Ninja Elite #5

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The issue opens up highlighting the city of Baali, dedicated to the dark god, Baal. Several riders approach the city of Baali, but with half of the Sighing Plains within the walls of Baali, the riders don’t draw any unwanted attention.

Inside the city walls, the people are wild in the streets, drinking, engaging in sex, and lost in their hedonist pleasures. A masked individual approaches the riders, going on about the glory of Baal – and one of the riders, a female, breaks his fingers. This turns out to be none other than Nightwind. They discuss their plan to enter the Temple of Baal during the celebration when everyone should be distracted, so that they can use the item given to them by Tarrus One-Eye.

We get an interlude to House Dracus, where  Overlord Kitya is visiting his son in the prison cell he’d been thrown into, asking his son, Mara, about the betrayal that led to the death of Kitya’s most trusted advisor, Bharat. Mara tries to explain that he was mad with jealousy and that he’d truly believed that Bharat was a traitor. Kitya explains that Mara’s own brother, Kalkin, is calling for his death – however, being the father of Mara, Kitya considers forgiving him – which would lead to Mara’s banishment and forsaking any claim to House Dracus, which Kitya considers worse than death. But Mara pleads with his father, sobbing, to be merciful and banish him. When his father leaves, Mara is seen, clearly not the least bit remorseful and his sobbing had all been an act.

Back to Baali, at the Temple of Baal, the Arch-Priestess Tamura begins her speech about how those who worship any other god, other than Baal, speak poison and practice the false faith. She goes on to say how they seek to weaken them with their poisonous words, and strike at the very foundation of the faith in Baal. What we also see, is that during her speech, a small group of Ninjas make their way through the temple, quickly and quietly, taking down anyone who stands in their way. However, once down in the tunnels – one of them named Dakyad, lights a torch that was mounted on the wall – only to discover it was laced with poison – and once ignited, it proves to be fatal. They proceed further – and finally come to a room with massive raising walls and a large gaping pit – throwing down a lit cloth, they see swamp adders from the Tanlin Marsh, fangs dripping with lethal venom.

They send Strev to go pick the locks; and when he does – a trap door opens below, sending him tumbling down into the put of swamp adders, who quickly inject him with venom – stunning him, initially so he can’t scream, before their lethal venom takes effect. The rest press on and eventually reach the Shrine of Baal. (As a side note, the image is very reminiscent of the original Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook cover – just missing the bowl in its hands).

We go to another interlude, this time with House Eichon, where Lord Namora is being told that the Council has been holding off on showing their support to him, due to rumors that Kitya has met with Tarrus from Laim and potentially opened up a trade route agreement that would grant him considerable resources and power. However, that conversation is interrupted by a messenger who reports that Ashikaga believes that the Amita K’un are headed for Baali, not Laim.

Back beneath, at the Temple of Baal – Nightwind is given a forgery of a key which the statue of Baal holds, known as the Key of Telku which Tarrus warned – The Key of Telku is composed of black, sorcerous energy which will consume all light… all purity. Only one with a spirit equally dark will not be seduced by its power.” And this is why, Tarrus, claimed that he needed to employ Nightwind specifically.

However, Arch-Priestess Tamura and her soldiers arrive! She barks a command that her soldiers attack – and it’s very clear that the soldiers of Baal are not entirely human – their faces are distorted, they’re primal, and have an overwhelming stench and terrible touch – and Nightwind can’t help but wonder what dark magics were used to change these men into what they are – but she’s thankful that they’re mortal – but then, so are those with her – as both sides begin to suffer losses. When Tamura refers to them as the “Sons of Baal” – one might wonder, did she do some unholy ceremony where she allowed Baal to breed with her, and bare these children? Nightwind cuts through the Sons of Baal and reaches Tamura – and threatens to kill her if the Sons of Baal don’t stop – they understand and stop their attack. Nightwind demands that Tamura lead them out of the tunnel system.

Another interlude as we return to House Dracus where Kalkin seeks conference with Lord Sun, of the Amita K’un. He explains that his father’s spirit (Lord Kitaya) is broken… and that he refuses to deal with the betrayal by Mara efficiently – executing Mara in public to show that no one is safe against the rules in House Dracus – not even his own son. Lord Sun explains that one day Kalkin will take his father’s seat and understand that a Warrior’s Heart is more than an impediment, than an asset.

Back to the tunnels in Baali, the Tamura has led them to the door which she claims will take them to the main chapel. The door opens to a room full of Baal’s faithful – and Tamura makes an attempt to stab one of the Amita K’un, but then is struck down for her attack. They’re forced to fight their way through the Faithful and make their way for the gate – but even as they make their escape, fleeing the city of Baali – Nightwind feels something is still very wrong – and that’s when it becomes clear – the Bloodguard, led by Ashikaga!