Stonehowl Links Stonehowl Holt's information is hosted on Tawmis' website. You can help ease the burden of bandwidth by making a donation through Payapl. |
WRITER'S NOTE: I didn't come into the Grab Bag Concept on the ElfQuest forums, until August 2007. It seemed like a very fun concept - people suggesting four or five random elements to make fit into an ElfQuest related story. I created my own tribe of elves, called Stonehowl Holt. The first tale written for them was in August 2007 - with a heart wrencher of a story that sets up the following stories to come. But I decided, I wanted to flesh out these characters - so I went to previous Grab Bags and began writing them out - which is why the first set is not in chronological order previous to August 2007. After August 2007, the Grab Bags are in chronological order, because I wanted to challenge myself that every Grab Bag be about my tribe in chronological order. Sometimes, they'd tell stories of the past. Sometimes it'd focus on a specific character. But I always wanted it to be in order from here on out, just to see if I could, as a writer, do it. The stories are gathered below. I hope you enjoy. Stonehowl Story Recap * Stonehowl Recap - This recaps the entire Stonehowl history (all the stories below). * "Unnatural" * September Grab Bag What the Elves thought would be large game proves to be so much more - and may cost one of them their lives! * "Twisted" * (October Grab Bag) The Elves must find and rescue Vineweaver before it's too late... * "Tusks of Terror" * March Grab Bag The young Purespring challenges the authority of her older brother, Shadow, who is Hunt Leader at Howling Stone. With the help of her dearest friend, Foxhair, she delivers a surprise that her brother will never forget. * "The Hunt" * July Grab Bag Something has come to Howling Stone's forest... something unnatural. And now the Elves are out to find it... and stop it... whatever it is! * "The Gift" * Feb Grab Bag Shadow and Wildthorn head for the troll caves to meet with Trollhammer - the only troll there, that is tolerable! Trollhammer has a gift for the Howling Stone Chief... and for Purespring? * "The Tests of Grethen" * April Grab Bag This story deals with the humans near Howling Stone Holt - namely their chief hunter, a young man named Krellin who seeks to prove to the Human Chief, Wurik, that he is worthy of the hand of his daughter! But there's something far more sinister here - and the Bone Dancer has only betrayal in his eyes! * "The Eclipse" * May Grab Bag This story continues from "The Tests of Grethen", as the Bone Dancer's true intentions become very clear! And what does an Eclipse have to do with this? Well, deception is a weapon the Bone Dancer knows all too well, and uses it to his advantage! * "Outcast" * June Grab Bag This story continues again, "The Tests of Grethen" - and begins with the marriage of two humans - Tamier, son of the Bone Dancer and Yurika, daughter of the Human Chief. But Bone Dancer, for all his power, is unable to stop the heart of his son and his new wife - and realizes that he's forced to outcast them as the "Will of Grethen!" * "Mourning" * August Grab Bag This story begins with a tragic tale, for one of the members of Howling Stone Holt... but before this story is over, it will take a far more tragic twist that will leave very few dry eyes! Read this only if you have a kleenex ready! * "Aching Hearts" * November Grab Bag The first story with the new Chief, Shadow - and a story about the Chief that would follow him. * "The Guide" * December Grab Bag Shadow is forced to hunt during a time, where the snow continues to fall - and the new Chief loses himself in the snow, and gets unexpected guests. * "A Plan of Betrayal" * Jan 2008 Grab Bag Shadow mourns the loss of his sister with Foxhair, unaware that there is a plan set in motion to remove him from Chief - forever. * "The Falling Sun" * Feb 2008. Blackstar shows that there are no limits to his desire to become the new Chief... no limits at all. * "A Belated Gift" * March 2008 One of the cubs of the tribe discovers he has a unique gift - one that Shadow desperately needed. * "The Coming Storm" * May 2008 Admist a dark storm, a new cub is born, the ripples of a war begin, and an unexpected ally is found. * "Alliances" * June 2008 Admist a dark storm, a new cub is born, the ripples of a war begin, and an unexpected ally is found. * "A Troll's Invention" * July 2008 The elves have aligned themselves with the humans as they prepare for war against the Bone Dancer and his followers, including one of the elves own - Blackstar! But there's unexpected assistance for the Shadow and Wurik's people! * "The Final" * August 2008 Grab The battle is finally at hand. Human and Elf against Human and Elf. The Epic Conclusion to the Stone Howl Holt tribe? This story is dedicated to the Soldiers who fight for our freedom; for the soldiers who lived and died so that we could be alive today - whether in Iraq, World War II, Vietnam War - this is for you all, for your strength, your courage, your faith, and your love. * "The Secret of Trollforge" * (A nod to The Secret of Two Edge) Sept 2008 Grab Bag Revealing Trollforge's secret obsession over Purespring - and perhaps the best kept secret yet! * "The Secret Of Trollforge, Part II: Beyond Flesh * (A nod to The Secret of Two Edge) Oct Grab 2008 Bag See Trollforge's fate in this month's segment! It just may surprise you! * "Snowblind" * November 2008 Grab Bag The story features the return of the elves of Stonehowl Holt as they seek out other elves in the world, inspired by the humans whom they once waged war against! * "The Serpent and the Rainbow" * December 2008 Grab Bag In this segment the tribe of Stonehowl Holt continues to take refuge within the cave from the white fall of snow - as we venture into their past and learn more about the tribe! * "The Coils of Madness" * January 2009 Grab Bag A reflection of the past by Shadow, as Wildthorn insists on hunting down The Coil! * "The Memory of Stars" * Feb 2009 Grab Bag Stillbreeze recalls the fond memories of her best friend, Starmane, as the snow outside the cave continues to fall... * "A Tale Of Two Soul Mates" * March 2009 Grab Bag Expect the unexpected. * "The New Tribe" * April 2009 Grab Bag Shadow and some selected members of the tribe go in search of food... and come back with something else. And a unique Recognition takes place... * "Recognition" * May 2009 Grab Bag The new tribe interacts with Stonehowl members... and the Recognition is carried through. * "Mercy" * June 2009 Grab Bag Several unexpected twists... including more about the Preserver... the arrival of the Frozen Trolls... and Death.. * "Sanctuary" * July 2009 Grab Bag The elves escape the trolls and find sanctuary on the green plains just beyond the frozen mountain. * "The Choices" * August 2009 Grab Bag Beneath the green willow, both tribes discuss their futures... and the choices they must make. * "The Balance" * September 2009 Grab Bag Skyshade gives birth, but the balance remains, one elf will die. WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content. * "Pride" * October 2009 Grab Bag The new elves that Berryseed was with is revealed... and it's nothing like any of them expected! * "Old Friends, New Enemies" * November 2009 Grab Bag The human tribe led by Wurik is rediscovered... this time Shadow is not pleased. * "A Sense Of Pride" * December 2009 Grab Bag The Pridewalkers discuss amongst themselves the arrival of Shadow and the other elves. * "The Challenge" * January 2010 Grab Bag Talon rises to challenge his father for the role of Sire. * "Eternal Hope" * Feb 2010 Grab Bag Stillbreeze suspects foul play in the battle to become Sire... * "Bloodstains" * March 2010 Grab Bag Shadow awakens from his fever... * "Caught" * April 2010 Grab Bag Branchsnapper finds himself in an uncomfortable position... * "Falling" * May 2010 Grab Bag Vineweaver challenges Branchsnapper! * "The Quest's End." * June 2010 Grab Bag The epic conclusion of this story arc. * "Four Walls." * July 2010 Grab Bag When the four walls of the Palace become too much, Shadow decides to leave... who will follow? * "The New Cub." * August 2010 Grab Bag With a new cub, will this change Shadow's mind? Will he pick the safety of the Palace's Walls or the Wilds of the Forests? * "Decide." * September 2010 Grab Bag Shadow makes his choice... * "The New Beginning." * October 2010 Grab Bag A new home, a new life, a new beginning, a new human... * "To Sing To The Moon" * Novemeber 2010 Grab Bag * "The New Tribe" * December 2010 Grab Bag * "The Chill of Frost" * Janurary 2011 Grab Bag * "The Bonding" * Feburary 2011 Grab Bag * "The Oasis" * March 2011 Grab Bag * "Looking To The Past (A Recap)" * April 2011 Grab Bag * "What Sleeps In The Forest" * May 2011 Grab Bag * "The Hunter's Heart" * June 2011 Grab Bag *"The Arrival of the Frost Men" * May 2015 Grab Bag *"Blame The Sea Demons" * June 2015 Grab Bag *"The Burning Compassion" * July 2015 Grab Bag *"The Vision Granted" * August 2015 Grab Bag *"The Cost Of Life" * September 2015 Grab Bag *"The Frost Men Retreat" * October 2015 Grab Bag *"Unlikely Love" * November 2015 Grab Bag *"The Possibilities" * December 2015 Grab Bag *"The Passage Of Time" * April 2020 Grab Bag - Two years have passed; have the elves of Stonehowl finally found peace? *"Affection" * May 2020 Grab Bag *"Hope For Change" * June 2020 Grab Bag *"In The Furs" * July 2020 Grab Bag *"A Change Of Season" * August 2020 Grab Bag *"A Dark Tide" * September 2020 Grab Bag *"The Bloodtide" * October 2020 Grab Bag *"Courage and Confrontation" * November 2020 Grab Bag - WARNING: This segment has a lot of references to violent sexual acts (rape and murder) performed by the villain. *"Conviction and Courage" * December 2020 Grab Bag *"The Courage To Rise" * Janurary 2021 Grab Bag *"The Voyage and the Sea" * Feburary 2021 Grab Bag Elfquest art is copyright Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, Wolfrider, and the Warp Wolf logo are registered trademarks, and all other Elfquest logos, characters, situations and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |