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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
DM Note – The previous session was a side quest I made because Korra missed that session and a lot of the Plane stories revolve around her character for this round of sessions, and they were just about to enter the Plane of Water for the first time. However, we didn’t finish the side quest last session, and Korra was here for this session, so I had her catch up to the party…
- Aboard the Spelljammer, Buppido reports to Korra that there’s been a ripple in the Plane of Water – that whatever barrier has been protecting the Planes – that one finally has an opening, but the others are on Barawaui, helping the Astral Elves with rescuing/looking for their counciler – Buppido urges Korra to get down there and tell them to hurry up before the Portal to the Plane of Water closes again
- Korra is teleported down where she meets with the Astral Elf they’d helped liberate (back in Session 83), named Harakin, who quickly takes her to the mouth of the cave that the others had gone into – she sees signs of a struggle just outside and races in – and discovers the cave is dripping acidic liquid from the ceiling; she manages to get to the underground lake – she quickly begins to scoot along the side, seeing the writing on the floor, but not able to read it. As she makes her way, the Water Snake emerges and manages to constrict her and begins to pull her into the water
- Ahead, Sephrenia’s elven ears pick up the sound of a startled scream then a splash (she was the only one of the three who made a successful Perception check); and Sephrenia is able to immediately guess that someone has been pulled into the lake by the Water Snake. And she surmises that it wouldn’t be one of the Githyanki, because they’d be aware of the Water Snake, presumably. Sephrenia tells Adrian and Don they should see who might be following them and check on what’s happening behind them.
- They agree, moving through the sea of statues, and back to the lake – they see a familiar figure struggling against the Water Snake. “That’s Korra!” Sephrenia says, startled.

- Adrian stands on the edge of the acidic lake and begins pounding sword to shield and casts Compel Duel
- Korra reaches into her pouch while struggling with the Water Weird and throws her Misty Step dagger to the ledge – then concentrates and Misty Steps out of the cluthes of the very surprised Water Weird
- With Korra free, Sephrenia knows that the Water Weird could still try to strike at Adrian if he tries to disengage, so she tries to speak the bastardized elven language that the Githyanki use and use the Command spell, but the Water Weird doesn’t seem to listen
- Adrian disengages with the Water Weird, as the watery serpent seems to stare at them, bound to the body of water which it was called to protect
- The Flumph, Umpha, whom they had rescued (see Session 94), telepathically warns Sephrenia whom it had mentally bonded with, “Be careful. Snake people have heard fight. They are ready for you now.” Sephrenia conveys the warning to others.
- Sephrenia explains to Korra, “Umpha – that’s this Flumph attached to my head – said the statues ahead are made by ‘Lady Lady Snake’ – we’re not sure how she does it, but it knows because it’s able to connect with one of them – Lady Snake as it calls it – and has tapped into the edge of their thoughts.”
- Korra has never heard of such a thing; so Sephrenia shares the legend of Fein Maheas, the woman so beautiful, she swore she was more beautiful, and thus more worshipped (primarily by men) – some say Nifika herself cursed her, some say, Seerana, the goddess of Fate cursed her, some say Nifika had Seerana curse her – whatever version of the story it is – Fein’s vanity had reached the ears of the gods, through an angel – and a curse was bestowed upon Fein, that anyone – man, woman, child, animal, any living being or creature – who met her gaze would be forever turned to stone.
- Umpha explains that it can connect to three minds and show them ‘outlines’
- Sephrenia mentions, “We could use Umpha to see without seeing.” Sephrenia explains, “Since Umpha is on me – if we have enough potions – you, Korra and Don can go forward and I will hide back here with the statues, so that way nothing happens to Umpha, so that the three of you can continue to see the outlines of the others and attack.”
- Don shares his concerns about Umpha using their powers
- “They already know we’re here,” Sephrenia urges.
- “Is there a way to practice? Like maneuver between these statues?” Adrian asks
- Umpha explains, “You will not be able to see living things. Only living things, since I am touching their minds.”
- With a plan in motion, connected to Umpha; Korra, Don and Adrian stealth forward
- Don can see that the ‘Lady Snake’ is position on the furthest wall with one arm extended and one arm in an odd position; and knows that she has her arm knocked with a bow she’s ready to fire
- Korra rounds the corner, guided by Umpha, and casts Erupting Earth which snags Lady Snake – better known as a Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker

- Don fires a Lightning Arrow – but the Nightmare speaker is able to slither out of the way, taking half damage
- The Lady Lady Snake – a Medusa – quickly tosses the Councilor aside and rushes towards Don, seeing that he is the largest threat, to be able to strike from a distance – which is a Medusa
- Adrian casts Spiritual Guardians around him, where spiritual beautiful women appear around Adrian, protecting him
- As the companions battle against the serpent people – Sephrenia suddenly takes notice that the statues she’s hiding in begin to move towards her, hands out stretched, a dark glow centered around their hands!
- Sephrenia begins to retreat from the stone statue, when she notices more and more of them seem to be animating; she screams down the hallway about what’s happening; but no one else can see the stone statues since they are not alive and the Umpha has no way to take into their minds; the brainless statues move like zombies
- Further inside the cave, the Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker uses a trait that invokes nightmares, plunging Adrian into darkness…
- Adrian seems to be standing in the center of the woods, among the gypsies he’d grown up with. All around him the gypsies wheel and deal with the wood elves who have taken great interest in the gypsies tokens.
- Then a shadow falls over the entire forest, plunging it into darkness and night.
- The sound of trees snapping as easily as one might break a twig beneath their feet comes from all sides.
- Then, two of the trees are effortlessly peeled back, and the head of a massive green dragon, like no other dragon ever seen before, roars, “I am Emereth!” and breathes her toxic poison into the clearing; and Adrian watches as his own people begin to perish along side those of the wood elves; everyone whom he rushes to dies in his arms.
- Suddenly Adrian snaps back to the fight (successful save, taking only half damage from the Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker’s Invoke Night
- The party then takes down the Medusa, which stops the statues from moving where Sephrenia is; clearly the Medusa was somehow still coming those she’d condemned to stone; with the Medusa’s threat removed the Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker is easily killed next
- Rushing to Councilor Estel, they see he is gravely wounded, but should survive, though he’d ripped out his own eyes to spite the Medusa; that could never be cured.
- They recover simple weapons from the two snake people and Adrian decapitates the Medusa head and throws it into the Bag of Holding
- Bringing Councilor Estel back to Harakin, they signal Buppido they’re done, to which he replies, “Just in time. I see a ripple to the Plane of Water. If you want to get in there, it’s got to be now.”
- The party returns to the Spelljammer and leap through the portal to the Plane of Water and find themselves plunging towards a vast ocean…