
Known Relatives: Serella (Mother)
Place of Birth: Northern Kingdom of Dram
First Appearance: Adventurers Book II #1
History: Avienne of the Red Robe hails from a small village in the Northern Kingdom of Dram. While she was still a child, Avienne’s mother, Serella was accused of trafficking with demons. Both mother and daughter were driven from their home. Finding little success in the kingdoms of the North, they eventually found their way to the Southlands and settled in the city-state of Baali.

There, Serella found favor with a priest of the Temple of Baal and became his concubine. This gave young Avienne access to the knowledge she craved and a rare insight into Temple politics. She learned quickly and donned the white robes of acolyte while she was still a child. Avienne, calculating and ambitious, learned early how to draw praise from her elders. At fourteen she took the red robes of the Priesthood.

Avienne used her guiles to curry favor with Temple hierarchy. There was little she would not do to gain favor. Before she had seen twenty summers, Avienne had become the mistress of the High Priest of the Inner Circle. When he died of mysterious circumstances, she was initiated into the Inner Circle and became the mistress of the new High Priest.

Avienne was known to employ a favorite technique: the use of the deadly red powder, radjiva that kills within seconds of inhalation. Many of her rivals died in this manner.

Her accomplishments include the conversion of the masses at Balekir, the Treaty of Kedesh, the building of the Temple of Baal in Dram and the assassination of Irek, Prince of Balekir.

Currently, Avienne is said to be a concubine of King Belgur and represents the will of the Inner Circle in the quest for the Grail of Darkness.