Adam-X making a cameo in Spider-Man/Deadpool #50

It looks like it’s just a cameo appearance (along side of Night Thrasher and a few others). But I am just happy to see Adam appearing somewhere. With Deadpool, and breaking the 4th Wall (which the issue seems to be focused on), it’s difficult to know if what’s happening in the issue is considered “in continuity” or some “alternate world” of the 4th Wall.

When I initially saw both Adam and Night Thrasher, I thought this was going to be something where they spoof the lesser accepted characters – but sure enough, included in there is none other than the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider as well as Silver Surfer.

Eagle eyed Twitter user @HLHPattison noted that it looked like they were doing a nod / homage to NEXTWAVE.

Check it out…

Calling it NextForce is a clear indication that it’s definitely intended to be a homage to NextWave. I am, however, curious if Adam will be appearing in the next issue…

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