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Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Origin: The son of Contar Stoneskull and Yennica Whitefeather, the only two people ever to have known to escape the dangers of Grimrock, Tawmis was frequently sought after by various groups who were sure that Tawmis knew of the secrets his parents possessed, and how they had managed to escape Grimrock. Supposedly his parents found and used the Orb of Zhandul, which was a powerful magic item that had allowed them to overcome the dangers of Grimrock. When Tawmis was thirteen years old, the Mages of Des – known also as The Mages of the Crimson Order – kidnapped Tawmis and used their magic to literally pry apart the mental barriers of Tawmis’ mind, leaving his mind fractured. He was held prisoner, and tortured, for seven years. Once the Mages of Des determined that Tawmis possessed no information about the Orb; they knew they could not return him and that questions would be asked. They shipped him to Namaer, where he was sold off as a broken slave. As a slave, he was forced to work harsh conditions in the Arena, where one day, he recognized an unusual scent of Crularious; which used correctly, slowed down bleeding wounds. However, consumed directly, it would cause those that eat it to become violently ill and move about sluggishly. Tawmis had noticed that one of the other slaves had put it in the food of one of the accused, scheduled to fight in the Arena of Justice. Tawmis broke his chains and jumped into the arena, unable to get to the accused murderer in time. That accused murderer happened to be Taren Bloodhorn. Tawmis fought next to him, helping the him defend himself, for it was Minotaur Law that said innocence was determined by throwing the accused into an Arena (known as The Arena of Justice) to fight waves of warriors who seek to kill the accused and claim the reward. The accused can be found innocent if the crowd begins to cheer for them and favor them. Together, they fought off waves of gladiators until the crowd began to cheer for them, and the Emperor of Namaer granted them their freedom but banished them both from ever returning to Namaer. Tawmis and Taren traveled the lands, getting one another in and out of trouble, more times than either of them could count. However, things took a dramatic turn at a questionable establishment known as The Fallen Star, when both he and Taren tried to defend a Lizardman who had just got caught robbing Boris Thunkal, one of the King’s Own – an elite guard. All three of them – and a mage, by the name of Blaz’tik – were captured. Boris lied claiming that he had been on patrol in Curvia (the nicer side of the town), when had been ambushed; and an assault on the King’s Own is an assault upon the King himself.


Race: Minotaur
Class: Barbarian
Origin: Taren Bloodhorn was the Captain of a ship called The Obsidian Jewel and led a crew of men absolutely loyal to him. While docked in his home town of Namaer, a city on the island of Maunlatore; home of the Minotaurs, one of his crew members, a Lizardman by the name of Greyscale had gotten into an altercation with an opposing sailor, a Ratling by the name of Redclaw, who sailed under the notorious Phantom, a name given to him due to his unusual fur coloring for the Minotaurs. When Redclaw began losing to Taren’s crew member, Greyscale, he brandished a poisoned dagger. Spotting the weapon, Taren jumped into the fight, and yanked the weapon away from the opposing Redclaw. Furious, he charged at Taren, who instinctively used the dagger and gutted Redclaw, killing him. The town guards arrived and arrested Taren for the murder, despite protests from his crew members that Taren had not murdered Redclaw, and that it had been in self defense. Taren was sentenced to the Arena of Justice; in which, according to Minotaur law, the accused fights an endless onslaught of gladiators, all seeking to claim the reward for killing the accused. The only way to be saved is if the accused fights so well, that the crowd begins to cheer for them, and applaud their skills as a warrior. Unbeknownst to Taren, who had witnessed many accused perish in the Arena of Justice, that Phantom had used his influence to have Taren’s food poisoned. This action was witnessed by a human slave by the name of Tawmis, who had tried to warn Taren but did not reach him in time. So, instead, when Taren stumbled out to the Arena of Justice, already under the influence of the poison which had made him groggy, Tawmis jumped into the Arena of Justice to help Taren survive. As the gladiators poured out, the crowds began to cheer; and it did not take long for the crowd to appreciate this unlikely pairing of accused and slave, teaming up together, back to back, fighting the onslaught of gladiators. The Emperor suspected that Phantom was behind the poisoning, but could not prove it. He banished both Tawmis and Taren from ever entering Namaer ever again. Together, the two traveled the lands, and helped those in need; and frequently got themselves in and out of trouble. However, things took a dramatic turn at a questionable establishment known as The Fallen Star, when both he and Taren tried to defend a Lizardman who had just got caught robbing Boris Thunkal, one of the King’s Own – an elite guard. All three of them – and a mage, by the name of Blaz’tik – were captured. Boris lied claiming that he had been on patrol in Curvia (the nicer side of the town), when had been ambushed; and an assault on the King’s Own is an assault upon the King himself.


Race: Insectoid
Class: Mage
Origin: Little has been revealed about Blaz’tik’s origin, before being thrown into Grimrock. Blaz’tik was in the wrong place at the wrong time. When Silvertan had tried to rob Boris Thunkal, one of the King’s Own, within the seedy establishment called The Fallen Star, he had tried to help Tawmis when Tawmis was struck from behind by blinding Boris and trying to heal Tawmis; but the other members of the King’s Own had overcome Blaz’tik and he was shackled along with Tawmis, Taren and Silvertan and brought before the King. Boris lied claiming that he had been on patrol in Curvia (the nicer side of the town), when had been ambushed; and an assault on the King’s Own is an assault upon the King himself.


Race: Lizardmen
Class: Rogue
Origin: Born in the Terragrass Marshes, Silvertan, like many of the other Lizardmen of the Terragrass Marshes spent their lives collecting Truluffs – an extremely rare mushroom native to the Marshes. Collecting Truluffs however was not an easy matter. The rare mushroom emitted a pheromone similar to the ones emitted by the male swines of the marshlands; which made the female, wild swine, a dangerous foe. The female swine of the Terragrass Marshes are extremely violent, and had no problem devouring anything that wasn’t harder than stone. So the life expectancy of most Lizardmen was not a long one. When the wild swine were not enough, a living vegetation known as Herders were also frequently problematic to the Lizardmen. Tired of life he led and believing his skills could be put to better use, Silvertan booked passage to the mainland, where he would eventually end up in a seedy establishment known as The Fallen Star. It was there he tried to steal the coin purse of one of the King’s Own – a less than honorable man named Boris Thunkal. He would, however, get caught – and in the process, drag Taren and Tawmis into the fight, as well as Blaz’tik. Boris lied claiming that he had been on patrol in Curvia (the nicer side of the town), when had been ambushed; and an assault on the King’s Own is an assault upon the King himself.



Race: Ratling
Class: Rogue
Origin: It’s unknown if Ratlings originated on the Isle of Nex, however, that is where the largest known nest of Ratlings is known to exist. Ratlings were frequently hired by pirates as thieves and spies, due to their ability to blend into shadows and fit into tight places, granting them access to things others could not. Coy had “heard” of the lands beyond the Isle of Nex, and knew that he would one day be selected to be one of the raiders for a pirate ship; but his youth got the best of him, and at a young age, he stowed away on the ship, remaining below deck, as the ship sailed from the Isle of Nex to Nothamton. Coy left the ship and met up with some travelers who were headed to the Kingdom of Conwyn. He lived in Ranwyn for a considerable amount of time, surviving on the streets by stealing. Coy had an knack for being able to fit into tight places, which allowed him, more times than once to escape the law. However, one day, his luck happened to run out on him when he was caught stealing. He was taken before the King and found guilty, and sentenced to life – or death – in Grimrock, where Coy had managed to survive far longer than most; twenty years! Despite that, he had never managed to find his way out. His survival instincts had allowed him to live in Grimrock; which also brought him into new prisoners thrown into Grimrock on a frequent basis; and as he traveled with them (though they all eventually perished due to the monsters or traps with Grimrock), Coy was always able to glean knowledge from the prisoners; and learned how to manipulate and uncover riddles that were otherwise lethal. This gave him incredible insight on how Grimrock worked.


Race: Human
Class: Battle Mage
Origin: Daughter to the king of the Malanian Empire, Alissa was resentful about the “pampered life” she had been given. While she longed to be outside and do things with others her age; her father forbid it, concerned that someone of ill intent would seek to abduct her, and at the very least, hold her for ransom; at the very worse, perhaps rape her and murder her, simply to strike an emotional blow against the king; her father. Despite her father’s protests, Alissa took up learning magic; as most in the Malanian Empire were extremely knowledgeable in controlling magic. Alissa used guilt to manipulate her father into agreeing; though his father reinstated an old command that a Knight was to accompany Mages on travel; and so he appointed his most trusted Knight, Sir Karin to be Alissa’s escort. Fiercely independent, this only made Alissa further frustrated with her father, as she sought to get out from under his thumb.When they had reached Theareona, Sir Karin left, but was ambushed by members of the Serpent of Harbardar. They used him as a hostage to force Alissa to surrender to them. With both of them captured, the Serpent of Harbardar had intended to use Alissa’s blood for a dark ritual. However, the ship they sailed upon, The Serpent Wave, was run aground by a mysterious storm. The only two survivors were Alissa and Sir Karin, and they were brought aboard The Eflin Wind, another slave ship. It would not be long before The Elfin Wind fell victim to a mysterious storm as well; though this one seemed magical in nature, leaving only four survivors to wash ashore the Isle of Nex; Alissa, Sir Karin, Jorale and Stonebreaker Bloodrage.


Race: Human
Class: Knight
Origin: Having hoped to become one of the most honorable positions of all the land; one of the King’s Own, Karin’s fate would take a twist. Both of he and Boris Thunkal had applied to become a King’s Own at the same time. On the day they were to report to your King Saric to apply, several thugs attacked him in an alleyway, preventing him from reporting to King Saric, forcing the King to select Boris, when everyone knew the King had intended on appointing Karin. Karin having lost that opportunity, joined the Knights of Malanian, where he has loyally followed the commands of his king. Per tradition of the Malanian Empire, a Knight is always assigned to a Mage as a form of protection, and so Sir Karin was assigned to be Alissa’s guardian. Seeking to hide the truth behind Alissa’s heritage when he washed ashore to the Isle of Nex, he lied, explaining that he and Alissa were representatives of King of Malanian, and were sent on a mission to Terradin, in the Western continent to open up a trade route between the two kingdoms. In truth, he had been riding with her, as an escort to Theareona, so that she could further her magic. When they had reached Theareona, Sir Karin left, but was ambushed by members of the Serpent of Harbardar. They used him as a hostage to force Alissa to surrender to them. With both of them captured, the Serpent of Harbardar had intended to use Alissa’s blood for a dark ritual. However, the ship they sailed upon, The Serpent Wave, was run aground by a mysterious storm. The only two survivors were Alissa and Sir Karin, and they were brought aboard The Eflin Wind, another slave ship. It would not be long before The Elfin Wind fell victim to a mysterious storm as well; though this one seemed magical in nature, leaving only four survivors to wash ashore the Isle of Nex; Alissa, Sir Karin, Jorale and Stonebreaker Bloodrage.


Race: Human
Class: Alchemist
Origin: Hailing from Sanchi, a hot, arid, desert city, Jorale sought to escape her life at a very young age. As an attractive young woman, she found she was easily able to manipulate men with her body, in exchange for riches and gifts. As she rose through ranks of high officials who enjoyed her “evening expertise” in the privacy of their own homes, she eventually earned enough money to book passage to Nothampton, a large river town of an immense population. It was there that an elderly woman named Arigana took her in. Arigana could see how Jorale had used her body, to please both men and women; but Arigana had no such interest. Instead, she tried to show Jorale that she had great potential as something more. Arigana explained that Jorale was wise enough to see what people craved; and that there was more to that wisdom, than using her body for pleasure. Arigana began teaching Jorale the delicate art of alchemy. This captured Jorale’s interest, as she discovered to make potions that included: antidotes (to cure sickness), antivenom (to cure poisons), speed potions, healing potions, energy potions, and even poison. It was that poison that she used on Arigana, after she learned all she could from the woman, and took over her store. When Captain Bairon came into her store seeking some healing and antivenom potions for their next voyage; Jorale asked where they were going. When he would not reveal more, she resorted to her old tricks and seduced him, in which he explained he was a slaver headed for the Northern tundras to try and enslave more barbarians. Wanting to see more of the world, Jorale coaxed Captain Bairon to allow her passage, and that she would provide all the healing potions that they would need. Aboard Captain Bairon’s ship, The Elfin Wind, they came across a shipwreck where a Knight and Battlemage were the sole survivors. Those two were Sir Karin and Alissa. It was not long before The Eflin Wind was swept into a magical storm that sunk the ship and left only four survivors; Jorale, Sir Karin, Alissa and Stonebreaker Bloodrage.


Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Origin: Stonebreaker was Chief of a tribe in the Northlands known as The Endless Tundra Clan. His Clan resided around the Icefall Bay. The Endless Tundra Clan was a warring clan, who had no qualms with attacking other clans for resources. The Endless Tundra Clan also believes in cannibalism; for several reasons. They believe that no meat should ever be wasted, because food is so scarce in the Northern Frozen Lands. They also believe that devouring the meat of their enemies granted them the strength and knowledge of their enemies. Because of the ferocity of the winds in the Northern Tundras, the Clan did not use range weapons; as arrows were ineffective when it came to targeting. His Clan had come under constant attack from slavers, who came with steel arrows and spears and crossbows, putting his people at a disadvantage. As a result, hundreds of his people – including women and children – were captured and enslaved. Stonebreaker swore that when the next slaver ship came, he would be ready and prepared an ambush. Because the bay of Icefall Bay was frozen almost every day of the year; ships were forced to dock outside the bay and men (typically adorned in heavy armor to protect themselves from the brutal onslaught of melee weapons the barbarians used) were forced to walk upon the ice. When The Elfin Wind arrived, Stonebreaker used an ambush rolling large boulders down the hill and onto the lake that provided enough weight to crack the lake’s frozen surface, sending hundreds of armored slavers plummeting to their frozen deaths in the depths below, as they sank quickly in the heavy armor. However, despite his best efforts, this allowed The Eflin Wind to sail in closer and use their cannons. Gunpowder had been something the barbarians had never encountered, and a close shot rendered Stonebreaker unconscious. His men saw him fall, and feared him dead, and broke ranks, and fled. Stonebreaker survived and was dragged onto The Eflin Wind where Jorale took a physical interest in him. However, she never got a chance to explore it further before, on the way back to sell the barbarian slaves, The Eflin Wind was caught up in a magical storm that sunk the ship and left four survivors swimming to the Isle of Nex; which was Stonebreaker, Jorale, Sir Karin and Alissa.



Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Origin: There are hundreds of stories that surround Contar and his wife, Yennica; including one that speaks of them being thrown into Mount Grimrock and supposedly finding the legendary Orb of Zhandul. The stories say that Contar and his wife, Yennica were the only two people to ever truly escape Mount Grimrock; but neither has been seen alive since. Before being thrown into Mount Grimrock, they had a son named Tawmis. Rumors say that they have visited him, but kept their presence to the rest of the world a secret. None of this has ever been confirmed.


Race: Human
Class: Mage
Origin: There are hundreds of stories that surround Yennica and her husband, Contar; including one that speaks of them being thrown into Mount Grimrock and supposedly finding the legendary Orb of Zhandul. The stories say that Contar and his wife, Yennica were the only two people to ever truly escape Mount Grimrock; but neither has been seen alive since. Before being thrown into Mount Grimrock, they had a son named Tawmis. Rumors say that they have visited him, but kept their presence to the rest of the world a secret. None of this has ever been confirmed.


Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Rogue)
Origin: Boris has a less than honorable reputation, despite being one of the King’s Own, which is one of the most honorable positions to be held. Boris sought the position of the King’s Own, for the sole purpose of being able to look down and boss others; and he also had a vested interest in bedding King Saric’s daughter, Alissa, who he thought, would then fall in love with him, and move him up to the position of prince, since King Saric had no sons. There was another who was applying for the position of King’s Own, that Boris knew was the favored winner. He used his contacts with several goons to ambush the other prospective applicant, which was none other than Karin. When Karin was delayed long enough so that when the ceremony began he was not there, King Saric had no choice but to appoint Boris. Despite his new position, Boris did not change his ways. He made no qualms about visiting The Fallen Star, an establishment of gambling, fighting, and women of questionable entertainment. It was there that a Lizardman named Silvertan tried to take his coin purse and failed, and a fight ensued that involved Tawmis, Taren, and Blaz’tik; resulting in them being arrested by Boris and his men. All four were sentenced to life – or death – in Mount Grimrock.


Race: Insectoid
Class: Rogue
Origin: Greyscale served Taren Bloodhorn aboard The Obsidian Jewel, and one night while docked in Namaer, he had gotten into a verbal debate with the Ratling simply known as “Redclaw” (for which he was named after his poisonous daggers; his true name, unknown). The fight continued to escalate, to the point that Redclaw drew his dagger. When Taren Bloodhorn saw the dagger, he knew that Greyscale would be killed if he was even scratched by the lethal poison of Redclaw’s daggers. Poison had been outlawed in Namaer because the Minotaurs believed only cowards would resort to using poisons, but Redclaw was so furious, he did not care. Taren had jumped between them and pulled the dagger from Redclaw’s hands. The Ratling, furious that anyone would dare touch his most prized possession lunged at Taren, who instinctively plunged the dagger into Redclaw’s heart. Had the stabbing not proved lethal; the poison would have killed Redclaw in mere minutes. Taren was arrested for the murder of Redclaw, and imprisoned for the use of poison, despite the protests of his crew. Phantom, who had been the Captain for which Redclaw served, was awarded The Obsidian Jewel as compensation for Taren’s “dishonorable” actions. The crew refused to serve Phantom.


Race: Ratling
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Origin: Redclaw, whose true name remains unknown, was found by the notorious Phantom on a deserted island. Redclaw was driven made from untold days and nights spend on the island. When he began piecing his sanity back together (if such a thing can be said about Redclaw), he found that he thrived on violence and murder; something than Phantom encouraged (in all of his men). Those with darker connections knew that Phantom employed the worse of the worse; and often hired him to do other jobs, other than shipping and travel. Redclaw, when it came to assassination, was Phantom’s number one choice. However, Redclaw would come to meet an end at the tip of his own poisonous dagger, during a stop in Namaer where he and one of Taren’s crew members, an Insectoid named Greyscale had gotten into a debate. When the fight escalated, Redclaw immediately went to what he knew the best; his poisonous daggers. However, Taren saw this and pulled the daggers from his hand. Furious, Redclaw lunged at Taren, who, in self defense, plunged the dagger into Redclaw’s heart. The strike alone proved fatal, and if by some miracle, he had survived, the poison of Redclaw’s blades would have killed him moments later. As a result, Taren was arrested for Redclaw’s murder, and the use of poison, and his ship, The Obsidian Jewel was awarded to Phantom.


Race: Minotaur
Class: Fighter
Origin: Phantom’s true name, has long since been forgotten. He suffered a terrible childhood, as his own people shunned him because of his unusual fur coloring. Even his parents disowned him, believing that he was a bad omen. This lack of love may have played a large part in what resulted in the Minotaur who adopted the name “Phantom.” He was unusually cruel to anyone and everyone; including his own crew members when he commandeered a ship called The Deflector. He lived his life as a pirate, taking no prisoners; the only exception being, if he was going to Diamond Bay, because the Sha-Raessh Serpent Sea was full of bloodthirsty sharks; and it amused him to see people devoured in a pool of blood. His connections with corrupt government individuals grew, even as his reputation did. One of his crewmen, an assassin he often employed to do dirty work, named Redclaw, was killed during an altercation while docked in Namaer, by a Taren Bloodhorn, someone Phantom had frequently feuded with. Phantom approached the Minotaur Emperor, and said that ownership of Taren’s ship, The Obsidian Jewel would be adequate compensation for one of his “best men” being murdered. Though the Emperor knew of Phantom’s darker connections, it was not out of reason to ask for the ship since Taren was to be thrown in jail and fight in the Arena of Justice.


Race: Human
Class: Mage
Origin: King Saric is the king of the Malanian Empire. He is has his own hand picked guards, called The King’s Own (or King’s Men), which are all completely loyal to him (the only exception perhaps being Boris Thunkal; which the King knows has questionable values; but Boris comes from a wealthy family, and they have more than once, used their financial influences to clean up the mess that Boris has created). Like most from the Malanian Empire, King Saric is a powerful Mage. He has a daughter by the name of Alissa, whom he was overly protective of; so much so that she began to resent him for it. She aspired to be a great mage herself and further her education, and despite numerous attempts to stop her, King Saric knew if he did not allow her to advance her magical abilities; she would simply run away one day, now that she was old enough. So, King Saric reinstated an old law, that dictated a Knight is to travel with any Mage of the Malanian Empire, and hand picked Sir Karin, who he had originally hoped to select for one of his King’s Own (but Karin did not show up at the ceremony, forcing King Saric to select Boris as the only person). King Saric is a wise and just ruler, over his people; showing kindness and mercy where he can. When Boris reported that he had been mugged by four thugs while patrolling Curvia, King Saric knew Boris was lying; but could not prove it. King Saric was forced to sentence Tawmis, Taren, Blaz’tik and Silvermane to life – possibly death – in Mount Grimrock.

human_male_04CAPTAIN BAIRON

Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Origin: Little is known about Bairon’s origin, except for the scars and markings on his face, chest and arms. While most believe the markings are arcane in nature, Bairon has never displayed any arcane abilities. It was not until Jorale seduced him that she learned that Bairon was a slave in the Eastern Lands, and that the marks were writings as to his worth, and what jobs he had done for various slaves. How Bairon became free of those slavery bonds was never discovered; he did however, at some point commandeer a ship called The Elfin Wind, and in an ironic twist of fate, became a slaver himself. When Bairon made a stop in the city of Nothampton and went to the local alchemist shop to restock on healing potions and antivenom potions; he was surprised to see that Arigana was no longer running the shop; but a young, and very attractive woman named Jorale was. Jorale lied and explained that she was Arigana’s granddaughter and that Arigana had passed away. Jorale asked where they were going. When he would not reveal more, she resorted to her old tricks and seduced him, in which he explained he was a slaver headed for the Northern tundras to try and enslave more barbarians. Wanting to see more of the world, Jorale coaxed Captain Bairon to allow her passage, and that she would provide all the healing potions that they would need. Aboard Captain Bairon’s ship, The Elfin Wind, they came across a shipwreck where a Knight and Battlemage were the sole survivors. Those two were Sir Karin and Alissa. It was not long before The Eflin Wind was swept into a magical storm that sunk the ship and left only four survivors; Jorale, Sir Karin, Alissa and Stonebreaker Bloodrage. Somehow, Captain Bairon made it ashore before them, and was turned to stone by a Medusa, and used by the Master of the Isle of Nex as a part of an ongoing riddle to try and escape the Isle alive.


Race: Human
Class: Alchemist
Origin: Arigana ran the local alchemist shop in Nothampton, and was renowned for her incredible skills. One day, she came across Jorale, who had just recently arrived in Nothampton and was using her beauty to find warm places to sleep at night in exchange for sexual favors. Arigana spent days, meeting Jorale time and time again, trying to convince her there was a better life for her. Jorale finally agreed to see what Arigana had to offer. Arigana brought Jorale to her store and began to show her the tricks of alchemy. Jorale devoured the knowledge that Arigana taught her, and quickly applied her wisdom just as easily as she had applied her body to men; and soon had mastered the art of alchemy. With her knowledge maxed out, Jorale poisoned Arigana with one of her own potions and took over the shop, claiming that Arigana had passed away in her sleep and that she (Jorale) was Arigana’s granddaughter. Jorale ran the shop for months until Captain Bairon arrived seeking potions for his crew; and Jorale simply left the shop with the Captain to capture slaves.


Race: Human
Class: Mage
Origin: Talistan was considered one of the most powerful mages to ever walk the world. There is very little known about him until he appeared in Vacaria (now known as The Isle of Nex). Talistan detected great magic on Vacaria – claiming that somewhere on the island there was a passageway to untapped magic. The King and Queen of Vacaria told Talistan to depart, that his research was too risky. Obsessed with magic and believing that it held the key to immortality and the gateway to becoming a god, Talistan refused the King and Queen and fled to the nearby forest where he used his magic to make the woods come alive to defend a wizard’s tower he was constructing. Talistan used his powerful magics to mutate regular rats into humanoids called Ratlings. The woods fended off attacks from the King’s men, with Talistan’s magic making the living wood (creating Twigroots and Viper Roots). Regular wolves were changed into Wargs, with unfulfilled quenching thirst for blood. With no way to stop him, the King of Vacaria watched as the magic spread infecting the woods and lands and changing all that it touched. With his wizard’s tower completed by his Ratling minions Talistan was able to teleport his belongings into the tower – and with it – unlocked a doorway into a new dimension. He began to siphon the magic into his body and felt his own life reaching into every aspect of the magic in the world – down to the very fiber of creation itself. Just as it seemed he was about to achieve godhood, Talistan was betrayed by his Ratlings who pierced his body with a magical staff – supposedly the Zhandul’s Orb staff, which had once belonged to the mad wizard Zhandul. The resulting explosion leveled Vacaria forever as magic seeped out of it, and it became a “Nexus” – and eventually simply known as The Isle of Nex. There is a story that in his dying breath, some of the Ratling heard him say he would be “reborn.”