#Shatterstar is abducted by Arcade to be tested – Arcade reveals that someone of considerable wealth paid to have Adam captured as well – and tested to fight against Shatterstar. Adam agrees because the key to his past is dangled in front of him, yet again!
Adam’s next full appearance is in X-Force #30 where Adam is forced to fight Shatterstar in order to unlock the secrets of his past. Let’s dive into this issue next, shall we?
X-Force #30 opens up and it’s not holding back on the punches – literally! We see that Arcade has pitted Adam against Shatterstar – to the death – if Adam hopes to learn about his connection to Earth despite being a Shi’ar hybrid!
Though Shatterstar had a great opening punch, as Adam explains as he retaliates – that he’s fought not because he wants to – but because he’s always had to – all of his life that he can remember – he’s fought soldiers and armies – as he lands a solid hit on Shatterstar.
During the fight against Shatterstar (who Major Domo arranged with Arcade to abduct), Adam manages to land several hits – some of which cut Shatterstar with his “Thet’je” spikes – once Adam draws blood he knows he can end the fight easily!
With Shatterstar cut – Adam is able to use his power that essentially “ignites” the electrolytes of the bloodstream, causing tremendous pain. But the fight is to the death if Adam hopes to get information about his origin – can Adam kill Shatterstar to gain that knowledge?
Shatterstar, however, isn’t the kind to stay down for long. As soon as he recovers, he lands another solid hit against Adam – proving that the fight between these two could be as lethal as any fight between Sabretooth and Wolverine (Logan).
Adam reveals that he’s not fighting Shatterstar as some part of a test – but there’s a deeper reason why Adam fights…
Arcade reveals that Adam is forced to fight Shatterstar in order to save the innocent life of a woman named Windsong – and there’s a twist! Shatterstar knows her name – and her connection to him is one Adam would have never guessed…
Shatterstar admits the Windsong is his wife; but where he comes from, couples were pre-determined for breeding purposes in the arena. Adam explains that it’s unfortunate that he still has to take him down for Windsong to survive…
However, Shatterstar recognizes Windsong as a fake and shatters the illusion. With no innocent woman to save, Adam and Shatterstar have a mutual enemy – Arcade – and team up to take him down and rescue Windsong if she really is a prisoner!
Arcade is upset – and worried – rightfully so! – when Adam takes out the cameras in Murderworld so that Adam and Shatterstar can team up to take down Arcade and find out the truth about Adam’s past – and about Shatterstar’s “wife” – Windsong!
Not to be outdone – Arcade sends a squad of goons to try and take down Adam and Shatterstar – two people that essentially spent their lives fighting in an arena – can we guess how this is about to go for these goons? Can we? Two very frustrated gladiators against a very under prepared squad of goons results in Adam and Shatterstar having the time of their life – at the expense of the goons! (This is the 4th time Adam uses his “Burn!” Catch phrase).
The next hint about Adam’s past comes from Arcade – we know Major Domo was after Shatterstar; so he mentions returning the funds for Milbury – which is an alias used by Mr. Sinister – the same one who told Scott that he has “brothers” – insinuating more than just Alex.
Adam and Shatterstar find the entrance to Arcade’s base – and they both mean to unleashed bladed fury upon him! (I do love this panel!)
Shatterstar fakes his death by seemingly killing him self which allows him to get the drop on Arcade – which turns out to be a robot. It’s revealed Windsong was never captured; but an illusion. But Adam does get the document with the name “Milbury” on it – Adam seeks this person.
Adam and Shatterstar part ways with Adam seeking out this Milbury person – unaware that the person he’s looking for is none other than the X-Men’s enemy known as Mr. Sinister. We see in this panel that the claws Adam has used from his fist are a part of him.