Real Name: X-Treme
Aliases: None
Identity: Known
Occupation: Adventurer
Citizenship: US Citizen
Place of Birth: Free Comic Book Day 2017
Known Relatives: ChibiCelina (Creator – on the Instagram), ChibiCelina (Creator – on the Twitter-Verse), ChibiCelina (Creator – Patreon), Tawmis (Owner)
Group Affiliation: The X-Chibis
First Appearance: Free Comic Book Day 2017
History: On Free Comic Book Day 2017, the kind, the talented, the amazing Chibi Celina created the Adam-X Chibi for Tawmis after the two of them exchanged some fun comic book related questions on the Twitterverse. He is now proudly displayed at the home of Tawmis, and makes an appearance every year on Tawmis’ Instragram, Facebook Page, and the page for the Comic Relief Podcast, whenever Free Comic Book Day arrives.
Then during the chaotic year that was 2020, the incredible Chibi Celina delivered again; this time with two more pieces! (She’s incredible!) And you should follow her!
Height: 1’0″
Weight: 1 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Powers: X-Treme is a Shi’ar/Mutant Hybrid that is capable of igniting the electrolytes present in the bloodstream, causing the person to burn from the inside out. This has often been referred to as Haemopyrokinesis.
X-Treme possesses exceptional control of his power; able to incinerate objects, or simply use the power to create a warming sensation. In order to ignite the electrolytes, X-Treme has used blades to cut the flesh and oxygenate the blood. Whether this is necessary or simply makes the power more effective, remains unknown.
In addition to his mutant powers, being a Shi’ar hybrid gives him additional powers. His agility, reflexes and endurance are all well over the most peak humans, matching that of Steven Rogers (Captain America). His agility enhanced his speed, which allows him to cover several miles in mere minutes. His strength is also above normal, peak human condition (allowing Adam to lift over 500lbs). His vision is as sharp as an eagle’s, allowing him to see objects more than a mile away with perfect clarity.
He’s also displayed enhanced healing capabilities, regenerating faster than normal humans.
Accessories: X-Treme wields two cybernetic, retractable blocking blades on each hand, forged of an unknown Shi’ar metal.
Note: Adam throws razor-blade like weapons to cut his enemies, and allow him to use his powers. These blades are noted as “Thet’je Spikes.” It’s unknown if “Thet’je” is a form of weapon, or if it’s the metal that the spikes (and perhaps Adam’s claws) are made of.