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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- NPCs:
- Waesyn Oakenpath – Human (Fighter)
- Balgun Sternrest – Elf (Ranger)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
The Freed Slaves:
- The Hollowing takes effect…
- Each year, I make a chart of 100 different potential effects when spells are cast during the Hollowing…
- Aros and Galiena speak with Eric Crowfeather about the fight against the gnolls (See Session 53) and Eric Crowfeather shares his concern about having lost as many rebels as they did during the battle against the gnolls, but knows that each of them that laid down their life, this is what they were always ready to do. However, the casualty was heavy, having nearly lost half of the rebellion force against the gnolls.
- Eric Crowfeather shares his concerns about how the rebellion had been slowly building up, only recruiting those whom they trusted, or were desperate enough to stand against Lord Brenmoon. There’d been no plan yet, but the first step was amassing a large enough force to take on Lord Brenmoon. Sadly, Lord Brenmoon pays his men well and gives them free reign over the land, enticing those with illicit hearts and intentions to faithfully serve him.
- Aros explains that they encountered some dwarves in Darken Pass caves that appeared to have slaves (See Session 49) and that after rescuing the young human boy, Grotte Stonespring – who wasn’t a slave but actually cursed with an odd stirge-form of lycanthropy (See Session 50) and that they had managed to rescue six of the slaves (See Session 51) – and that perhaps if they could launch an attack against the dwarves and free the slaves, they could get more people to the rebellion who would be sympathetic to their cause, having rescued them.
- Eric Crowfeather is aware of the Duergar and their behavior about capturing people who wash ashore ever since the curse fell on the island; and he agrees. While the liberated slaves would not be of any use when initially freed due to their condition – Lord Brenmoon would likely not be aware of them and they could help bolster the Rebellion and help cover some of the loss. But fighting the Duergar on their grounds would also prove difficult – because chances are there’d be no way to lure them out. Eric explains that he will take the message to Crescent, the Moonstone Dragon, and go over it with her to see if they can devise a plan and see if she agrees that it might be a good idea to try. Aros explains that they sort of promised the freed slaves they did manage to liberate that they would go back and try to free the other slaves. Eric Crowfeather nods and explains he understands and departs for the mountain base.
- Galiena and Aros return to the Drunken Dragon and find everyone inside there – all looking about nervously. Aros and Galiena announce that the gnolls are dead. Gogert Wayfair, the owner of the Drunken Dragon, raises his mug and shouts, “Well, then! A drink for everyone! We have lived another day!” Everyone doesn’t question how the gnolls were defeated – except one man – a human approaches Aros and Galiena.
- A man who introduces himself as Lariun Lataff approaches the party, drink in hand; but the tankard is still full, so it’s clear he is not drinking
- He approaches Aros and Galiena, as well as Waesyn and Balgun. “You said the gnolls we heard – they’re all dead? We thought maybe they turned away… or were headed elsewhere… but they’re dead? How were so many gnolls slain? I did not hear the alarms from the guards… I know they were gathering in Greenhaven… but the gnolls never made it… so we thought they saw the guards and turned and thought better of it… but you’re saying they’re dead?”
- Aros explains, “Well, yes. I am sure some may still be alive. But when we heard them… we used standard hunting traps to hide around Greenhaven, gathering supplies at various farms, and setting them up… then when they came into the traps, we were able to use standard hunting gear and pitchforks to help, drive many of them back, and kill the ones that were foolish enough to stick around.”
- Waesyn looks at Aros questioningly, before blurting out, “What are you talking about? There was plenty of people there! I was there too!” Galiena slaps her hand on Waesyn’s mouth and elbows him to knock the air out of him.
- Lariun looks between Waesyn, Aros and Galiena. Galiena shakes her head, “He was there helping – but he got hit in the head pretty hard. We just need a cleric to take a look at him. He was complaining about seeing double.”
- Waesyn looks at her, as if he’s about to say something, but the scathing look he gets from Galiena shuts him up
- Waesyn sputters, “He caught a lot of people on fire.”
- Galiena grabs Waesyn and pulls him away, “Let’s go get that head looked at right now.“
- Aros stammers, “I had to use my oil and torch against the gnolls. He means gnolls. He calls gnolls people. Because they walk on two legs. Bad head wound.”
- Lariun Lataff continues to press Aros, looking over at Galiena scolding Waesyn off to the side. “Funny,” he remarks, setting his drink down. “I don’t see any gashes on his head.” He looks at Aros. “A cleric already get to him? Your female friend seems upset.”
- Aros explains, “Well the other village where he came from. I heard they said his mother wasn’t a good mother. Tended to drop him on his head a lot. So he tends to imagine a lot of things – my friend over there is just concerned, because when he gets this way he gets very confused.”
- Lariun looks at Aros, “The other village? Based off the large man’s accent – he’s definitely not from Eagle Rock. That accent clearly marks him from being from Thalaustrea.”
- Aros excuses himself, “Well, I better go with them. She might need my help calming him down.” Aros slides off the chair and makes his way toward Galiena, Waesyn and Balgun who are seated at a booth
- Galiena looks at Aros, “What was he going on about?”
- Aros looks over his shoulder and sees Lariun Lataff still looking over at them, and turns back to Galiena and whispers, “He’s asking too many questions. Especially about what Waesyn said. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
- Waesyn shakes his head, “There was more people. They should get credit. Let the people of Greenhaven know they can stand up and fight. The little man is telling big lies,” he mutters as he gestures towards Aros.
- Galiena whispers, “He’s fine – he’s trying to save your butt.”
- “My butt is fine,” Waesyn counters, “you said it was only my head that was hurt.”
- Galiena casts a healing spell on Waesyn – sadly the spell does not go off – but the Hollowing changes the effect…
- 17 – Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Earth Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 (d6) you can ground pound (Dexterity DC15) and knock a target prone on a failed save. No effect if they save successfully.
- Waesyn mutters how he likes a woman with a hard body but this is going too far. The people of the tavern stare in wide eyed wonder… Aros happens to catch Lariun Lataff walking out of the tavern and looking over his shoulder as he does so.
- Aros whispers to Galiena, “Hey! That human! He just left the Inn. I really think we should follow him.”
- Aros uses stealth to follow and Galiena discovers as an Earth Elemental she has an ability called Earth Glide, where she can move beneath the ground freely and does so to move out of the inn and also help follow Lariun Lataff. Before leaving she tells Balgun to remain behind and keep an eye on Waesyn and to make sure he says nothing about the gnoll battle or the rebels to anyone else.

- Aros can tell that the human, dressed in chainmail, is clearly one of Lord Brenmoon’s guards positioned just outside the city – and recognizes the guard as the one who had been putting up the “Wanted Posters” of Galiena (See Session 31 and specifically Session 32 and Session 33)
- Aros turns to Galiena, who has reverted back to her human form and whispers, “Hey, it’s that guard that was putting up those posters of you before. That’s who that guy is talking to. I think we should take him out.”
- “OK – so what’s the plan?” Galiena asks
- “We wait for the other guy to leave, and we take out the guard,” Aros explains
- “Like kill him? Or tie him up?” Galiena whispers
- “Tie him up,” Aros nods
- “Then what? Keep him tied up forever?” Galiena asks
- Aros ponders the thought. “I didn’t think that far ahead.”
- Galiena shakes her head. “I need to make myself disappear. If they come looking they can’t find me. I can’t believe this entire mess is Baldur’s fault and he’s not even around to blame.”
- Aros looks, “He’s been gone for awhile. I know he was tracking those guards. You don’t think he got caught do you? I mean the last time we saw him was in the swamp.” (See Session 44, I’d just put Baldur there to explain he’s still out there and alive… but by this point, he’s dropped from out of the game, so he will have been “resummoned” by the evil wizard, Mordak).
- Galiena shakes her head, “If he’s gotten himself into trouble, he probably deserves it, for making this mess I need to deal with,” Galiena mutters under her breath. She looks at Aros, “I am going to use my wildshape and change my form.” Galiena then turns herself into a dog.
- In her canine form, she struts across the path to get on the other side, just outside of town where she can observe Lariun Lataff speaking to the guard name Marikus Shieldbarer.
- Aros begins to stealth closer so he can listen to them. He hears Lariun explain, “Someone’s been taking down the posters you put up of that woman. And a group of beat up looking … adventurers… came into the tavern and were talking about fighting gnolls… and the big guy, he said there were a lot of them… but the halfling that was with them, he said that they did it with traps and that there wasn’t a lot… but the woman that’s with them… that Tiefling Paladin of Prenah isn’t with them anymore… neither is the other fellow that was seen with them… but now it’s the big guy and someone who has a bow… But the woman… it’s definitely her.”
- Marikus nods, “I heard the commotion about gnolls were coming and in the distance, I thought I could hear gnolls and then some loud noises, just assumed the gnolls were ambushing another caravan or something. But if you say these ‘adventurers’ claim to have taken part and that the woman is the ‘Galiena’ woman we’re after, then I should definitely take a look. Lord Brenmoon has a great interest in her and how she’d dare defy being the great honor of meeting him before being imprisoned. Lord Brenmoon will reward you richly if you are correct.”
- Lariun Lataff nods to Marikus, and turns around and begins to make his way back to the tavern ahead of Marikus so that the people of Greenhaven aren’t aware of his affiliation to Lord Brenmoon and his army. Aros waits until Lariun has turned the corner and is away from the guard before launching an attack.
- Aros signals over to Galiena, who is still in canine form, extending his left hand up – palm open, and then uses his right hand, clenched in a fist and punches his left hand, indicating that the plan is to knock out the guard.
- Aros and Galiena lunge forward and their attack, and Aros is able to hit, but Galiena who isn’t used to being in canine form, misses (DM Note – Using that to explain how she’d missed even with advantage on the first surprise round!)
- Aros keeps leaping in and out of the shadows, pummeling the guard on the back of the head, trying to subdue him
- Galiena is able to do a take down – launching forward with an attack on the guard’s arm, and yanking him off of his feet
- With him on the ground, melee attacks now have advantage at the guard
- It’s then that both Aros and Galiena realize he’s unhitching a horn
- DM Note: A fun moment – the guard is bloody and Aros needs to decide if he’s going to go for the damage or try to snatch the horn away. Believing he could not win a contested strength roll against the guard he goes for the damage – he misses – uses Inspiration – and does 17 points of damage, leaving the guard with 1 hit point – and now it’s up to Galiena to yank the horn away since she’s still in canine form, or go for the attack, which using the stats of a Blink Dog, has not been going well for her in the form of an attack…
- Galiena’s not able to contest the guard’s strength – and on the guard’s turn – he is able to successfully blow the horn alerting the other guards positioned around Greenhaven
- Aros curses and pummels the guard, successfully knocking him out; but the alarm has been set! Galiena and Aros both hear another horn – then the sound of chainmail coming towards their direction – the guards are roughly 50′ away
- Galiena decides she will drag the body into the nearby alleyway (DM Note – Because the guard is wearing chainmail, I put the Strength Check at a DC of 14 for the sheer weight and awkwardness of moving an unconscious body) – however, she’s able to successfully drag the body into the alleyway
- In the meantime, Aros grabs the horn and begins running into the forest surrounding the town of Greenhaven. When he gets fairly deep into the woods – he gives the horn another blow – hoping to lead the guards into the woods and away from Galiena dragging the guard into the alleyway

- While Galiena is dragging the guard into the alleyway, she hears rapid footsteps – and just then, hears Lariun calling out, “Marikus? Marikus? Where are you?”
- In the woods, Aros tries to sneak up on a deer to put it on the deer, but the deer hears him and sprints away
- The guards draw ever closer to the sound of where Aros blew the horn; and Aros quickly scrambles up a tree as the guards rush by below him. Aros waits a moment in the tree and watches as the guards unknowingly – hearing the deer moving through the brush – believe it’s what Marikus may have been after – and dash after the deer unaware it’s a deer. Aros heaves a deep sigh of relief, sliding the horn over his shoulder, and stealths back towards town
- Back in town, Galiena still in canine form and in the alley, sees Lariun standing where Marikus was and begins shouting for some of the approaching guards, yelling, “Guards! Guards! Over here! Something has happened to Marikus!”
- Galiena growls – and sees an open window – and leaps through the window gracefully, making no sounds
- Once inside, she drops her canine form and finds herself inside the storage room. She moves to the door and listens at the door and doesn’t hear anyone. Galiena opens the door and sees it’s the kitchen – and the main cook who was busy cooking food pays no attention to Galiena – and allows her to easily get by (another Natural 20!)
- Galiena enters the inn and sees Balgun keeping Waesyn in check. Galiena walks over and whispers, “We need to go to our room now.”
- Waesyn smiles. “Wow. It’s about time. Is he coming to watch?”
- Galiena looks at Waesyn, her eyes searing through his soul. “Now is not the time for that Waesyn. We’re in big trouble. There’s guards all around. And the horn got blown.”
- “I heard it,” Balgun nodded. “I was wondering what happened.”
- “We happened,” Galiena explained. “As it turns out, thanks to a friend of mine, I am wanted in Greenhaven.”
- “Doesn’t sound like a good friend,” Balgun mutters.
- Galiena looks at Waesyn. “You need to wait here for Aros. He should be coming back. Balgun, come with me – let’s head up to the room.”
- Balgun smiles back at Waesyn, even though he knows nothing is going to happen – it’s more so because he was selected to go
- As Galiena and Balgun head up the stairs, since their rooms are on the third floor (DM Note – I had Galiena roll a 1d4 to see what floor their rooms were on – and she rolled a 3), she hears alarms sounding and people shouting. Above most of the voices – as if specifically trying to be heard is Lariun – who is shouting, “We have found Marikus! Someone has dared attack him and in doing so has attacked Lord Brenmoon himself!”
- As Balgun climbs the stairs with Galiena, “So,” he sighs deeply, “this is what Ramgor and Kavium were talking about. The kind of trouble you and your friends get into. I thought it was a scare tactic at first – to try and convince me not to go on the date – but now I see, everything they said is probably very true.”
- Galiena nods, not even looking back, “Yes, this is how things tend to go ever since we washed ashore on this cursed island.”
- As Aros returns to Greenhaven he sees a small collection of guards standing around Marikus who is sitting on a crate and explaining how he was attacked – for unprovoked reasons – by a halfling and the halfling’s dog. He explains he didn’t get a good look at the halfling because it kept dashing into the shadows. But he clearly saw the dog who had taken him down and bitten his arm.
- Aros discards the horn in the first thing he sees – a shop’s cart (DM Note – Aros asked what was the nearest thing – so I made a chart that was for hay bail, barrel, cart, or crat – and he rolled on a cart – had him roll perception and he saw the cart had a store’s slogan on it – and he still dropped it in there – so I had him roll a Wisdom check, which was very, very low – essentially I was going to allude had he rolled high enough that the owner of the cart might get accused of having stolen the horn… since he failed… the horn got dropped in the cart… You might see where this is headed… because sometimes adventures just write themselves…)
- Aros meets up with Waesyn who explains that Galiena and the “bow-man” went upstairs – and the two of them rush upstairs. Outside, the guards begin to round up the halflings in Greenhaven to find out which ones have a dog.
- Waesyn notes, “While I was waiting for the little man, they arrested someone who attacked the guard. Seems they found the horn in the shopkeeper’s cart.”
- Aros heaves a deep sigh and looks at Galiena. “Oh no. That’s my fault. I was hiding the horn and put it in a cart.”
- Galiena shakes her head, “Why didn’t you discard it in the forest?”
- Aros opens his mouth and sighs. “We have to fix this.”
- The party makes their way to the balcony – and sees four guards dragging a man who is proclaiming innocence and has no idea about any horn. They throw him in a wagon that Galiena remembers that Baldur had gotten into (in the form of Galiena) – with two men riding in the front and two men escorting from the back and begin to leave the town while several other guards continue questioning the halflings they’ve gathered in the town center.
- Galiena looks to Balgun, “They don’t know who you are and that you’re connected to us. Can you go down there and see if someone has horses for sale?”
- Balgun nods. Quickly making his way down the stairs – roughly five minutes later her returns – and explains, “I found someone who will sell us horses for a hundred gold. I can purchase them and bring them around back – deep in the woods where all of you can meet us.”
- Galiena, still on the balcony, whispers, “I have an idea.” She uses her Mighty Summoner ability to summon a Blink Dog in the courtyard – this gets an immediate reaction from Marikus who shouts, “There it is! That’s the dog!” The Blink Dog enjoys blinking and avoiding the guards and one of them shouts, “It’s a blink dog! That’s why it kept moving so fast! It wasn’t a halfling! It was a dog and a blink dog!” The guards try to focus their attention on the blink dog and release the halflings.
- The guards finally form a circle around the blink dog and slowly begin closing in, buy Galiena and the others ample time to quickly get down the stairs and into the forest without being seen – before Galiena cancels the spell, sending the Blink Dog safely back into the Fey Realm, from which it’d come.
- Riding into the woods, they ride around Greenhaven, avoiding the road, chasing after the wagon with the shop keeper prisoner…
To Be Continued.
Below are the effects from this year’s Hollowing event…
Dice Roll | All Spells Go Off When Cast, Unless Otherwise Noted Below. Effects last only 1 round unless noted otherwise. |
#1 | You suffer from heart burn… that is, right up until you turn into a Fire Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 Fire Damage on ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#2 | You feel very emotional – like you’re going to cry! Right up until you turn into Water Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage to ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#3 | You feel like you are about to scream – right up until you turn into an Air Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage on ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#4 | You feel like you’ve really toughed up – literally! – as your skin turns to stone and you become an Earth Elemental for 2 rounds dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage to ANY kind of attack. The spell however fails this round. |
#5 | Whoops! That spell misfired – but um – turned a Random Player Invisible for 2 rounds! The invisibility doesn’t break if an attack is made. Too bad they can’t see themselves so attacks are at disadvantage! |
#6 | Whatever spell you were TRYING to cast – comes out in the form of water – and does the same amount of damage – except the damage is bludgeoning damage! If it was already bludgeoning damage! It’s now double damage! 1 Round. |
#7 | Your true feeling revealed? The spell misfires and casts SILENCE on a Random Player for 2 rounds! |
#8 | Your spell goes off successfully! Phew. But right after it does, you’re over come with fear and bolt in a random direction using your movement (1=North, 2=South, 3=West, 4=East) for 1 round |
#9 | Your spell fails to go off – but it’s had a different effect! Any spell that targets you automatically fails and hits the caster instead! No savings throw, they automatically fail! This lasts 1 round. |
#10 | Your spell fails to go off – but it’s had a different effect! Any melee/ranged non spell attack against you is automatically redirected at the attack and hits them if their attack would have hit you! This lasts 1 round. |
#11 | You’ve always wanted to be stealthy like the Rogue! Well, now’s your’s chance! Your spell fails to go off and casts Silence on YOU for 1d4 rounds! |
#12 | Spell Goes Off – No Side Effect |
#13 | A Faerie Dragon appears and breathes upon the enemy! (See Faerie Dragon) It disappears after breathing. |
#14 | Your spell fails to go off – but, you become an Air Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 on a d6 – you can use a Whirlwind attack (Strength DC13) and inflict 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a target that fails! Half as much on a successful save. |
#15 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Water Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 on a d6 can send a water surge attack (Strength DC15) and inflict 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a target that fails! Half as much on a successful save. |
#16 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Fire Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 (d6) you can send a fire surge (Dexterity DC 14) and inflict 4d8 fire damage on a target that fails, half as much on a successful save. |
#17 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Earth Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 (d6) you can ground pound (Dexterity DC15) and knock a target prone on a failed save. No effect if they save successfully. |
#18 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 1d6 Force damage. |
#19 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 2d6 Radiant damage. |
#20 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 3d6 Fire damage. |
#21 | Spell Goes Off – No Side Effect |
#22 | Spell Goes Off – And What’s This? Your Gender is swapped for 2d4 Rounds! |
#23 | Your Spell Goes Off – However, the magical energy turns into a colony of stirges and suck 10d10 damage from the target of your spell. It’s a very, very, very gruesome scene. |
#24 | Your Spell goes off – but your head turns into a Pumpkin for 4 rounds! Intelligence checks and saves at at Disadvantage! |
#25 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a Random party member into a living scarecrow (they can not speak during this time!) for 4 rounds! Fire does double damage to them! |
#26 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a Random Party member into a Black Cat (they can not speak during this time!) for 3 rounds. Their attacks now deal 2d4 damage. However on a successful hit, the target has Disadvantage on all attacks and saves due to the Bad Luck they’ve now gotten! |
#27 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a random party member into a Ghost (they can still talk but it sounds creepy!) for 2 rounds! They have a chilling touch with any melee hit that does an additional 2d10 Necrotic Damage. |
#28 | Your Mind is protected! You’re immune to all pshyic damage for 1d4 rounds! |
#29 | Your gender is swapped for 1d4 rounds! |
#30 | The gender of a party member (randomly selected) is swapped for 2d8 hours. |
#31 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – the spell slot however is used. |
#32 | Any melee attack by you heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#33 | Any melee attack by someone in your party heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#34 | Your spell – if it does any form of damage – is a critical hit – doing maximum damage in addition to the rolled damage. |
#35 | Your body hair grows 2d20 inches! |
#36 | You magically heal to full! |
#37 | You magically heal 10 points! |
#38 | You magically heal one of your companions (randomly selected) for 10 points! |
#39 | You turn into a Spirit! Melee attacks don’t work against you unless magical! Spells, however, still work against you. Your touch does 2d8 Necrotic damage. This lasts 2 rounds. |
#40 | Bodily gas! You can’t control your gas! Stinking Cloud centers on you, but you are immune to its damage – anyone within 20′ of you takes 3d6 psychic damage. This lasts 3 rounds. |
#41 | You polymorph into a sheep for 1 round. |
#42 | Species shift! Your body changes! 1 = Elf, 2 = Human, 3 = Gnome, 4 = Goblin, 5 = Dwarf, 6 = Halfling, 7 = Aasimar, 8 = Tiefling. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#43 | You magically recover all spell slots! |
#44 | You turn into a Vampire! You can bite (Unarmed Strike) someone for 3d6 Necrotic damage. The damage you deal HEALS you! Holy Water does x2 damage against you! This lasts for 2 rounds. |
#45 | Fireball centered on you – everyone within 60′ of you must make a DC 13 Dexterity Check or take 3d10 fire damage. Successful save with half the damage. |
#46 | You froth at the mouth for no good reason. This lasts 4d10 rounds. |
#47 | Fey Dance! Fairies appear around you, or one of your companions (randomly selected) and dance. You are forced to stop doing what you’re doing and dance for 1d4 rounds. |
#48 | You legs turn into frog legs! You can leap 30′ as an action. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#49 | Backed up! You’re constipated for 2d10 rounds. You suffer the Poisoned effect during this time. |
#50 | Can’t hold it in! You’re unable to control your bowel movements, releasing everything inside of you as soon as you eat. This lasts 2d10 rounds. |
#51 | You turn into a Mummy! You can unleash your wraps causing the Restrained condition – Dexterity DC 13. The Restrained lasts as long as you are a Mummy which is 2 rounds, unless you change out of Mummy form before then. |
#52 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#53 | You draw magic from one of your companions! They lose a spell slot, but your spell did not cost one for you! (How nice of them to give up a spell slot for you!) If there are no other casters to borrow spell slots from, the spell does not go off. |
#54 | A Succubus/Incubus appears – seeking to please you. It will constantly plead to please you for 1d4 rounds, before departing. |
#55 | You hate clothing. You strip down. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. |
#56 | All your companions are teleported to be standing right next to you. |
#57 | Fleas! You’ve got fleas! You’re bit and scratch yourself for 2d4 points of damage! The fleas leave after 1 round. |
#58 | Your body turns to liquid for 2 rounds. During this time you can move half speed, but can not talk, attack, etc. |
#59 | Misty Step! For 4 rounds, you can Misty Step 20′ as a bonus action. |
#60 | For 3d4 rounds, any melee attack you make deals an extra 2d4 damage! |
#61 | For 1d4 rounds, a random person in your party has fists of fire (randomly select) dealing an extra 2d4 fire damage! |
#62 | Stirges! Stirges appear and magically drawn to attack (only) you for 2d4 rounds! Each time one is destroyed another magically takes it’s place! |
#63 | You are teleported d100 feet away from your current location (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#64 | You become lucky for 2d4 rounds! You can reroll any 1’s (hits, damage, saves, etc) |
#65 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#66 | You make someone lucky (randomly selected from part) for 1d4 rounds (they can reroll any 1’s – hits, damage, saves) |
#67 | Everyone’s hair around you grows magically 1d4 feet in length! |
#68 | The fates smile! Any hit against you – melee or magical – is forced to be rerolled for 2d4 rounds! |
#69 | You suddenly begin to levitate 2d4 feet in the air! You movement reduced to half speed. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#70 | Your spell goes off (if it’s a damage spell, it does x2 rolled damage) – but also siphons your life force – doing 3d6 damage, but never reducing you less than 1 Hit Point. |
#71 | The body hair of everyone who is friendly to you grows 3d10 inches! |
#72 | Turn of luck! Any critical fail (Natural 1) becomes a Natural 20! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#73 | Friendly Mental Enslavement! One of the party members of the party is forced to listen to your every command (except self harm) for 1d4 rounds! Randomly selected! |
#74 | A pair of shoes materialize around your feet – binding you there for 2d4 Rounds! |
#75 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) gain a +1 ability for 2d4 rounds. |
#76 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) disappear for 2d4 rounds! |
#77 | You grow an extra arm! You gain one additional melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 2d4 rounds! |
#78 | One of your party members (random selected) grows an extra arm! They gain an extra melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 1d4 rounds! |
#79 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – and somehow two spell slots were used! |
#80 | With a quickness! Your mind flows! You can cast two spells as single action! This lasts 1d4 rounds. (It uses a spell slot for each spell) |
#81 | Roll a D20 each round! Any time you roll less than a 8, you take 1d8 psychic damage! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#82 | Your skin grows copper scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#83 | Your skin grows silver scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#84 | Your skin grows brass scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#85 | Your skin grows platinum scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#86 | Your skin grows bronze scales! This lasts 4d10 rounds! |
#87 | You realize if you spend an action vomtting you can cast Magic Missile as projectile vomit at Level 1. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#88 | Nothing Happens |
#89 | You magically grow 1d4 feet! This last for 4d10 rounds! All melee damage does an additional d4. |
#90 | One of your companions, randomly selected, grows 1d4 feet, for 1d10 rounds! All melee damage does an additiona d4 damage. |
#91 | You shrink down 1d4 feet! All melee damage is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#92 | You shrink down one of your companions 1d4 feet! All melee damage from them is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#93 | Your words breathe fire! You can cast cone of fire once, in a 15′ cone, doing 2d4 fire damage! |
#94 | You smell like a blooming flower patch for 4d10 rounds. |
#95 | You smell like rotten sewage for 4d10 rounds. All social checks are at disadvantage. |
#96 | You grow 1d4 eyes on your face. You can not be surprised. This lasts 4d10 rounds. Any social checks are at disadvantage. |
#97 | You spell goes off normal – but flowers fall from some portal above you, raining down in a 60′ radius centered on you. |
#98 | Betrayal! You decide to target any harmful spell towards a companion (randomly selected) and any useful spell towards an enemy (randomly selected) for 1 round. |
#99 | You grow a beard! If you already have one, it grows an additional 2d4 feet! |
#100 | Roll Twice – Both Effects Happen! |