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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Current NPCs traveling with the party:
- Pren Flintrock (stayed behind)
- Nor’Orn, The Green Goblin
- Boggle the Boggle
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30, Adventure 31 and Adventure 32.
- Korra remains cocooned on the ceiling
- Seeing her, Nor’Orn – on the black of Glider – draws his scimitar and as he flies by, manages to cut one side of the cocoon
- Adrian, spotting Korra wrapped up on the ceiling thanks to Nor’Orn draws his +1 Crossbow and fires, but misses the webbing
- Sephrenia fires an arrow up at the webbing, but also misses
- Ragnaroc is able to fire off an Eldritch Blast that hits the webbing hard enough to shake Korra loose, who falls from the 20′ height and takes some minor scraps from the fall
- Ragnaroc is able to direct his second Eldritch Blast at the beast standing before them and hits it

- Korra fires her shortbow and manages to hit, landing some Sneak Attack damage since Adrian was within range of the beast
- She attempts to stealth after her attack, but the alchemist room is too illuminated for her to find any shadows to step into (Critical Fail on Stealth)
- Ragnaroc fires two more bolts of Eldritch Blast, striking both times
- Morsus casts Spiritual Hammer, but having just been untied and blind fold removed, he’s not able to get a good shot and misses
- Boggle uses his oil slick ability to slide by the unusual demon like creature and heads straight for Doomsilk
- Korra manages to do a successful Perception check and hears some unusual rustling sounds coming from the alchemy room (which is 120′ x 120′), but coming from around the corners of the cave’s entrance into the large room so she’s not able to see what it might be

- At that moment, Don Kannin arrives and informs the party that several Driders are coming up behind them (from the entrance of the cavern that the party had entered leading up to the Alchemist Cavern)
- Korra looks down the cavern and does not see the Driders yet, so she fires at the demon thing in front of them, but misses
- Korra then attempts to Stealth knowing Driders are coming, but can’t seem to get her footing or find a place to hide (Second Critical Fail on Stealth – in a row!)
- Sephrenia tells Nor’Orn to prepare the Thunderwave potion in hopes of being able to use it to collapse the cavern behind them; effectively cutting off their way back, but also hopefully preventing the Driders from reaching them. (Nor’Orn giggles wildly at the idea of more destruction and begins mixing the potion while flying around the Alchemy room on Glider’s back)
- She then launches a Guiding Bolt at the demon before them and hits
- The demon attempts to rake Sephrenia across the faces but misses; and in doing so the other large hand begins to glow as it begins to chant
- Boggle suddenly appears behind Doomsilk and his shield, stepping out of one of his Dimensional Rifts
- Ragnaroc fires an Eldritch Blast and misses the first time and angrily fires the second one, landing a Critical Fail hitting Don Kannin (for seven damage)
- The demon unleashes Faerie Fire which clouds over everyone!
- Morsus is able to land a Toll of the Dead and successfully hit with his Spiritual Hammer
- Adrian is able to land a good hit and then quaffs a potion gaining a significant amount of his health back!
- Morsus hits the demon with the Spiritual Hammer but the demon maintains it’s concentration (Natural 20!)
- Ragnaroc blasts it twice with Eldritch Blast, doing significant damage, but not enough to shake the demon’s concentration
- Korra however is able to land a killing shot, killing the demon and ending the Faerie Fire effect
- Sephrenia launches an arrow at Doomsilk, but misses (she also fails a Perception Check here to take notice to something… which will become clear in a moment)
- Nor’Orn flies into the cave, with the potion ready, and throws the Thunderwave Effect potion towards the two approaching Driders
- Something casts a spell on Ragnaroc – holding him and he’s unable to shake the effect of the spell
- Morsus turns to Doomsilk, seeing the alchemy table in front of him and launches his highest spell – a fireball – only to watch in dismay as it seems to strike an invisible shield ten feet before hitting Doomsilk; the reason Doomsilk looked so smug and fearless, now revealed!
- Morsus moves into the room and manages to spot two unusual looking beasts ready to spring a surprise attack!

- Don fires an arrow using Hail of Thorns but one of the Driders is easily able to avoid the damage
- He then sends his honey badger, Jackson to run over and use a Help action to aid Morsus against these new creatures
- Korra combines her oil with one of her flasks, tears off a piece of cloth and throws the explosive combination at the cave in, creating a small burst of flame, which prevents the large Driders from easily climbing over the cave in, and also impairs their vision (Disadvantage for as long as the fire is burning)
- Nor’Orn then flies back into the cave, and seems to be shouting something at Doomsilk in Undercommon, which none of the party members speak
- Adrian runs out to assist Morsus – but as he does – where he stops and draws his weapon to attack – he notices the ground beneath his feet is shaking
- In order to see if the thing below his feet is focused on him, Adrian steps away which allows one of the “Spider-Apes” to take an opportunity of attack against Adrian, where it hits him! (Natural 20!)
- Despite moving away, Adrian feels the tremors beneath his feet “following him” and shouts a warning back to the party at the cave entrance
- Sephrenia casts Acid Splash which strikes the two Spider-Apes, and then launches her Spiritual Hammer striking one of them as well
- Despite the “Spider-Apes” multiattack – none of them are able to land a hit on Morsus due to Jackson lending the Help action which puts them at Disadvantage
- However, at that moment two beasts burst from beneath Adrian’s feet revealing what had been pursuing him underground!
- However, both of them are unable to hit Adrian
- Both then spit acid at Adrian; who is able to avoid one but steps right into the path of the other (Natural 1 on Dexterity Save!)
- Morsus seeing the “Spider-Apes” and the “Tunnel Spiders” decides to cast Spirit Guardians, which kills one and damages the other beasts around him
- He then uses his Spiritual Hammer to pummel another, leaving it just barely alive
- Don fires his bow and hits one of the “Tunnel Spiders” with a good shot, killing one of them
- Boggle is seen grabbing a large tome and stepping back into his Dimensional Rift that he opens
- Korra attempts to scan the room for the spell casting spiderling creature they chased into the cavern but fails to spot it (Natural 1 on Perception Check!)
- Korra then fires at the remaining Tunnel Spider and kills it
- Nor’orn then begins flying towards the corner nearest Doomsilk on the left and frantically pointing

- Adrian looks around to try and spot the spellcasting spiderling creature, but fails to see where it might be
- Adrian begins running towards the upper left corner (4) and double moves and steps on a Rune Trap that Banes him (only for 1 point, however)

- Sephrenia looks around the ceiling and spots the spider-beast they’d originally chased into the room that had been casting spells, lingering on the ceiling
- But of more concern, her perception also allows her to see six Halfling sized spider beasts on the ceiling climbing towards the same corner that Adrian is headed for
Looking something like this –

- Sephrenia yells at Nor’Orn to start making a Faerie Fire potion
- The Chitine tries to cast a Hold Person spell on Morsus but he’s able to shake off the effects (Successful Save)
- Ragnaroc suddenly whispers, “Belaros” and his eyes go vacant (player had to leave for the night)
- Morsus recognizes the name “Belaros” from his education and recalls it’s a powerful demon. Belaros is one of the most common demon lords whom Warlocks and Witches turn to. He promises them endless power, at a very small cost – the soul of their first born child, and if they do not have a child within a year of the promise made, he claims their soul instead. Belaros’ ultimate goal is to enter Brengrand (The Prime Material Plane/Kne’Urth) and claim it as his own. Though he’s not able to enter Brengrand on his own, through his dark magic and dark packs, he’s able to grant his ‘seed’ into those who turn to him for magic; so that at conception, a part of him is rooted into Brengrand. It is said once enough roots have been planted, Belaros will be able to step through and enter Brengrand; so he is desperate for followers, and will do anything, and everything he can to deceive others into following him over other devils and demons.
- Morsus spotting the caster (the Chitine) on the ceiling begins moving his Spiritual Hammer towards it as he also sends his bat to fly towards Nor’Orn, however, similar to Adrian he steps on one of the floor runes and finds himself ensnared in a magical web!
- Don fires an arrow triggered with Hail of Thorns at the creatures on the ceiling for Adrian, killing one of them and gravely wounding the others
- Boogle teleports onto the back of Glider and gives Nor’Orn the large tome
- Everyone gains inspiration!
- Korra fires an arrow at the Chitine on the ceiling but misses!
- Nor’Orn throws the Faerie Fire potion he prepared at the remaining spiderling beasts headed for Adrian – and they all fail their savings throw and begin glowing green!
- Adrian reaches the corner and sees a glowing box (having expended his movement to double to reach it) – he yells back at the party that he sees what Nor’Orn is pointing to and explains that it seems as though Doomsilk’s shield is being powered by this device
- Sephrenia steps into the cavern to get a better look at what Nor’Orn and Adrian are pointing at and makes a successful Perception check to spot the box – and fires Guiding Bolt (granted, normally this can only target Creatures but I thought this might be fun) – and the box saves against the fail – causing a massive explosion sends shards of metal and glass flying, unfortunately catching Adrian in the blast and doing excessive damage to him (18 points!) leaving him quite bloodied!
- The spidery creatures on the ceiling double move and reach Adrian and drop down but they’re not able to attack this round
- Still bound in the webbing, Morsus sends his Spiritual Hammer to attack the Chitine on the ceiling, however the hammer misses the elusive creature
- Morsus does manage to break free of the webbing and single move 25 feet closer to Adrian
- Don manages to use Sharp Shooter to hit the Chitine on the ceiling and deal quite a bit of damage
- Boogle, having delivered the book to Nor’Orn opens a portal on Glider and steps in
- Korra fires an arrow at one of the spider creatures near Adrian, since they’re glowing from Faerie Fire and kills one; she then proceeds to look at the floor knowing it’s trapped (having seen traps trigger on Adrian and Morsus and as a skilled Rogue – all too familiar with traps) – and spots the path to Adrian (Natural 20 on Perception!) that would allow her to avoid all of the traps
- Adrian quickly quaffs a potion and attacks one of the spider creatures near him, delivering a killing blow, leaving three remaining
- Sephrenia begins moving towards the corner that Nor’Orn is headed for and while running by hits the Chitine with Sacred Flame, dealing some damage
- Morsus makes his way to Adrian, whose Spirit Guardians is a flurry around him and uses his Spiritual Hammer which lands a critical strike (Natural 20!) – killing the Chitine at long last!
- Don fires his bow at one of the creatures near Adrian, killing it; and without pausing fires a second shot, landing another lethal hit, killing that one; leaving only one left
- Boogle steps out of one of his dimension doors near the mouth of the cave
- Korra fires an arrow at the last remaining spider-ling beast near Adrian, killing it
- Sephrenia turns to check on Don, who is bloodied and spots that the Driders have crawled over the small cave in now that the fire has gone out and quickly throws a Healing Word on Don and warns him the driders are behind him!
To be continued? You better believe it!