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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- Wickedstraza – Dragonborn (Bronze), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) – Not present
Everyone packs up after a restful sleep next to the Kalisin tree; thankful that nothing else had happened during the Hollowing while they rested. Other than the persistent howling they heard around the camp, the night had been uneventful and everyone was able to get a long rest. In – what they assume to be the morning – they pack up and begin heading for the farming village, following the river since Galiena was confident this had been the same river she saw running near the farmlands. They eventually get to a small cliff about twenty feet high, that has a small waterfall that they need to either climb up or cross.

Baldur sighs as he looks at Galiena. “You’ve had bad experiences climbing and swimming… so which is it going to be?”
Galiena comes to stand next to Baldur, looks at the ledge, the river, and then him – and before he realizes what’s happened – she grabbed his spear from his hand and shoved it into the water to try and determine its depth. She determines its about two to three feet deep and the current doesn’t seem very strong.
Baldur takes his spear back and mutters, “I think you’ve had more trouble climbing than water. And there’s no Sahaugin around. So it’s probably better to just cross the river. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?”
Aros looks at Baldur, “Mind if I get a piggy back ride?”
Baldur looks at Aros, looks at the wet spear and sees it’d be eye level to Aros and nods, “Sure.”
Aros and Baldur decide they will cross first. Aros climbs onto Baldur’s back, and the party decides to go in pairs. Baldur begins to cross the 20′ wide stream, and gets about 10′ when he suddenly plunges into a hole in the rocky floor, submerging him and Aros deep into the river; but Aros manages to maintain his hold on Baldur, which makes Baldur submerge further. Breaching the surface, Baldur chokes, “Watch out for that spot.”
Baldur shakes his head, “You’re going to end up drowning me. Let me toss you to the shore.”
“Toss me?” Aros asked doubtfully.
“You’re small, this should totally work,” Baldur assures him.
“OK,” Aros shrugs, “I’ve done weirder things since being stuck on this island with you guys…” And with that Baldur gives Aros a hard shove, throwing him for the shoreline, which Aros not only lands – but gracefully does a flip in the air before landing the very heroic landing.
(DM Note – This was a fun segment of doing Athletics and Acrobatics to which when thrown Aros rolled a Natural 20 on his Athletics after being thrown)
Baldur manages to successfully cross the stream and he and Aros look back at Galiena and Ramgor on the other side and shout, “Come on – what’s your fancy move going to be?”
However, at that moment – Baldur and Aros see four red pair of eyes coming out of the shadows behind Galiena and Ramgor, catching them unaware.

Baldur begins leaping up and down, waving his arms, “Forest Gnomes! Forest Gnomes!” However, it becomes clear with the sound of the waterfall and the current of the river that neither Galiena nor Ramgor can hear what Baldur is shouting. Baldur signs and leaps back into the river, while Aros begins climbing up a tree.
Galiena looks to Ramgor and asks, “Why is he coming back this way?”
Galiena and Ramgor turn to look behind them and see a large, two headed dog –
Galiena manages to turn and strike the Fey Hunter; and casts Booming Blade after the hit (Critical Fail on Perception). Ramgor draws his Moon Touched Blade, but accidentally cuts Galiena for minor damage (Critical Fail on Attack). Realizing that Galiena and Ramgor being between him and the Fey Hunter, the creature has partial cover. Aros decides to climb a tree to get some leverage, and does so successfully.
The Fey Hunter, believing the warrior is the greater threat (despite that Ramgor had missed and accidentally struck Galiena) turns his gaze on Ramgor – and its eyes glow like glistening blood – and Ramgor is suddenly shaken with fear (Frightened, failed save). From the other side, Baldur casts Toll The Dead on the Fey Hunter, which Critical Fails the Savings Throw (and Baldur fails his Perception check). Galiena lunges forward, but the Fey Hunter pulls away; Ramgor attempts to save and succeeds, overcoming his fear.
Aros, from the vantage of the tree, fires an arrow and hits the Fey Hunter. Aros notices that the arrow did hit – but it doesn’t look like the creature’s form is completely solid; as if composed more of shadows than a physical form – and notices his arrow did not do as much damage as he’d thought. The Fey Hunter lunges and bites into Galiena’s flesh – dealing necrotic damage, and draining her strength (drained 3 points of strength). Baldur does Toll the Dead – and this time Baldur notices that the Fey Hunter does not seem to be effected at all by necrotic damage that Toll the Dead does.
As Baldur reaches the middle of the stream, he plunges into the same hole that he’d stepped into when he originally crossed, plunging him beneath the waters, when he pulls himself out and turns around and shouts at Aros – somewhere in the trees.
Galiena in the meantime, casts Cure Wounds on herself – summoning her fey connection with the Unicorn for additional healing – and something about that connection visibly upsets the Fey Hunter. Aros from the other side, still in the trees, fires another arrow – knowing it’s not doing the full damage; but figures some is better than none.
The Fey Hunter goes to bite; but misses; and decides to use the Shadow Stealth ability, allowing it to become one with the darkness. Baldur is able to see it (successful Perception check) and lunges his spear into its shadowy hide, and notices that his spear did not do as much damage as he would have expected as the spear seems to pass through its shadowy form. Aros fires another shot from the trees and hits; again, not doing as much damage as he’d expected; and eventually it’s Aros with his arrows, though not doing full damage, that manages to deliver the killing blow.
Aros shouts, “Get my arrows!” However, Galiena, Ramgor and Baldur are searching the area to see what sent the Fey Hunter; and find no evidence, and decide they need to now climb across the stream. Aros, error on the side of caution, remains in the trees, in case one of those creatures appears on that side of the river. Galiena decides to cross first, and just before she steps in it – Baldur shouts, “Watch out for -” and stops, as she plunges into the hole in the river. Ramgor looks over at Baldur and sees him smiling. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Ramgor asks.
Baldur only smiles in response, then proceeds behind her – and proceeds to step into the same hole as well, plunging into the stream; but this time, isn’t able to pull himself out of the hole quick enough, and washes down stream about sixty feet. Ramgor watches, glad that Baldur is alive as he comes out of the shore, and Ramgor smiles, “The gods watch.” And Ramgor also plunges into the hole, comes out laughing, and manages to make it across the stream.
(DM Note – the party levels up after the encounter with the Fey Hunter! Hooray!)
The party scales up the cliff side and proceeds to follow the river towards the town; and are thankful when, in the distance, they see lanterns hanging on buildings knowing they’ve arrived. The wereravens, including Brandon Crowfeather and his wife, Erica Crowfeather are still in town; with Erica looking exhausted – having used her magic to keep Waesyn from turning into a Vargouille. Galiena hands Erica the cure provided by the mad Satyr, Ossis, and explains what they’d done. Once the potion is given to Waesyn, he becomes extremely ill and Erica explains that he should be back on his feet in a week; but the toxins of the potion will kill the Vargouille’s effects, but also make him extremely sick.
Brandon approaches them and says, “I heard what all of you have gone through. There’s someone who wants to talk to you.”
Galiena looks at Ramgor, “What do you think?”
Ramgor nods, exhausted, “We should take this to the end.”
Everyone agrees, and they ride with Brandon and Erica for several hours; arriving at the base of a small mountain. Galiena looks to Ramgor and whispers, “So help me if we need to climb this mountain.”
“Let’s hope not, my love,” Ramgor smiles. His tender words catch Galiena off guard, being referred to as his love. Her cheeks flush a deep red.
Brandon dismounts and approaches the mountain wall and presses his hand against a stone, and a hidden door reveals itself. The party goes inside, and seems to travel through winding paths for about an hour, before entering a large room.
Each of them gasps as the air escapes their lungs. Sitting peacefully in the room is a large dragon, like they’d never seen before.
The Dragon goes to all four feet and bows, “My name is Crescent. I’ve heard of rumblings of all of you – whether it’s from kobolds in the swamps, to the fury of the sirens, to even a band of drunken goblins… I’ve heard of you. I am glad you agreed to come… you may be what’s needed to help bring an end to the curse that plagues this island…”
Crescent admits, “I don’t know how long you’ve been here; and if you’ve only recently began making waves; but have you ever heard of Lord Brenmoon?”
Baldur shouts, “Yes! We’re on it. We’ve already killed some of his zombies.”
Crescent then says, “Lord Brenmoon has endless finances; and he’s somehow come into possession into a Deep Dragon.”
The party exchanges glances.
“It is the Deep Dragon, before the curse came to this land, that drove Lord Starfall’s faithful Rocs away from the island,” Crescent explains. “Shadow Wing, the Deep Dragon, is foul – and at the service of Lord Brenmoon – and the Rocs driven away – Lord Brenmoon was able to march across Lord Starfall’s forces – and entered his home and ripped out the heart of Lord Starfall himself. “
“We heard Lord Brenmoon is allied with a powerful, evil wizard,” Galiena says.
“Then you know of Razathorn,” Crescent smiled. “You’ve learned much in your time here.”
“There was something about how Razathorn used a woman named Layna Ollarina and possibly magic to seduce Lord Starfall,” Galiena explains, “while he was in love with Ellana Treeglade. We met Ellana’s spirit and learned this, shortly after being shipwrecked on the island. We’ve also been working with Relgar, Razathorn’s assistant.”
Crescent is pleased with the knowledge the party has gained, “Good, you know of Razathorn and all of his dealings. Yes, Relgar is one of our agents – he is working for Razathorn and keeping an eye on his activities, while learning to become a powerful wizard himself. I hope he is strong and can avoid the corruption that seems to follow Razathorn. Razathorn indeed used potions to intoxicate and mind control both Layna and Lord Starfall, to bring dishonor to Lord Starfall’s name. At the time, Razathorn was working for Lord Brenmoon… and Lord Brenmoon’s only goal was to usurp Lord Starfall, at any cost… and soon after doing so… he became obsessed with his mortality, having been grievously wounded during one of the battles… He employed Razathorn to find the key to immortality, and Razathorn learned something about the Fey… and used magic to trap one named Ossis… which Lord Brenmoon tortured until he discovered how to become immortal… or what is sometimes called Feypire – similar to the Vampire, but not a true vampire. The Feypire is done by pure magic, twisted into its most dark manner. Once Lord Brenmoon had this he bit and infected Ossis – and rather than killing the Satyr – he released him, taking pleasure in how it broke the Satyr. The downside, the Feypire are weaker in daylight – similar to vampires, pure light makes them ill… and so Lord Brenmoon called on Razathorn to bring perpetual darkness to Eagle Rock… and bound all within, the inability to leave… With this new power, Lord Brenmoon cast Razathorn out – which infuriated the wizard beyond words… and so Razathorn began researching ways to usurp Lord Brenmoon and end his life, for dishonoring Razathorn…”
Crescent pauses, then lays down, as if the tragic story of Ossis tired him out. “While the rest of us are damned to remain on this island, Razathron has been able to leave – and come back and forth. He has a tower, several days from here – where he is raising a new army to march against Lord Brenmoon… and while I would cherish the idea of Lord Brenmoon meeting his end… the means in which Razathorn is going about it… is not a means I am willing to let happen. You few must quietly get inside Razathorn’s tower and destroy the Cauldron of Shadow. He’s doing something with Dragon Eggs he’s finding on the main continent and bringing back to Eagle Rock where his questionable methods go unobserved…”
Feeling the sorrow all over again in regards to Ossis, and being in the presence of a majestic dragon, Galiena nods, “We will be glad to help.”
An astonished Baldur looks at her, then at Crescent. “What she said.”
Crescent lifts his hands and a shimmering image appears; and it’s Mordak, the questionable wizard that Galiena, Aros, and Baldur found themselves being stuck in servitude to, and whom they’d tried to escape. Seeing acknowledgement, Crescent adjusts the image which barely changes, and says, “This is Razathorn.”
“They’re the same person?” Baldur asks.
Crescent nods, “It would appear so. He’s driving you all to do non stop research, pulling you back to his tower on Tawaim… all to find information… on how to defeat Lord Brenmoon.”
“That makes sense,” Baldur nods.
Galiena clears her throat and asks, “I am sorry to ask this of you, Crescent – but we have some others back at the village of Felhorn who may be concerned that we’ve not returned in over a week. There is an Innkeeper there who has rooms for us … and I have a faerie dragon there… and he,” she gestures to Baldur, “has a … lady friend,” she shrugs, unsure of what to make of Baldur and Kaitlyn’s relationship, “who is also there. If we provided you with the room numbers would you be able to send someone there?”
Brandon Crowfeather bows, “I can take care of that, Crescent,” he offers. Gathering the information, Crescent then hands Brandon some gold to pay for several months of time at the Inn. Brandon bows, takes his raven form and departs.
The party rides several hours, before dismounting and approaching the tower on foot. Standing outside the tower they see two hulking figures – that at first glance look as if they might be Dragonborn – but upon closer examination appear far more dragon-like in their appearance than Dragonborn.
“What are those?” Aros asks, concerned.
“Not anything I’ve seen,” Ramgor whispers.
Aros sighs, and looks at the others, “I can stealth a little closer… and take a look.” Aros manages to climb closer, sticking to the brush – and sees the hulking humanoid figures – he listens to them speaking, and it’s a language he can’t understand and decides to head back quietly. “Definitely not Dragonborn,” Aros confirms. “I’ve never see anything like them…”
Baldur looks at the party and says, “I have an idea. Now that we know Mordak is Razathorn or Razathorn is Mordak – I want to disguise myself as him – go up there and see if we can’t figure out what’s going on.”
“You want to go up there alone?” Ramgor asks.
“Alone? No. I was think Aros can go spy around the side, maybe get inside the tower,” Baldur shrugs.
“So I will be alone,” Aros asks.
“That’s the plan,” Baldur nods. “The rest of us would be too noisy.”
“I don’t like that plan,” Aros says, matter-of-factly.
“Well, then – just sneak along and be there in case something goes wrong,” Baldur sighs. “I need a staff like Razathorn’s.” The party searches for a staff similar to what Mordak had, assuming it’s the same staff Razathorn has. The party comes back with a branch to try and make a dragon claw type staff.
(DM Note – I had them do a Survival Check to try and shape the branch close, and they did not do well so I posted this image)
Baldur decides he will work that into his plan. Disguised (as best as he can) as Razathorn he approaches the duo.
One of the Draconians looks at him, “What are you doing outside the tower?”
“What do you mean?” Baldur asks, trying to mimic Razathorn’s voice.
“You never leave the tower,” the Draconian growls.
“I told second shift I was going for a walk, did they not pass that information to you?” Baldur asks.
“Second shift? What’s that?” the Draconian asks.
“Listen, none of that is important,” Baldur says and shoves his staff forward and says, “My staff has been damaged! Fetch me wood to repair it!” He then casts Command on them – and the foot soldier runs off to fetch wood, having failed the Savings Throw.Aros stealths along side the party – and gets next to the tower – and snaps a branch, catching Baldur and the other Draconian’s attention.
“Damn it,” Baldur mutters.