Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 83

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  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC)
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
  • Continuing their pursuit of the Beholder the party enters an area of the Astral Plane, that they discover was “recently created” – known as the Sea of the Dead Gods – eight massive humanoid figures, seemingly made of purple ash drift in this massive area; and as their ship enters this odd region, there is an oppressing feeling all around them…
  • Adrian, with his knowledge of religion is quickly able to determine that the 8 giant figures adrift, made of purple ash are none other than the eight deities slain when L’orak’ana was able to enter Aftgard and and for each of her legs – she killed eight deities before being banished to Garengrand. The deities she killed were: Airana, Akanda, Drakenfiel, Elenar, Krauzden, Lauhzar, Tavara and Teakak.
  • The Spelljammer suddenly warns, “Life signs detected” before any more thought can be considered – and without warning, a spelljammer leaps from the mist and rapidly approaches their ship with clear hostile intent
  • The ship comes next to the party’s spelljammer and begins throwing ropes to prevent their Spelljammer from escaping – and it’s clear – the opposing ship has a number of Githyanki warriors on it, cheering to board the ship
  • The party first encountered Githyanki in their (very slow, being remodeled pyramid) back in Session 68! In Session 69, Sephrenia had revealed that the Githyanki were a tribe of elves, eons ago, who heard the calling of a dark demon or god that was a serpent so large it spanned many universes known as Nebakrau. In Session 71, the NPC Disnarium explained that the Githyanki were one of the first travelers of the Astral Plane from Kne’urth – the knowledge given to them by the Serpent Demon, Nebakrau. In Session 73, Sephrenia mentioned that even the Drow despise the Githyanki. In Session 81, the party learns that the ‘serpent monster’ devouring the highland shaggy cows on Kruezadune was created by the Githyanki as well.
  • As Initiative starts, Buppido who is talking about the “dead gods” are those that wronged the Gnome God (incorrectly stating so) – he is not kneeling down and praying, which Adrian is doing – so he’s unaware the the Githyanki have launched ropes and grappling hooks into their ships
  • Buppido casts Fireball on the opposing ship, catching many of the Githyanki in its effects, before they’re able to board the party’s spelljammer
  • He then follows up (due to Natural 20 on Initiative – check the House Rules for more) with Animate Object on the ropes in hopes of entangling the Githyanki about to swing over and board their ship
  • The first Githyanki uses their natural ability to Misty Step across to the ship as a bonus action and seeing Adrian kneeling and praying, tries to bring their Silver Greatsword down on Adrian’s head, but misses – apparently, Prenah takes care of Adrian for honoring the dead gods!
  • Halia, Don Kanin’s drake, rushes to the side and unleashes her Drake’s breath, and strikes several who are about to swing across – dealing with the tangling rope which Buppido has animated
  • The next one to come over, goes after Dusk, and with his first swing hits; and cuts deep into Dusk, and brings his sword and hits a second time, drawing more blood; bloodying Dusk with his two powerful strikes
  • Seeing that Dusk has been badly wounded, Korra moves to his side and attacks the Githyanki, ripping into his flesh with her shadow blade
  • Dusk develops a plan; about using his Winged Boots to fly over to the Githyanki ship and begin undoing the grappling hooks then yank the ship away from the party’s spelljammer; as he flies away the Githyanki makes an attack of opportunity, but surprisingly misses! Dusk lands on the Githyanki ship and is surprised to see there’s still someone aboard, piloting the ship!
  • Dusk casts Lightning at the one steering the ship, but the pilot is able to dive out of the way successfully, taking only half the damage from the vicious Lightning attack
  • On the ropes, the fourth Githyanki teleports to the party’s Spelljammer and goes for Don Kanin, swinging it’s sword twice – striking Don Kanin and cutting him deep
  • Buppido commands the animated ropes to begin dislodging the grappling hooks while turning on the one who’d attacked Dusk and was now face to face with Korra and casts Toll the Dead which the Githyanki fails – and crumbles to the ground as Necrotic damage withers his body
  • The Githyanki who had attacked Adrian, misses twice again; while Adrian stares up at him and draws his weapon, now that his prayer his complete
  • Don, in the meantime, casts Zephyr Strike to be able to move away from the Githyanki who had misty stepped to his side
  • Don fires at that Githyanki striking him with a radiant arrow; Don prepares to fire a second shot – and nearly feels like he’s about to miss – but refocuses – and fires the second shot that hits (Don used the Amulet of Inspiration to re-roll a critical fail)
  • Korra steps over to the Githyanki attacking Adrian and uses her shadow blade to tear into him as well
  • Dusk tries a Thunderwave to show the pilot off – but the pilot saves, and grabs the wheel of the ship to maintain his stance
  • The pilot uses telekinesis to restrain Dusk and does so successfully
  • The Githyanki who had been attacking Don sees Korra striking his companions and moves to her and runs his blade through Korra twice, making her bloody
  • Adrian issues a Challenge (from his Channel Divinity) – so that any can hear him are compelled to fight Adrian; one of them falls for it while the other ignores it
  • Adrian then casts Aurora of Vitality – selecting Korra for the heal
  • The Githyanki who was tangled in the ropes finally Misty Steps – and goes after Buppido – and swings down – and hits Buppido’s magically summoned Shield spell, deflecting both attacks
  • Buppido tries to do Toll of the Dead, but the Githyanki is able to ignore its effects
  • The Githyanki attacking Adrian is unable to attack Adrian successfully
  • Don looks across the ship to the Githyanki ship – having seen Dusk’s lightning – and decides to fire at the pilot – hitting the pilot twice with his radiant bow
  • The two hits rock the Githyanki and and he’s not able to maintain his concentration on holding Dusk with Telekinesis
  • Korra in the meantime, uses her Shadow Blade on the one that had struck her and bloodied her; and while she almost failed as the Githyanki was moving – she thankfully, felt inspired to move ever so slightly (Using the Amulet of Inspiration) – and manages to not only hit, but deliver the killing blow by severing the Githyanki’s head, whose dark blood mingles with the shadows of her magical blade spell
  • Dusk casts another Lightning spell – but the nimble elf like Githyanki is able to once again, dodge – and take half – but even with half, as the lightning arcs around him, striking him partially – it’s enough to bloody him
  • The Githyanki Xenomancer at the wheel tries a Telekinetic Bolt, but misses Dusk
  • Adrian uses his Aurora Vitality to heal Korra since Don Kanin is still near the back of the boat and out of the 30′ range
  • Then Adrian turns his turn on the Githyanki near him and Korra and kills it with two strikes and yells, “If you need healing; come within 30 of me now!”
  • Buppido calls upon his gnome deity to bring on the Toll of the Dead… and this time it works, and the Githyanki snarls in pain
  • The Githyanki swings at Buppido, but from the pain of the Toll of the Dead, he misses; and Adrian uses his Sentinel ability to hit the Githyanki for quite a bit of damage
  • Don moves towards Adrian to get the benefit of the Aurora Vitality while using Hunter’s Mark on the Xenomorph – the first shot strikes him, however as the Xenomorph stumbles backwards, the second shot misses
  • Korra having successfully used her Shadow Blade throughout the fight, moves towards the last Githyanki, but slips a little on the blood on the floor of the ship, so that she misses; and she quickly, realizing being this close to the creature, she is in danger of being hit, quickly uses her stealth ability
  • Dusk is trying to untie the ropes; and the last two knots are extremely well tied; but requires a Flash of Genius to ensure he can untie it
  • The Xenomorph who has been hit by Don, decides to fire him launches a Telekinetic Bolt and hits Don – doing quite a bit of damage, knocking him down to one knee
  • Adrian then turns on the main Githyanki – and cleaves through him – sending a Divine Smite, which Prena blesses because of her hatred (as well of the other deities) – of the Githyanki; sending its severed head to the floor – while kicking the corpse off the edge of the Spelljammer
  • Meanwhile, Buppido sends the traditional Raulothim’s Psychic Lance which the Xenomancer fails, stunning him
  • Don launches two attacks, finishing the kill, sending the Xenomancer’s corpse over the edge of the Githyanki ship
  • Buppido asking the animated ropes to toss him to the other ship; the rope, not understanding wraps around his ankle then throws him across the ship to the Githyanki ship, without much finense
  • Dusk uses his Winged Boots to fly to the Githyanki Ship as well
  • Buppido notices that the Spelljammer Helm is – no surprise – Serpent Themed – and it requires the fangs of the Spelljammer helm to puncture the flesh in order for the connection to be made; Buppido sits down and slides the Spelljammer Helm on – and feels the fangs pierce his flesh and is immediately greeted by a deep, sinister voice that says, “I will not follow any who are not faithful to Nebakrau!” And Buppido can feel the spirit of the Spelljammer willingly depart. He takes off the helm and sighs, explaining that the spirit left the ship because it detected he wasn’t faithful to Nebakrau. So that’s going to mean towing the Githyanki Spelljammer – as it has no spirit, so would move significantly slower – as well as the fire damage it has (from the fireball at the start, and some of the other damage to the mast and sails from the lightning and thunder damage).
  • Don explains that they could probably sell the Spelljammer and make money to help pay for the costs of the pyramid back on Kne’Urth
  • Buppido searches the Xenomorph’s belongings and finds a spell book – inside he finds: spells for Invisibility, Pass Without Trace, Dominate Monster, Force Cage, and Telekinesis.
    • Note: For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.
  • In addition, the corpses of the other Githyanki – they find: +1 Longsword (x2), 350 gold, 3 gems (worth 100 gp each)
  • Aboard the Githyanki ship, Buppido and Dusk make their way down below the deck; on the second floor, they find a number of rooms, most of which seem to be either training rooms or bunkers.
  • Searching those rooms they recover: 300 gold total in the rooms, +2 Dagger (x2)
  • Down on the third floor, they discover a prison – as well as a torture chamber – and the only person inside any of the cells is a very emaciated Astral Elf. Dusk and Buppido exchange glances and continue down the hall – where they see a locked chamber at the end – which seems to have the symbol of silver fangs
  • Despite it’s ominous appearance, Buppido first tries to open the door – and the mysitcal serpent lunges out and strikes Buppido with such force and he immediately feels venom injected into his veins. He stumbles backwards.
  • Despite seeing this, Dusk tries it next, springs the venomous trap – and is also injected with venom; each of them also taking considerable damage from the fangs striking them on top of the venom injection. Dusk explains he needs to go lay down and seeks out the largest room (and based by the decorations, appears to have belonged to the Xenomorph) and collapsed in the bed.
  • Adrian convinces their Spelljammer to move closer; the Spelljammer explains it doesn’t care for the Githyanki ship because of legacy of the Githyanki – but Adrian is able to convince it to get closer so that boarding from their ship to the Githyanki ship doesn’t require feats (feets? Heh) of leaping through the Astral Plane open sea between ships
  • As Don, Korra and Adrian board the ship and make their way down; they find Dusk sleeping on a bed, and his flesh is a green, sickly tone as well as Buppido is also looking sickly green
  • Buppido explains that they ran into some trouble opening a door
  • Don asks, smirking, “Was it trouble with the back door?”
  • Buppido nods, “Yes. It was in the rear. Are you good at opening the rear door?”
  • Don shakes his head.
  • Adrian expends 5 points of Lay on Hands on Buppido which returns his flesh to the proper color
  • Buppido asks the party to follow him – namely, Korra – to come open the rear door
  • As they follow Buppido down to the third floor, they pass the cells and they see the same prisoner in the cell.
  • Korra pauses and looks at the emaciated Astral Elf and turns to Buppido. “Did you know he was there?”
  • “Yes,” Buppido said, but tugged on Korra’s sleeve to urge her along.
  • “Did you bother talking to him?” she asks.
  • “No,” Buppido admits. “He’s been there awhile by the looks of it. I figure he’ll be fine for a little longer. Now if you’d follow me to help me open this rear door.”
  • She sighs and tells the prisoner that they will be right back – she ventures to the door, following Buppido – and she looks at the door – taking her time to understand the mechanics behind the door before attempting to pick the lock
  • She successfully picks the lock and pulls the door open – revealing a treasury room where there are barrels of gold, treasure, gems, and weapons – and it appears to have been from a recent raid
  • Total worth of the treasure room: 3,000 gold (including gems, weapons – none of which are greater than +1)
  • As Buppido begins examining the treasure, Adrian, Korra and Don return to the cell with the prisoner. Cautious, Adrian casts Zone of Truth, and the party asks him a number of things
  • In summary he explains that the Astral Elves are mortal enemies of the Githyanki. The Astral Elves are ancient elves from Kne’Urth, who over hundreds of years, evolved and were changed by the ever present wild magic that flows through the Astral Plane. They are elves who took off with the sole purpose to put an end to the Githyanki and their Serpent God. He explains that he’d been a part of a crew who had just gathered some resources and traded with the gnomes of Gnomewhere and was returning to his home – when his ship was attacked. The others on the ship were murdered or thrown off the Spelljammer – to watch suffocate and die slowly – and he’s unsure why he was kept as a prisoner. He goes on to explain they’ve essentially just been watching him wither away as they’ve not fed him or offered drink in weeks. He explains the majority of the treasure in the back is from the Spelljammer he was on and resources for the rebellion against the Githyanki. He also introduces himself as Harakin.
  • The party heads back up to the main bedroom and wakes up Dusk, preventing a long rest as Korra explains the situation
  • Don counteracts that perhaps taking him back to his people – as he’s asking – is a trap and maybe the worse idea
  • Korra asks why – and Don explains that right now, it’s just him – they know nothing about him. If they go back to his people, and the party has their treasure aboard, Harakin could turn on them and say the party stole the treasure and then they’re fighting much more than just Harakin
  • Don also explains that even if he is good – the Astral Elf, Harakin – lost their battle. And the party earned the treasure and there’s no reason to hand over the treasure – or any of it. Buppido mostly agrees with Don; but explains depending on what Harakin says could influence anything.
  • When the party asks if Harakin is familiar with As’zar’vari’tium – he explains he is – he’s not seen, but he’s heard of the Beholder with the skull gem – and he explains that from what he has heard – it entered the Sea of Dead Gods and made its way to the floating mist corpse of Drakenfiel, the god of wisdom – and entered the deceased deity’s brain – before departing a week later. He explains he’s unsure where the Beholder was headed; but it attacked ships – whether Astral Elf, Githyanki, or otherwise, if it was in its path.
  • Adrian asks if they take Harakin back to his people – would they be able to help them track down the Beholder; and he explains that the Priests may be able to help track down the Beholder’s movements through the Astral Plane.
  • Don looks to the others and shakes his head and says, “Nothing I’ve heard has changed my mind. You know where I stand.” And he proceeds to walk off.
  • When Buppido asks about the treasure horde, Harakin again explains how they’d been gathering resources for the battle against the Githyanki. He offers that the party takes 80% if he and his people can keep 20% of the treasure, to purchase adamantine from the Gnomes of Gnomewhere, to continue their battle against the Githyanki. (DM Note – the next session I forgot they asked for 20% – and made it only 10%! I need to keep my notes updated!)
  • The party agrees, and frees Harakin from his prison cell. They tie the Githyanki spelljammer to theirs and begin to tow it, as Adrian casts Create Food and Water for Harakin’s benefit.