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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) – Missed First Half Of The Session
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) – Missed First Half Of Session
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- As the party reaches the treasure chamber, where they’d fought Ankarin, the Mummy Lord, they notice that – since they’d not closed the sarcophagus that they’d placed the “murder turtle” (in truth a polymorphed huge ooze) – it had regained it’s true form and the party rushed to the treasure room and sealed the door so that the huge ooze was in the cathedral with access back down the hidden passage it’d originally been located
- Inside the locked treasure room, Buppido takes notice that the acidic attack he’d suffered previously from the huge ooze had tarnished the many gems adorned (bedazzled) on his armor
- Buppido realizes the ankh that he’d recovered (See Session 66) can be used to open a door from the treasure room out to a long hallway – which leads to darkness
- They leave Sephrenia – still in her catatonic state in the treasure room, as the rest agree to head back to Drastor. (DM Note – Sephrenia was not able to attend the first half of this session and this was an easy way to separate her for now from the party to be able to easily explain why she’s not with the others)
- The others make their way through the hallway, newly refreshed – their bodies charged with new, magical energy (See Session 66 for the release of magic into the world) – and discover this is a passage out of the pyramid – and that nightfall greets them once they get outside
- Adrian summons Ms. Claws, his raptor mount; and Korra gets on Ms. Claws as well, helped up by Adrian (DM Note – We kept Korra with the group, though she wasn’t present yet, because she’d said she was running late)
- Buppido uses Phantom Steed and summons his chicken steed

- Dusk casts Enlarge/Reduce and shrinks himself to grab onto Buppido’s back
- As the party starts making their way to Drastor – Don shouts, “Sand shark!”
- Korra quickly retreats back to the pyramid, riding Ms. Claws to see if she can awaken Sephrenia (DM Note – Korra still wasn’t in, but Sephrenia had messaged me that she should be joining in 30 minutes – so since Korra wasn’t there yet either, it was an easy way to excuse her from the combat to go get Sephrenia – and just after that, Korra logged in, so it was perfect timing)
- Don fires one shot to light up the sand shark, and fires his second shot, hitting the Sand Shark
- Korra spots a second sand shark and fires a Fire Bolt to signal where it’s at
- Dusk launches a Lightning Bolt and does a lot of damage to one, while the other avoids it
- The sand shark breaches and tries to attack Adrian with its massive maw, but Adrian is able to avoid the damage
- As the second sand shark breaches next to Bupiddo, he reacts with a Shield spell, so that the sand shark misses
- Adrian, still recovering from the sand shark that had breached next to him, stumbles when he swings – and swings wide – and Buppido who has his back to Adrian, as he’s fighting off a sand shark – suddenly feels Adrian’s sword cut deep into his flesh. He turns his head, and shouts, “Stop that! I got my own problems in front of me!” (Critical Fail!)
- Having fought the sand sharks before, Buppido – and the others realize – that once a drop of blood falls – the sand sharks frenzy (DM Note – This essentially means anyone who is not at full hit points – if the sand shark targets them – they have Advantage to strike due to their Blood Frenzy ability)
- Adrian tries to recover, and manages to hit the sand shark with his second swing, extending a smite into in its body; causing the sand shark to bleed
- Buppido facing the shark against him, realizes the one in front of him is frenzied
- Buppido casts Raulothim’s Psychic Lance – which, despite the sand shark’s low intelligence, it manages to pass (despite not meeting the DC, due the Natural 20 – See House Rules for more)
- The sand shark, attempting to disrupt Adrian after being hit, lashes its massive tail towards Don, throwing him off, seeing the energy bow about to be drawn, and causes him to misfire, hitting Dusk in the back. (Critical Fail)
- This now frenzies the sand sharks against Dusk as well, as his blood seeps into the sand
- The sand sharks surrounding Buppido and Dusk, both of whom have cuts have sent the sand sharks into a frenzy
- As the one near Adrian swims away from him, smelling blood in the sand, Adrian is able to strike it – and deliver a Smite with significant damage
- The first one lands a massive bite on Dusk, who in return does a Hellish Rebuke for significant damage to the sand shark
- The other sand shark swims through the sand effortlessly, biting deep into Buppido’s leg for significant damage
- Adrian is able to get near the sand shark attacking Dusk and manages to deliver a killing blow to the sand shark
- Still struggling with the sand shark on him, Buppido casts Raulothim’s Psychic Lance which this time, the sand shark is not able to avoid its mental, piercing effects – and takes extensive damage – and also is stunned by the damage (losing its turn, due to the spell effect)
- Don fires off two shots with his magical energy bow; with both shots landing devastating hits to the sand shark; with additional damage with his Hunter’s Mark being applied
- Korra follows by blasting the sand shark with a Fire Bolt and Dusk firing off Magic Missile
- Adrian rushes in and lands a critical strike (Natural 20!) and adds smite into the attack, bringing an end to the sand shark’s attack
- Knowing that a sand shark’s gullet can be harvested as the primary component to having a Bag of Holding created – the party knows they must be careful trying to harvest it
- Buppido claiming to be the smartest in the group offers to do it – but Korra convinces him that the Ranger should do it, and that perhaps Buppido would be better suited guiding Don. Buppido agrees that getting his own hands dirty is not the thing to do. Dusk offers to do Flash of Genius which offers a bonus as well.
- Don kneels down and successfully manages to carve out the gullet of the first sand shark
- With Buppido giving the Help action (advantage) and Dusk offering Flash of Genius – Don is able to correct his cut and successfully remove the second gullet as well
- At that moment, Sephrenia’s eyes flutter open (DM Note – Hilarious that she literally joined after the Sand Shark battle!)
- As Sephrenia regains consciousness; the party asks what had happened to her – and she shares (incoming home brew lore!) in the temple the statue with the snake arms was a representative of an ancient, nearly forgotten “Snake God” – and Sephrenia recalled ancient texts that spoke of elves who did not want to be “restricted” by their magic – and learned how to travel into another dimension – and the true elves shunned them because they turned their backs on the true gods. The “Snake God” represented their belief of devouring everything.
- The now called “Githyanki” (Elvish for “Gith” = Eternally and “yanki” meaning “banished”) – were elves who did not believe in bending the knee to the gods of the world. They turned away from the gods and channeled the sheer power of arcane magic instead – and began practicing ancient magic that allowed them to tamper with time and dimensions. Eventually they banded together, and decided they would leave the world. They did so, by following the commands of what the Elves believe to be a “Snake Demon” by the name of Nebakrau (DM Note – The name is loosely based on the name of the Egyptian Snake God, Nehebkau). Nebakrau was supposedly a powerful demon who was destined to garner followers – and with their help, would open portals to the world, so that his coils could enter the world and crush all life. The Elves believe the Githyanki are those followers of Nebakrau who may bring the end of the world, and thus earned the eternal hatred of every elf – including the Drow.
- The Githyanki, with their devotion to the serpent demon, Nebakrau developed serpentine like features mixed with their elven appearance.
- Sephrenia knows that others gave pursuit of these elves known as Githyanki into the Astral Plane (DM Note – Setting up Astral Elves which are found in the Spelljammer setting)
- As they continue on their way to town, Adrian allows Sephrenia some time to recover and casts Aura of Vitality to allow some healing as they continue through the desert
- As the party progresses; they see an orange glow on the horizon
- They notice that there’s ash in the sky
- And then begin to smell smoke
- They realize that Drastor is ablaze
- The party rushes into the town and begins making their way through the town. Adrian shouts that they have to get back to the hotel they’d stayed at because his Demonbane weapon is still there
- As they approach – they see creatures that look like Dragonborn – but much larger, and more muscular – who seem to be guarding the gates, to prevent people from fleeing the town
- Buppido tells the others that – he is going to cast Minor Illusion to create an illusion of these “dragon humanoid creatures” – and stands inside the illusion, and in Draconic shouts, “Hey! Guys! What are we doing here? What’s the plan?”
- One of the dragonborn-like creatures shouts back, “Kill the humans. Look for the Dragon Rider’s interest. Spare him.”
- Buppido calls out, “So… kill all the other humans?”
- The dragonborn-like creature shouts back, “Let none escape.”
- “What does the Dragon Rider’s interest look like?”
- “Half-elf,” the dragonborn-like creature shouts back over the noise of the screams and burning buildings.
- Buppido reports back what he’s learned – and Korra looks at Don. “Do you know anything about this?”
- Don nods, “I believe the rider is Lourna Mauthtar, whom I once had a relationship with. Back before – at Lake Front, I used the scrying pool (see Session 44) – and saw her adorned in blue dragon armor – and she was with a blue dragon named Cobalt. She sensed I was scrying her and cut off the connection. At the Carnival, at the base of Redstone, I saw a future of myself in blue armor, as well (see Session 48). I think she’s the same one who was the one looking for the orb, that the man at the plague infested town mentioned (see Session 54). She also was probably the one who killed the Drow we found in the Broken Lands (see Session 55).”
- Observing these dragonborn-like creatures closer, they are far bulkier and muscular and appear more dragon than humanoid.
- Don says that if they are looking for him – he should call out to them and then see how they react
- Korra agrees and finds a building that hasn’t yet been set ablaze, and climbs to the roof to position to attack if things go poorly
- Don then casts Thaumaturgy to boom his voice and call out to the Draconians, “I am here, if I am the one you seek. Come and get me.”
- Several Draconians turn and begin walking towards Don – and once they can see through the smoke and haze, they look surprised – and they all take a knee.
- Don looks at them, “Where is she and what does she want from me?”
- One of the Draconians, says, “She has left. But there’s a gift in your room.”
- “Leave this city now,” Don commands.
- The Draconians nod and begin sheathing their weapons, blowing the horn – so that the others begin to call through the horn – and halt their attacks and begin departing.
- Above, a huge gust of wind can be felt
- As the party makes their way through the burning town, helping where they can – they finally reach the inn they’d stayed at – Alashamar Alkalhara (which translates to The Eternal Sun)
- As the party enters the inn, they see that the innkeeper is offering shelter from people who were fleeing or lost their homes in the destruction; everyone is uncertain why the inn was specifically spared from both being damaged and attacked
- Don assures people that the attacks have ceased and the strange dragonborn-like attackers have left the city
- Drastor, unfortunately, being in the desert doesn’t have much in the way of water – the ocean is several miles away
- Sephrenia runs out of the inn and begins casting Create Food and Water, focusing on pulling the moisture from the air, to create 30 gallons of water to rain down on some of the burning buildings. Some of the other clerics in the town, who had been tending to the wounded, also turn their attention to putting a stop to the fires, and mimic Sephrenia by focusing on Create Food and Water – with the 30 gallons of water raining down from the skies, and onto the roofs of the nearby burning buildings.
- Adrian and Don head up to their room – and Adrian is initially horrified when he sees that the window has been smashed in, but his sword and crossbow are still in the room; and Don finds a blue dragon scale, sitting on his pillow. He picks it up, and hides it from the others, feeling the scale in his pocket as he walks. He can feel that the scale was clearly left here by Lourna Mauthtar herself. He recalled that it seemed she was keeping an eye on him, as Korra had told him how several rogues were asked to keep an eye out for him. (This was back in Session 44).
- Korra after going to her room and packing her things, goes back downstairs and asks the innkeeper how this all happened
- The innkeeper explains, “It was a day like any other day. People were enjoying the day – when suddenly people outside began screaming. Some who had come running into the inn said they were looking for shelter – but could not explain what they were running from. Only that they were overwhelmed with an utter sense of fear, for which there were no words. When a few of us ran outside to see if we could see what was happening – we saw a massive shadow in the skies flying over the city – then all these other humanoid figures seemed to be leaping from it and descended in spiraling patterns onto the ground with their wings.”
- The Innkeeper goes on to explain, that the “shadow” passed over the town again – and that’s when it was clear it was a blue dragon – with a rider – and the blue dragon streaked bolts of lightning through the town, igniting some buildings. By then, the creatures that had leapt from the dragon’s back had reached the land and began attacking. But, they only attacked those that attacked them – they seemed more interested in searching for something or someone.
- The innkeeper heaves a sigh and explains that he’s not sure why his inn was spared, but he’s thankful because it offered a place for people to seek shelter
- Dusk, seeing the state of the town, heads for his own abode – which is a small building outside the edge of Drastor to make sure it has survived the attack
- Korra offers her assistance around the town, as a part of rescuing people trapped in some of the buildings impacted by the dragon attack; Adrian offers to go with her, since the spa was impacted by the dragon attack. Don also offers to help find and recover people. Buppido offers to tag along with the rescue efforts.
- Sephrenia, needing to recover some spell slots between helping the town, needs to take a short rest
- As Dusk grows closer to his abode, he sees it’s also in ruins – but his abode seems to have suffered different kinds of damage. There are no footprints of the large dragon-like humanoids, and the fire appears to be actual fire – rather than something started by a lightning strike.
- As he approaches, he sees his two mechanical “stone defenders” have taken some damage – and circuits seem to be sparking as smoke filters out through some of their joints
- Believing that they are defunct – Dusk approaches his abode – however, both Stone Defenders activate and proceed to march on him!
- Dusk uses Thunderwave but forgets that his machines were trained by Dusk and the creature surpasses the savings throw
- The Stone Defender slams Dusk with its fist, hitting him for more damage
- Dusk realizing that he’s trained his guardians too efficiently decides to disengage and run back to Drastor to find his new companions and seek their help gaining entrance to his own home
- When the others return from helping around the city and find Dusk in their room wounded, they wake him up and ask what happened and he goes on to explain that his own automations seem to have been attacked and are malfunctioning and he will need their assistance in getting back into his own abode
- The party all decide to take a long rest before assisting Dusk back to his abode; which sits fine with Elon, as he mentions needing a long rest himself
- Discovering, since when they’d requested rooms, Dusk hadn’t been with them – and he only knew where their room was because he’d gone up with Adrian and the others when they checked on their rooms – Dusk selected a random bed to sleep on – which was Buppido’s
- Buppido proceeds to Ritual cast Tenser’s Floating Disk, as Dusk snores on his bed – and carefully removes Dusk from his bed
- Buppido just moves Dusk to the side of the bed and proceeds to climb in and fall asleep; an hour later, when the spell wears off – Dusk plumets a few feet to the floor
- Upon hitting the floor, he’s awakened – and he’s startled to see he’s on the floor next to the very bed he had fallen asleep in
- Dusk leaps onto the bed, ignoring the fact that Buppido is still lying on the bed
- Elon’s weight is enough – and the way he leaps on the bed – sends Buppido awakening mid-flight screaming as he lands on the floor
- Dusk casts Reduce/Enlarge on himself and reduces his own size so that both he and Buppido can fit comfortably on the bed; Buppido agrees this is a fine compromise
- The following morning, everyone’s throat is itchy as they realize the amount of smoke that came in from the busted window, has increased. Peering outside they can see that most of the fires in the city had been taken care of; but the result of the flames being extinguished has increased the amount of smoke in the air
- Korra and Sephrenia head into the room with Don, Adrian, Elon, and Buppido and Korra mentions they should have a “team meeting” to discuss what Don might know about the dragon attack – and what to potentially expect
- However, Dusk explains that it’s urgent that they get back to his abode so he can figure out how to activate the ship within the pyramid that he’s convinced exists
- Don explains that he has nothing to add that he didn’t already discuss last night outside of Drastor – and that he’s not sure why his former lover, Lourna Mauthtar, seems to be interested in looking for him suddenly – since she’d been the one who had originally left him so suddenly
- Korra presses Don to ask if he knows anything about this “Order of the Dragon” that Lourna apparently joined
- Don shares how the “Order of the Dragon” is a religious cult that follows Tyhamat – the Dragon Goddess, split into five – The Red, Blue, Green, Black and White Dragon armies. Each religious cult has their own duties. Red and Blue are the aggressors, who – long ago – were the frontal assault, feared because of their sheer power. The Green were the spies and assassins who relied on stealth to deliver their death. The Black army made up the primary foot soldiers, with the White dragon armies, maintaining supplies. Long ago, they were a force that was feared; because Tyhamat was banished. Now the “Order of the Dragon” – as religious fanatics believe that Tyhamat’s time to return is near; clerics who are devout to Tyhamat have supposedly been bestowed blessings and knowledge directly from Tyhamat. The biggest problem with Tyhamat’s armies has always been egos; and the Order has often folded upon itself. But this is the first time, that the Order has maintained any semblance of structure; and Don believes that there must be a strong leader who is keeping the Order in check.
- Don then goes on to explain, having gotten a closer look at the dragonborn-like creatures, he believes he now understands what they are. When Lourna Mauthtar, who had shown an increasing interest in the “Order of the Dragon” had mentioned a “draconian army” before her sudden departure – Don realizes that the “dragonborn-like” creatures must be the Draconians she’d mentioned. Don explains, from his own research as he tracked down Lourna, that a dark wizard named Mordak had learned how to transfer the souls of the Dragons from within the eggs into humanoids – providing a powerful army for Tyhamat. The process had originally been used to corrupt the eggs of the good dragons into the Draconian; but Tyhamat in her desire to have a powerful army called on her dragons to sacrifice one egg from each clutch to go through the process. The Chromatic Dragons were furious of this demand, but obliged their Queen knowing the consequences of denying her request.
- Sephrenia asks how Don got wrapped up in a relationship with a woman who worships Tyhamat
- Buppido chimes in explaining that it’s definitely a red flag (or in this case, a blue one)
- Korra chimes in – on the subject of wars – she needs to return to some of the other Planes to stop a war that’s happening there (since she has three of the four Rings of Elementals)
- Dusk points out he’d like to get back to his place anyway, as he needs his smithing tools to forge a new arm (DM Note – His arm was lost during Session 66, when he shattered the magical sphere with the gauntlet and hammer)
- The party agrees and the head for the home of Dusk, and similar to when he approached, they can see the house is in shambles – but clearly not having been a part of the dragon attack. The fire damage shows no signs of lightning; there’s acidic damage on the walls as well. Korra asks if it could have been one of his “experiments” gone awry, and Dusk replies that it couldn’t be – all of his experiments go exactly as planned
- The party sees the same two, clearly malfunctioning, Stone Defenders that Dusk had created to guard his home – and had been the ones who had attacked him
- Korra asks if these guardians have any weaknesses; and he explains that they’re Magic Resistant – and that if there are two of them next to each other – they can use reactions to help defend one another
- Buppido comes to stand next to Dusk, looks at the Stone Defenders, then to Dusk and says, “Why would you bring me somewhere that has magic resistant things? Did you forget what I do? I feel tricked.”
- Dusk adds that they’re also immune to any form of weapon attack that isn’t magical; but notes that from what he’s seen everyone has a magical weapon so that shouldn’t be a big problem
- Korra casts Mirror Image on herself while Adrian casts Shield of Faith on himself, before entering combat
- Sephrenia casts Resistance on herself
- As combat starts, Korra casts Fire Bolt – but the Stone Defender raises its shield and deflects (DM Note – Just flavoring the miss)
- Seeing the same figure they’d attacked, the Stone Defender moves in and slams its shield into Dusk (DM Note – it was randomly rolled, but worked out storywise)
- Dusk shouts, “Alexa – turn off.”
- The Stone Defender responds, “Alexa was my love – Angry. Angry.”
- Buppido moves to the side – and lines up both of the Stone Defenders – and casts Tasha’s Caustic Brew
- The second Stone Defender, seeing multiple enemies in one spot – decides that Korra appears to be a large threat
- It manages to slam one of Korra’s Mirror Images, and reduces it down to two mirror image
- Don casts Hunter’s Mark on the one attacking Elon, and fires his first shot; but the Stone Defender is able to deflect the first hit – but the second shot is fired so quickly that the second one hits
- Adrian steps in to help Korra who is being attacked, and manages to hit with his first strike, but the Stone Defender, now wise to Adrian’s attack – raises it’s shield, blocking the second attack
- Dusk shouts, “The password is password.” Suddenly both Stone Defenders power down, saying, “Password accepted.”
- The party looks at him, “Why didn’t you do that to begin with?”
- “Well, I didn’t remember it,” Eldon Dusk sighs. “Keep in mind, my brain got rattled when I hit that sphere,” he holds up his phantom arm, “and I lost an arm. Sorry if my mind isn’t as clear as it should be.”
- As they enter inside – Adrian is keeping an eye on the Stone Defenders, concerned they might activate as they enter – but Buppido and Korra both hear someone calling for help
- Inside the first part of the house, they see it too is in disarray – as if someone was rumaging through the house looking for something
- Don and Sephrenia wait outside, while Korra turns Invisible and uses her stealth to sneak into the house – and what she sees is something like she’d never seen – even in her nightmares – a demonic looking dog – the size of a horse.
- To her surprise, she also sees Kraun chained to the wall, severely beaten, an arm severed
- Korra quietly uses stealth to get back to the party – and explains the situation
- Dusk explains that the beast is his pet – “Bob.”
- Buppido asks Dusk if the dog has a password too
- Sephrenia asks Dusk why Kraun would be chained to his wall
- Dusk explains that – if he remembers correctly – Kraun owed him money
- Dusk simply walks into his abode, and this “Bob” turns and growls
- But Dusk and Buppido are ready, while Adrian is shocked – what Korra described was correct – but the visage and the odor from this beast was far more foul – so much it stuns Adrian for a moment, while he tries to regain his composure.

- Buppido decides to hold his action, waiting to see what Dusk does
- Dusk extends his hand and tells “Bob” to sit; however, it begins walking towards him
- Dusk then decides to cast Enlarge/Reduce – however, the beast shakes off the magical effects
- Seeing it still coming, Buppido casts Rime’s Binding Ice; which the beast is unable to avoid, so the ice roots the beast to the ground and deals ice damage (DM Note – Yes, I get that in the Broken Lands, I’ve specifically mentioned it’s so hot that wearing metallic armor during the day will cause physical damage so ice spells shouldn’t be super effective; but it’s magic ice!)
- Don casts Spike Growth between the odd beast and them – as spikes begin piercing the concrete
- The beast manages to break through the ice holding it and runs through the spike growth taking slight damage as it tramples through the spikes
- Korra decides to leap over the spike growth and lands on the beast, and plunges her venom dagger into the beast; however, it’s able to shake off the poison damage
- Things begin going poorly for the beast, however – as next Sephrenia casts Guiding Bolt which lands a hit, then Buppido successfully lands a Toll the Dead on the creature
- Dusk casts Thaumaturgy – and yells, “Sit!” But the creature doesn’t obey
- Don casts Zephyr Strike and follows up with and attack, while looking at Dusk and growling, “This is what happens to animals that can’t be controlled,” and releases the radiant arrow that delivers incredible amounts of damage and finally puts the beast down
- Kraun looks up from the wall and mutters, “You… must… stop… the… Beholder…” And then lapses into unconsciousness.
Yes. The answer is always yes.