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Two tribes - all elements used for both. The Windfetcher part felt great to write. Felt like I really reconnected with the story and got inside her mind. Links to images of the new elves at the very bottom.
February 2021 Grab Bag Elements:
- Adventure (whether going on one, talking about one, etc)
- a veil of silk
- A snack
- cave
- stare
Recap Cliffnotes for YEARS of story writing is here:
Windfetcher sat on the cliff side where she always came when she needed to think. Her auburn hair blew in the wind as her earth brown eyes scanned the distant oceans for answers to questions that raced too quickly through her mind to grasp.
In the end, Rumdreer’s own people had turned on him – proving that his hatred was too much even for them. Especially the way he treated not just the women of his tribe – but all women. The brutal stories he claimed were true were almost too vile to believe. But Windfetcher in her time on this world had seen much and heard more. She’s heard and seen the viciousness of human, troll and elf alike – against one another and even against their own kind.
She had come to realize that they were no different. Long ago, she believed that humans were vile and cruel and irredeemable for the things they’d done. But then there was people like Buren who proved her wrong. She thought that trolls were filthy, dirty and ignorant, but there’d been trolls such as the troll she’d known who’d gone by several names – from Trollblade, Trollhammer, to Trollforge. She’d believed elves beyond any such evils, but her tribe told her how Blackstar had killed his own lover, Suncaller, by pushing him off of a tall tree. (All the way back in Feb 2008 - ) The truth of the matter was that they were all alike, no matter how much they may hate one another – and if they could all see – and embrace that – perhaps the hatred felt by all sides could one day be put aside. As the waves crashed, hundreds of feet below her, she couldn’t help but smile. She sounded like their old chief, Shadow, she told herself. Shadow had a different way of thinking, after taking over as Chief of the tribe, when his best friend Wildthorn had perished. Windfetcher recalled the story of how a human had mistook Purespring, Shadow’s own sister, as a deer during a hunt – and Wildthorn took revenge on the human’s mate, who had been pregnant – and paid the price. (Story told back in August 2007 as a tragic mistake and misunderstanding - ).
And now, here she was – only twenty three seasons in age – and she was now the Chieftess to the small tribe that remained – a mixture – from her own parents, Vineweaver and Stillbreeze, along with her brother, Echo; the daughter of her former chief, Snowspring; Stream, their healer; Buren, the human and love mate of Stream; and then Stonecutter, the son of Stream and Buren. But the tribe had been home to others – such as Spearclaw from the Pridewalkers; Stoneridge and Jagged from a tribe called Twopoint; Whitefeather and Freefall, from a tribe called Skymountain; and Sanstorm and Highsun, from a tribe called Oasis – just to name a few. (They’re all briefly mentioned, but not really expanded on back in Sept 2010 - )
And now?
She looked over her shoulder and could see the stone shaped cavern that had been made to look like a wolf’s head howling staring back at her, much like their original home – their numbers had dwindled down yet again. They only numbered eight. If there was any hope of surviving they would need to grow their numbers – but cubs without Recognition was nearly impossible – and with so few, Recognition among one another was not likely.
She could go back to the Palace – to see if she could recruit more to return with her. But they would have followed Shadow when he left if there was a desire to leave. Something Rumdreer had said was now echoing in Windfetcher’s mind – he’d mentioned that he killed “demons on giant birds” – elves, like the ones from Skymountain – who had flown on giant birds. Her mind also recalled when Buren told her of the exploits his father, Balgar, endured against the “sea demons.” (This was mentioned back in June 2015 - )
She slid down from the rocks and made her way towards Stream and Buren’s cave. She ducked her head in and looked around. She saw Stream tending to Buren’s leg still. “Still no healing?” Windfetcher asked.
“It comes and goes,” Stream sighed. “But the wound has been tended to and will not get infected.” (Stream’s healing was pushed to the limit when she’d tried to heal Buren back in September 2015 - and again in December 2015 when she pushed her magic to enable her to bare his child - and their child Stonecutter was born in the April 2020 story - ).
“That’s good to hear,” Windfetcher smiled as she sat down and took a bite of an apple that had been sitting on the floor. She looked over at Buren whose brown hair was disheveled from Stream constantly pushing on his head to force him to sit back and relax. Windfetcher took a bite of the apple again, making a crunchy, juicy sound. “Rumdreer,” she said the name, forcing Stream to gasp, “mentioned that he and his people killed ‘demons on birds’ – people like myself who rode birds. Are you familiar with the elves he was speaking of?”
“Yes,” Buren replied, looking at Windfetcher. “Why do you ask?”
“Do you think his words are true? That he killed them all?” Windfetcher took another deep bite from the crimson apple.
“He was not one for exaggerating,” Buren answered. “My tribe was well aware of his violent tendacies, and though my father never admitted it; he feared him greatly, knowing it would not be long before he would turn his attention against my father and his clan. Truth be told, I believe that’s why my father took many of his people and sailed here originally – in hopes of escaping Rumdreer’s insanity – and when he found your kind here – he knew that would attract Rumdreer if word ever got back to him – so my father had to try and kill your kind for fear that if word got back – Rumdreer would sail here as well and kill your kind as well as my father and his clan.”
“But,” Windfetcher said, waving away the other details, “these elves were bird riders were they not?”
“They were,” Buren nodded.
“Would it not make sense that some of them took to the skies? Out of the range of arrows and spears?” Windfetcher inquired.
“Yes,” Buren continued to nod. “That would make sense. I’d seen the bird riders many times – they were not foolish.”
“So Rumdreer could have been lying, preserving his reputation, in saying that he killed all of the bird riders,” Windfetcher concluded.
“That would make sense,” Buren acknowledged. “His followers feared him – so they would have vouched for his stories. Part of Rumdreer’s tactics is the fear he invokes on those he encounters. That’s why he spoke so much about what he’d done when he encountered you – it wasn’t just to brag, but to shake and break your nerves and make you fearful in battle.”
“He did talk a lot,” Windfetcher nodded, recalling the moment of his own clan had run him through – leaving his axe deep into the tree as a reminder. “You also told us about ‘sea demons’ your father often spoke of in an area called ‘The Crimson Reef.’”
Buren was puzzled. “Why are you asking me about all of these things, Windfetcher?”
Windfetcher smiled. “Just entertain me. Tell me about these sea elves. Do they have feet made of scales and fins like fish?”
Buren shook his head. “No. Most look like you,” he shrugged. “There are some that look slightly different – their eyes, teeth and skin tone are different – they tend to be the more violent ones. The Crimson Reef got its name because these elves fiercely defend it – often spilling blood. And when blood is spilled in the reef – those elves – the ones that I told you look a little different – they become like redfins.”
“Redfins?” Windfetcher asked.
“Large grey fish, with a mouth full of hundreds of teeth; attacks anything that swims in the water and can smell blood for miles and will go into a frenzy,” Buren explained, drawing a shark in the dirt. “The problem that my father’s people had is there were large fish in the Crimson Reef – as well as unique plants that were used for medicine and healing – but getting to them was nearly impossible because of the ‘sea demons’ – or,” he said, with a nod of his head, “the Crimson Reef elves. It was as if the very animals came to their defenses.”
Windfetcher lifted a veil of silk from the ground that had been part of the covers that her mother, Stillbreeze had made, and stretched it out and blew into it. She peeked over it slowly and smiled at Buren, “Do you think you could teach us to make boats that used these wind catchers?”
“Sails,” Buren smiled. “They’re called sails. And yes. But why?”
“Because I think it’s time for me to go on an adventure,” Windfetcher smiled. “I want to find other elves, the way Shadow did. Some heard the call of the Palace – but by the sounds of it, these bird riders and the Crimson Reef elves did not. There may be others like them. If I can find them – and bring them together – my tribe has a better chance of surviving. There’s so few of us – that if Rumdreer’s people had not turned on him – we might have been wiped from existence.”
With the help of Vineshaper’s plant shaping ability, work on these new sail ships was much easier than any Buren had helped build, as a child, for his father’s people… but still, it would take weeks, for just building the ships was not enough. Buren had to teach them how to understand the sea, and use her power and might to their advantage.
Hundreds of miles away in the Crimson Reef…
Amberjack’s sunset red hair swayed gently in the water as she sent to her lovemate, Driftwood. “{My love, what are you doing?}”
Driftwood, whose name has originally been Tidebreaker, had adopted the new name after a battle with the humans – he’d thought to have been dead, only to be found, days later, floating among the wreckage of the human’s boat, like driftwood. He’d now been swimming near the bottom, running his hands across the sands when he finally found a bracelet that had been made by humans and sank to the bottom of the Crimson Reef. He held it up and swam to Amberjack, his short brown hair flowing around him. “{A gift, for you,}” he smiled as he slid the blue bracelet around her wrist.
Barrier, a reef shaper, swam next to them. His complexion was tanner, his eyes more animalistic, his teeth sharper. Barrier had what the others called ‘the redfin gene’ – which meant his skin would be tanner, his teeth sharper, his eyes different, and his attitude, typically more violent. His best friend, Shellseeker, was a master craftsman. He’d been taken prisoner by the humans once, and tortured for information about the Crimson Reef – but during his capture, he observed the humans and learned how they made the metal weapons and armor – and used that knowledge, along with Barrier’s magic, to create weapons made from shells into armor and weapons. Shellseeker, who unlike Barrier, was no born with the ‘redfin gene’ was far more light hearted than his friend and had the sides of his head shaved, with the hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Other than how they complimented one another through skill, most of the elves in the Crimson Reef also believed they complimented one another in attitude – a darkness and a light, anger and laughter.
Bloodwave, Chief of this Shiver – named after the school of fish which redfins were called – had been born with the redfin gene – making him far more susceptible to anger and fury – especially when it came to the humans. Bloodwave’s first mate, Watermoon, had been killed by humans - as if that were not already cause enough for Bloodwave’s unforgiving and relentless attacks on the human vessels that got within miles of the Crimson Reef, the genetic ‘redfin gene’ only fed the fires of hatred. Bloodwave had an ability to speak – and even control – several types of aquatic life, such as redfins, dolphins and whales – which he often used in his attacks against the human vessels.
His Recognized mate was Seastar, who did not have the redfin gene, and despised Bloodwave’s aggressive attitude. Seastar was born with the rare gene of light blue hair, which is believed to be passed down through the blue-fins, a type of redfin beast. She also has a unique appearance that her right eye is green, while her left eye is blue. Through Recognition, she had a child named Starfish who was now sixteen seasons old and quite eager to prove herself to the Shiver – often endangering herself and others, in her attempts to prove she was worthy. Like Seastar, Starfish was also born with the light blue hair – and trains with Blowfish to learn how to use a spear.
Next to Seastar and Starfish was Blowfish – who was the resident expert with a spear. Blowfish had long, flowing blond hair, and eyes that sparkled like the stars above the seas. She was beautiful and had an incredible smile that was both warm and inviting – but there was none among them – even the males – even the males with the redfin gene – who could best Blowfish when it came to combat – especially if she had a spear.
Kelpweaver was a plant shaper; and like others in the tribe, had the rare redfin gene. However, she seemed almost the exception – where she was no one to become aggressive, unless she was under great duress – then did her emotions exploded from her – especially if her Recognized mate, Lakewood was mentioned. Lakewood had been killed defending the Crimson Reef from blood frenzied Redfins that Bloodwave had lost control of, during an attack against humans. Kelpweaver was the mother to her daughter Redfin, who was born with a unique genetic makeup – where she had no hair on her head, however, she had a red dorsal fin, similar to the redfin sharks, and thus her name. However, her flesh, eyes and teeth did not reflect the standard marking of those born with the redfin gene.
Next to them was Morningsun and Stormtide who could not be more different had they tried. Morningsun had flowing blond hair, and deep green eyes, and pale, white skin, while her Recognized mate, Stormtide was born with the redfin gene – so that his skin was a deep tan, his eyes were ice blue, and his hair, as black and thick as the bottom of the lightless sea floor. Morningsun was a tanner, and the primary maker of the clothing worn by the Crimson Reef elves, while Stormtide was gifted with the ability to shape and control water – creating waves, riptides, and small whirlpools. Together, they have two children through Recognition – Sunfish, their older son who was sixteen seasons, and a daughter named Riverlance, who vanished one night – without a trace. Most had thought she’d gone on one of her ‘adventures’ she always wanted to go on. She’d been one year younger than her brother, Sunfish.
The last of the Crimson Reef was Urchin – who had spent years looking for Riverlance – disappearing for years at a time, in an effort to find her. Like Seastar and Starfish, he was born with blue hair. He wielded two axes that he had become proficient in after observing humans using it.
Morningsun swam towards the wreckage of one of the human boats that they’d capsized a few days ago and cut away at the sails to use as material for clothing. She found several rolled spindles of material, including a small veil of silk, which she wrapped around her waist. She watched as Bloodwave stared at her – despite their disagreements – he would never let anything happen to her – or any of his tribe. He was always ready for a fight – he just needed the reason; and sometimes he didn’t even need that much.
“{We must return to the caves,}” he sent to everyone. “{Rummage through the wreckage, gather what you can. Daylight comes, making us easier to see in the oceans.}”
The Shiver returned to their abode in the coral reef that had been shaped by Barrier’s family long ago. It’d been shaped in such a way that anyone who was not a skilled swimmer would impale themselves on the jagged coral reef wrapped around the outside of their abode.
Blowfish took a bite out of some food she’d found among the wreckage as she turned towards Starfish. “{Ready for more training?}”
======== End? Or a new beginning? ======
• Vineweaver (Male Soul Name: Reyk) – Auburn Hair, Blue Eyes (Tree shaper, Soul Mate of Stillbreeze, Plant Shaper)
• Stillbreeze (Female Soul Name: Hewl) – Brown Hair, Brown Eyes (Soul Mate of Vineweaver, Tanner)
• Echo (Male Soul Name: Ayav) – Brown Hair, Green Eyes (Cub of Stillbreeze & Vineweaver, Magic)- About twenty three years old.
• Windfetcher (Female Soul Name: Burm) – Auburn Hair, Brown Eyes (Cub of Stillbreeze & Vineweaver) – About twenty three years old, Chieftess
• Snowspring (Female, Soul Name: Tylo – Black Hair, Green Eyes) – Fourteen years old. Daughter of Shadow and Foxhair.
• Stream (Female Soul Name: Vree) – Red Hair, Green Eyes (Healer)
• Buren (Human, Brown hair, hazel eyes) – About 25 years old in human years
• Stonecutter (half elf/half human, son of Stream and Buren – brown hair, green eyes) – About seven years old
Attaching my original Crimson Reef notes – most of it stayed the same, but some of it I fleshed out more in the story above:
Crimson Reef Sea Elves
- They come from High Ones who took the form of Sharks, and over time forgot their true form; so much so that they changed themselves on a genetic level. As the years waned by and the magic grew weaker, despite remaining in Shark form, they began to birth elves. Centuries have passed, and over all, most of the Crimson Reef look like normal elves who can simply breathe underwater (similar to Aquaman, for example). However, every once in awhile, a genetic “hiccup” happens and the “shark genes” get introduced, giving birth to tanner elves, who tend to be far more aggressive.
- Of the current elves, those with this genetic trait are: Barrier, Bloodwave, and Stormtide
- Recognition only happens to those with the “shark gene” – such as Barrier, Bloodwave, Kelpweaver and Stormtide
- - Seastar, despite her dislike of Bloodwave’s ways, unfortunately Recognized her Chief, but she is the most vocal oppose of his ways
- Their group is called a Shiver (similar to what a group of Sharks is called)
- Similar to sharks, the Crimson Reef members age slowly (also perhaps due to the High Ones blood in there), thus making their numbers lower
- The Crimson Reef elves are very sensitive to movement, and those with the “shark gene” can smell blood in the water from miles away
- Some of the Crimson Reef elves are born with blue hair (or blue tinted hair) which comes from the “Sea Shark” (similar to the Blue Shark) bloodline; they do not have the violent tendencies of others born of “shark genes.”
Bloodwave – Chief (Male)
Male chief, extremely violent. No tolerance towards humans. He believes the humans hunt for sport, as well as for food. The idea of hunting for sport and joy has driven him to a seething hatred for humans. Has the ability to command certain marine life (dolphins, sharks, whales) and he will make every attempt to command the whales (humans call them “sea giants”) to slam into human ships, while the members of his Shiver (Crimson Reef) attempt to spear the humans and pull them from their ships, so that the razor-fins (sharks) can feed off the humans. His first (unnamed?) life mate, love mate, soul mate – was killed by humans who had harpooned her, mistaking her for a dolphin (which the humans hunted to eat). Bloodwave comes from a very long line of members in his family, all of whom are consumed with an indescribable hatred for humans due to the “shark gene”
Barrier – Stone Shaper (Shapes Coral Reefs) (Male)
Barrier is the one who shaped the home for the Sea Elves (or perhaps someone from his line of generation of stone shapers). In any case, he is the one that now maintains the shape of the large coral reef tunnels that they now live in.
Stormtide – Water Shaper (able to control elements of the ocean, cause tides, waves, currents to do his bidding) (Male)
Don’t recall seeing any water-shapers (perhaps somewhere in the Wave Dancers this was already done? Probably?). Essentially Stormtide is able to create spouts of water (which are used to overturn ships, small boats, rafts, etc.) – he can also shape the tide, by causing riptides, change the current, etc.)
Kelpweaver – Plant shaper (Female)
Standard plant shaper of the tribe. Shapes kept and other plants, that the Sea Elves use for food (as well as shelter to hide their coral reef home).
Starfish – Female Elf
She is a young elf; eager to prove herself to the others (almost to a fault, where she often puts herself, and others in needless danger)
Seastar – Female Elf
The smart, wiser, elf of the tribe; she is not prone to follow Bloodwave, whom she does not get along with.
Sunfish – Young Male
Young male Elf, also does not like Bloodwave’s violent tendencies.
Redfin – Young Female
Young, female elf, named as such, because she was born with a red Mohawk for hair, which she still has (natural birth effect). So they named her redfin, since her hair resembles that of a shark.
Shellseeker (Male)
Makes the armor for the tribe; using shells, and help with Barrier, who helps shape things that Shellseeker comes up with. He also is primarily responsible for the weapons.
Morningsun (Female)
Born with sea blue eyes, and golden blond hair, like Seastar, she does not agree with Bloodwave’s method and hatred against the humans, and has spoken up against him. She is a strong, independent female, but does not possess the intelligence of Seastar.
Driftwood (Male)
Got the name, was thought dead, found in the wreckage of a ship at some time.
Amberjack (Female)
Amberjack is a very free, loving, spirit. She’s in a relationship with Driftwood, but it’s a very open relationship.
Blowfish (Female, expert spear)
Expert with a spear (similar to how one might consider Strongbow the expert with a bow). She’s quite playful. She’s beautiful, but refuses to acknowledge it.
Urchin – Male
Flesh shaper who has control to make his hair and finger nails razor sharp, a unique form of “flesh shaping.”
Bloodwave (Chief, Mate to Bloodwave)
Seastar (Mate to Bloodwave)
Starfish (Daughter of Bloodwave and Seastar)
Stormtide (Mate of Morningsun)
Morningsun (Mate of Stormtide)
Sunfish (son of Stormtide and Morningsun) – Year older than Starfish
Riverlance (daughter of Stormtide and Morningsun) - Disappeared
Kelpweaver (Mother of Redfin)
Redfin (Daughter of Kepweaver)
Barrier (Best friend of Shellseeker – shapes shells for Shellseeker)
Shellseeker (Best friend to Barrier)
Driftwood (Lover of Amberjack)
Amberjack (Lover of Driftwood)
Blowfish (Expert weapons)
Urchin (Loner)
[color=#3399ff][size=18][u][i][b]Meet the Crimson Reef:[/b][/i][/u][/size][/color]