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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard – Not Present This Session
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
- The party looks over what they’ve recovered and decide that it may be best to take a long rest at the camp in case they run into any patrolling creatures in the cave
- Hartmut takes first watch; and doesn’t perceive anything (9 Perception), because he was too busy studying the Water Weird in the Lake
- Nothing comes however; he wakes up Twilight and she takes second watch and dozes off (Critical Fail on Perception)
- DM Note – I didn’t plan for them to remain in the cave, I’d assumed they’d simply back track and make their way back to town. Since they long rested and she critical failed her perception check – I thought it might be fun to do a random encounter. I had her select 1 to 10, or 11 to 20 – to see if nothing happens. She picked 11 to 20, and I rolled a 5. A random encounter emerges!
- Because of Twilight’s Critical Fail on Perception, she’s fallen asleep – and the figure gets the drop on the party – anyone who rolled below a 10 on the Dexterity Check, is still considered asleep for one round (and will awaken the next round due to the sounds of combat) – only Avacyn and Arhian remain asleep
- The Ogre rushes forward to get the drop on the party, but Rettniss awakens quickly feeling the thundering foot prints (Natural 20 Initiative)
- Rettniss casts Entangle which the Ogre is unable to break free of
- Twilight swings her rapier and hits the Ogre for some damage
- Hartmut joins the fray and knows they need to take the Ogre down fast, because of how hard it can hit – hits with his sword sword, then follows up with two flurry of blows, both of which hit, in total doing significant damage
- Rettniss casts Frostbite but the Ogre shakes off the effects
- The Ogre growls at Twilight and swings his greatclub but Twilight is able to duck the attack
- Twilight tries to swing again, but is slightly off balance from dodging, and misses (despite having Advantage)
- Hartmut on the other side manages to hit the Ogre and do enough damage to see the ogre fall down dead
- The party decides they want to explore the rest of the cave
- DM Note – This is even after I said, “Do you want to make your way back out the cave the way you came in? Or explore the cave?”
- I’d assumed that they’d leave; and emphasized that the goal was to find Avacyn’s mother and she’s teleported away; but the party decides to explore the cave
- The party makes their way back across and decides to explore to the right, and casually walks through the cave (no one mentioned Stealthing) so the gnoll and orcs are aware of their presence
- As combat starts with the gnolls and orcs, Avacyn takes a step back and bumps into a large mushroom – which turns out to be a Shrieker (Critical Fail)
- All the Shriekers begin screaming; one triggering another, triggering another, and as combat continues the ground rumbles
- Sindri shouts, “Purple worm!”
- But the orcs and gnolls continue the assault
- Avacyn, hearing Purple Worm – begins bolting for the exit (the rest of the party is alarmed that their meaty tank is making a run for it) – and the party begins moving backwards and firing distance weapons, knowing that if Sindri is right – and that the rumbling could be an approaching purple worm, which are known to feed on Shriekers (and anything else that triggered the Shriekers), they need to get out
- As the party retreats and fights, they’re forced to take healing potions
- As they pass the spot where the gnoll is chewing on mushrooms, orcs appear behind him and begin shouting to shoot at the party; but the gnoll is still in a mind altered state
- DM Note – When I put this gnoll in here originally, he was there to approach and the party could (fairly easily with persuasion checks) to get information from him that would have included Quippers in the water, mention of traps in the halls, Piercers on the other side, and undead with Avacyn’s mother – including “something weird in the lake” (the Water Weird).
- The party stumbles out of the caves, limping and bleeding, and quickly make their way through The Great Hills and back to the Ivory Coast town
- The party decides that they will need to get some rest; Sindri gathers the magically items and explains that he can probably identify these, but it would take some time (DM Note – Easy way to excuse Sindri out of the action since he wasn’t present for this session)
- Twilight goes to the innkeeper and asks where they can find some potions
- And Innkeeper Horak (of the Pegasus Wing) explains, “You will want to go to Doro’s – she’s got the best potions. She will tell you if you ask. Easy to find – go down the street right over there – pass two farms – and you will see a store called Doro’s Best Potions. Very modest, that woman.”
- The party heads to Doro’s Best Potions, whom they’d met previously (back in Session 7 before venturing into the cave after Avacyn’s mother), she smiles as she sees the familiar faces, “Good to see all of you,” she says, her eyes lingering on Hartmut a little longer than the rest. Though an older woman, Doro is still quite attractive despite her age.
- Hartmut explains, in hopes of trying to get the cost cheaper (she’s offering 50 gold), “We’ve just had a really hard time trying to take down a necromancer and keep the city and the world safe. Any chance you could help out a wounded party?” He shows off the numerous tears in his clothes and the bloodstains.
- “Necromancer, you say?” Doro asks. “I’ve heard the stories. Was it out in the Great Hills? Terrible things happen out there.”
- Hartmut confirms it was out in the Great Hills – Rolls Persuasion for the Discounted Price – Natural 20!
- DM Note – I figured I’d have fun now since he rolled a Natural 20 and indicate that Doro is attracted to Hartmut
- Doro runs her hand down Hartmut’s firm arm and down to his hands, and says, “You look like a strong adventurer.” And offers a small discount. Hartmut pulls his arm away slowly and smiles at Doro and says, “Um, I will take two.” Hartmut nods and walks out. Rettniss hearing the price walks out of the potion shop.
- Arhian puts down 100 gold and purchases two potions and leaves and makes sure that Hartmut is doing fine.
- Twilight purchases three potions and leaves.
- Avacyn tries to talk to Doro and get a discount by saying, “Do I get a discount or am I going to have to steal them?”
- Avacyn fails her Intimidation check and Doro says, “Oh, will you look at that. I am almost out of potions and out of supplies to make more. I’m afraid the price now is a little steeper, you must understand – with so many adventurers coming into this town – supply and demand – so, let’s say 65 gold. But I am sure an adventurer such as yourself can afford one of the best healing potions?”
- Avacyn sneers and walks out of the shop.
- Arhian pulls out the ax and says, “I still need to sell this.” Avacyn nods, “I have a sword to sell too.” Together they party then goes and finds Keyleek’s Weapons

- Keyleek Twostaff looks at the party and welcomes them, “It looks as if all of you have seen some action, by the amount of blood on your clothes. Hopefully mostly the enemies’ blood rather than your own.”
- Arhian produces the ax and says, “I have this ax with these runes on it, that I am looking to sell.”
- Keyleek looks at it, and examines the ax – and notes that it’s definitely magical – and looks at the Arhian and asks, “How much are you looking to get for it?”
- Arhian says, “I am looking for 200 gold.”
- Keyleek shrugs, “Well, these runes – they’re Orcish in nature. It would be difficult to sell this. Orcs are killed on site, and Half-Orcs, they’re uncommon,” as his eyes fall on Avacyn, “and mostly just tolerated in towns. I could offer 150.”
- Arhian nods, understanding the logic, and accepts the 150 gold offer and is glad to be rid of the Orcish Ax
- Twilight approaches Keyleek and asks if he has any crossbow bolts; and Keyleek looks into the back of his store; and offers a bundle of 20 bolts for 3 gold
- When Rettniss approaches Keyleek, he’s stunned – as he’s heard of Water Genasi – but never seen one before. He clears his throat and says, “Hello there. How can I help you?”
- Rettniss explains that she has a “Scimitar and Quarterstaff, both are not magical – that I would love to sell to you and they’d look great in your shop.” (Natural 20 Persuasion)
- Keyleek’s admiration becomes more clear as Rettniss speaks, as he leans on the counter, hands on his chin, gazing into her eyes – it’s not even clear if he’s paying attention, and stammers, “Yes, well, of course you look good – that is, those look good – those – and in those weapons, not anything else – I mean, a lot looks good – listen, I’ll just buy those weapons from you for 100 gold.”
- Rettniss smiles, “That’s very kind of you. Perhaps I will see you later? At the tavern?”
- Keyleek smiles, “Oh, so you’re staying for awhile then?”
- Rettniss replies, “It’s very hit and miss. We’re very important adventurers on a very important mission. But we are not leaving this town just yet.”
- Twilight nudges Rettniss and clearly states, “We will be in town tonight at the tavern after we wash up, if you wanted to talk to her more.”
- Rettniss turns her head and shoots Twilight a scolding look
- Keyleek asks, “Are you at the Pegasus Wing?”
- Twilight confirms and pulls out her hurdy gurdy and starts playing a romantic song
- Rettniss boops Keyleek on the nose and says she will see him later tonight
- Twilight and Rettniss get Inspiration
- Avacyn whispers, “Hey! Sell my sword to him! It’s magic!”
- Rettniss turns back towards Keyleek and says, “It slipped my mind – I forgot I have this enchanted longsword I would like to sell.”
- Keyleek nods and says, “I will purchase it for 100 gold.”
- Rettniss looks over at Avacyn who seems to be sneering, but Twilight pipes up, “That’d be great!” And Keyleek slides over 100 gold.
- Twilight adds, “By the way, she should be down at the tavern tonight.”
- When the party returns to the Pegasus Wing, Innkeeper Horak waves them down, “Good! Good! You’re back! Shortly after all of you left – someone came in looking for you. Said it was of urgent business and that they only trust the lot of you. It’s an elf named Jorick Landstrider.” He gestures to a dark corner, a cloak over their face, where the shadows hide their features.
- DM Note – The description of sitting in a dark corner in an inn, near a fire place, with hard to see features is a reference to Strider from Lord of the Rings, which is why the surname is Landstrider.
- “Well isn’t that mysterious,” Twilight whispers. She looks at Rettniss, “So you excited about the date? Would you like me to play some music for the two of you?”
- Rettniss smiles. “That would be lovely.”
- The party approaches Jorick and sits at the table with him; Twilight sits at the table while Arhian comes to stand near the fireplace, leaning against the wall. Hartmut pulls a chair up at the table, while Avacyn orders a drink at the bar, which is where Rettniss also hangs out
- Jorick pulls his hood back, revealing a scar across his cheek
- Jorick leans forward, “My people have been watching several of your kind – adventurers who have come to this new land in hope of fame and fortune. We’ve sought out adventurers who are capable of handling themselves, and can endure what will not be an easy fight. I’ve followed you for some time; seen what you’re capable, and believe you may be just what my people and I need.”
- Twilight leans forward, “What is it you think we can do for you?”
- He heaves a deep sigh, “Not too long ago, a Dryad was sacrificed in the Jade Forest and by the time some adventurers arrived, it was already too late. As if that were not bad enough, the atrocity of a Dryad sacrificed, a fallen Angel escaping it’s prison and a Unicorn murdered and turned into a Nightmare – this drew the unwanted attention of a Green Hag which a different set of adventurers who managed to kill her. But not before falling for the Hag’s deception, which led to them murdering Centaurs of the Jade Forest. The Centaur forgave the heroes, being familiar with the Hag’s deception, but told them to never return again. The Centaurs and my people have since been trying to restore the woods – bring life to the dead leaves – regrow ancient trees that were thousands of years old – now dead. Three weeks ago, something happened. Everything turned dark – and from the One Tree, where the fallen angel had been kept, and the Green Hag was defeated – the land began turning to swamp and a disgusting green mist, most foul – which can cause sickness by breathing it – began to spread slowly at first – but the rate of which the lands now turn to swamp and the mist spreads seems to be growing exponentially quicker each day.”
- Twilight asks, “Do you know what has caused it?”
- Jorick’s face grows dark, “If my eyes are to be believed – what I saw were three hags. It would appear our woods are cursed to draw their kind.”

- Jorick explains, “Whatever they’ve done – it’s at the Splintered One Tree – that’s the center of the corruption. But I, nor any of my kind, have had the … endurance to get close enough… between the sickness of the mist and some of the strange monsters we’ve now seen, brought by the Coven themselves to safeguard them while they were there. I don’t know if they’re still there or if they’ve moved on – but the sickness is still growing so I assume they’re still there.”
- Twilight asks if he would be able to escort them, and he explains, “I can take you to the edge – but I’m still recovering from the sickness. It takes a week, sometimes more, for the body to clear the illness. So I can take you to the edge – and from there if you head towards the Splintered Tree, that will be the center where the corruption lies.”
- Rettniss approaches, “What is the reward for our trouble?”
- Jorick thinks about it, “Well, we would be greatly appreciated for the help. To stop the spread of corruption. Unfortunately, we don’t have much in the way of gold or any kind of … normal rewards.”
- Rettniss asks, “In regards to the sickness you mentioned – is there any protection?”
- Jorick shakes his head, “Not that we’ve found. We’ve tried magic and potions. The sickness will leave your body – but it can take weeks to months. The green fog is airborne and you can taste the very toxicity of the air.”
- Arhian asks, “Does it impact all races?”
- Jorick replies, “I know it effects the Fae. But I’ve seen humans who passed too close, grow sick as well. So I believe it’s any humanoid who breathes the foul mist. The animals in the woods – some seem fine, while others seem to be driven mad.”
- Twilight asks, “When do we need to leave?”
- Jorick looks grim, “Tonight would be best. It’s several days ride to the Jade Forest. The long we wait, the more the sickness spreads.”
- The party turns to Rettniss who had made plans to see Keyleek tonight.
- Rettniss returns to Horak, and the Innkeeper says, “Good! Good! You’re talking to Jorick! He’s been acting weird since he got here.”
- Rettniss says, “Listen we met Keyleek earlier; does he frequent the Pegasus Wing?”
- Horak nods, “Oh yes, he comes in here frequently! His favorite drink – if that’s your question – is Vikarus!”
- Rettniss is familiar with Vikarus – knowing it’s a potato and basil based alcoholic drink that originated from a fabled island called “Eagle Rock.” Rettniss also knows that long ago a curse befell the island and ships stopped docking there and the great Roc beasts ceased coming, making Vikarus extremely rare and expensive.
- Horak says, “We have different types of Vikarus – from Eagle Rock. Extremely rare.”
- “How much would a bottle run me?” Rettniss asks
- Horak looks Rettniss over and heaves a deep sigh, “75 gold fine with you?”
- Rettniss agrees and thanks Horak

- Rettniss tells the others that she will be right back; and Arhian teasingly calls out, “Would you like the bard to come along?” Rettniss looks at Twilight and gestures with her head to follow and Twilight leaps out of her chair and looks at Jorick, “We will be right back. There’s something we need to take care of really quick.”
- As Rettniss and Twilight walk back to Keyleek’s store, Rettniss explains that she plans to give Keyleek the bottle – and that he can drink from of it, if he wants – but she would love for him to wait for her – and that she’s serious – and plans to return after taking care of some business.”
- They reach Keyleek’s store, and she explains this, and Keyleek sighs, but understands that she’s an adventurer, and that business calls to her, meanwhile Twilight plays a song about heroes and their travels
- DM Note – My favorite song, hands down from Blind Guardian is The Bard’s Song and I absolutely love Malukah’s rendition; and Twilight being female it seems like a good fit to promote some stuff I love.
- Keyleek smiles and says, “I look forward to see you again.”
- Twilight and Rettniss return to the Pegasus Wing where they meet the others and head upstairs. They speak with Sindri who explains that he’s still trying to identify all the magic items and to go on without him. Jorick is able to provide Sindri with a map, and the rest of the party purchases a donkey for Sindri, should he finish before they return.
- DM Note – This was done because the player was not able to make this session and makes it easy to leave him out of the session, but a means to catch up to the party for the next session
- The party rides for several days, with Jorick leading them – until he suddenly shouts for the party to quickly pull off the scarcely made path; suspecting an attack, the party looks around and says, “There’s Twinoak.”
- The party notices that Twinoak is a living tree…
- Jorick hails Twinoak, who – the party notices, as they approach – seems to be talking to the dirt (and talks extremely slow)
- Upon getting closer, they see a small fey sitting on what appears to be a miniaturized dragon
- Twinoak turns, “Jorick… you have… found… adventurers…”
- Jorick leaps off the horse and approaches Twinoak and pats the large treant, “Yes, these are the ones I’ve been watching. They’re very capable.”
- Twinoak says, “Good…. the sickness… has been… spreading…. quickly.” He then looks at the sprite and pseudodragon and says, “See…. we got… help… now you… don’t need… to go … in there… anymore.”
- Daggerpoint nudges Locke, who stretches and sighs and flies up. Daggerpoint looks at the party, “So this the people Jorick brought?” His voice is high pitched. “I mean they look capable – but I need to go in with them! They need me!”
- Jorick assures the party, “He’s got the best intentions. He’s just… hyper.”
- Daggerpoint shouts, “I am not hyper! I just like to get things done!”
- Rettniss asks Daggerpoint more information about the sickness.
- Daggerpoint nods, “Oh, I was near the Splintered Tree when this sickness started. I went to look and saw a strange cabin that had suddenly appeared in the forest. It stunk of magic most foul – and when I went to look – inside there were three hags!”
- Twilight asks, “Do you know what kind of hags they were?”
- “The ugly kind,” Daggerpoint answers. “But then all hags are ugly. I mean, the lot of you are pretty ugly – but you’re not Fae, so that’s to be expected. The leader of the hags was an older looking one… pale skin… like a ghost.”
- The party looks among one another and agree to allow Daggerpoint and Locke to join the party. Jorick says that he and Twinoak will await here and wait for their wizard friend.”