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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – Absent This Session (Practicing how to vee a vampyre!)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) – Missed This Session
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- Zeebuzz, Guide from Gnomewhere (‘3PO type personality)
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
BusinessmanRogue, NPC)
- Spelljammer Crew:
- Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
- Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
- Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
- Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
- Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
- Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
- Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
- Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
- The party finds themselves in an unfortunate situation – where they’ve separated and found each side being attacked. On the Plane of Earth – the party had landed on top of a mountain, with the base of the mountain 300′ below. Dusk, having used his winged boots flew Adrian and Korra down, one at a time – but on his way back up – Adrian and Korra found themselves attacked by a Drow who displayed powers like none they’d ever seen before – and above, a Drow emerged from a cavern, displaying unique powers as well.
- Korra suddenly looks around and slips into the shadows; Adrian is confident that she’s done so to strike this shadow bending Drow with a surprise attack; however, as the battle rages on, Korra is nowhere to be seen
- Don fires on the one at the top of the mountain –
- DM Note – I didn’t note where we were in initiative – so I rolled a d4 – since there were 4 players – and it landed on 1 (Adrian) – so I had Adrian roll a d7 (using Beyond 20) to see where in initiative we were – I included Korra at this time, because she was a still a maybe at this point. It landed on Don – and as we discussed it – the Shadowblade had taken some damage but I didn’t have it in the notes so I told Adrian to roll 2d20 to see how much damage I’d just put on him – he rolled 21.
- The Drow Archenmancer moves in on Don’s Blue Drake which Don commanded to get between them; and while the Drow is able to hit it – it also critical fails and injects itself with the very poison it was injecting in Halia.
- Down below, Adrian backs himself against the base of the mountain, unsure where Korra has gone and facing this Drow swordsman on his own. Unable to see the Drow as it teleports into shadows, Adrian summons up female, angelic beings to swirl about him (Spiritual Guardians) – and discovers that the Drow is near him as it lands several hits against the Drow
- Adrian during this time takes the time to Quaff a potion
- Above Adrian, Sephrenia tries to banish the Arachnonmancer – but the Drow is able to save from being Banished
- Dusk then unleashes a powerful lightning bolt at the Arachnomancer and lands a heavy hit on the Drow who is unable to get out of the way, having been so focused on not being Banished (DM Note: Flavoring the failed save!)
- The Drow continues to rip into Halia with his lethal touch…
- Sephrenia casts Healing Word on Halia and restores 20 health to her
- Below, the Shadow Blade attempts to Faerie Fire Adrian – however, Adrian is able to avoid it’s spell effects, so the Shadow Blade moves in and ceases sticking to shadows and begins attacking Adrian aggressively
- Thankfully, Adrian had spent the turn Dodging so the next set of attacks were at Disadvantage…
- However, the party isn’t without their own skills and luck on their side – Don, seeing his dragon bleeding so badly knows that Halia is about to go down – Don turns and looks down and realizes he needs to try to help Adrian – because Korra still has not shown up. Don fires one shot and misses; but that second shot is golden… Natural 20!
- At the top, the Drow Arachnomancer takes down Halia then rushes up on Sephrenia, since he recognizes her as a High Elf – as well, as a Cleric – so he knows he has this inner hatred for her kind – but also – he has to put down the healer – and he lands a Critical Hit – Natural 20! However, thankfully, Sephrenia is wearing Adamantine armor and doesn’t take the critical damage!
- Adrian – nearly misses critically – but uses a charge on his Amulet of Inspiration – and readjusts and lands a hit and begins expending some Paladin Smiting into his enemy!
- The Shadow Blade, however, responds in kind…
- Adrian is now bloodied and getting slammed against the very stone wall behind him he used as protection, trying to fend off the frustrated Shadow Blade
- Dusk, seeing Adrian in trouble – and the Arachnomancer looking bloody thinks he’d be of better use to Adrian.
- DM Note – Because it was 300′ down – and even dashing would be 60′ with the flying boots meaning it would take 5 rounds to reach the bottom – and it’d just be 5 rounds of Dusk saying, “I continue dashing downward” – I thought I’d spice it up and said, “I will let you jump and ‘free fall’ by turning off your boots – doubling your rate of descent – so rather than 60′ you’d fall 120′ – and you’d need to make a Dexterity Check – DC 10 – to reactivate your boots – and then repeat the process. Dusk agreed.
- Dusk plummets 120′ free falling before activating his boots successfully
- Don who is still trying to help Adrian, accidentally hits Dusk – who by jumping and free falling got in the way of the shot

- Sephrenia then casts Death Ward on herself and runs and leaps from the mountain side as well, believing Don could handle the Drow Arachnomancer – she shouts for Dusk to catch her (DM Note – I explained that Dusk could try to catch her with a successful Strength Check, DC 12… let’s see how that went…)
- However, I gave Sephrenia a chance to grab onto Dusk’s leg – if she succeeded a DC 12 Dexterity Check. How did that go?
- So Sephrenia grabs Elon’s legs; but the force (since Dusk failed at his part) sends them in a literal spiral downward; this causes both of them to become disoriented (flavored as 1 level of Exhaustion as a Condition) and they rapidly plummet 70′ before Dusk is able to get some semblance of control (so now they’ve plummeted a total of 190′)
- Above, Don stands alone against the Arachnomancer – and sees Halia’s corpse, and looks at his bow and whispers the command so that the bow identifies the Arachnomancer as his sworn enemy and unleashes the shot – landing yet Another Natural 20!
- The shot eviscerates the Arachnomancer. Don begins making his way down the hill after quickly searching the Drow and finding two +2 daggers, and 3 gems worth 100 gold each
- Neither Sephrenia nor Dusk make their Dexterity Savings throw as they come crashing into the ground, taking some very minor damage
- Adrian, by this time, manages to defeat the Shadow Blade and finds a +1 longsword and 3 gems worth 100 gold each
- The party takes this time to quickly quaff some healing potions because all of them have been injured; some far more than others (looking at you, Adrian! Tonight would not be a great night for Adrian’s ability to avoid being hit!)
- Shortly after, both Don and Sephrenia hear the loud sound of a lion’s roar – but it sounds like a lion in distress or pain; Don quickly summons Halia by expending one of his spell slots and begins looking for tracks – he’s able to quickly find large lion – feline paw prints in the forested area at the edge of the mountain. Along with it – he finds two sets of barefoot prints – one he’s able to determine belongs to a giant; the other, he recognizes to be troll tracks from their previous encounter long ago (see Session 26! Like I said, long ago!) Don quickly shares the information – and they decide they need to see what’s going on.
- They finally catch up and discover that a larger Hill Giant and a troll, like they’ve never seen before, have managed to corner and wound – by the looks of it – crushing the back leg – of a lion like creature that was more beautiful than they’d ever seen before…
- DM Note – Sephrenia asked how far they were and I told Sephrenia, since she asked she can roll a d100 and I will add 20 feet to that distance. So I said, ideally roll low. Let’s see how that went…
- The party has managed to surprise them – so they unleash their surprise round of spells and distance attacks before initiative starts – they target the troll – doing a lot of damage to the troll, which enrages the foul beast!
- Adrian dashes 60′ trying to close the gap – however, the giant’s movement is 50′ and he’s able to close the gap on Adrian – and attack – though he misses each time
- The troll has the same movement and rushes in on Adrian – and this is where things begin to go poorly for Adrian…
- With four attacks – one of the four lands a solid hit – but because this was the first round – the troll’s ability was already charged – and it unleashed a whirlwind of claws…
- Adrian is sadly not able to avoid it so takes a few hits plus this brutal strike
- Sephrenia casts Healing Word on Adrian, from 60′ away
- And Dusk unleashes a lightning bolt with the troll is able to avoid – but takes half damage
- Adrian lands a hit and expends more smites into his attack
- The following round the troll is enraged – and unleashes several hits upon Adrian
- I had Adrian roll the troll’s recharge – since the attack was on him – so he could decide his own fate. I explained on a 5 or 6 it recharges. How did Adrian roll? Let’s see…
- So the troll’s whirlwind of claws has recharged…
- This is enough to take Adrian down, as he crumbles to the ground. The Giant has rushed to the party and the troll looks in their direction
- Dusk sees the troll heal some of its wounds and recalls from research that it needs to take fire and acid damage to stop it from healing – and to keep it dead
- The next round, Adrian fails his first Death Save… and the party sees his body convulsing on the forest floor…
- With the troll severely damaged, Sephrenia tries to run past it to get to Adrian; and it manages to hit with a reaction – landing a Critical Hit – but again, thanks to her adamantine armor, she ignores the critical damage!
- Don manages to land the killing blow on the troll. Sephrenia kneels down to tend to Adrian, using Spare the Dying. With only the giant left – suddenly – the party – and the giant find themselves surrounded by Earth Genasi – as well as Korra who shouts, “I found some friends!” They unleash their weapons on the giant and down him; and help get Adrian to his feet (with 1 hit point!)