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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30, Adventure 31, Adventure 32, Adventure 33, Adventure 34 and Adventure 35.
Note: We began using Roll20 for the Virtual Tabletop Experience, while using D&D Beyond and Beyond 20 for character rolls – I believe this immensely helped – providing the players a way to see how far things were and how many of “Monster_X” were still up
- The party continues on their way – moving through the slippery cavern, where while crossing one of the thing stone bridges, Ragnaroc falls and takes minor damage before the party finally arrives at the cliff side that they need to climb
- Adrian says he will climb first – but would like someone to climb up with him
- Morsus offers Guidance which helps Adrian make it to the top of the cliff
- Sephrenia climbs up half the cliff side, before losing her footing on the slick cavern wall and tumbles down to the floor taking 5 damage
- She refocuses – and manages to successfully climb up the entire cliff side to stand alongside Adrian
- They both look around for a place to tie the rock – and spot – what appears to be a dead body about 35′ to the north
- Adrian and Sephrenia realize – after they reach the top of the cliff side – that neither of them has rope to tie to the rocks
- Don sighs – ties some rope to one of his regular arrows and uses his normal longbow, rather than the energy bow to fire an arrow up to Adrian and Sephrenia
- Sephrenia attempts to tie the rope – but when Morsus gives it a tug, the entire rope unravels and falls to the cliff floor below (Critical Fail on tying the knot!)
- Don shakes his head – goes over to the rope – ties it to another arrow – and fires it up for them to try again
- Adrian however is able to securely tie the rope this time
- Everyone is able to scale the cliff side (at advantage) except for Ragnaroc – who once again – falls, tumbling down 20′ taking 7 damage from the fall
- On his second attempt, Ragnaroc is able to overcome his shaken confidence, and makes it to the top of the cliff
- Once everyone is at the top – Adrian tells everyone to lay low – and that there’s a dead body just to the north
- Morsus moves to the body and does an investigation; all he notices is that body is wrapped in a lot of cloth; seeing nothing else he begins looking around
- Sephrenia and Don move up to the body to investigate; and Sephrenia doesn’t notice anything but Don finally thinks about rolling the body over to look at the face
- However – just then a growl is heard – and two Displacer Beasts leap down from the rocks, seeing something tampering with their food – one of them larger than the other
- Some of the part recalls their first encounter with a Displacer Beast that did not go so well; and encountering more shortly after – all thanks to a hag bringing them in from the Fey Wilde. While that is cause for concern – knowing the information they recently learned about some hags wanting revenge – the party also recalls that the Drow have tamed Displacer Beasts and Owlbears to use as attack animals, from Nor’Orn.
- Because he wasn’t distracted by the bodies – at the last moment, Morsus saw the Displacer Beasts (he rolled a Natural 20! on Initiative – giving him two actions – house rule)
- Morsus summons a Spiritual Weapon – and despite the Displacer Beast’s shimmering ability that causes Disadvantage on attacks – he’s still able to hit it
- He tries to follow up with Toll the Dead but the Displacer Beast saves with a Natural 20
- Morsus moves between the Displacer Beasts
- One of them attempts to attack him, but both of its attacks miss
- Sephrenia uses her Spiritual Weapon; but the shimmering felines are difficult to hit; but she does manage to hit it with Ray of Frost
- Ragnaroc blasts the bottom Displacer Beast with Eldritch Blast – but the first misses, but the second one hits; which manages to bloody the bottom one
- Adrian moves up and swings and hits the smaller Displacer Beast, doing enough damage to finish it off
- He still has enough movement to go to the other one, and swings for his second attack – and despite the displacement effect – still manages to hit!
- Adrian notices this one is larger – and deduces that it’s probably the mother to the Displacer Beast Kitten he just killed
- Don fires his first shot and misses – he sends Jackson in – who also misses – then he fires his second shot and manages to hit the mother Displacer Beast
- Korra moves and fires an arrow and misses
- Morsus once again uses his Spiritual Weapon, and despite the shimmering effect, still manages to hit the Displacer Beast; and follows up with Toll the Dead which the Displacer Beast fails to save against, taking necrotic damage which bloodies her
- Sephrenia fires an arrow, and despite the shimmering, still manages to hit the Displacer Beast; she then uses her Spiritual Hammer, which also manages to hit
- The party seems to have a better understanding of how to determine where the Displacer Beast is, as both of Ragnaroc’s Eldritch Blasts strike the Displacer Beast, despite it’s shimmering ability
- Adrian swings and manages to deliver the killing blow on the momma Displacer Beast
- However – just then another Displacer Beast – undoubtedly the male – rounds the corner; unbeknownst to the players that just on the other side was a small Drow Patrol Watch, which now moves around the southern side of the rock formation to try and attack the party from the opposite side of their Displacer Beast pet
- Sephrenia casts the Bless spells on three of her party members around her
- Ragnaroc fires an Eldritch Blast at the approaching Displacer Beast; first shot misses, but the second connects
- Adrian can’t yet see it so he casts Shield of Faith and prepares to attack if the creature passes him
- Don sees it approaching and despite the shimmering – he manages it to hit it but misses with his second shot
- The Displacer Beast sees it’s downed mate and rushes right towards Adrian, allowing Adrian to use his ready action to attack
- However, the Displacer Beast spots Adrian at the last second – and one of the Displacer Beast tentacles bats Adrian’s blade out of his hand – and into the rocks (Adrian rolled Critical Fail on the attack!)
- It uses one attack to hit Adrian – dealing significant damage; however, it’s second attack misses
- Morsus uses his Spiritual Hammer; and despite the shimmering, manages to hit it for some good damage; he also follows up with Toll the Dead which lands for 19 necrotic damage
- Sephrenia follows up with firing her arrow, also landing a hit, despite the shimmering, for some good damage
- Ragnaroc’s Eldritch Blasts manage to finally kill the Displacer Beast
- However, yet again – the tension of battle does not end as the Drow hear the death cry of the male Displacer Beast and hope it’s wounded whoever it is that has come here
- Ragnaroc does a Perception Check (Critical Fail) and neither sees nor hears the Drow approaching from the right
- Adrian begins looking among the boulders to find where his sword had landed when the Displacer Beast knocked it out of his hands; but fails to find it this round
- Korra moves to help Adrian find his sword (giving him Advantage on the next round)
- The two Drow fire at Ragnaroc and manage to hit him twice
- Don hears it – and sees them now – though they’re partially behind cover – which Don is able to ignore and fires a shot at them
- Morsus makes a high enough Perception Check to notice that Ragnaroc has been hit by a crossbow bold and that Don seems to be firing at something; he begins moving towards them and spots two of them and casts Toll the Dead on the one that Don had hit, delivering an additional 18 necrotic damage
- Sephrenia moves forward a little to be in range of casting Acid Splash – but in good ol’ Elven fashion, they are dexterous enough to avoid the damage
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts at the closest one; one bolt hits, the other misses
- On Adrian’s turn, despite the Advantage roll; he’s still not able to locate his sword (DC 12 Investigation)
- Don activates Sharpshooter – gets a critical strike (Natural 20!) and deals enough damage to kill the Drow with an arrow to the throat
- The remaining one moves a little closer – fires the hand crossbow and hits Morsus for some minor damage
- Korra decides to try and find Adrian’s blade and locates it and gives it back to him
- Morsus lands a Toll the Dead on the remaining Drow who fails his save and takes 19 necrotic damage
- Sephrenia casts Guiding Bolt but misses
- Don does another sharpshooter shot and takes down the second Drow
- And Initiative finally comes to an end
- While Adrian is searching the bodies; Don walks up and yanks out the arrow Korra shot into his leg and puts it in his special “Korra Kuiver”
- Don realizes if they can manage to skin and keep the pelts in good condition, there are people who are experts at tanning that could potentially make Cloaks of Displacement from these Displacer Beast hides (Natural 20 on Nature Check)
- Survival Check is placed at DC 17
- Don tries on the young one, rolls a 16 – but with Morsus’ Guidance is enough to skin the young one
- He moves to the momma Displacer Beast, and once again, rolls a 16 – but with Morsus’ Guidance it’s enough to skin the one adult pelt
- Things seem to be working out – as Morsus said – the only reason Don is succeeding is because of his goddess! So what can go wrong?
- On the poppa Displacer Beast he rolls an 8, and even if he were to roll a 4 (the max for Guidance) it would not be enough (Adrian can be blamed for going over to it and kicking the corpse)
- So Don is able to get a young Displacer Beast hide (dwarf/gnome/halfling size) and an Adult Displacer Beast hide (Elf/Human/etc.) and places them in his backpack to find someone to properly try and tan them into Cloaks of Displacement
- The party then moves around the large rock formation – Don and Ragnaroc find a body of water, but stay clear of it while Sephrenia, Korra, Adrian and Morsus round the other side and find a small campfire where the Drow had positioned themselves
- The party investigates the camp and doesn’t find much else; Morsus and Sephrenia investigate the water – Morsus fails to see much but Sephrenia is able to see how the center of the water appears to be a deep drop – as if it goes from 10′ deep to a sudden, potential 100′ deep water hole
- Don has Jackson sniff around – and Jackson picks up a scent (Keen Smell bonus!) and points to the north (indicating that these Drow – or Drow that smell like the ones that had been in the camp came from the north)
- The party decides to follow Jackson’s lead and head to the north, where they spot a large cavern in the face of the mountain
- Morsus sends his bat familiar to scan the area ahead and it reports back, there are two statues on each side of the mouth of the cave that look like female driders holding spears
- Morsus’ bat goes inside the cave and senses a lot of danger so Morsus decides to go forward – however, upon getting too close to the Drider statues – the statues animate, triggered since the password is not spoken and attack! (The Drider statues act as Gargoyles)

- Don fires a Sharpshooter shot and hits; however he misfires his second shot (Critical Fail) and hits Sephrenia
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts, hitting both times
- Adrian rushes up to one; misses the first time but hits on his second swing
- One of the Drider statues hits Morsus for trivial damage; he attempts to blind it but it makes the save
- One tries to bite Adrian, but damages itself in the process; the claw however hits Adrian and does some damage to him
- She does some healing on Adrian and then summons her Spiritual Hammer which lands a solid hit against the Drider gargoyle next to Adrian
- Korra moves up and swings her sword (Natural 20!) but as her sword scrapes against the gargoyle it becomes apparent she’s not doing as much damage as she thought she would have done (Hint – her sword is not magical!)
- She then uses Cunning Action to disengage and move 5′ back (the furthest she can move because she used 25′ to get to the Drider this round)
- Don tells Jackson to continue the Help action and fires sharpshooter and hits dealing significant damage; his second shot misses
- Ragnaroc fires Eldritch Blast and hits twice
- Adrian hits once for a hard hit, but misses on his second attack
- The Drider Gargoyle next to Morsus hits him; but the second attack misses
- The other Drider does the same thing; one hit strikes Adrian while the second misses
- Morsus manages to Toll the Dead the one on him, doing 3 necrotic damage which is enough to make it crumble
- Sephrenia heals Adrian for 14 health and then uses her Spiritual Hammer on the last remaining Drider Gargoyle but misses
- Don tells Jackson to go to the other Drider Gargoyle and tells him to do the Help command – but Don’s first Sharpshooter misses; so he fires the next shot as a normal shot and hits, chipping away at the Drider Gargoyle
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts – the first misses – but the second scores a Critical Hit (Natural 20!) exploding the Drider Gargoyle
To Be Continued!