Firenewt Warrior
These fiery looking humanoid lizards are said to live deep in volcanic regions where searing lava is all around them. According to the legeds, the Firenewts were born at the base of the forges of Fire Giants. Fire Giants, once children of the gods, now trapped and their immortality taken from them turned to evil – and dwell deep in the mountains, often going to war against goblins and dwarves alike. Having adopted the crafting abilities of dwarves, it’s said some of the eldest Fire Giants, as they forged magical weapons – the molten steel that fell from the forge, imbued with magic, evolved – fed by the hatred felt by the Fire Giants, they evolved into evil, fiery beings. Strong warriors, the Firenewt are similar to the Fire Giants that seemed to forge them. Firenewts have beasts of burden called Giant Striders.

Flail Snail
It is unknown what initially created the flail snail; but all of its origins trace back to some form of ancient magic ritual. Most believe – there was some form of arcane battle between a Beholder and perhaps a powerful Dark Elf Mage, where magic was being thrown about wildly; and perhaps the powerful Beholder perished, and snails devouring its flesh, evolved into this large monstrosities. Because of their heads, and because of their natural magical shell – and because they are primarily (but not only) found in the Shadow Vale lends to this theory, as both Dark Elves and Beholders battle for land in the Shadow Vale.

These creatures originated in the Feywild. They were originally sent into the Prime Material Plane by Hags who were seeking revenge against mortals (those subservient to hags are always Evil in alignment – having been groomed and trained since they were tadpoles by the hags). As more and more went sent into the Prime Material Plane, many began mating and through the process of evolution – they simply began spreading wildly. They’re as large as an elephant and dwell in swamps. Bullywugs who encounter a Froghemoth in their swamps consider it a great and powerful omen and will treat the Froghemoth as their revered champion.

Giant, Cloud Giant Smiling One
The Smiling Ones are a cult of Cloud Giants who thrive on deception, manipulation and chaos above all else. When the Smiling Ones formed, they broke away from the Order of the Echelon, which is the law of the giant-kind. Since they did nothing to disrupt the Echelon, the Smiling Ones were free to go without punishment or curse. The Smiling Ones often manipulate humans, elves and dwarves, using trickery so that they fight amongst one another, while the Smiling Ones watch and spectate from their homes in the clouds, using magical scrying pools for entertainment. The Smiling Ones are neither considered good or evil, by those who know them; though, they would all describe the Smiling Ones for their desire for chaos. The Smiling Ones all wear a half mask that hides half of their face, while the other side wears a smirk (and thus their name). The origin and purpose for the creation of the Smiling Ones cult – and their masks – remains a mystery.
Giant, Fire Giant Dreadnaught
These fire giants wear incredible armor and have massive shields that they carry effortlessly before them – though they weigh hundreds of pounds each. It is believed that the armor and shields are fused to the fire giant in such a manner that allows them to carry them on each arm despite their incredible weight. The Fire Giant Dreadnaughts are most commonly seen with high ranking Fire Giants – and are typically guards and patrols during the Echelon of Giants. During the Echelon these Fire Giant Dreadnaughts may be assigned to guard other kinds of giants, which they will do to their greatest ability. During combat a Fire Giant Dreadnaught will not stop fighting, unless commanded by their Chief, or until slain.
Giant, Frost Giant Everlasting One
Similar to the Smiling One Cloud Giants, there’d been a small band of Frost Giants who thought it was long past one of them took seat of the High King of the Echelon. They made a pact with unknown demons or dark deities and were bestowed great power – at a cost. Their insatiable hunger for war and death for any who even slighted them in the least amount became all consuming. This dark demon or deity promised them that they would be able to attack the High King of the Echelon and no curse would fall upon them – for their dark magic would protect them. As such this small band of Frost Giants did indeed try to usurp the current High King at the time, and had almost succeeded in their murderous plot had it not been the arrival of a Storm Giant – the Frost Giants were defeated – but whatever demon or deity that promised they could not be cursed into Fomorian had kept their word – however, there was consequences. They Frost Giants were banished, never to be able to gain entrance to the Echelon again. As a part of the pact, as the hunger for vengeance grew – unable to be sedated – the Everlasting Ones began to grow extra heads, similar to Ettins.
Giants, Hill Giants Mouth of Grolantor
Speculation as to how these Hill Giants became cursed as they are varies; some believe that one of the Hill Giant tribes dishonored someone during the Echelon – and because of that, they were given a minor curse. Others also believe that the Frost Giant Everlasting Ones, who often hunt down and murder giant-kin in their quest for vengeance and murder, had captured a clan of hill giants and worked with the demon or deity who had granted the Everlasting their abilities – to manipulate and twist the hill giants into what they had always craved the most – above all else – food, and in doing so – cursed these Hill Giants to forever remain thinner than standard hill giants, in an endless quest to devour all they see – whether food, human, animal or otherwise, to regain their weight and quench the hunger that burns like a fire giant’s furnace. Whatever their true origin, these Hill Giants are deadly because they will not back down from anything and view everything as food to be consumed. Everything.
Giant, Stone Giant Dreamwalker
A select few of Stone Giants become known as “Dreamwalkers.” These Stone Giants refuse to believe that the War of the Heavens ever truly happened and that they’re all in an eternal dream. As such, the Stone Giant Dreamwalkers firmly believe there is no true consequence to their actions. If they are to burn down an entire city or kill someone, it has no true impact – because all of these things are a part of their slumber. Each of them believe that in truth, they are angels to one day be awakened to find their true purpose – and they will only be awakened once they discover the truth of their dream-state. This makes their behavior extremely chaotic in nature. Stone Giant Dreamwalkers are banished from the Echelon as they have repeatedly voiced their disproval – and that all of this is “just a dream.”
Giant, Storm Giant Quintessent
Occasionally, there are Storm Giants who believe that they’ve been called to a “Higher Meaning” than the Echelon offers – and will decline to be a part of the Echelon going forward. One such Storm Giant named Halkron managed to ascend to grew power; so much so that he did indeed capture the attention of the gods of Aftengard and was granted “sight beyond sight” to behold the evils of the world and report them back to the gods. Halkron made Shadow Island his home and had lived there for ages until the arrival of Braor the Blood Vein, the Red Dragon, and her army. Halkron – or Braor’s – ultimate fate remains unknown. Other Storm Giants who become “Quintessent” hope to honor and become like Halkron and gain favor of the gods; as such, they do not attend the Echelon.

These large monstrosities are said to have existed before the arrival of the gods, when dinosaurs reigned supreme. There has been documented proof that the ancient, and very primitive humans of the world – the one race not created by the arrival of the new gods – once worshiped these beasts. Thriving in forests and jungles primarily, they are extremely aggressive as they are lethal. There are islands scattered around the world, cut off from how the world has changed, that still practice the worshiping of girallons.

Gnoll, Flind
Powerful pack leaders that prove themselves to Yeegowhen, usually by massacring elves and humans with great success – and no mercy – to even the children and the elderly – will often find themselves visited by Yeegowhen himself and enchanting their flail, the weapon of choice of Yeegowhen himself – with dark energy that helps invoke the madness and chaos Yeegowhen thrives.

Gnoll, Flesh Gnawer
These are gnolls who have fought quite a few times and have developed the taste for flesh that Yeegowhen invokes in his followers – especially the flesh of human and elves. These are gnolls that are eager to rise up through the ranks and firmly believe that devouring the flesh of their hated enemy imbues them with greater power. While not immune to magical effects that may cause them to flee or be frightened; while in their own state of mind (if such can be said for these vicious warriors), they will always fight to the death rather than retreat.

Gnoll, Withering
While Necromancy is forbidden by the Forces of Light, Yeegowhen takes great pleasure in raising the dead warriors who were slain in combat – so that they can continue their battle and seek revenge against those that slew them in battle. The Withering is most frequently raised by a Den Mother (a matriarch among the gnoll tribes), whose power is similar to Clerics, though gnolls call them “Shamans.” Unlike the living gnolls who thrive on the taste of flesh of humans and elves; the Withering thrives on the murdering of humans and elves, feeling their souls leave their bodies is what feeds them.

The Grung are Bullywugs, who eventually became dark and corrupted, and sought to enslave others. They became so evil, that their very flesh became toxic. However, their desire to enslave not only Bullywugs – but all other creatures – allowed the Grung to become more focused. They still have primitive weapons – they developed a caste system based on the colors of the Grung, and some have learned magic. Green are the hunters and warriors; blue are the artisan and domestic; the purple supervise both groups, and are often commanders; red are the scholars and magic users, which are superior to the purple. Occasionally an orange is born, and these are their strongest warriors. (Grung represent Green, Blue and Purple. Grung Wildling are represent the Red. The Grung Elite Warrior is represented by the orange Grung)

Guard Drake
The Guard Drake is made through a dark ritual that includes a dragon scale and a powerful mage. Guard Drakes were never seen until people left the main continent and came to the new one, after stories of a new land full of riches and magic. It’s believed, whatever magic was used to create these Guard Drakes resides – or resided, perhaps now lost forever – here in these lands. Guard Drakes, so far, have all been chromatic in color (Red, Blue, Green, White, and Black).