Monsters & Species Guide (J-O)

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There are thousands of creatures that wander the world of Kne’Urth, with new ones being discovered almost daily (usually at the cost of an adventurer’s life). Below are some of the monsters that are known to exist, and some who – right now – are just legends, said to exist.

The Kenku are an intelligent species of humanoid birds, who resemble ravens or crows. The Kenku worshoipped the god, KrauzdenLegend states the Kenku, believed eventually, they would fly higher than their god. Krauzden removed their ability to fly, removed their ability to speak, and removed their ability to form their own creative thoughts. As a result, other avian humanoids do not look kindly on the Kenku for their betrayal against their chosen deity. Kenku primarily live outside of most civilized cities; but those that defect from their Flock (a clan of Kenku) will try to make a living in the city, and usually does well if they take up life as a Rogue.

Kobolds are tiny humanoids who primarily worship evil dragons, and gladly serve them. However, because of their diminutive size, they’re often bullied by other evil races, such as goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, gnolls and bugbears, who enlist kobolds to do the grunt work. Kobolds speak in a language that sounds similar to a dog’s bark. The origin of Kobolds remains unknown, but because of their dragon like appearances, Kobolds have a legend that says that they are descendants of Tyhamat herself – having been born during her battle with Florasena, from the drops of their combined blood. There’s been no way to discount that there is perhaps some truth to this story, and would certainly explain the kobold’s infatuation with serving dragons.

This gigantic beast is said to be one of the later creations of Terrorskew, in his hopes of creating a God Killer. This massive beast is known to stretch miles, and it’s believed only a few exist in the world. Most sailors who see a Kraken know that this will be the very last thing they see. The sure sign of a Kraken’s appearance is that the water turns as black as a starless night before the Kraken emerges and pulls ships beneath the waters. There are reports of scattered islands that worship Krakens and offer them sacrifices, in exchange for treasures sunk to the ocean floors by the kraken. Save for those that worship Krakens, these beasts thrive on destruction and consumption of any living creature.

These fish like humoids were one of the first worshipers of the Kraken creatures. The Kuo-Toa live in caves along the shore, able to breathe both air and water, effortlessly. They discovered a Kraken and began to worship it as one of it’s gods. As the Kuo-Toa expanded, their gods continue to spread to various other ocean creatures, such as the aboleth. The Kuo-Toa are primitive and their clans are ruled by the eldest priest, who is the one that communes with their chosen gods. Some factions of Kuo-Toa who have not found an oceanic creature to worship often derive and create their own deity; and somehow, though their linked consciousness can form an astral version of their god or goddess during a ceremony called ‘The Dark Tide’ – when the moon is gone from the sky and the tide has receded from the shore. How this summoning is done, remains unknown. The Kuo-Toa weapons are often geared towards capturing rather than immediately killing, since they would rather capture other humanoids to appease their gods.

There are several stories that surround the origins of the Lamia’s creation; but the most widely accepted one is that faithful followers of Prentora, the goddess of Pain, have their upper bodies restored to their most beautiful version of themselves, just before death; while their lower abdomen has a has a lion-bear like body (orange fur similar to a lion’s, but the physical mass of a bear). The Lamia then find ruined castles and keeps and use the magic granted to them, by Prentora, to create an illusion that a worn down, broken garden, is vibrant and alive with blooming flowers; and crumbling walls stand strong. A Lamia’s touch can impact a person’s ability to resist spells, making it much easier for the Lamia to seduce and enslave their target. Lamia’s have the ability to use a scrying pool to see any creature that is within ten miles of their domain; and will seek out to ensnare, capture and corrupt the purest of souls. Lamia’s feed off the life energy of their victims, and thus, as long as they continuously serve Prentora, and capture victims to feed upon; their upper body remains young.

Lizardfolk are humanoid lizards who typically dwell in swamps and frequently find themselves at war with Bullywogs, who also dwell in swamps. Lizardfolk are more passive, and rather than having priests, they have shamans who lead their tribes. Shamans commune with nature, and their god, Skargus. While they are not evil, they are xenophobes and fiercely territorial. Lizardfolk use bones and nature to make their weapons and armor. They’re believed to have been some kind of descendants of dragons because of their ability to speak Draconic.


Lycanthropy is an ancient curse that has carried on for generations, with the ability to transform a civilized humanoid into a ravening beast. The curse is spread when a humanoid is injured in a specific manner (sometimes a bite, sometimes a claw can do it) by a creature infected with Lycanthropy. The curse can also be passed, if someone who already has a curse bares or is the father of a child. A Remove Curse spell can remove the Lycanthropy effect for those that were injured by a Lycanthrope; but it requires a Wish spell to remove the curse from those born with the curse. There are both good and evil Lycanthrope. Evil Lycanthrope often pass themselves off as normal people and use the cover of night to spread terror and bloodshed; while good Lycanthrope do not feel at ease around people and often become hermits and seclude themselves away from civilization. Both good and evil Lycanthrope can master their curse and change their form at will. Below is a list of some of the known Lycanthropes:

Lycanthrope, Jackelware
These are not true Lycanthropy, but so often confused as such, that they are listed here. These creatures were born through demonic magic of an unnatural mating between Hell Hounds and jackals. They have the ability to take on oversized jackal forms; or that of a humanoid jackal. They travel in packs and thrive on destruction and feasting; however, they take on their jackal heritage in that they tend to be scavengers, unless their pack is confident that they can waylay a caravan. Lamias, known to exist in the Broken Lands, are known to employ Jackelwares as servants to capture caravans of people (and treasure) and bring them to the Lamia’s lair to be enslaved.


Lycanthrope, Werebear
Werebears tend to be of good nature, but extremely solitary, preferring to live in the woods, for fear of losing control of their curse. A werebear can either use its massive claws as a form of a weapon; or their able to hold normal weapons and wield them with their bestial strength. A werebear only passes the Lycanthropy curse through its bite, so it will try to avoid biting anyone in combat. A werebear might bite someone who shares the same morals as the werebear, in hopes of training them to take their place; since werebears tend to protect the woods they live in against intrusion and destruction.

Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Wereboars are typically vulgar brutes; because of the nature of the wereboar curse, it is one of the more difficult Lycanthropy curses to resist; and doing so, tends to make the person more and more savage and vulgar. In their wereboar form they can gouge someone with their tusks, and in their hybrid-form, they’re able to hold weapons. They are extremely suspicious of everyone; but have been seen allied along side of orcs. Like orcs, Wereboars often seclude themselves away in caverns near cities and towns, that they can terrorize at night. Wereboars thrive on infecting others, knowing that they will suffer.

Lycanthrope, Wererat
Perhaps the most common form of Lycanthrope in the world is the Wererat (though the most famous is the Werewolf). Those infected with Wererat Lycanthrope become paranoid in their human form and extremely suspicious that everyone is out to steal from them. Wererats are in just about every major city and town, typically dwelling beneath the city, down in the sewers which they have taken over. Wererats operate similar to a Thieves Guild, in that they are extremely secretive. Those that break free of the Wererat Lycanthropy are hunted down and killed by other Wererats. Wererats are very picky about who they bite, saving it for those they wish to bring into the Wererat “Society.” Usually their targets are willing, and trying to become wererats and must prove themselves by stealing something of great value to benefit the Wererat society.

Lycanthropy, Weretiger
Weretigers typically live in forests and jungles, and live in small packs. Generally a weretiger does not seek to pass on the curse, because of the potential problem that the new weretiger would fight for the territory that the weretiger has established. Weretigers typically only pass the curse on to their direct family, so that they can be together. They’re extremely territorial. Weretigers are generally neutral in their alignment, and in human form, have large muscles, similar to their feline form.



Lycanthropy, Werewolf
The most well known form of Lycanthropy, and perhaps, the most feared, the werewolves have been known to exist for an extremely long time, instances of their appearance appearing throughout history. The curse of the werewolf is difficult to resist, and those that are infected become murderous in nature. Because of this, most who are infected tend to flee civilized life and survive in the wild. They often form packs that include regular wolves and even dire wolves. Because most succumb and accept the curse of being a werewolf, they have no problem passing the curse to others with their lethal bite; which is what makes them so feared.

Pulled from the Elemental Plane of Fire, these mischievous fiery beings are small, but destructive. They often jump through and enter the Prime Material Plane when a Fire Elemental is being summoned. They thrive on fiery destruction, but can be commanded by someone who is powerful with magic. When a Magmin is killed, their body explodes into fire and magma, spreading more destruction.




One of the most feared creatures that dwells in the Broken Lands. With a face, that looks human, surrounded by a lion mane like fur; with the body of a stripped lion, wings of a dragon, and hands of a human, with razor sharp talons at the end; the Manticore is horrible to behold. It’s tail is lined with spikes, which is can fling with deadly accuracy; and more haunting is how quickly the spikes can be regenerated; needing only a night for it to regrow them. Manticores are evil to the core, and have a ravenous hunger that seems as if it can never be quenched. The majority of manticores will fight to the death, once they launch an attack.

Medusas are Marilith demons who have failed their demon lord masters, and thrown into the Prime Material World to live out their cursed lives. Meeting the gaze of a Medusa will turn anyone to stone; and likewise, if a Medusa meets its own gaze in the reflection of a mirror or shiny surface, so a Medusa will destroy any reflective surface in its lair. There is a legend that if a Medusa turns enough people to stone, they will be returned to their true Marilith demon form, once more to try and redeem favor of their demonic masters.


Merfolk are known to exist throughout various oceans; some even exist in deeper, larger, lakes. Their exact origins remain unknown, but they often help sailors in distress. They’re extremely beautiful, their skin is a soft blue; with the upper body of a human and a lower torso of a fish. Merfolk do not understand war and among their communities, solve all matters peacefully.




The Merrow were a tribe of Merfolk who found an ancient idol of Demogorgon at the bottom of the ocean and unknowingly unlocked its dark magic. The tribe became murderous and began raiding other Merfolk, who had never fought in any form of war. As the weeks went on, the exposed Merfolk that had the idol began to change their appearance, becoming more and more fearsome to behold, until their bodies were completely transformed and they became their own species.



These creatures are predators that can shapeshift their body to resemble or appear as any other inatimate object, such as doors and treasure chests; those being their primary form they assume. A mimic assumes these forms to lure prey. Those that touch a mimic will find that it secretes a substance that makes their prey stick to it. This allows the mimic to then reveal itself and begin feeding on the prey while it’s still alive. There have been stories of some mimics actually having the ability to speak Common and in some cases allowing people to pass in exchange for food, sometimes providing information about the area and what it’s seen.

Mind Ripper
Masters of the Shadow Stone realm, the Mind Rippers are as intelligent as they are ruthless. Mind Rippers thrive on the feasting of brains. They use the tentacles around their mouth to rip a skull open to feast on the brain. They prefer their victims to be alive during the feasting, because when they feast in this manner; they’re able to absorb the memories and knowledge of their victim. A Mind Ripper’s mind is so powerful that it has unlocked the potential of using Psionics to cripple other minds. Mind Rippers are experiment on live subjects, in attempts to unlocking a person’s potential (then devour their brains). Their experiments have led to such creations as Intellect Devourers. Mind Rippers rule the Shadow Stone realm, and find themselves at war with Beholders who also dwell in the Shadow Stone realm.

Minotaurs hail from the Isle of Horns (an island, ironically shaped like the fact of a minotaur, with two active volcanoes at the peak of the “horns” of the island). Minotaurs are extremely strong, stubborn, but honorable. They are the best makers of ships and the best sailors known to exist. A minotaur whose life is saved, will serve what is called a “Blood Honor” – in which they will stay with the person who saved their life, until they can return the favor. Minotaurs are mortal enemies of Ogres, who once sailed to the Isle of Horns and enslaved the Minotaur population. Honor demands that Minotaurs fight to the death when fighting an Ogre. The Isle of Horns is sacred to the Minotaurs, and they do not like strangers on their island.

These fantastic looking creatures appear to humanoid mushrooms. Their origins trace back to the Shadow Stone, where entire colonies of Myconids dwell. However, when the Shadow Stone was cracked, and access to the surface world became available, many Myconids fled the Shadow Stone, to escape the experiments performed on them by the Mind Rippers; as well as escaping the various wild life that fed on Myconids. On the surface world they can be found in some forests, but prefer to make their homes in swamps, away from any form of civilization. They deplore violence, and will gladly assist those they find to be of good alignment. Myconids communicate by releasing spores that are inhaled and give them the ability to then establish a mental link; and through this link the Myconid is able to “speak” telepathically in any language the person knows. (This ability to do so is what the Mind Rippers captured Myconids for, to learn how this is done).

Naga, Bone
The Naga are said to have been from the Jungles of Chuul, and possibly even related to the Couatl originally. The Naga are a serpentine race that are immortal. Even when they are killed they rise up within days to continue what they set out to do. The Bone Naga is unique in that, in the Jungles of Chuul, the Naga are at war with the Yuan-ti, who view themselves as the superior serpentine race. In an attempt to stop the Naga from rising up again, Yuan-ti do a Necromancy Ritual that prevents them from rising up to their true form; but rather, locks them in a state of life and death, where they rise up again – but stripped of most of their magical abilities, and only their bones. This process causes the Naga in question to become insane with fury, making them despise any living thing.

Naga, Guardian
The Naga are said to have been from the Jungles of Chuul, and possibly even related to the Couatl originally. The Naga are a serpentine race that are immortal. Even when they are killed they rise up within days to continue what they set out to do. The Guardian Naga are the closest to their (perhaps) distant cousins, the Couatl, in that they are still of good alignment. They are often guardians of sacred places within the Jungles of Chuul, putting them at ends with the Yuan-ti who seek to ransack the temples to gather information; as well as fighting off Chuul who seek to gather these items for the Aboleths they follow. Guardian Nagas do not seek out any violence; rather warning those who seek to fight the Guardian Naga that it will unleash it’s full fury if they attempt any acts of evil in its presence.

Naga, Spirit
The Naga are said to have been from the Jungles of Chuul, and possibly even related to the Couatl originally. The Naga are a serpentine race that are immortal. Even when they are killed they rise up within days to continue what they set out to do. Spirit Nagas are Nagas who have fallen for evil, and have the Curse upon them (any Guardian Naga that turns to evil, will have the Curse invoked; how the curse automatically triggers, remains unknown, and may be some ancient magic, now long forgotten). A Guardian Naga that turns to evil, will find their scales turning a deep black or deep blue, and have it’s mind and heart filled with evil intentions. It will abandoned its post, formerly protecting sacred grounds in pursuit of extracting revenge against those it believes have wronged it (even if it’s no correct about who has wronged them). They become spiteful and hateful, hating everyone and everything – and using it’s magic to charm and take control over others, to show that it is more powerful.

These fearsome creatures are created when a Pegasus is sacrificed to a Demon Lord through a dark ritual of magic. The Nightmare resembles a horse of midnight black, whose face is pulled taut with a mane, tail and hooves of fire; and eyes and mouth burning red with fiery hatred. These creatures are assigned to those that are extremely loyal to a demon lord, or earned the respect of a demon lord. Because it requires the sacrifice of a Pegasus, these creatures are extremely rare; and if one is seen, it is undoubtedly attached to a very powerful owner. These creatures are fearsome to behold and have the ability to teleport with its rider by going through the Ethereal Plane.

Nothics were created by Mind Rippers in the Shadow Stone. Mind Rippers, ever hoping to expand their intelligence, wisdom and knowledge, experimented on orcs that had ventured too far into the Shadow Stone, and fallen victim to the Mind Rippers. Through dark magics, long forgotten, the Mind Rippers created Nothics with the innate ability to “peer” into a person’s mind and acquire knowledge from them. The Mind Rippers used Nothics as torture devices, ripping knowledge from the mind of their victims, before choosing to devour the brain themselves. When Mind Rippers use Nothics, they keep their one, large eye covered, because of its ability to rot flesh from bone. Nothics now run rampant throughout the Shadow Stone realm, with no masters.

Brutal, vicious, and murderous, Ogres take endless pleasure from raiding and killing, for both food and pleasure. The average height of these bulbous humanoids ranges from 9 to 10 feet tall. Ogres are wide, and have large bellies, that almost resemble baby fat. Their favorite things to eat include half-men, dwarves and elves; and despite their stupidity, they’re vicious and have extremely short tempers. All Ogres are filled with an natural born avarice that makes them jealous of anything someone else might have, which is why large Ogre tribes do not exist. It takes a very strong leader to keep these furious, murderous, humanoids in line; and they’re not inclined to take orders from anyone or wait for someone’s command, before they rush off to do what they think is best (or typically, murderous). When an Ogre does make a lair, it tends to make it near smaller towns, taking advantage of devouring poorly protected live stock. Because of the lack of patience and the lack of intelligence, Ogres do not typically bare offspring capable of casting magic; but when the rare child is born (Ogre-Magi/Oni), they are sacred to the Ogres. Ogres will often mate with Hill Giants, who share their passion for destruction and an insatiable hunger. The off spring of such a pairing gives births to Ettins.

Ogre, Half
Because of the raiding style of Ogres, it’s not uncommon for unfortunate female humans to end up baring an offspring that was the result of an Ogre’s raid. However, humans are not the only ones capable of baring an offspring from a mating with an Ogre; Hobgoblins, Bugbears and Orcs are also known to be capable of baring children from such a pairing.  In human societies, Half-Ogres are shunned; while among Ogres, Hobgoblins, Bugbears and Orcs, they’re often looked up to potentially be leaders. Half-Ogres stand about 8 feet tall, no matter who the Ogres paired with. Half Ogres lack the distinct desire to always murder everything and eat it; and also lack the streak of jealousy and avarice that their Ogre lineage suffers from.

Ogre, Magi/Oni
An Ogre Magi/Oni is quickly identified when it reaches puberty; as it begins to lose its bulbous mass in exchange for muscle mass; and their skin changes from the putrid yellowish skin to a dark blue or ghastly green color. They also begin to grow hair, which standard Ogres do not have, as well as two horns at the top of their head. The transformation is said to be an act of the Demon Lord, Desee, blessing an Ogre child. Like the Demon Lord Desee, Ogre Magi/Oni have the ability to haunt the dreams of any person it has ever drawn blood from. Even the claws of the Ogre Magi/Oni acts as magical weapons; and to make matters worse, aside from being able to cast spells, on top of all of this; they’re able to regenerate their wounds, making an Ogre Magi/Oni a very lethal creature to ever encounter; whether you’re prepared, and worse, if you’re not.

Ooze, Black Pudding
The Black Pudding Ooze appears to resemble a heaving mound of stick, black, sludge. It is able to detect vibrations; and when it does so; it can become perfectly still, appearing to be nothing more than a dark shadow in a poorly lit dungeon. Upon contact, the Black Pudding Ooze is able to use its acid to devour flesh, wood, metal and bone, leaving very little behind when the Black Pudding Ooze has finished with its victim. The mass of the devoured victim adds to the Black Pudding’s own mass. No matter their mass or size, a Black Pudding Ooze can “squeeze” through holes as small as one inch wide. Even worse, they can effortlessly scale up walls and even hang upside down on a ceiling, waiting for an unsuspecting victim to pass under them. Like all other oozes, this creature was created by Razataun, God of Slime. There are fanatical cultists who follow the ways of Razataun, and hope to become single minded organisms; and use rituals to try and turn their bodies into slime and form a large colony.

Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
These lethal oozes thrive in dungeons; having originally lived in the Shadow Stone. Even with good lighting, because of the Gelatinous Cube’s transparency, they’re virtually impossible to spot unless they’ve recently fed. Unlike Black Pudding, a Gelatinous Cube is not capable of dissolving metal, wood, and bone; and devours only flesh. It does not care if it’s the flesh of the living, the dead, or even the undead. Only when a Gelatinous Cube has recently fed, are they easier to spot; because the bones, coins, and armor and weapons of their victims may yet be trapped inside the Gelatinous Cube’s form. Like all other oozes, this creature was created by Razataun, God of Slime. There are fanatical cultists who follow the ways of Razataun, and hope to become single minded organisms; and use rituals to try and turn their bodies into slime and form a large colony.

Ooze, Gray
Gray Ooze is impossible to tell apart from actual stone; and Gray Ooze, when it senses vibrations near by, will stop and flatten itself against stonework and take on its appearance, almost like a camouflage. When someone steps on or touches the Gray Ooze, it will then immediately strike, with the quickness of a snake, surprising their unsuspecting target. Gray Ooze can devour both flesh and metal, and does so, to feed its never ending hunger. Because the danger a gray ooze poses in dark dungeons, many evil races use slaves on chains, ahead of them, to trigger any gray oozes that might have taken up residence in the dungeon. Like all other oozes, this creature was created by Razataun, God of Slime. There are fanatical cultists who follow the ways of Razataun, and hope to become single minded organisms; and use rituals to try and turn their bodies into slime and form a large colony.

Ooze, Ochre Jelly
The Ochre Jelly is the one form of ooze that has registered signs of minimal intelligence. Where as the other oozes simply go on vibration alone, and might attack a larger party, without consequence to itself; an ochre jelly has been observed following larger parties, and following the lesser vibrations; like when someone wanders off from the party to scout ahead or hunt alone. The Ochre Jelly’s acid can quickly devour through flesh, but can not digest metal, wood, or bone. Unlike the other forms of ooze, the Ochre Jelly does not have a form of “camouflage” – so when it attacks, it does so with a quickness, hoping to quickly overcome their victim. When the Ochre Jelly has recently fed (within three hours), it emits a putrid smell that can cause those near by to become nauseous. Like all other oozes, this creature was created by Razataun, God of Slime. There are fanatical cultists who follow the ways of Razataun, and hope to become single minded organisms; and use rituals to try and turn their bodies into slime and form a large colony.

Orcs share a long history in the world of Kne’Urth. The second most populated humanoid, second only to the humans, there is no land on Kne’Urth where you will not find Orcs. While they prefer caverns and mountains; they do not shy away from making their home in the forests, plains, deserts and even in some frigid regions around the world. Orcs are enemies of humans, simply for the sake of fighting over land; but it’s with Elves, whom Orcs are mortal enemies. According to legend, Nifika, goddess of Magic and Elves, was so furious at Grumthak for bringing such evil and destruction to the world, that she had tried to kill him, shooting an arrow into his eye. Grumthak was forced to rip out the arrow and carve out his own eye, which he now wears around his neck. The Eye of Grumthak is said to make the wearer immune to magic. It is because of this, Orcs have a distinct hatred for Elves, and when they capture an elf – they simply carve out their left eye and keep it as a treasure (and typically kill the elf, or leave them to die bleeding to death). Elf eyes are used as a form of monetary value among orc trading. No orc will ever take both eyes of an elf, despite the monetary value they possess among their community.

Often nicknamed “trash monsters”, Otyughs look like large, bulbous creatures, with a massive mouth, full of razor sharp teeth. Three massive stalks at the top of its body, end in spiky, leaf-like appendages. An Otyugh stands on three feet (two in the front and one in the back), but typically hide themselves among waste, which they can devour freely. But they prefer live meat, when they can, and have the ability to telepathically communicate with anything with medium intelligence, urging them to come to the Otyugh, using trickery and often lies (pretending to be someone in distress, for example) to lure the creature closer to the Otyugh, so that it can spring up with its stalks and ensnare and devour their intended victims. Otyugh can be “trained” (a term very loosely used here) to essentially act as guardians; if a “master” shows it what is OK to pass, and what is not. (For example, by feeding the Otyugh plenty of food each time a Wizard in Red Robes walks by with goblins is OK, and then forcing a Dwarf to run by – without food – is something that the Otyugh should devour; “training” it that it should kill and devour any dwarves it sees, by not anyone in a red robe, or who is a goblin). However, some owners miscalculate the hunger of an Otyugh and have fallen victim to being devoured.

The exact origin of these fascinating creatures remains unknown. Some stories say that they were the experiment of a wizard gone mad; while others claim that Owlbears existed in the Shadow Stone realm for eons; and only came to the surface world when the Shadow Stone cracked, and gave passage to the world above. Regardless of their origin, there is one thing that all people agree on; these beasts are ferocious hunters and extremely lethal. They have an uncanny sense of smell and sight; able to see great distances and track just as far. These creatures are the size of grizzly bears, with a face that resembles that of a giant owl (and thus their name). An Owlbear typically makes a cavern or rock den their home; and if you listen closely and know the difference between the screech of an owl and that of an owlbear; you might easily understand when you have wandered into an Owlbear’s territory. Those that wander into their territory are best to turn around before spotted or smelled by the owlbear’s keen senses.