfquest art is copyright Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, Wolfrider, and the Warp Wolf logo are registered trademarks, and all other Elfquest logos, characters, situations and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |