Stonehowl Links
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- A song
- Truth
- Joining
- Acceptance
- A Red Moon (Or Moons)
A gentle breeze whispered through the branches; swaying gently on one of them, a figure hidden deep into the night’s shadows. His name, like the very darkness he hid in, was named Shadow. Pale moons watched from the heavens above, taking an interest in the elves below; white eyes, that lit up the night sky. Thousands of other eyes, small stars, twinkling somewhere in the distance, far beyond space, also watched. Shadow looked up at the heavens, then over to the side, where another figure – this one much smaller – hid in the darkness. “Do you hear the song?” he whispered.
“I don’t hear anything,” the smaller figure replied, her young voice was strong. Her name was Windfetcher, and she was, according to her, next to be slated as chief of Stonehowl, should anything ever befall Shadow. Not that she wanted anything to happen; but she was strong; she was ready; in the event that tragic time ever came. Until then, she would do what any of the Stonehowl Tribe would do; and that was throw their own lives in front of Shadow to ensure he might live, even just for one more moment.
“You are listening with your ears, cub,” Shadow smiled in the darkness, only his eyes and teeth visible, the rest of his body seemed to be composed of the very name sake for which he was named. “Listen with your heart. Listen with your soul.”
She was still young, Shadow thought. Mature beyond her years, but still prone to fits of immaturity. He heard her sigh a deep sigh of frustration, then took in a deep breath and went completely silent. She was silent for several minutes when suddenly he saw her eyes, her brown eyes, almost as red as her auburn hair, lighting up the darkness, like two red moons. “They’re howling.”
Shadow smiled. “Not only do they howl, they join. They join our wolves we brought. They have accepted them as a part of their pack. Their pack grows as does ours.”
For many weeks, the wolves of the forest had been at the edges of the new holt, sniffing and assessing the new arrivals. They had brought with them new scents, new smells, new things, new wolves. At long last, the new wolves had accepted the pack.
Windfetcher smiled, “Now maybe one of them will bond with me?”
Shadow winked, “Maybe,” he said truthfully. “But you must be patient.”