
Known Relatives: None Known
Place of Birth: Distryll, Capital of Carthia
First Appearance: Adventurers Book I #1
History: Sultar, known in his youth as Fat, was born in Distryll, capital of Carthia. Sultar’s early childhood is a mystery, though it can be deduced that he was born of poor parents in one of the less respectable districts of the city. There is no record that he received any formal education, and he probably taught himself to read and write. It is clear that Sultar was beaten and harassed most of his life because he was fat.

The first reliable information concerning the Fire Mage comes from the ledgers of several known criminals. From his teen years on, he worked as a message-boy and accountant for southern smugglers. Greedy and intelligent, Sultar quickly rose through the ranks of his peers. Eventually, he became chief accountant and bookkeeper, but still he was treated as a buffoon. His superiors, realizing Sultar’s timidity, constantly found new ways to torment and humiliate the fat, bookish man. For over twenty years Sultar worked for the Southerners, never gaining their respect or given the power he was due.

The years of cruel jokes built up in his mind. Eventually, it became too much, even for one like Sultar to bear; something snapped within him. His attitude changed: On the surface he was the same timid man, but within him thoughts of revenge burned. Finding a magical tome, TREATISE OF THE FLAME LORD, among stolen goods in the smuggler’s warehouse, he took it for his own. The tome gave him tremendous power over the element of fire.

Having mastered the fundamental skills of the book, Sultar then manipulated the Southerners into meeting at a deserted dockside warehouse. By the time they discovered that they were locked in, flames had already consumed half the building. Only two escaped. Both knew who was responsible.

Sultar took to hiding in the slums he remembered from his childhood. Yet, even there, he was no safe from the paid assassins sent by the surviving Southerners. Desperate, alone and afraid, Sultar turned once again to his magical tome for help. He quickly unlocked the most powerful spell in the TREATISE OF THE FLAME LORD, a spell which summoned ONEIDA, a spirit of flame. In exchange for the power to preserve his life, made a terrible pact. The ability to call upon the demon in exchange for Sultar’s immortal soul.

From that point onward Oneida visited Sultar nightly and revealed the tortures that it would inflict upon the mage upon his death. These scenes of terror reduced a man, already timid and fearful, into a whimpering coward. He now cringes at every sign of danger, as it may lead to his demise, and thus, eternal, unbearable torment.

When a ninja from the Amita K’un clan, by the name of Nightwind approached Sultar regarding payment for helping find a set of keys known as the Keys of Telku, the payment was enough to entice Sultar to join.

Their first mission for Tarrus was to enter the ruined city of Tecumeth. Though they had successfully recovered the Key of Telku from there, it had come at a price. Tirian lost his life within the city walls, and Dhakab was gravely wounded.

Tempted with yet more promises of gold, the adventurers then journeyed next to The Crimson Giants, during a trade to secure and recover the second Key of Telku. They had succeeded thanks to Sultar igniting the entire giant fortress.

For the third Key of Telku, Tarrus had the adventurers enter an ancient burial mound where they encountered Anubis, Guardian of the Dead. It was there that they were forced to face the three tests of: Might, Loyalty and Fear. They had barely managed to succeed, but in the end did recover the third Key of Telku.

So close to his goal, Tarrus then offered the adventurers 7,000 gold for the fourth and final Key of Telku. The fourth and final key was located in Mount Galatia, within the ruined Dwarven Kingdom of Kragarak. A dwarven kingdom that was now home to the dreaded dragon, Belegard!

Having severely underestimated Belegard’s power, Argent lost his life as the dragon’s breath consumed him and Sultar was buried alive, beneath a rockslide. When Belegard had returned back to his home to deal with Nightwind, he was surprised to encounter Dhakab. The two engaged in a battle, in which Dhakab managed to destroy Belegard’s wing, forcing them both to plunge to their death. When the surviving members found the key and prepared for the long trek back to Liam, they were ambushed by Tarrus’ men. Tarrus had no intention on paying them for their services. Nightwind denounced Tarrus and swore to stop him.

Sultar appeared, having survived the rockslide and helped defeat Tarrus’ men. But Tarrus, with the aid of his winged creature, Kiri, had managed to escape back to Liam.

Realizing the horror of their actions, the adventurers sought a way to stop Tarrus before he could use the five Keys of Telku and open the Gates of Chaos. Coron called upon Accuris, and the adventurers were given a secret path called “The Grey Road” only accessible through Accuris’ blessing.

During the battle with Tarrus, Oneida, the demon who possessed Sultar challenged Tarrus and was soundly defeated. Tarrus summoned Uruthoth and was just about to seal the final words, when Nightwind threw a shield as Shadolok fired an arrow – knocking Tarrus into the arms of Uruthoth. The demon pulled Tarrus into the Chaos Gate. With Tarrus’ apparent demise, the main kingdom in Liam crumbled with its master’s fate.