Adrian Silverstrength Origin

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Adrian Silverstrength’s true parents remain unknown.

As an infant, Adrian was raised with the people who celebrated and followed the goddess, Prenah. Adrian suspects that his mother was a part of the Church and because of the Hedonism may have never known who the true father was.

Because of the Hedonistic lifestyle of the people who follow Prenah, it was not uncommon for the children to be raised as “community children” rather by their individual parents.

When Tieflings began to be born in the Church where Adrian lived, which was predominately human, surrounding towns began to believe that the Church was cursed and that their Hedonistic ways had perhaps upset Florasena, The All Mother, or even Airana, the Goddess of Fertility.

The towns drove the people of the Church of Prenah away. One of the members, a man by the name of Borius Darkstorm and his wife, Elliana Darkstorm both rallied the people and told them that they should extract revenge against the city.

Borius and Elliana convinced their followers that it was the town that begged this curse to be thrown upon them. Though normally respectful of all life, the followers grew angry and agreed that revenge should be extracted against the small town of Fallen Edge.

Borius and Elliana led the Church in an attack against the people of Fallen Edge, when suddenly a Paladin by the name of Orius Silverstrength appeared and revealed that Borius was actually a Incubus Demon, and Elliana was a Succubus Demon; and they were the reasons for the Tieflings springing up in the Church’s organization.

Adrian, still young, watched as Borius and Elliana revealed their true demonic forms, and fought against Orius who slew both of the demons and escorted the people back to Fallen Edge, where he spoke on their behalf and the people – including their Tiefling children – were once again welcomed back into the city.

Adrian spent his years, wishing he could be like Orius, when one night, he was visited by Prenah herself, in his dream, who said there will be others that will try to do what these demons have done – and asked Adrian to take up sword and shield in her name. Adrian agreed, and when he awoke he felt a rejuvenation in his soul like he’d never felt before. He adopted Orius’ last name and began his career as a Holy Warrior in Prenah’s name.

During one of his travels, he had been staying with a group of Wood Elves when an ancient Green Dragon named Emereth came – with little effort she decimated the Wood Elves, leaving very few survivors. She killed for the simple pleasure of killing, not even for conquering the area. By the grace of luck, and perhaps his goddess, Adrian survived the encounter with the dragon; but witnessing her evil and her destruction, shook Adrian to his core. He knew that one day he would face her again. He heard reports that she was last seen headed for the new continent.

Booking passage aboard the Wave Hammer and headed to the new continent.