Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 88

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  • Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
    • Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
  • Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) 
  • Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
    • Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
  • Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
    • Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
  • Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – Absent this session
    • Zeebuzz, Guide from Gnomewhere (‘3PO type personality)
  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – Absent This Session – Officially considered out of the game, and as such regarding as an NPC flying the party’s Spelljammer
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
    • Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
  • Earth Genasi Rebels:
    • Moonstone (Cleric) – The Quiet Leader, very close to Terra
    • Ria – Druid/Shaman
    • Jasper – Bard/Lore Keeper
    • Delta – Ranger/Scout
    • Mica – Wizard (Oxbow’s sister)
    • Oxbow – Warlock (Mica’s sister)
    • Terra (Fighter) – Brash warrior, rushes right into battle without thought or consideration.
  • Moonstone shares that Sephrenia seems to be coming to; and the party is thankful to have their healer back
  • Moonstone sits across from Korra and explains, “I can not lie. The Elder Elemental Rings disappeared, roughly the same time you had. I apologize for believing you would stoop down to thievery of the Rings, Lady Korra.”
  • Korra shakes off the apology and assures Moonstone there was no offense
  • Korra turns to Sephrenia who has stabilized, “Are you familiar with Slyver?”
  • Sephrenia shakes her head
  • Korra turns to Moonstone and asks if she’s familiar with Slyver; and Moonstone explains she’s heard the name whispered among other clerics, but is not familiar with who or even what Slyver is
  • Korra goes on to explain that Slyver is a celestial being who appeared on the Plane of Air, and provided the warning to the Lord of the Plane of Air, that beings known as “Dark Elves” (sometimes called Drow) were planning something sinister that would impact the Planes
  • Korra explains that she then volunteered to get away from her father, to investigate what these Dark Elves were up to – and that’s when she’d met everyone else – and together, they foiled the Dark Elves from allowing their Priestess to ascend – but they were not able to stop their goddess from ascending (which resulted in the death of eight gods)
  • Moonstone seems suspicious, “Why would this ‘Slyver’ only visit the Plane of Air and warn only you and your family?”
  • Korra explains, “I believe Slyver knew I could be … stealthy. Like the wind, there is no crevice that can be sealed too tight that air can not get in and out of … stone, would be stuck; fire would leave a path of destruction, water would leave a path of water… air is invisible. I believe that’s why he told us… he was relying on us to quietly move through and acquire the Rings and return them.”
  • Moonstone seems satisfied with this answer, knowing that Celestial beings are often very fickle and mysterious, in their ways and warnings
  • Korra explains again, now that Sephrenia is more conscious, that she knows much more about the Githyanki
  • Sephrenia explains that the Githyanki are elves who were curious about this “demon lord” the gods banished – because the gods of light rarely take such measures. These elves learned that this demon lord name Nebakrau – possessed incredible magic – and these elves, who were natural at magic became interested in what Nebakrau could offer them. So Nebakrau promised them many great things – but first he said he required the Githyanki to sew chaos among the followers of the gods of light to weaken the gods – and allow him to escape from his prison. These elves were gifted a Spelljammer where they ventured to the Astral Plane where Nebakrau was believed to be imprisoned and became their acts of chaos there; and successfully released Nebakrau. These elves were changed to represent and symbolize the serpent demon – and thus their appearance was changed to match his own. She explains that Nebakrau and his followers seek to bring an end to the world – a destiny, in which Nebakrau will coil around the world and destroy it.
  • Moonstone thanks Sephrenia for the additional information – especially about Nebakrau – if they can get back to Everstone Keep – they can check with the High Priestess to see if she knows the name “Nebakrau.” She asks Sephrenia, since she seems familiar with the Githyanki – as to why they seem more organized. In the Astral Plane, they often just attacked and acted like pirates – she’s never seen them as one, united force.
  • Sephrenia explains she’s not certain why that might be. Nothing in her history and teachings went into why they might unite. She suspects that Nebakrau may have something to do with it, but isn’t certain, since Nebakrau often teaches “sew chaos” – rather than “fight as a united front.”
  • Terra explains they’ve fought plenty of Githyanki, but they always fight to the death, making capturing one to question them, virtually impossible. Korra shares that the Drow they encountered behaved the same – they would bite on poison packs in their mouth to kill themselves in a matter of minutes, rather than be caught and questioned.
  • Sephrenia adds that the Githyanki are the most despised in the Elven Culture. Even the Drow, whom normal elves strongly dislike, despise the Githyanki and their ways.
  • Moonstone stares into the fire, and seems to get lost in thought, and then suddenly says, without breaking her gaze into the flames, “We should seek out Mauntanya – he is a stone giant near the peaks of this mountain. He is… strange… but he has visions and may be able to give advice.”
  • Terra shakes her head, “You put too much faith in Stonesight,” she smirks, “and his crazy visions.
  • Korra looks between Moonstone and Terra. “Many call him Stonesight,” Moonstone begins, “because of his visions, rather than his true name, which is Mauntanya. I think since he’s stepped away from the giant order, he’s never really heard his true name spoken to him since that was something between the giants. But he might have some information to give us.”
  • Korra asks Moonstone if there’s time and if it’s worth it if the information is going to be “vague”
  • Moonstone places her hand on the returned Elder Elemental Ring she wears around her neck until she can get back to Everstone Keep and says, “We have learned, already so much more with all of you here. Perhaps the information he provides could connect some of the pieces we’re missing – and together we can finish the puzzle.”
  • Korra realizes this is a good opportunity to work with the Earth Genasi and ensure that she is sincere – that she and her family – had nothing to do with the theft of the Rings. Sephrenia agrees with Moonstone, explaining some additional insight may be very useful.
  • Moonstone adds, “He may even have information about Aoil the Emerald Dragon and where he has vanished too.”
  • Korra nods and explains she’d be fine with it; and she realizes that the Earth Genasi, regarding her as royalty were awaiting her answer. Adrian adds to this by saying, “Lady Korra has spoken. We will seek out this dream walker.”
  • Terra stands up, slings her great axe onto her shoulder and slaps Adrian on the back. “Are you ready for more adventure? This will be a dangerous trek! I hope you don’t hold back,” she says as she begins marching, then looks over her shoulder and smiles, “like you always seem to do.”
  • Adrian massages his wounded shoulder, grabs his belongings and shouts, “I will be ready. But not if you insist on slapping me where that dire troll carved a hole in my shoulder.”
  • From up ahead, Terra roars in laughter
  • As the party continues moving through the caves, Moonstone explains, “We will be climbing high into the mountain to reach the peak where Mauntanya dwells.”
  • “Old Stonesight,” Terra mutters.
  • Moonstone shakes her head, “Yes, or Stonesight as he likes to be called these days.” She shakes her head. “The trek upward will bring us into contact with several native creatures that live inside these mountain caverns. However, we’re also likely to encounter the Dark Elves, since after their attempt to murder everyone in the Keep – they were forced to flee and took shelter in the depths of these mountains.”
  • The party packs up their belongings and now begins making their way towards Stonesight, the Stone Giant Dreamwalker
  • As the party is marching along through the cave, Terra keeps pace with Adrian, her great axe slung over her shoulder, as she recounts the many battles she’s been in – mostly with the Dark Elves and the Githyanki of late
  • She goes on to tell Adrian that despite his hesitation in battle, Terra explains that he think he has great potential
  • Adrian explains that normally he rushes into battle, but Sephrenia had been hurt with that head wound, so he was playing it safe
  • Terra smirks, “She seems like a fine healer, but definitely can’t compete to Moonstone. She’s kept me alive a number of times. She and I grew up together. She’d never admit it but we’re best friends.”
  • Don tells everyone to stop as not only does he see humanoid tracks – he also hears voices closely (DM Note – back to back Natural 20s!)
  • Don points out the Drow tracks to the others
  • Adrian turns to Korra, “What do you think, Korra? Do we attack?”
  • Don cuts in, “Pardon his lack of manners. He clearly meant to say Lady Korra.”
  • Korra stares at the two of them. “Why is it my call? Can’t we do a group decision or something?”
  • “We risk wounding royalty,” Moonstone adds
  • Korra sneers and playfully says, as she sees Terra leaning against Adrian, “I guess you’re going to have some explaining to do to your fiancé, huh?”
  • Terra stands and slaps Adrian on the back, “You convinced a woman to marry you! Clearly you don’t hesitant under the covers!” she stifles her laughter as she bats Adrian on the back – the same exact spot as always.
  • Don takes note that it seems as if Terra might be just a little disappointed to know that Adrian is “spoken for”
  • Korra sighs and turns to Don. “Fine. Let’s go see who it is or how many.”
  • Don explains, “As a natural explorer – I can tell there’s four different set of tracks. They look to have come and gone within the last 30 minutes. Over there, is where I can hear at least some of them.”
  • Party begins moving through the mushroom forest towards the sound of the voice – and up ahead they hear two voices and the crackling sound of fire
  • Don then casts Pass Without a Trace and he and Korra stealth forward successfully
  • Don and Korra manage to get to the edge of the camp and see two Drow speaking to one another, and tied to a post is a badly beaten Githyanki
  • Don and Korra listen and the Drow continue to speak; explaining they were lucky to catch this Githyanki soldier alone; and that they need information from it; and that the arrival of the Githyanki seems poorly timed; the Drow felt their goddess ascend, but then never got the message from their priestess to return home; then a year or so later, the Githyanki arrive in force; and they wonder if the Githyanki have anything to do with it; the Shadow Blade Drow just speaks of wanting to kill the Githyanki because of his sheer hatred for their kind; they watch as the one they know as an Arachnomancer says, “Talk, Gith, or die,” and stabs the Githyanki several more times
  • The Githyanki spits blood at the Drow and growls, “You will die in the Serpent’s coils.”
  • The Arachnomancer sighs and replaces the gag on the Githyanki
  • Don and Korra sneak back and explain what they’ve found – two Drow, same as the ones encountered before – the one with the blade and the spider one – and a tied up, badly beaten Githyanki
  • The party decides they should do something; because they may be able to magically pry information from the Githyanki
    • DM Note – At this point Beyond20 had gone down, so I resorted to using the game log on D&D Beyond to keep the game going. I reported that Beyond20 was down and they had it back up in 12 minutes! Incredible folks over there at Beyond20!
  • With Don’s Pass Without a Trace still active, the party is able to successfully stealth to the edge of the Drow’s camp – and launch a volley of one round of attack
  • Don peers at the two Drow – and is able to determine that one of them is a spellcaster – it’s another Arachnomancer (DM Note – Another Natural 20 from Don)
  • Don fires a shot at the Arachnomancer and misses; Adrian uses a crossbow and hits the Arachnomancer; Sephrenia launches a Ray of Frost and hits – which does damage, and reduces his speed and Korra hits as well
  • The Arachnomancer begins casting a spell, and pink, webbing sprays from his finger tips which sprays everyone except Korra, who tumbles out of the way – and each of them discover that they’ve been struck with a webby Faerie Fire spell
  • Adrian rushes half way – and stops – but Terra runs past him, slamming into his wounded shoulder – shouting over her shoulder, “Hesitating again, I see?”
  • “Damn it,” Adrian growls and chases after Terra
  • As the battle rages, the Drow together – with the Shadow Blade and the Arachnomancer prove to be quite difficult to handle – due to the Faerie Fire – and it allows the Shadowblade to strike Adrian
  • Sephrenia casts Beacon of Hope on the party
Natural 20.
  • The Arachnomancer turns himself invisible – but Adrain recognizes the spell and shouts that he’s become invisible
  • Thankfully, Sephrenia is able to cast healing on Adrian to help recover the damage he’d taken
  • But the battle isn’t without accidents… Natural 1
The Shadowblade tries to strike down Sephrenia for healing; but critical fails on himself; Don in turn misfires an arrow and hits Sephrenia
  • The two Drow use their natural Shadow Step ability to continue teleporting in and out of the shadows, striking everywhere
  • Korra manages to fire and take down Arachnomancer who mutters something in Elvish that’s rude and Sephrenia shouts out, “She is Royal, but she’s not the second part of that slur!”
  • Sephrenia having been hit by Don accidentally, misfires as well… hitting Adrian instead.
  • Don finally fires a shot that knocks the Shadowblade down to one knee, and Don rushes up, rips the blade out of his hand and severs the Shadowblade’s head
  • Adrian approaches the Githyanki and casts Zone of Truth – but immediately fails
  • Adrian turns to the others and shrugs
  • Don examines the post and immediately spots some Elvish writing – but it’s written with Drow influence, so he’s unfortunately not able to tell what the magic runes might say (Natural 20 on Investigation, so I gave him Advantage on Arcana…)
  • Don gestures to Sephrenia, “Hey fancy pants, there’s some Elvish writing over here. It’s Drow dialect, however, because I can’t make out the words – but definitely Elvish in nature.”
  • Sephrenia approaches and successfully deciphers the runes to read Dispel Magic or some variation of it – which, she realizes, is to prevent the Githyanki from using it’s Misty Step ability which the party witness during the fight with them on the Spelljammer (DM Note – Back in Session 83)
  • The party cut the Githyanki free of the post – and quickly tackle and subdue him, which allows Adrian to recast Zone of Truth
  • The furious Githyanki, so angry and so confident in Nebakrau, it freely answers the party’s questions – he only speaks Elvish, making it so only Sephrenia or Don can ask questions and understand what his answers are.
    • Why are you here?
      • I am here to cause chaos, war and blood in the name of the Serpent God. His coils will wrap around all reality and crush those – and only his children will remain to be the rulers of the world, free of the vermin of disbelievers.
    • What did our Spider Friends want with you?
      • The Drow are weak! They want to try and stop us! But their Spider Queen will die with the injection of our Serpent God’s venom.
    • Tell me where your brethren are, dog.
      • My brethren? He laughs. They’re everywhere. All over this land. Like a serpent we are constricting the Earth Genasi kingdom – and soon they will be crushed beneath our coils and taste the venom. They will go to their gods in death, but their gods – their gods are next. And so are yours, Elf Witch.
  • Don slaps the Githyanki. He growls in Elvish, “Half Breed, keep your hands off me. You’re worse than her, because your blood is tainted.”
    • Where is the Ring of Elder Air Elementals?
      • The Githyanki laughs, “I know nothing of any ring.”
    • How is it you’re all working together? You never run in a large pack.
      • He sneers. “It wasn’t my choice. When the Orb came – he spoke of wisdom that only the true believers know – and he appears to be a messenger from our god – and explained if we were able to reap chaos – just as our god demands of us – he would ascend to godhood – and then unlock the door to truly release Nebakrau!”
  • Sephrenia sneers back, “You and your people are fools.”
  • Don then punches the Githyanki, while it’s restrained
  • They then pour poison down the Githyanki’s throat and watch him die as Adrian keeps him restrained
  • The party recovers four daggers from Arachnomancer and discovers they’re four: Dagger +1
  • Sephrenia examines the great sword from the shadowblade – and notices that it’s a Greatsword +3, but there are runes that have Drow symbols – including several spiders on the hilt – and believes there’s a curse on the blade known as Greatsword of the Spider Queen’s Fang
  • They also locate four gems, worth 100 gold each
  • The party takes a short rest at the camp, keeping guard, since Don had found the tracks of the other Drow in the area; and after a short rest continue along the way
  • As the party makes their way through the caverns – Don spots some Piercers on the ceiling; and knows to look for Ropers – but spots something different lingers on the ceiling…
  • Don points out the Balhannoth and explains what he knows about them (from his Nature check) – Don casts Pass Without Trace and the party successfully gets past the creature without alerting it
  • They party begins a tough journey upward in the cave, which rapidly becomes tiring as they can feel the air getting colder and thinner the higher they climb; they eventually reach the mouth of the cave and see massive layers of snow and realize just how high up the mountain they are. Walking through the snow, ill equipped to be moving through six feet of snow, most of the party earns levels of exhaustion before they see the mouth of the Dream Walker’s cave – and Moonstone freezes and says, “Something’s wrong.” She points and a figure with its back to the party is standing at the mount of the cave – when suddenly one head, a second head, and then the full body turns – and what they’re staring at is a three headed frost giant…

To be continued…