Barawaui (The Far Home, in ancient Elven) is home of the Astral Elves. In their pursuit of the Githyanki (the Banished Elves) and their relentless war to hunt and destroy the evil that the Githyanki spread – the Astral Elves have made their home on a flat, floating, massive meteorite surrounded by its own meteorite belt (creating a nice, defensive barrier around Barawaui). Barawaui is abundant in trees and populated with its own life forms, the primary creature known to live on Barawaui, aside from the Astral Elves is a giant beast known as Braxat. The Astral Elves have repeatedly sought to make peaceful attempts of communication with the Braxat, but the beasts have no interests and frequently attack the Astral Elf city with their massive, primitive weapons. The highest ranking elf on this floating island is Councilor Estel, who leads with a good heart, but is driven about the rebellion against the Githyanki and their “Serpent God” that they worship. Inside the Astral Elf city, there are a few notable shops such as: Meznar’s Potion Shop, Tavaris’ Wonder of Wonderous Things, Melody’s Massage Shop, to name a few. A highly respected tracker named Nikarus, who is an Astral Elf, also calls this area home.