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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- Kavium – NPC, Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Conquest)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin
- Khor’taur – Dragon Spirit inside the Dracospear
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- Aros emphasizes that once again, he wants to cure the sick dogs (See Session 37)
- Baldur explains if his hands tried to cure them and it didn’t work
- Aros says, “Well maybe your hands aren’t as good as Kavium’s?”
- Kavium smiles, “There’s no one who has hands like mine.”
- Trying to determine what it could be that might be a cure for the disease, they ponder their options…

- Baldur thinks about how the dogs were apparently diseased after biting the Rot Troll, which made sense; and Baldur recalls from his studies, as a slave to Marduk, how he’d read about the Fey Realm, and how in this land – everything was in extremes; from emotions to magic, to darkness and to light; and he’s heard where supposedly the “gods” bless the favored ones of the Fey Realm; but he’s also heard that there are Arch Fey who impersonate gods, and do such things as well, with their own vast powers
- Baldur recalls that there are those who have spent their entire lives in the Fey Wild who are familiar with these curses and poisons and could potentially have learned a cure for the various mischief launched against the innocent
- Baldur explains that the Eladrin that Aros and Galiena saved (see Session 34) may know a cure; and that he’s confident it’s a form of Fey Disease. Galiena asks if it’s like Fey Rabies. And Baldur agrees, saying that he believes they need to capture one of the dogs and sever their head and bring it to the Eladrin so she can verify the Fey Rabies. Aros firmly stands his ground that they will not harm the dogs unless there’s no choice – and that if Celan Gradon might know a cure – they will check with her first before proceeding.
- Vask teaches the party the various whistling commands they’d spent their life training the dogs to master; and they had always responded to the whistles until the Rot Troll incident… now they’re off in the woods, howling and growling, Vask had explained after training Kavium, Galiena, Baldur and Aros, the various dog whistle commands (for: come, sit, fetch, stay, attack).
- Baldur points out that – it’s fine they don’t get a dog head – but still decides that Celan may know of a cure
- As the party makes their way back – Aros in his desperation to find a cure for the dogs – recalls the way back to Caith Mathan’s cave with perfect memory – so that it only takes the party 1 hour to return there. (Flavored Natural 20, and the 1d4 roll was to be 1 to 4 hours, and he rolled a 1)
- As the party enters Caith Mathan, the tall, burly woodsman is there to greet them and asks about the trolls; and the party confirms both trolls have been put down – with a lot of pain inflicted on the party in both fights – but, Baldur points out – they have a far more important mission. Baldur explains to Caith Mathan that they have learned that there’s a small hamlet with their hunting dogs tried to defend the hamlet and bit the Rot Troll and became infected with a wild disease that Baldur’s own magic couldn’t cure
- But, Baldur explains, since Celan is from the Fey Realm, she may know of a cure to the disease that inflicts the dogs
- Celan who hears all of this, though still recovering from her own wounds, pulls herself up and reaches over to her belongings and pulls out a leatherbound book and begins to flip through the pages
- Celan explains that she’s a hunter more than she is an herbalist; but she’s learned much about the land of the Fey Wild – and is not certain that some of the things that might be required are available. She explains, first an evil dragon must be found; and it’s heart cut out – but the dragon must be of great evil – and you must cut out its heart – and if it’s known great evil – the blood of the heart will take life – you must defeat the blood – and bring it to me
- Caith Mathan explains that he knows of a dragon that’s been twisted by magic, that he believes Razathorn, a local “mad mage” has been experimenting on dragons – because he’s seen some unusual looking dragon humanoids that look like Dragonborn, but look far more draconic (DM Note – the party encountered the very dragonborn-like creatures Caith Mathan mentioned back in Session 13!) Caith explains that he saw, what appeared to be a young black dragon – but seemed to be made of darkness and shadow, rather than actual chromatic black dragon. He explains it has a den near the swamp’s edge – but it also has some kind of Hill Giant-like creature as a guardian
- Caith Mathan explains that the horrible magics that Razathorn does with dragon eggs is yielding these weird dragon-esque Dragonborn; as well, these unusual dragons that are neither chromatic or metallic – they’ve been dubbed Deep Dragons – due to their lack of colors
- Baldur speaks to the spirit inside his spear – Khor’taur – and asks if he’s heard anything about this – and for the others – they only hear Baldur’s side of the conversation as Khor’taur speaks directly into Baldur’s mind. Baldur learns that Razathorn was responsible for transferring Khor’taur‘s spirit into the spear – except Khor’taur was still in the egg at the time.
- As Baldur talks to himself, Aros tugs on Galiena’s robes and whispers, “I think he’s lost it. Perhaps if we let Darko possess Baldur? We won’t have Baldur anymore, but Darko seems more sane than Baldur these days.” Galiena smiles, “That’s not a bad idea,” she jests. Kavium watches the exchange and sighs, “I still can’t believe we’re carrying about the blasted undead thing,” he whispers, so that Caith and Celan do not hear him.
- A short while later, following Caith Mathan’s directions to where he believes this dragon may have holed itself, the party makes their way through the swamp – and it does not take long to spot the Hill Giant – but the Hill Giant looks vastly different than any stories they’d heard – he seemed to have a draconic appearance himself
- The party manages to get the drop on the creature; with Baldur casting Shield of Faith on himself, while Aros climbs a tree, and lights an arrow using Darko’s flame skull, and while his arrow misses – Galiena’s Call Lightning rips through the center of the towering Hill Giant, who – surprised to be struck by Lightning is dazed (It rolled a Natural 1 on Initiative, so it was a nice way to flavor his horrible Initiative – which means, he gets no action the first round!)
- The unusual hill giant, the following second is greeted by arrows, Spiritual Weapon, Toll The Dead, Flame Rays from Darko, and followed by another Call Lightning which – combined nearly brings the giant down – falling over dead
- However, the sounds of combat have drawn the attention of the young “dragon” that the “Hill Giant” stood protection over
- A dragon – like none of them had ever seen before bursts out of the cavern – and roars, flying in the air – grabbing Kavium and Baldur – and thrown – only eight feet and slammed into the ground – knocking them both prone
- The Deep Dragon, because it is young, makes a number of mistakes during the combat, but more importantly, the party is very effective against the Deep Dragon – landing repeated hits, and critical hits as well, and the Deep Dragon manages to critical on itself a few times; and the party puts down the dragon – it took awhile, but they managed to defeat the beast
- The cut the dragon’s chest open – and pierce it’s heart – and immediately the pulsing blood emerges!