Adam on the Bagley X-Book Variant Cover

Much to my (pleasant!) surprise, and thanks to the eagle eyes of Let’s Talk New Warriors, Adam-X was spotted on the variant cover being done by Bagley deemed “every mutant ever” (which, while a cool title, pretty sure the cover doesn’t feature every mutant ever! In the pages of New X-Men alone, when they had Xavier’s School be a school for mutants, there were hundreds of them! And I know they’re not all featured on this wide cover… I think…!)
But regardless, I was very happy to see that Adam was remembered, acknowledge and drawn. I do wonder if Adam was remembered because Bagley (who worked on the original run of The New Warriors along side Fabian, who created Adam-X – that it was his nod to a good friend to include Adam on the cover as one of the mutants!) Whatever the case may be, I am quite happy. Here’s the other covers:

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