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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- Wickedstraza – Dragonborn (Bronze), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) – Not present

Baldur, holding his new spear, asks, “Is there anything else you need, Crescent?”
The moonstone dragon named Crescent answers, “There’s nothing I need for now. But Brandon,” his eyes go towards the wereraven, “tells me he’s heard quite a bit about you and knows you’re currently staying at Felhorn.”
Baldur nods, “Yes, we have rooms at The White Fang.” Baldur shifts his weight and then asks, “Do you know if Felhorn or any towns have armorers or smiths?”
“Sadly, since Lord Starfall’s demise and Lord Brenmoon’s rise; Lord Brenmoon sent his armies marching into towns and claimed all the armor and weapons, and imprisoned most of the armorers and smiths, to ensure no one would have weapons or armor to rise up against him. So only a few people have exotic weapons of any kind; and the only real armor this island sees now are those who find themselves shipwrecked here, such as yourselves. There may be smiths and armorers out there, but they will not be advertising as such, for fear of having everything confiscated and / or being arrested.”
“I guess we should head back to Felhorn,” Galiena says. “I need to check on Dearbhán.”
Baldur nods, “I’d like to see Kaitlyn also.”
Ramgor is noticeably quiet to Baldur and Aros, but Galiena does not seem to notice, being as tired as she is from the last few days. Ramgor helps her into the wagon, as Baldur approaches and speaks to the horse he’d used from Ramgor named Walter, and spoke to Walter for a moment, before also getting on their own wagon.
“I will send the wereravens with you,” Crescent says, “to ensure you safely reach Felhorn.”
“I have a question,” Baldur suddenly asks as he looks around. “Our friend, Waesyn, where is he?”
“We sent him back to Felhorn, escorted by several of the wereravens,” Crescent explains, “so he will be a few hours ahead of you. He’s still violently sick from the potion cure he had to take to prevent from becoming a vargouille, and he will be sick for about a week. So if you see him, try to encourage him to get rest until the toxins of the potion are out of his system.” (The party had met Wasesyn during Session 7 – the dating game, then was shown to be following the party as he burst onto the scene during the fight against Vargouilles – in which he was bitten in Session 8, because he was a fun NPC – I had one of the wereravens – Erica Crowfeather essentially keep a “Daylight” spell going on him in Session 9 when the party was told that there’s a cure for it – they just need to talk to the spirit of a woman to find out more.The party returned with what was needed in Session 13, at which point Erica said that Waesyn would be sick for about a week – but that he was cured).
After several days of travel, the party arrives back at Felhorn. Upon their arrival the small town of Felhorn celebrates – having believed they’d all been “taken by the mist” as many seem to do. (And the people of Felhorn rarely need any reason to celebrate, embracing their given immortality – in regards to no longer aging – and grim view that they will eventually be taken by the mist, like others). In the overwhelming sound of noise, and being exhausted, Galiena fails to notice that Ramgor looks visibly upset. At that moment, the door to the White Fang Inn/Tavern bursts open – and a male Tiefling strikes a pose, leaning against the door frame.

“So you’re not dead,” Kavium smiles. “So that means tonight – a week and some days later – we finally get to go on our date?”
Aros and Baldur assure Ramgor that he is the best fit for Galiena, and that the other dates – if the first date was any indication – probably won’t survive. This makes Ramgor chuckle as he says, “Well, though I won’t be with her on these dates – please tell her if she needs my horses or wagons – they are hers to use, even for these other dates. I’d much rather have her in the care of my horses than walking around this cursed island at night. I will be sure to tell the stable hands and tell Kamanche and Walter the same.”
With that, he places a firm hand on the shoulders of Baldur and Aros and heads inside the tavern to take a seat at the bar.
Galiena sees Kavium, forces a smile and says, “I am alive. Yes. But I need to check on a few things first. I have a … pet that needs to be fed.” (DM Note – We met Kavium in Session 7 during the Dating Game, and he was selected as the second winner)
Kavium winks, “Oh, I have a pet that needs to be fed too.”
Galiena pauses – about to ask – sees his expression, then heaves a deep sigh and says, “I will be back. Just give me a moment. Give me about an hour and we can meet down here for at least a drink.”
“Waiting an hour, will feel like Hades,” Kavium smiles, “and as a Tiefling, I know about that. But it would be worth it to be with you.” He smiles coyly then winks.
Galiena just replies, “That’s great,” and proceeds upstairs – pausing as she looks down and sees Ramgor looking somber – unsure of what to say, she proceeds towards her room.
Kaitlyn rushes out of the White Fang Tavern – and jumps into Baldur’s arms, the two of them spinning in circles, happy to see one another.
As the majority of the people head back inside the tavern to drink, Aros turns to Baldur and says, “Did you notice the emblem that Kavium wears?”
Baldur shakes his head, “No. Why?”
And despite his own recent journey into finding religion, Baldur had not seen the crest that Kavium wore. “It’s the symbol of Prenah,” Aros explains. (DM Note – I had them roll religion to see if they caught the symbol – and it’s ironic that it would be Aros who spotted it – because the player who is playing Aros is the same player who plays Adrian from the The Adventurers sessions – who happens to be a human Paladin of Prenah. And because during Session 7, I randomly had my players answer for NPCs – it’d been Baldur who answered the “ideal date” question to which he had mentioned “Netflix and Chill” – so I decided to make him a Paladin of Prenah, who is the Goddess of Sexuality).
Baldur suddenly nods, trying to pay attention as Kaitlyn nibbles on his neck, as if it were made of cheese (See what I did there? For those that don’t remember, Kaitlyn is infected with Lycanthropy and is a Wererat). Aros explains by making a circle with one hand and using his fingers to thrust in and out of the circle. Baldur looks shocked, “Wait, I thought he was a man of religion?”
“Prenah is a goddess who encourages her followers to engage in free thinking sexuality,” Aros explains. “That’s why Paladins of her order are immune to any form of sexually transmitted disease, as soon as they – shall we say – embrace her? Her motto is – Go out and breed and make the enemy bleed.” (DM Note – I had typed that up during this session as a joke for her motto – but it was such a good laugh, that it – as of this session – officially became the motto of the Paladins and Clerics who follow Prenah). Aros explains that Prenah’s “Churches” are more often than not simply, bordellos where Paladins pay their tribute to the good employees that work there, most of whom pray to Prenah and have Prenah’s symbol inside the bordellos.
Baldur is shocked that Prenah actually has Paladins and Clerics. He’s well aware of who she was – he simply didn’t know that she had religious followers. “I may need to talk to Kavium,” Baldur mutters, having only recently discovered religion himself. (DM Note – Baldur had begun multiclassing into Paladin – as a funny side note, with his preference of weapon being a long wooden spear, it seems somehow fitting… but I guess most weapons can be made to be phallic if one thinks about it)
Aros asks, “Should we tell Galiena?”
“It won’t be hard,” Baldur starts, then corrects himself, “well, it will probably be hard, but it won’t be difficult for her to find out.”
“Maybe we can ask Lady Falsour, the potion vendor in town, if there’s a potion to make sure things… work,” Aros shrugged.
Baldur raised an eye brow, “I am pretty sure things will work, or else Kavium wouldn’t be much use to Prenah.”
“I’m going to go check,” Aros smiles and dashes off, vanishing down the street.
Kaitlyn turns to Baldur and smiles, “Finally. Alone. Shall we go up to the room? Maybe you can tell me about the ways of Prenah…” And Baldur and Kaitlyn retire to their room to share a very heated and intimate moment – or moments.
Up in her room, Galiena opens the door and sees Dearbhán on the dresser next to the door about to exhale into her face – when he suddenly recognizes her and pounces on her face instead, purring oddly – so happy to see her. Galiena strokes Dearbhán and asks, “Would you like a piece of cake?”
And startled, Galiena hears Kavium behind her, “I wouldn’t mind a slice of your cake.”
Galiena sighs, “How did you get behind me?”
Kavium seems as if he has an answer ready – but Galiena puts her finger on his lips and says, “Don’t answer that. Just give me that hour.” And quickly closes the door and looks at the tub that they’d requested for their rooms with longing.
At Lady Falsour’s Best Potion Shop Ever, Aros entered and looked around for a moment, before approaching the counter. Standing on his tippy-toes, he peered over the counter, clearly not made for Halflings and Gnomes and said, “Do you know my friend? The one who has all those dates?”
“I don’t know her, but I know of her,” Lady Falsour says. “Although I believe she may be dead, from what I hear? Taken by the mist?”
“No, she’s very alive,” Aros explains, “as am I. I was with her.”
“I’d heard her date was… taller, the exotic man,” Lady Falsour looks at Aros.
“Oh, no – Baldur and I were her escorts,” Aros tries to explain.
Lady Falsour’s eyes widen. “Escorts? You don’t wear the emblem of Prenah.”
“Oh, not that kind of escorts, we were the guard-kind of escorts,” Aros flushes. “Anyway, she has another date tonight – and I was just wondering, do you make … potions of protection…”
“Protection against evil, animals, a number of different kinds,” Lady Falsour answers.
“No, I mean, more like… protection-protection,” as he gestures to his nether regions.
Lady Falsour tries to stop herself from laughing, “A potion to protect against disease and pregnancy, you mean?”
Aros nods, “Yes, because the person she has a date with is a follower of Prenah, so I suspect he’s going to try and… get busy.“
“Yes,” she laughs. “It’s consumed by the woman. She should drink it an hour before engaging in activity. It essentially tricks the body into thinking it’s already pregnant,” she explains.
“And do you have one for a man,” Aros asks.
“Men don’t get pregnant,” Lady Falsour smiles, now toying with Aros.
“No, for him, to, um, rise up,” Aros says, extending his forearm.
“Yes,” she pulls out a potion and slides it onto the counter.
“Does he rub it on his…” Aros begins.
“No, it’s also consumed,” she explains. “Similar to the other, it tricks the brain and causes the blood to… form. It will remain such for an hour or so. If it goes longer, tell them to come see me, and I can give the potion that relaxes the muscles.”
Lady Falsour explains that the potions are quiet popular, so the resources to make them are difficult to maintain – and she’d need to part with them for 93 gold for both. Aros reaches into his pocket and slides the gold across the counter and quickly takes the two potions and begins running back to the White Fang Tavern.
Just as Aros is making his way up the stairs of the White Fang Tavern and Inn, he sees Galiena coming out of her room. “Perfect!” he exclaims. “Just who I was coming to see! Before you go anywhere – I have something very important to tell you!”
“OK, can you walk with me downstairs?” she asks.
“No, you can’t go downstairs yet,” Aros explains, believing she’s going down to have a drink with Kavium. “I have to tell you this right now. It’s urgent. In my hands – this one,” he holds out a deep, red colored potion, “this is for women. So that… if they do things… you know,” and does an over-exaggerated wink, “… they won’t get diseased or pregnant. Not that you will have to worry about disease, with Kavium. But this one,” he thrusts his other arm forward, revealing a blue potion, “this is for him – in case, he can’t… rise to the occasion. But you’re beautiful. And he’s a follower of Prenah so that shouldn’t be a problem. But in case it is, you can have him drink this. OH, I was also told – if it doesn’t… go down after awhile… to go see Lady Falsour – she has a potion that relaxes the muscles. All of the muscles.” (DM Note – there’s a double – or triple reference – in most computer RPGs there is red and blue potions always for health and mana – but my original thought was the blue potion represents a specific blue pill in real life that does the same thing – I then made the other potion red – to symbolize when Morseus from the Matrix offers Neo a choice between two different colored pills)
Galiena looks shocked, “What has gotten into you?”
“Oh! Yeah, so,” Aros begins explaining, “Kavium – I saw the emblem on his chest. He’s a follower of Prenah – who, I am sure you know – is the goddess of sexuality. Her followers typically go out to simply enjoy the cardinal pleasures of the flesh. So I am pretty sure he’s going to try and get you in the bedroom. This whole island is pretty much a haven for followers of Prenah,” Aros thinks aloud, “because they’re all about debauchery here in Felhorn. I mean, her slogan is – Go out and breed, and make the enemy bleed. And I know that you and I had a small falling out because the whole joke about the under garment. But I want you to know I really do care and want to look out for you.”
He thrusts both potions in her hands, and quickly goes back down to the bar. “Thank you – more so for the warning,” she says. She puts the potions in her room and makes her way down to the bar and orders a cake – and just then – the doors burst open, and a man looks around frantically, “Where is he? Is he here? I heard he’d returned! I need his help!”
The barkeep, Gergie Woodfire, points to Galiena – seeing her there, and shouts, “Jarick! She knows him.”

Galiena sighs, “I need a piece of cake,” she quickly says and slides a gold across the bar top. Jarick Steelfisher approaches her quickly and says, “You know the one who sold me the Sahuagin Spears?”
“I know my friend Baldur took some, and when we got to the tavern, he didn’t have them anymore, we’d separated when we first got to Felhorn,” Galiena answers. (Don’t believe me? Go check out the notes in Session 4!) “So there’s a good chance that he probably sold them to you, fisherman.” She noted both his attire and the smell of fish being strong on him.
Servana comes out and slides a large slice of cake to Galiena, who takes it and faces Jarick. “So what’s going on?” Galiena asks.
“I need his help! He’s an expert at killing Sahuagin!” Jarick explains. “A dear friend of mine was wounded – and he says the Sahuagin have gained something very powerful. And this is an urgent matter.”
“I will take you to my friend, while I go take a bath. Wait here, and I will send him down to you,” Galiena says, as she takes the plate with the cake and makes her way upstairs. She knocks on the door – and hears sounds of pleasure coming from the other side door. “I am so sorry to interrupt – but there is someone requesting you down below – about killing Sahuagin.”
“I’m… in the middle of something here,” Baldur calls out from the other side of the door.
“Well the man downstairs says it’s ‘urgent,'” Galiena shrugs. She then goes into her own room and gives the cake to Dearbhán who rolls around in the cake joyously. Galiena adds, “I am scheduled to go on a date tonight, and I think I may want you to accompany me on the date – but invisible.”
She grabs her staff and makes her way downstairs and spots Jarick and approaches him, “Baldur is in the middle of something, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh,” Jarick blushes. “I see. Is he in your bathtub waiting for you?”
“For me?” Galiena looks confused.
“You said you were going to take a bath,” Jarick says, “and you said you came into town with him…”
“Oh, no, he’s with another woman,” she explains.
“He’s with another woman in your tub, and they’re waiting for you?”
“No,” Galiena sighs. “He’s in his own room with the woman he’s involved with. She didn’t come with us on my date.”
“You went on a date with him and left the woman he was dating behind?” Jarick asks, confused.
“I didn’t go on a date with him,” Galiena clarifies, “he was my escort.” She realizes how that sounds and clarifies, “Escort, as in guard.”
Jarick – unsure what to make of any of it – simply nods his head.
“He needs five minutes,” Galiena explains.
Jarick sighs and begins pacing. Galiena quickly rushes upstairs, closes the door, and looks at her tub. “Finally,” as she begins running the water – but hears knocking coming from further down – then some talking. Then the knocking is closer; more talking. Then a pause, then the knocking is closer – and Galiena realizes someone is making their way knocking on the inn doors and making their way down the hallway – she answers the door and sees Jarick, who is surprised to see her and says, “Wrong room,” and proceeds to go to the next door, which is Baldur’s room. Galiena realizes that Jarick made his way down the hall knocking on doors. She closes the door partially – and listens – and Baldur shouts, “What?”
“Sahuagin Killer,” Jarick calls through the door. “I am in need of your service!”
“I am currently ‘servicing’ my girlfriend,” Baldur calls through the door.
“It’s just that my friend… said… this is bad,” Jarick shouts.
“Just… give me some time,” Baldur growls. “And I will… come out there.”
Down in the tavern portion of the White Fang, Aros pulls up a seat next to Ramgor and says, “You look down. Want to squeeze my rubber ducky?”
Ramgor looks at Aros strangely, as Aros pulls out something he’d not really seen before. He’d seen it gripped in Aros’ hand – and heard it make a noise – but never knew what it was or what purpose it served. (DM Note – As mentioned back in Session 7 – Aros had made a joke about having a “lucky rubber ducky” – so, I gave Adrian a “magic rubber ducky” where he can squeeze it if he has it to get advantage on Initiative)
Aros adds, “I think she has a thing for you. I like you better, already, then the crummy sex Paladin.”
“Sex Paladin?” Ramgor looks worried.
“Oh yeah, Kavium – I noticed his crest – it’s a crest of Prenah, so he’s all about sex,” Aros explains and realizes it’s not helping the situation at all. “Well, if you want,” Aros quickly amends, “If we get into a fight, I can steal his weapons. And if their date is anything like the date you and Galiena went on – there’s bound to be countless fights.”
Ramgor smiles, “I wouldn’t ask for such a thing; because if you do go out… and encounter something out there, I’d prefer everyone be armed so that no harm comes to her,” and he casts a longing gaze towards the stairs that lead up to the rooms.
“Well, sometimes a dagger flies loose you know,” Aros smirks.
“Yes,” Ramgor chuckles, “I am well aware. I’ve been hit a few times.”
“Those were on accident,” Aros joins in the laughter, and the two raise a glass and clank them against one another and drink.
Upstairs, Galiena slides into her tub – the warm water greeting her body, and washing the dirt and aching bones away.
Downstairs, Ramgor offers Aros to do a shot of Vikarus (which was introduced in Session 4 as a very potent alcohol native to Eagle Rock – and expensive outside of Eagle Rock) – they both do a shot, and both immediately feel the well known effects (both of them failed their DC Constitution Save of 15). A moment later – an all too familiar voice shouts, “Where is my woman?” And Aros sees Waesyn – green in the face, body shivering, stumbling down the stairs – he reaches the bottom and proceeds to vomit – still sick from the potion cure he’d taken – but having heard the celebration that Galiena and the others were alive and had not been taken by the mist – which he knew to be true, having seen them in the farming village as well as Crescent’s cave. In his intoxicated state, Ramgor stands up, “Waesyn! It’s good to see you on your feet! Your head is still attached as the raven-people promised! That is good! You fought like a true warrior! Come, join me in drink – and we can both celebrate not being with the same woman we both had hoped to be with!”
Aros, intoxicated manages to slur, “I am not sure that’s a good idea – he’s been sick.” However, he does nothing to stop him – and soon, Aros, Ramgor and Waesyn are all extremely loud and drinking and cheering one another.
Baldur makes his way down the stairs after being finished with his “extra curricular” activities and sees Waesyn – and cheers Waesyn shouting, “You’ve not lost your head! That’s good!” Jarick grabs Baldur’s arm, “Sahaugin killer! I need your help!”
Baldur looks around, “Waesyn! Ramgor! Aros! My fisherman friend here needs help! Let’s go help him!”
“After a drink!” Aros shouts and raises his shot glass.
“Fine!” Baldur says and knocks back a drink of Vikarus – and immediately feels the effects. After a brief moment of laughing – the four begin stumbling out the door – with Baldur leading the way – the other three following – but, due to the intoxication – he’s leading them the wrong way (DM Note – I had Baldur roll a D4 and say a “1” would be they go the right way – he did not roll a 1, but rather rolled a 3 – so they veered left which takes them to Relgar’s home at the end of the street)
Jarick – seeing the four stumble out of the White Fang runs upstairs and knocks on Galiena’s door just as she begins to apply soap to her aching body – and frantically pounds on the door. She heaves a deep sigh, puts on a robe, and says, “Your friends got drunk on Vikarus! I need your help!”
“Vikarus,” Galiena sighs, recalling her own experience. (Back in Session 4 when it was introduced). At that moment, outside her windows, she hears Baldur’s voice shout, “To the fish hut! To adventure!” Followed by the cheers of several other voices – she’s able to quickly determine as Ramgor, Waesyn and Aros. She quickly gets dressed and meets Jarick downstairs with staff in hand and Dearbhán around her neck – and as they go outside, she quickly spots a trail of vomit. “Waesyn, thank you,” she whispers as she follows the trail – realizing the others are headed for Relgar’s home. Jarick and Galiena quickly give chase down the street – but see the others have reached Relgar’s home. Baldur knocks loudly on the door.
Relgar opens the door – recognizes Baldur and Aros – but doesn’t recognize Waesyn and Ramgor. “Oh,” he says, pausing as he tries to process the four people in front of him. “You got new companions? Did the two females not survive? Did you go to Lord Starfall’s manor and find the book and the imp?”
Just then, Galiena and Jarick are within earshot – and shout, “Don’t worry Relgar. We’re here. They’ve had a few drinks. We have something else to take care of real quick.”
“So you’ve not been to the manor yet,” Relgar asks.
“Long story,” Galiena replies as she pulls the others away. With some effort of herding, they arrive at Jarick’s home – and there, inside the house – on the dining room table is a wounded, green skinned Triton. Jarick introduces the wounded Triton as Reeko. Jarick explains that Reeko is one of the many Tritons that are at a constant war against the Sahuagin – and that the last few days, the Sahuagin have been far more aggressive – making far more coastal attacks, attacking fishing ships, and in larger numbers. He goes on to explain that according to Reeko, the Sahuagin have acquired some kind of powerful magic item and now follow a priestess who commands the weapon.
“Perk up,” Baldur says as he slaps Reeko on the leg, and delivers some Lay On Hands and with Galiena also doing Cure Wounds to give more healing. Reeko sits up, “Thank you… for the help… you must get to the beach… stop the Sahuagin…”
“Where would we find them?” Galiena asks.
Reeko points and says, “Swim straight out – my tribe is fighting the Sahuagin right now…”
Baldur slurs, “Wait. How do we breathe underwater?”
Reeko coughs, “Perhaps you can hold your breath for a long time…”
Galiena turns to Jarick, “Is there anyone in town who can make underwater breathing potions?”
“Lady Falsour,” Jarick answers. “If there’s such a thing, her expertise in alchemy would be who I would check with.”
Galiena looks at her companions who are still drunk and says, “Keep them here. I will be right back. I am going to go see Lady Falsour.” He hands her a pouch of 50 gold. “Allow me to pay!”
As Galiena runs off – she hears behind her, “To the fish hut! To adventure!” and sighs. She bursts into Lady Falsour potion shop, breathing heavy. She looks around, “Do you have a potion of underwater breathing?”
Lady Falsour looks, “Oh, you’re her.”
“Her?” Galiena asks.
“The one who went on a date with the exotic man,” Lady Falsour says. “Your friend was in here earlier about… enhancement… potions for… extra curricular activities. And now you need…”
“Potions of underwater breathing,” Galiena responds.
“Oh,” Lady Falsour smiles. “I… see. So this… activity will have you… breathing underwater too…”
“What? No,” Galiena shakes her head. “This has nothing to do with that. This is for the fisherman.”
“You’re dating Jarick? His wife knows?” Lady Falsour asks.
“What? No,” Galiena shakes her head. “One of Jarick’s friends is hurt. Says some Sahuagin have a magic item. I am going out to help fight the Sahuagin.”
Lady Falsour pulls out the required number of potions and Galiena quickly pays for them. She then pauses, “Wait – do you also have something for sobering people up?”
Lady Falsour nods. “Levican Powder,” she explains. “It’s made from several exotic peppers, crushed together – when inhaled, it stimulates the brain so much – that while the person still has the alcohol in their system – their brain waves will be firing on all cylinders as if they were sober.” (DM Note – The idea is something similar to smelling salts, but liked the idea of it being based on crushed peppers that are inhaled)
Paying for them, she rushes back to Jarick’s home – where she is able to get Aros, Ramgor and Waesyn to agree to inhaling the powder – by saying, “Smell this – and tell me what it smells like” – but Baldur refuses – so Aros picks Galiena’s pocket and high-fives Baldur, shoving the powder in his face – snapping them all out of their intoxication behavior. She then explains that she bought potions for each of them.
Galiena says, “Listen, sorry I had to sober you all up – but I remember when I was intoxicated on Vikarus and encountered the Sahuagin for the first time – it was not a pleasant experience being caught in that net and being dragged out to sea. I need you guys to be sober for whatever this Sahuagin thing is. Besides, Crescent gave me a bottle of Vikarus, we can celebrate back in the room later.”
Ramgor suddenly loses his smile – as a devilish voice behind her says, “A party in your room is exactly what I am looking for.” Galiena turns and sees Kavium. “I saw you leave with the others – I thought tonight was our date night.”
“It is,” Galiena sighs. “It’s just apparently I get no down time – there’s a matter with some Sahuagin, and they injured him,” she gestures to Reeko. “Apparently we’re headed for an underwater adventure.”
Kavium smiles, “Oh, I’m up for the adventure,” and his emphasize on “up” makes it clear what he means.
Ramgor grimaces, “I’ll stay here in the fisherman’s home – protect the town from here since it faces the beach in the event the Sahuagin attempt a coastal raid.”
“Ramgor, are you sure,” Galiena asks.
Ramgor smiles, “I am sure. For now, it will be the best if none of us are… distracted.”
As the party heads for the beach, Galiena (perhaps because she was the only one who hadn’t partaken in the Vikarus) spots a large man – sitting on the beach – wearing a red and white robe – his white hair and beard blowing in the wind. Just as they approach he stands up and looks, “Oh! Good. You look like the adventuring sort. Perhaps you can help me out?”

Galiena feels compelled to listen to the old man who explains, “I was flying in my magic sleigh,” he gestures to a sleigh that was not there moments ago – with several reindeer standing around it. “Well, when I flew into this area – something seemed to cause chaos with the magic of my sleigh – as I crashed into the ocean – I released my hold on the reins so I can grab my bag of holding – you wouldn’t believe how often I lose that thing when things go wrong. But as a result, when the sleigh hit the water – the reins drifted into the ocean – and they’re quite magical you see. Allows a person to control an animal wearing them – which is how I control them,” he gestures to the reindeer. (DM Note – the reference to losing the Bag of Holding is a call back to an adventure with the Discovery group which was the week before, with The Arrival group – which was one of the last games I DM’ed before the COVID-19 Pandemic broke out).
Galiena turns to Baldur, Aros and Kavium and explains that may be the powerful magic item that the Sahuagin acquired. “A magic item!” Baldur smiles. He looks at the spear in his hands which has a faint purple glow, “You ready for that?”
“Oh good,” the draconic voice says in Baldur’s head, “a magic item.” The voice is rather sarcastic in nature.
“Me and my spear are ready,” Baldur grins.
Nikalos offers them each a Ring of Free Action which should allow them to move freely and normally in the water – but warns the rings will not last long at all. The party dives in the water – and despite the sunless/moonless skies, due to the ever present fog – Baldur manages to spot some unusual rocks that he swore he thought moved ever so slightly – and gestures to the others to avoid them and swim around it. (DM Note – I had taken the Darkmantle which is basically a squid turned into a land animal that mimics stone – and created a sea version of that – so, sort of bringing it back to the sea – but rather than releasing darkness – it releases a toxic poison that renders parallelization should they fail their save – however, I didn’t get to use them – called them seamantles). The party sees a large fight between Sahuagin and Tritons – but Baldur spots what seems to be a large object above them – and upon closer observation realizes – it appears to be the bottom of a giant turtle? Gesturing towards the others – they swim up towards it.
Baldur and Aros are able to climb the large turtle’s shell, but naturally, Galiena struggles with climbing and falls several times – even Kavium seems to have difficulty climbing. On top of the shell, Sahuagin are fighting Tritons – but one of the Sahuagin sees that there’s other non-Sahuagin on there and have their backs turned – so the opportunistic Sahuagin does a surprise attack on Baldur and manages to cut him – which allows the Sahuagin to enter a blood frenzy! Aros and Baldur suddenly find themselves fighting two Sahuagin, while their comrades are struggling to climb up the shell. Eventually they climb up – make their way to the Priestess commanding – what is now clearly seen as not being a giant turtle – but a dragon turtle.
Focusing fire, they are able to take down her Sahuagin guards and her as well – which frees the dragon turtle and the Priestess releases the magical reins – and Galiena uses Thorn Whip to grab the reins before they sink into the murky waters. Free of the Sahuagin the dragon turtle turns its attention on those who had attempted to enslave it – and soon, the water is full of the blood of the Sahuagin – and the party with the help of the Tritons makes it back to shore and returns the reins to Nikalos – who attaches it to the reindeer – and after thanking them – flies off.
The Party Levels Up!
Some DM Notes – I planned this session about an hour before the game. All I had written down was “Underwater Adventure?” because I had wanted to use creatures I’d never used before – or used frequently. I thought that Trogdolytes also fighting to gain control of the Dragon Turtle would be fun – as well as the mysterious appearance of a Dark Scion, which I’ve never used. But there was so much wonderful RP at the beginning, that I greatly trimmed down the final fight. Also – one of the fun thing I enjoy doing is injecting references to things that inspired me or things that I see. Eagle Rock Island – the name comes from a street near me called “Eagle Rock”, for example. I’ve also injected a number of Street Fighter characters in my Discovery game because there’s two monks in that campaign and in my work campaign they found an ancient temple dedicated to worshiping dinosaurs – and the images of the Dinosaurs were from Primal Rage. And I realized I had no references to another Arcade game I enjoyed – Darkstalkers. Back on November 13, 2021 – I posted –
But they got the level up today because their story involved “helping” one of the “hidden” Darkstalker themed characters… Reeko the Triton is actually based on …
It’s doing this weird, silly, off beat stuff that I love doing home brew adventures and just coming up with whatever inspires me or crosses my mind… and with the Servants of the Wizard group here and all the RP – they roll with everything, just as I roll with whatever they RP out…