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Let’s Talk Adam-X
Adam-X (616)
Burner (AoA)
Adam-X (X-Babies)
Adam-X (X-Men 92)
Adam-X (Chibi) – Unofficial
Adam-X (616):
X-Force Annual #2
X-Force #25 (Cameo)
X-Force #29 & #30
X-Men #38
X-Men #39
X-Men #41 (Cameo)
Captain Marvel #2 & #3
S.W.O.R.D. #1, #2 and #5
Utopia #1
Dark Avengers #7, #8, and Uncanny X-Men #512
Uncanny X-Men #542
X-Force (2020) #12
X-Factor (2020) #3
X-Men Legends #1 & #2Adam-X (AOA, Burner):
Age of Apocalypse (2015) #1-5Adam-X (X-Babies):
X-Babies #4Adam-X (X-Men 92):
X-Men ’92 #7-10
Cards & Toy:
Cards & Toy
Monthly Archives: January 2025
ChibiCelina delivers another Adam-X Chibi!
Instagram: ChibiCelinaTwitter: ChibiCelinaPatreon: ChibiCelina Please give her a follow on the Socials, and check out her Patreon! See the previous year, and previous, and see all of them (including others she’s sent me!) in the Adam-X Chibi profile!
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