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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
- After Sephrenia had swam just past the seaweed the others had used for cover, the Swavain, who’d been lumbering through the wreckage of the ship, had caught sight of Sephrenia and burst from the ship, swimming at incredible speeds, despite it’s size
- Korra lands a Chromatic Orb landing a solid hit, which Don follows up with a Chromatic Dragon Breath unleashing lightning breath in a cone
- Those two strikes deal so much damage that the Swavain is bloodied!
- Seeing how successful the first Chromatic Orb was – she launches another attack and once again lands another hit!
- Don fires the crossbow – and lands a hit using his Sharpshooter skill for more damage
- Adrian then stabs it with the trident – and the blood that excretes next to Adrian nearly causes Adrian’s flesh to turn to stone – but the blow is fatal to the Swavain
- After the Swavain goes down; Korra’s eyes spot the bag the Kraken Priest had been using to siphon the gold from the ship (see Session 96) and discovers it’s a Bag of Holding – going down into the ship itself – it takes roughly six hours of recovery – but the party manages to recover 30,000 gold in total
- While underwater, Sephrenia communicates with hand gestures that they should only report 20,000 gold found as they discover the Kraken Priest was siphoning the gold into a Bag of Holding. Realizing Korra, Don and Adrian all have one, they give the bag of holding to Sephrenia
- When the party surfaces and speaks to Wade that they recovered 20,000 gold; Wade looks at the party says, “That’s odd. Usually they make payments of 30,000 gold when they make these payments. So it’s odd that it’s 10,000 shy.”
- Sephrenia explains that there was a Kraken Priest and he may have taken it
- Wade looks at her, “Yes, but you defeated him you said.”
- Wade is convinced the party is lying to him, but doesn’t press it any further and accepts that it was “20,000” and allows the party to keep 2,000 gold, and Wade and company take 18,000 for purchasing goods (mostly for helping feed the horizonback turtle who has a massive appetite).
- Adrian asks about keeping the armor and weapons; but Wade explains that he and his crew need them; but there are several ports that they’re going to visit that the party may be able to negotiate with along the way
- Onboard the horizonback turtle named Shipsnapper, the party sees that during the night, much of the crew often celebrate; while a few are set up as patrols (mostly to keep eager Sahuagin at bay), but during the day – most of the crew are working hard on leathering things they’ve hunted, fishing, and fixing up the village that’s been created on the back of Shipsnapper.
- On the third day, Wade informs the party they’re going to be making a stop at an island to do some hunting (as well as gathering various fruits and vegetables on the island) and would appreciate the party’s help. He explains that islands are extremely rare on the Plane of Water (as one might imagine) – so finding islands, where things have thrived is very beneficial (also used for trades)
- Adrian asks about fresh water, since the entire planet seems to be made of sea water; and Wade explains that there’s islands that have fresh water on them, as well as the Clerics that are with him are able to purify or even create fresh water.
- As Shipsnapper pulls himself onto the island; it’s very clear that the island before them is extremely dense. Wade explains to the east, there’s a specific fruit that can be found; on the western side, there’s typically game. The party opts to head to the east, looking for fruit, while Wade and others go hunting for game.

- Based on the description given by Wade, thankfully Don is able to find some evidence of where to locate the exotic fruits, where as Korra has no idea (Critical Fail), and seems to be distracting Sephrenia…
- As the party makes their way, following Don’s lead, a gentle song, whispered on the wind, growing louder, and more beautiful rings through their ears… and suddenly, Sephrenia wants to leave the party – and go towards the song! She screams that she can hear her people singing the celebration of Life and Nifika!
- Adrian and Korra try to give chase, but the tangled jungle trips Adrian (Critical Fail) – but Korra, being as dexterous and used to moving through dangerous traps, is able to move through the jungle and catch up to Sephrenia
- Korra is able to restrain Sephrenia (Critical Fail)
- Adrian, stands up – covered in mud, and looks around – and can’t see where Korra and Sephrenia ran off too. (Double freaking critical)
- Elsewhere, Sephrenia tired of being restrained by Korra, and wanting to go to her people whom she can hear – unleashes Spiritual Weapon and begins hitting Korra across the head; while Korra screams at her to calm down
- As combat starts, and the harpy is spotted by Don – Korra, who has been hit so many times (Critical Fail), and Adrian so far behind, combat seems to be a chaotic mess for the party…
- During combat, Sephrenia, still enthralled, even strikes Korra with some critical strikes with her Spiritual Hammer…
- They manage to successfully defeat the unusual harpy; but that’s when the sound of a booming thunder is heard, like something massive with a heavy footstep – and the party finds themselves confronting a treant that has been clearly corrupted/enthralled by the harpies, because within its branches are many harpy nests!
- Adrian – completely lost in the jungle still takes a moment to find the others (Critical Fail on Initiative) – but the Treant also critical fails, but Korra also Critical Fails on her attack (this session has a metric ton of critical fails apparently…)
- It is, Adrian, however, who hits – and does a divine smite – and does maximum damage; the treant moving, reveals a cave behind a small mountain side. The party, curious why the treant and the harpies had hidden the entrance, decide to explore the cave; Wade and the others, also catch up to the party – fighting off other harpies. Wade tells them to get in the cave and see what’s in there.
- As they enter the cave, they discover the floor is quite slick and has a deep slant, and in doing so – Don, who is in the back, loses his footing and the party slides into the caves, covered in mud. Human remains are also at the base of the incline; undoubtedly victims of the harpies who hide the bones in this cave, as to not give away their position.
- As they gather themselves, Adrian suddenly hears, “Oh… what’s this I see? Oh. Look at that… a temple… surrounded by sand… there’s no water there… inside the temple, I see her… I see her… a mother, beaming with pride as she holds her child… but who has come to their door now? Serpent elves – ah, yes – the Githyanki. Mother tries to fight them off, but the one person who should be there to defend her isn’t there – she’s killed, and the innocence of the child, sacrificed to their Githyanki serpent god!”
- Adrian flies into a rage, demanding that whatever is in the cave to show itself; the rest of the party looks at him, puzzled.
- When Adrian comes to his senses; he recalls a similar creature they’d encountered in the Shadow Lands which the Drow were looking for and the party had killed; a creature known as a Nothic.
- The creature attempts to stealth, but it … Critical Fails. (I kid you not there’s been so many critical fails…)
- Sephrenia hits it with Sacred Flame and it screams out, “Why you hurt me?” Then suddenly Sephrenia hears in her head, “Oh, she heard the song of her people… so eager to get back to them… but they will not meet her with joy… because those that survive the coming Githyanki god’s revival will be dead from the venom and toxins… they will know that she was the one who left to stop them… they will know she was the one who failed them… they will know she is the reason their loved ones are dead… they will know that she is the reason all of them are dying. Because. You. Failed.”
- Adrian shouts, “Come out and we won’t hurt you.”
- The Nothic, sensing goodness in Adrian, steps out and introduces itself as Skrek.
- Skrek reveals that long ago, the Githyanki were assaulting the Plane of Water, and one of their great leaders – a powerful mage, fell during the battle. But the Githyanki used some ancient ritual to preserve him and said they’d return to awaken him when the time was right; and that if someone dared to come after him while he was entombed, he’d awaken; but not as powerful as if he’d been restored; but it would be better to defend himself than allow him to be destroyed.
- Skrek talks about how he’s been down here for a very, very, very long time; and he suspects the magic that entombed the Githyanki Mage, is the same magic that has, by default, also extended Skrek’s life.
- Skrek explains the entombed Githyanki Mage is to the cavern to the east (based on north being up from the above posted map)
- Adrian asks about the caves; and Skrek explains cave to the north is a large, underwater lake, the other two (to the west) he’s never ventured into.
- Adrian points out that the party can go to the north and camp at the lake, possibly.