Adam appears in a few panels of Utopia #1. Seen with Lorelei Travis, Erg (from the Morlocks) and a few other mutants. Although wearing an uncharacteristic red jack and red hat, rather than the traditional clothing he’s seen in – it’s the same group of people he’s essentially seen a little later (in Dark Avengers #7 and 8).
Adam appears in a few panels of Utopia #1. Seen with Lorelei Travis, Erg (from the Morlocks) and a few other mutants. Although wearing an uncharacteristic red jack and red hat, rather than the traditional clothing he’s seen in – it’s the same group of people he’s essentially seen a little later (in Dark Avengers #7 and 8).
Adam seems to be at the forefront, leading a march at the Embarcadero – they’re confronted by Riot Police, who demand that the march go around and that the Embarcadero Center is Private Property. While the Officer is explaining this, someone throws what appears to be a beer bottle which shatters on his riot gear.

Just as things begin to escalate, Hawkeye shows up, hand on his arrows and tells the marchers to go around. One of the Riot Gear officers thanks Hawkeye, who then says, “You should see how good I am when they let me shoot. I dunno how you guys do it. Because not killing them sucks.” (It’s worth noting that this isn’t Clint Barton – during this time, Norman Osborn had formed the Dark Avengers – and this Hawkeye is none other than the villain Bullseye, which explains his chaotic speech).