Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 90

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The Unexpected Kobold Party –

  • Ralf – The one the others vote to always sacrifice first/send in first
  • Zor – “Knows everything”
  • Bin – Confused about the “Owlbear” the most
  • Fourn – Leader
  • Terka – “Priestess”
  • Corz – Yaz’s brother
  • Yaz – Corz’s brother
  • Xiar – Dreamer
  • Zor, explains that the Githyanki camp with the priestess is about sixty feet ahead
  • The plan formulates that Korra and Don will hang back; as will Dusk (who is still trying to repair his armor). The Kobolds will loosely tie up Adrian, Sephrenia, and Terra and bring them in as “prisoners”
  • The questions comes with how will they handle the weapons; because weapons still on their hips will immediately arouse suspicion
  • The party asks how many Githyanki are at the camp and Zor explains there’s “three” but holds up all five fingers; and he explains “three, but one different, one like you, but not like you” he explains while pointing to Sephrenia
  • Sephrenia points out that there’s Githyanki, but they probably have a Drow prisoner
  • Ralf adds that it’s three, but less than how many there are in the current party
  • The party tries to narrow down how many, but Zor insists there’s “three”
  • The party finally concludes that there’s a good chance these Kobolds aren’t too educated to know the difference between three, six, eight, ten or five; anything more than one simply seems to be “three”
  • The party eventually settles on sending Korra up ahead to stealth and scout out the Githyanki camp
  • Korra nods and slips into the shadows
  • She creeps closely and over hears one of the guards speaking to the cleric, “We must ensure that Kvars, the Topaz Dragon, never learns that it is we who hold Aoil the Emerald Dragon captive. So long as Kvars believes that the Earth Genasi have imprisoned Aoil, the Topaz dragon will continue to serve us. It’s important that we keep the Kobolds you have enslaved in the dark about this as well. They tend to run their mouth quite a bit.”
  • The Cleric looks at the guard, “We must also locate Ketchur – because he went off to go find the other Kobolds and he’s not yet returned. Those bastard Drow that roam these caves,” and Korra notices the Cleric’s gaze shifts, and she follows and sees a female Drow tied to a post and looking severely beaten, “have been snooping around too much. Now that we’ve recovered the gems, we must get them out of the Plane of Earth and meet with the others.” (DM Note – Unfortunately Ketchur was in the reverse situation – two Drow had captured him and the party put an end to them and him in Session 88)
  • The guard points out that if the Drow did capture Ketchur, he’s probably dead and there’s no need to send another guard – especially if the Drow did capture him – that means they’re still somewhere in the cave and the important thing is protecting her – and getting the gems out of the Plane of Earth. Korra’s gaze follows to where this guard points, and she sees a guard stand up towards the only true path that clearly leads into the camp.
  • Korra returns and shares what she’s seen and heard and Sephrenia tells the Kobolds that they “Snake People” have the Owl-Bear’s (Adrian) gems – and that they will need to get it. She tells the Kobolds to remain behind. Zor wraps his arms around Sephrenia and tells her not to go. And Sephrenia tells Zor not to worry, she’s a mighty healer. Terra smirks, “Almost as good as Moony.” Sephrenia looks up at Terra, “Stuff it or I let you bleed out.” Terra laughs and nudges Adrian, “She’s got more fire than you do.” Sephrenia then tells Zor that she needs them to remain here so they can claim that they were not a part of it.
  • Party then prepares to Stealth, and Don casts Pass Without A Trace. The party is able to successfully stealth close to the Githyanki camp trail where there’s a Githyanki guard standing there, shouting over his shoulder, “We should be moving. If Ketchur is still alive he will know where to find us.”
  • From their position – the second guard and the cleric, Lara’tur are in full cover.
  • Adrian rushes in – and swings his sword – though his approach made enough noise to alert the guard just in time to draw his weapon and block Adrian’s attack.
  • Don casts Spike Growth behind the guard – so he can’t flee – and the guard and cleric who rush forward will step into it if they don’t see it
  • Korra steps out of the shadow with her Shadow Blade and does massive damage
  • Terra misses, and Moonstone critically misses, clubbing Adrian on the side of the head
  • And Sephrenia casts Bless on several members of the party
  • As the second round of combat begins, the other guard and the cleric, Lara’tur hear the sound of combat
  • As the battle rages, the first guard goes down when Korra shoves her shadow blade through his skull; just then the other guard emerges from the back of the camp to see what’s going on; Lara’tur also joins the battle – and magic starts flies back and forth – the guard rushes forward taking damage from the Spike Growth – but the Cleric throws spells from a distance; once the second guard goes down, the party moves in on Lara’tur and takes her down (to exactly zero). The party searches her and recovers the two gem stones they need.
  • Moving into the camp, they see a tied up female Drow.
  • Sephrenia approaches her and speaks in Elvish, “What is your name, Drow?”
  • The female drow looks at Sephrenia, sees her companions, and chooses to reply also in Elvish, keeping it between them (and any who might know Elvish), “Ferin Unthall.”
  • Sephrenia nods, continuing in Elvish, “Ferin Unthall, of the Drow, you know that I don’t hold stock with your goddess. However, you and your people dealing with these lesser, these apostates,” she looks at the dead Githyanki cleric, and looks back at the Drow captive, “we have a common enemy.”
  • Ferin nods, replying in Elvish, “I believe we do. When our plans were completed, we waited for our Priestess to call us back. She never did.” (DM Note – Her Priestess was defeated by this very party all the way back in Session 41! After a long, epic, connected session!) “With no way to go back, when the Githyanki appeared, we retreated to these mountains, because it was the closest thing to our own home. Those bastard Githyanki came hunting us down while also warring with the Earth Genasi. We’re not sure why they came here and came with such a force – but we are bitter enemies. As all livings things should be.” She looks at Sephrenia and says, “I am a Captain of the Guard. Release me and I can assure you, my fellow Drow will bring you no harm. After all, the Gith are enemy to all and if you are here to put an end to them as I’ve just witnessed – then, for now, let us be allies. And when this battle is over – let us part neither friend nor enemy.”
  • Sephrenia looks at her, “You promise this upon your Goddess?”
  • She nods, “I promise upon my goddess, and our mutual hatred of the Githyanki.”
  • Sephrenia turns to Korra, then to Terra and Moonstone. “I realize the Drow have betrayed your people and stolen the Great Rings for their own needs, as you’ve learned and recovered. I know they may be responsible for the death of some of your people – but, this is Ferin, and she is a captain of the Drow army. We could use her as an ally – so that if we encounter any other Drow – her presence will assure them that we’re allies. And together, we could form a larger army against the larger threat here – the Githyanki.”
  • Moonstone pauses for a moment and says, “If you believe the words of this Ferin,” she gestures to the still bound Drow. Then I believe I can set things aside.” Terra mutters something under her breath then nods as well.
  • Sephrenia unbinds Ferin who collapses to the ground. She brushes herself off and goes to a small box where the Githyanki had placed her armor and weapons and retrieves them. She takes off a small cufflink of a spider and hands it to Sephrenia who gazes at it questioningly. “It’s not cursed or poisonous,” Ferin smiles. “In case we ever get separated, present this to any Drow you encounter. They will know you have favor with me.”
  • Korra asks Sephrenia to ask her if she knows about the Great Air Ring. Ferin explains, “One of the Commanders – General Va’rum – in my army had it – and he is – or was – on this Plane. We got separated during one of the Githyanki raids on our camp. He took some of the soldiers and fled one way while we retreated another, to force the Githyanki to split their forces during the pursuit to give one side a better chance at surviving. As you can see, I ended up captured.”
  • She then adds, “If we find him – or one of my other soldiers have the ring – I can promise you that we will hand it over. I assume,” she nods to Korra, “it is for her.”
  • Sephrenia nods. Ferin nods, “Then we will do what we can to reunite with her.”
  • Sephrenia and Adrian discuss how Zor and the others can begin gathering gems for them to help fund the pyramid back on Kne’Urth. Sephrenia convinces Zor (after debating what is considered “valuable”) and that they will establish a trade with the Kobolds, since they’ve helped liberate these kobolds from the clutches of the evil snake people. Zor agrees, and asks about this trade – and Sephrenia explains more details to follow – but they will send the Earth Genasi down here to find Zor and his tribe when the time is right.
  • After establishing that – the ground begins to shake – and the Kobolds begin to run in circles, very panicked explaining “the many legs comes!” And just then a massive creature bursts through the stone…
  • It is not an easy battle, but the party, after taking some damage, is finally victorious…
  • The Kobolds begin cutting up the creatures under belly and pulling out pieces of it to cook…!
  • And the party earns Level 12.