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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Lilli Sandmeadow (Silverstrength) – (Human/Dryad Hybrid – Druid) – NPC
- Note – This was going to be a fluff adventure – because it wasn’t clear how many players were going to show up – most were up in the air – but turns out, everyone ended up making it – but I liked the idea of this adventure, so I proceeded with it, and it turned out to be a great time…
- Just as Dusk says, “It works!” (see last session to see what he means) the door flies open and everyone in the room feels a wave of charm wash over them – thankfully, Adrian’s paladin abilities protect everyone – except for Korra who falls under the charm spell
- Elon’s assistant reveals the truth of what she is – she’s not a Tiefling, as she was first passing herself off as – but rather a succubus

- Morgan explains that the heroes who are here are who she’s been looking for
- Adrian looks at this beautiful woman, she pulls her cowl back – and Adrian gasps – how could this be happening? He recogizes her as Illyanna Darkstorm. She’d been like a mother to him, and may have even been his mother because he never knew his true mother – because like many of the followers of Prenah, the children are raised in a communial way
- She explains that when Orius showed up – he did not kill those he revealed to be succubii or incubii – he simply banished them back to the planes from which they came
- But Illyanna, whose true name was actually Morgan Asland, returned to the prime material plane after finding her way back – and seeking revenge against Orius. During her quest to find Orius, she learned that he’d left the continent of Tawaim and had sailed to the Ivory Coast. And it was there that Morgan met a human woman by the name of Prama Seersight, who was a blind woman, gifted with the ability of foresite and fortune telling, through reading of the palms
- Morgan explains that Prama saw that there was a mortal human, whose life lines had woven with Morgan’s, that was on a quest that was made out of love, but could potentially have the most dire of consequences
- Prama explained that if Lilli was in the land of forests without trees, that means that Orius had done the unthinkable
- Morgan explains that she traveled to the Broken Lands and discovered there was a child known as “The Gift” that was named Lilli, and knew that Prama’s vision must be true
- Morgan learned that Orius had gone to speak with Dusk to do something in Drastor so Morgan quickly traveled to Drastor and located Dusk and discovered that Orius had used Dusk’s service to travel back in time to save the woman he loved – a Dryad named Danela

- Morgan explains that according to Prama’s vision – if Orius succeeds a number of things will happen…
- You are never summoned to go investigate the woods
- You never fight and kill the hag
- Your two companions would still be alive (Dick Poop and Rex James)
- Karastone Shadestepper, the young centaur would be alive
- Lilli’s mother, Danela, would be alive
- The Fallen Angel, Verastin is never released
- Adrian agrees to go – this is the only way he’s going to be able to drag his father (figure) back, who he has not seen in over ten years
- Bupiddo, curious about time travel, agrees to go
- Sephrenia, hearing that if Orius succeeds, Nifika perishes, feels as if her goddess has guided her to this moment, and agrees to go
- Ragnaroc agrees to go, to ensure the time line remains correct
- Don agrees to go, because he heard about this Dryad being killed and knows it has to happen for order to be maintained
- Korra agrees to go, because she knows she will be calling on her friends soon, to help her in a similar situation
- Using the same contraption, the party is shunted to the past where they are shoved into the Jade Forest – and Adrian recognizes the area immediately (Adrian is the only member who went into the Jade Forest back in Session 6. The following session – Session 7 – the party met, what they thought was Danela’s sister – but was revealed to be a Green Hag in the following session, Session 8). Note – Two of the other players were present as different characters – the player who controls Ragnaroc had originally played Apostrophe, and the player who controls Buppido originally controlled Morsus. The players for Korra and Sephrenia were not present ever. But two other players, who controlled Dick and Rex James, had left the game a few sessions after.
- Adrian explains as they move through the woods, what happened when they originally arrived; and as they crest over the hill – after Don casts Pass Without A Trace – and they see a single individual with a massive sword – cutting through cultists
- The party sees Orius cutting through the cultists – and behind them, a beautiful woman – a dryad – tied to the tree, ready to be sacrificed – with a cultist shouting to stop Orius
- This hurts Adrian – knowing that they must stop the man who was his father figure and decides to try and Compell Duel – however, Orius is able to shake it off and charges the party, believing they’re cultists
- Don Kanin firest off first – landing a Natural 20 followed by another hit
- Korra runs up and stabs Orius, though she feels bad, but quickly steps away from him
- Orius continues charging the party, powering through them until he reaches Don, who had delivered two hard hitting blows – Orius makes his three attack, two of which land solid hits, while one of them misses
- Adrian tries to stop Orius, and shouts, “Stop!” and tries to grapple him, but Orius breaks out of it, and Adrian shouts, “We’re from the future. We know your mission.” And Orius balks, “Stop with your madness! I will save the love of my life.” Adrian grapples him in his second attempt, and Orius is unable to break free on the second attempt.
- Sephrenia casts Aid on Don, Korra, and Ragnaroc
- Ragnaroc casts Hex on Orius, then attempts to Eldritch Blast – however, both blasts miss
- Buppido casts Faerie Fire – and both Orius and Adrian avoided its effects
- Don fires his bow after he steps away – and lands a Natural 20
- And then fires a second shot, which also hits
- Korra appears from the shadows and strikes Orius again
- Orius, furious breaks free of the grappling hold (Natural 20)
- His next two actions he swings at Adrian and misses both times, only infuriating him further
- Adrian sees that the cult leader, near Danela begins chanting and draws his dagger to prepare for the sacrifice
- Adrian manages to grapple Orius again
- Sephrenia watches as the Cultists stop attack Orius and head back towards the leader who is readying the sacrifice
- She growls – hating that a Dryad is about to be sacrificed – and casts Hold Person on Orius, and he fails to save
- Ragnaroc fires at the paralyzed Orius and lands two Eldritch Blasts
- Buppido follows up with a Fire Bolt that hits and does some heavy damage
- Don Kanin fires and hits – and delivers a crippling 22 points of damage and a maximum hunters mark
- He then casts Spike Growth between Orius and the cultists (except Adrian who is still grappling) to prevent Orius from easily reaching the Cultists
- Don watches – in horror – as the cultists slits the throat of the Dryad
- And the tree begins to shake and the ground begins to errupt
- The explodes, sending splinters in every direction, like jagged arrows – striking Sephrenia, Don and Ragnaroc for full damage, and the others take half damage, taking cover
- The party looks up and sees a fallen angel roaring as he breaks out of his wooden prison – it’s the fallen angel, Verastin
- Sensing Danela’s demise, Starhorn the Unicorn appears –

- Korra knows what’s coming next – that the Unicorn is about to be killed, but she knows that stopping Orius and taking him back – and so, knowing Adrian has Orius held – plunges her dagger into Orius and sees blood seeping through the armor
- Orius attempts to save against the Hold Person, but fails, due to feeling weakened by the blood loss
- Sephrenia watches as Verastin breaks the unicorn’s horn off – with the intent that he is clearly going to plunge it through the Unicorn’s heart
- Buppido shouts, “Banish the damn angel!”
- Sephrenia shakes her head, “I have to complete the mission. We are not to interfere with the events!” And casts Guiding Bolt at Orius – sending a bolt in the shape of an arrow from the heavens (as a symbol of Nifika) sending Adrian backwards, and Orius loses consciousness
- Ragnaroc tries to think of a way to save the unicorn, but Sephrenia argues that if the unicorn also lives it could cause other consequences
- Ragnaroc realizes there’s nothing he can do and Don watches in horror as Versatin – plunges the unicorn’s horn through the unicorn’s heart – and the fur of the unicorn bursts into flame, turning it black and consuming it with fire, giving birth to a Nightmare
- Don pulls on his energy bow – furious – wanting to strike to Fallen Angel fly west on the Nightmare, but lets go
- Korra takes the shunting crystal out – and breaks it – sending everyone back to the proper time with Orius
- The party successfully shunts back, and Morgan is happy to see the party has succeeded
- The entire party gets inspiration for helping one of the hidden “Darkstalker” characters I’ve put in the game – Morgan being based off the succubus from Darkstalkers
- In another game, another group defeated a Darkstalkers character, and in another game they allied to help another Darkstalkers character
- Adrian introduces himself – and explains who he is – and Orius remembers Adrian and can’t believe how much he’s grown
- Adrian then explains he’d like to introduce him to someone else
- At that moment, Buppido extends his hand, and says, “Yes, my name is Buppido” assuming Adrian was about to introdcuce him
- Adrian laughs and says, “No – it’s her.” And in the corner, in shock and awe, staring at her father is Lilli Sandmeadow
- While Adrian, Lilli and Orius catch up – Korra expresses the urgency of sending a message to her parents in the Plane of Air
- But Dusk points out that the hammer is urging them find the sphere since the hammer is tugging on his arm
- The party decides to take a long rest, so that Adrian, Lilli and Orius spend some time together
- After the long rest – Orius tells the others he’s sorry, and he doesn’t remember what happened – but he feels in his heart that he knows what he’d wanted to happen was wrong
- Lilli stays with Orius – and the rest of the party begins following Dusk
- They make their way through the Broken Lands, and exhaustion hits a few of them
- They find a temple – that the hammer is pointing to – as it rises through the sand
- The party descends through the small passage and begins making their way through the dusty caven – a cold breeze and the scent of death fills their nostrils
- They reach a spot where they’re at the top of the stairs – and down below there are four corpses in chairs in front of four consoles
- Korra is curious and decides to check for traps before proceeding further
- However, it is extremely dusty and she’s not very clear if there are traps potentially hidden beneath the sand
- Adrian uses Divine Sense – and immediately he senses four undead – the four people sitting at the consoles
- Adrian and Korra decide to head down – and unfortunately though both make their jump – they’re still struck for 15 points of electrical traps
- Buppido who also takes half the damage from riding on Adrian’s back leaps off and says he is not thrilled
- Sephrenia casts Aid on them
- They step further down – and hit another electrical trap – this time both of them fail to get out of the way and are electricuted for 24 damage
- There’s one more flight to go down – Adrian and Korra are on that – Buppido on the other flight above – and the others still at the top…
And that’s where we left off for the night.