Servants of the Wizard – 08

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  • Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
  • Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
  • Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin
    • Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
  • Wickedstraza – Dragonborn (Bronze), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) – Not present

Note – the beginning of the session was spent leveling up. Aros remained with the Rogue, while Galiena dipped her level into Druid and Baldur dipped his level into Paladin.

The following morning, the party heads downstairs – and as always – the cursed clouds that linger above Eagle Rock make it impossible to see the sunlight.

As the party sits at a table, orders some breakfast and drinks, they hear other patrons discussing how some of the people of Felhorn have vanished – they’re not in their homes and there’s been no sign of them since the following morning. However, it doesn’t seem to be said out of concern, more matter-of-factly, as if a part of every day conversation.

The party looks about to see if any of the contestants from last night had vanished. (DM Note – Originally, it was just going to be actual villagers who’d lived in Felhorn – but since the party asked, I thought, “Why not?” Now, I admittedly wanted to use Waesyn more because he was a fun personality, though he wasn’t chosen for a date. So since Baldur had asked, I had him roll a 16 sided dice – possible in Discord with the Avrae bot – since there were 16 contestants in the dating game – and Baldur rolled a 1 – which would have indicated Waesyn since he was the first contestant – so I said to roll a D20 – and 11 or higher, Waesyn fought off his attacker – Baldur rolled a 7 – which meant, Waesyn had vanished. Now at this point I knew I would be using him again to make an appearance further down the line; but simply he wasn’t in the village and noted as “vanished”).

Baldur asks the Innkeeper, Gergie Woodfire, about Waesyn. And the innkeeper explains that Waesyn is usually one of the early drinkers; who comes down after he works out, so it was unusual that he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

Baldur asks who worked the late shift, and Gergie says, “Oh that was Servana. She’s up in Room 16.” Baldur goes up and knocks on the door, asking about Waesyn. She explains, “Yes, he went upstairs after a few more drinks, came back down, dressed in armor and his weapons, and grumbled how he would prove he would have been the best choice, and proceeded to storm out of the Inn, even though the clock had already run ten.”

After breakfast, Galiena heads to Delara Lightstone’s “Delara’s Pleasures” – and offers up her services to help sew and make dresses, and explains that she’s in – yet again – another change of clothing, explaining she has three dates to tend to – and wanted something that would allow her to ride on a horse and have protection, but also look like dating wear. Delara laughs and says, “So it was because of you, all that commotion I heard coming from the White Fang Inn?”

Galiena blushes and nods. “Yes, one of them is a elf named Balgun.” Galiena chuckles as she explains how Aros, her companion, had offered to steal one of Galiena’s garments and sell it to the last date; and how Balgun paid Aros thinking it was a scam, and surprised – and embarrassed – when Aros managed to do it (stealing it from the room, see Session 7) – and returned it to her later that night. She then talks about the tiefling, Kavium and says, “He just wants to go up to his room and drink. I am not sure how that will go.”

Delara smiles and says, “If you’re not sure how that’s going to go, I can tell you.”

Galiena laughs and blushes again. “What if he’s bad at conversation?”

Delara says, “If he’s taking you up to his room, I doubt if there’s much interest in actual conversation with him. Other than body talk.”

Galiena blushes. “Yes. Well, my first date is with a gentleman named Ramgor.”

Delara smiles, “Ah yes, the exotic tan man?”

Galiena smiles, “You know him?”

“He stands out for many reasons,” Delara smiles, as she licks her lips. “But sadly, I don’t know him that way. But he’s strong and fit – which most men around here are not because all they do is sit around and drink. And his bronze skin certainly sticks out, since, as I am sure you’ve noticed – we don’t get much in the way of sun here on Eagle Rock for a very long time now.”

Galiena returns back to the White Fang Inn, where she meets with Aros and Baldur – and Ramgor is there, ready for the date. Ramgor goes out to the side where the stables are and brings out a carriage pulled by a magnificent black stallion and extends his hand to Galiena to help her into the carriage. He then looks at Aros and Baldur and asks, “Will you be coming along?”

“Yes,” Baldur answers.

“As escorts,” Aros adds.

“But not that kind of escorts,” Baldur amends.

“Right,” Aros nods, “as in guards. In case anything goes wrong.”

Ramgor gestures to a scimitar at his waist, and smiles, “I am armed. But I understand you want to keep an eye on your friend, and I accept and welcome your company. If you are important to her, then you are important to me,” he says, his Gold Coast accent thick as he speaks.

Kamanche, the Black Clydesdale-like horse of Ramgor

Ramgor then brings out another carriage, pulled by a white horse, with similar markings as Kamanche and introduces Walter (Note – the name came up due to asking what the name of the second horse was, which I had no name for – and someone said “Walter” so we just rolled with it. The name for Ramgor’s horse is a play on the word “Comanche” because during my time in Puerto Rico, my sisters owned a horse named Comanche).

Walter the White

Ramgor explains, “Walter is a good horse. Tell him what you want, and he tends to listen quite well. He will pull your carriage with little need of guidance. He will simply follow Kamanche, unless you spook him or tell him to do otherwise.”

Once in the carriage, Galiena turns to Ramgor and asks, “So… how do you feel about haunted house dates?” (This is because back in Session 5, Relgar had told the party about how he had found information in Razathorn’s books about how Razathorn had given Lord Starfall a book on Demonology – and that he found evidence of a secret chamber leading into a ‘basement’ from the kitchen).

Ramgor smiles at her as he climbs into the carriage and takes the reigns and says, “There’s no danger I fear, if it means protecting you.”

As the carriage ride heads east towards Starfall Manor, Ramgor mentions that there’s a small farming town he discovered called Greenhaven which isn’t far off from where they’re headed; and how he’s come to appreciate the locals there (who are vastly different than the people of Felhorn; since they continue to try and work hard, and farm, despite the clouds that block the sun) – they’ve learned to rely on magic to help allow the plants grow. (Fun fact – The town name of Greenhaven was named after a part of a comic book series from a comic book series called ElfLord, that had a spin off called Greenhaven). Ramgor explains the town’s original name has long been lost, according to the residents, who simply refer to their small farming village as “Greenhaven” because of the farming community. Ramgor goes on to explain that they’re well known for their vegetables and fruits.

Galiena agrees, and asks how Ramgor ended up here on Eagle Rock, since he’s clearly not a native. He goes on to explain how he’d been aboard a ship that was returning back to his homeland in the Golden Coast, when a wild storm like he’s never seen before – pulled the ship off coarse and ran it aground against several jagged rocks that outline the eastern side of the island. He was thrown off his ship, but swam back to free his horses from the stable and brought them ashore, where he let them run free except Kamanche, who was his personal horse, and Walter, who’d always been close to Kamanche. He said from there, he found a town to the east called Chalice.

The view of the world, according to what the party is learning; it fills out as they learn more.

Galiena recalls, after exploring the manor – and when drinking with the goblins just outside – they’d mentioned a town to the west called Felhorn, and a town to the east (which Galiena now surmises must be the town Chalice that Ramgor spoke of).

Ramgor explains that, during his exploring of the island, he’s found that Felhorn has been the one that seems the most populated and most welcoming. He explains that the people of Chalice were extremely paranoid of strangers and “everything was an omen” to them.

Galiena then asks, “I understand you had helped set up an orphanage with your money?”

Ramgor smiles, “You’ve heard right,” he replies. “As I became more and more familiar with Eagle Rock, I began hearing about how people would vanish on the island, and never be seen again. Leaving many children without parents. While I was back there,” he gestures behind him, “in Felhorn – I bought one of the homes where the owners had vanished and never were seen again – and turned it into an orphanage. I stay at the Inn, because I would rather create a home for those who have lost much. I’ve called Felhorn my home now for – well, I don’t know how long – since the sun is never seen here. Which is very different for me – I come from a land where the sun shines bright all the time. The orphanage is run by a gentle female halfling with fiery red hair named Annie Longstocking. She’s hard to miss that one. Very quirky, but wonderful around children. I suppose being around their height probably helps. She feels like one of them to the children.”

Galiena wistfully sighs how it’s an amazing story; and then asks about the farming village. “Did you buy a home there? Or just fond of the food and people?”

“Fond of the food and people,” Ramgor replies. “Their fruits and vegetables are rich in flavor and very invigorating.” He pauses for a moment, remembering his homelands. “They remind me of home. Despite how desolate the land is where I come from – being a sea of endless sand – the food in my home land is very rich.”

Behind them, Baldur uses Speak With Animals to speak with Walter, and learns that Walter is excited to go outside and explore the area. “We’re going to be a great team,” Baldur smiles, and Walter nods emphatically with excitement.

The carriage ride goes on for several hours, as they clear Felhorn – and gets to a forest, where the party successfully navigates the carriage through, as Greenhaven comes into view. Large farms stretch here, connecting here and there by simple roads. People can be seen working the fields; large apple trees and pumpkins line a wide majority of the farms, as well as endless rows of corn and grain that seems to gently nod and sway in the breeze. It’s not long before a human farmer named Riezor comes out and greets Ramgor – recognizes the carriage easily.

They embrace and shake hands, as if they were old friends. Ramgor then goes back to his carriage and helps Galiena out of it, and explains, “This is Lady Galiena. She is with me. Behind us, over there,” he points to Aros who leaps out of the second carriage and Baldur who seems to be engaged in a meaningful conversation with Walter, “are her companions and friends, and her guardians for the night.”

The party takes notice that there is a very large population of ravens that populate the surrounding farm; their caws are easily heard, and one of the loudest noises in the surrounding area, drawing attention to them. And some of the ravens seems to almost be the size of humans – which given the number of unusual things on the island – doesn’t really startle the party too much.

Riezor quickly welcomes everyone inside and tells his wife and six children to quickly clean the table up and that they have guests! The wife and children all do so, quite merrily, as when Ramgor comes to town, he usually shares fantastic stories of his homeland and the adventures he’d done before being shipwrecked on Eagle Rock.

The party enjoys a delicious lunch; and discover the fruit, especially the apples, are exactly as Ramgor said. They’re absolutely amazing in how they taste and seem to invigorate the party. (The Apples of Greenhaven actually grant the effect of Inspiration, but the effect only lasts one hour after being picked from the tree, before the nutrients die down and no longer invigorate). After the incredible breakfast, each person goes around, to tell everyone else about themselves; some of the things they’ve done, seen, explored – however, that is soon quickly cut short – when the sounds of an alarm, followed by some screams from around the farm – interrupts the pleasant breakfast.

Ramgor looks at Riezor and sighs, “They’re back?”

“Sounds like it,” Riezor sighs as he grabs a pitchfork and runs outside with Ramgor behind him, holding a glowing scimitar. Ramgor peaks his head back in the house, “If you do not have weapons – lock the doors – protect Riezor’s wife and children. If you have weapons, come out – we will need you.”

The party draws their weapons – or runs to the wagon to get their weapons – and look out into the fields and see demons.

They’re an ugly sort.

Ramgor tells the party, “Stop them before they can jump into the scarecrows. In their demon form they’re much weaker than when they possess something.”

The party observes the demons seem to be hopping into the scarecrows that line the fields and taking possession of them and giving them unnatural life.

Now to to scare player characters too! Not just crows!

Baldur looks over to Walter the horse and assures him that the situation is well in hand. Galiena helps the children and wife get to their bedroom and lock the door before she ruins out and joins the battle. The field of battle is chaotic as the demons all seem to be headed for scarecrows to leap into – but will randomly change direction and run to another scarecrow, as if they’re only thought was to leap into a scarecrow – no matter what – sometimes, running to a scarecrow much further away – so their movement is extremely erratic on the battlefield.

The “battlefield” – if it can be called that – is chaotic, at best. With the demons running in random directions – trying to determine which scarecrow they’re heading towards being impossible as they seem to change direction at a whim – but once they enter the scarecrow, they become focused – with one attempting to gaze into Baldur’s eyes – which he feels the grip of fear, magically rock his body – but he’s able to shake it off (Successful Wisdom Savings Throw). Baldur does manage to do a Hellish Rebuke for being hit – and since it does fire damage – doubles the damage inflicted on the Scarecrow! (The trade off – the demons get better armor class and health in the scarecrows – but lose their fire resistance!)

As the battle rages, one of the demons leaps into a Scarecrow and attacks Ramgor – landing, first a Critical Hit with high damage, followed by a second hit, with significant damage, as it claws at Ramgor’s flesh with its animated stick hands – instantly causing Ramgor to be bloodied (meaning he’s lost half or more of his total hit points).

Aros begins igniting his arrows and firing them at some of the animated scarecrows running about, doing extra damage after having seen Baldur’s hellish rebuke catch the scarecrow on fire. As the battle rages on, the Scarecrows manage to influence their fear gaze upon Baldur and Aros, who succumb to the magical fear (despite Aros’ racial ability to be resistant to fear), and while Galiena casts Cure Wounds on Ramgor, but soon after, is hit enough times, that she too is bloodied; and as things seemed grim, bursting from the treeline, cut up and bruised, Waesyn’s booming voice shouts, “I was the better choice!” as he begins hacking away at demon and Scarecrow alike; and though the party pulls off a victory, they are all badly wounded. And that’s when Ramgor grimly says, “There’s always a second wave. And something worse.”

The party quickly replenishes on eating apples, to regain the effects of inspiration and prepare – but the monsters get a surprise round by dropping down from the dark clouds, emitting a horrifying scream/shriek.

Now what?

The terrifying screen – and thanks to consuming some of the Greenhaven apples, the party successfully passes the effects of the terrible scream – however, Waesyn who hadn’t consumed any of the apples, does not pass the Wisdom Savings Throw required – which leaves him paralyzed – standing on his own wagon, crossbow drooping loosely in his hands.

As the creatures (known as Vargouille proceed to swoop around the farms, first focusing on their screams to paralyze as many as they can) – Baldur soon falls for the fear as well. Ramgor is ready for the creatures – because he knew they were coming – gets two attacks (Natural 20 on Initiative, see the House Rules). Aros uses his poison he crafted and hits – but he quickly discovers these creatures appear to be immune to poison. Things seem to be going poorly – but take a tragic turn – when one of the creatures kisses the stunned Waesyn, and then Baldur then goes down.

Galiena is watches – and everything seems to be falling apart. Galiena rushes to Baldur’s side and administers a medicine check (Natural 20 – and because it was a Natural 20, I also give him 5 hit points to get him back into the action – but he’s still on the ground, so it will cost half his movement to stand again). Galiena warns Baldur, “Don’t strain yourself. Also, Waesyn looks very sick. I think when that creature kissed him… it did something very bad to him. We need to make sure we don’t kiss them and somehow get Waesyn some help when this is over.”

At that moment, when things seemed bleak – the ravens that had been so attracted to this farmland – especially the large ones – suddenly take action – landing on the ground and revealing they’re far more than ravens.

Wereravens have entered the combat!

The wereravens launch their attacks against the Vargouilles. The party is unsure what to make of the wereravens – never having seen – or heard of such Lycanthropy or creatures. With the help of the wereravens and their crossbows and commanding ravens to distract the Vargouilles – the battle begins to turn – but not before Ramgor is brought down to one knee, making him bloodied.

They creatures are eventually slain or flee back into the clouds, and a few of the ravens give chase. One of the wereravens switches from his hybrid form to his human form and looks around the battlefield.

Galiena rushes to Ramgor’s side and hands him a healing potion, which restores some healing; but still leaves him bloodied. The male human wereraven looks as another changes from hybrid form to a female human. The human introduces himself as Brandon Crowfeather and says his wife will tend to Waesyn and stop the disease spreading through his body – but he has something to share!