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-the road untraveled
-a reunion
Snowspring had changed Shadow's world. With the birth of his own daughter, everything changed. Whether it was as simple as how he looked at each day, or even how he drew his own breath; each time, it was done with such an incredible sense of happiness. He smiled at Foxhair, as she held their cub in her arms, returning Shadow's broad smile. It had been too long since she had seen him smile. He sat next to her, his hands playing with the lips of their cub who made googly sounds and small snickering sounds of laughter. Shadow looked at Foxhair, his eyes beamed with pride. Though they had not yet Recognized, the magic that emanated from the Palace had allowed them to bare a child out of Recognition. His smile faded for a moment, “My love,” he said, his voice soft and gentle, full of love and honesty. “I do not want our little Snowspring to grow up encased within these walls. I can not get it out of my mind... I want to return... back... to the woods. Especially now. Now that we have our own cub, we can start our family anew. I just don't want to do it here. I want my cub to know what it is like to be alive. The take a deep breath and smell the woods; smell the animals; smell the rain; feel the sun. To be reunited with the world... I want my cub to be able to find her own path; her own destiny; to walk the road untraveled.”
“Will you ask the others to come?” Foxhair asked, smiling down at her cub, before looking back up at Shadow. Her eyes said it all; she would follow him to the ends of the world.
“I will,” Shadow smiled.
When Shadow rode on Mooneyes, holding his precious cub, Snowspring in his arms, with Foxhair at his side, riding Elkheart; it was a large gathering that followed Shadow; the twin fathers Wardance and Warsong, with their mate Skyshade, and their cubs Dusk and Dawn; behind them were Vineweaver, Stillbreeze, Spearclaw, Echo holding his infant brother, Sunsword, and the would be chieftess, Windfetch; behind them were Stream and Snowcloud, talking and laughing; behind them were Stoneridge and Jagged, both males from a tribe called Twopoint; Whitefeather and Freefall, both females from a tribe called Skymountain; and finally Sandstorm and Highsun, both males from a tribe called Oasis.
Shadow looked behind him; then looked ahead. He smiled.
The world was brand new, once again, to Shadow; who thought, once he had found the Palace, there was nothing left to find.