Known Relatives: Jurrick (Supposed Father), Mother (Unknown)
First Appearance: Adventurers Book I #1
History: Delia was a street urchin who claimed that a man named Jurrick was her abusive father. Delia was saved by a mysterious figure, who went by the name of Master Sun, when Jurrick had threatened to beat Delia again. Delia had pleaded for help and the mysterious figure stopped Jurrick from beating her than proceeded to take her away.
Master Sun took her to House Dracus – home of Lord Kitaya – overlord of Pandona. While she’d heard several things about Lord Kitaya, she remained – because she was given a roof over her head and food, something she’d never truly had before. Master Sun explained that he believed that Delia was a part of a prophecy he’d been told about eight years ago – and that she would be a crucial part of the Amita K’un, which was an elite fighting force for Lord Kitaya. Delia trained with Master Sun until she was ready to cast aside her old self, as Delia, and adopt her newly earned name of Nightwind during the Ceremony of Rebirth.