Elves – There are several branches of Elves, each with a slightly different appearance and attitude:
The Grey Elf: This is the most common elf seen in Kne’Urth. They are the ones that tend to walk among the humans, and venture into the world. They are tall and slender, like the other Elves of KneUrth, but tend to be slightly more muscular.
They do not tend to have the attitude of their High or Wild elves tendencies, and rather seek to see how the world operates, embracing differences.
Grey Elf Name Suggestions: Because the Grey Elves have forsaken their “nature” according to the High Elves, many of them adapt to “human” like names, combining words to make names, such as: Stargazer, Windwalker, Moonrunner, etc.
The High Elf: These are the most common elves in the world; in that they number the greatest among Elves. They are, however, rarely seen and stick to their elegant forest kingdoms, wanting to do very little with the “outside world.” The main forest land of Skytree Forest is the main home of the majority of High Elves who live in their sealed city of Quan’rath.
High Elf Names: High Elves typically have “fancy” sounding names, such as: Ariana, Arellia, Heirodun, etc. (These words often have some special meaning when translated to the Elven language).
The Wild Elf: The origin of the Wild Elves was that they were once High Elves who grew tired of sitting back and believing themselves better than anyone and everyone else, as most High Elves tend to believe. Wild Elves took to the woods and specifically began defending the woods with violence, as needed against those who would dare encroach on their lands – primarily orcs, goblins and humans. These are High Elves, who have broken away from “the old ways” of shunning the world, and tend to remain in the forest lands, but can be unpredictable, and sometimes, quite mischievous.
Wild Elf Names: Wild Elves, much like the Grey Elf, often combine their names with words of nature: Riverrun, Luna, Sunburst, etc.
Aquatic/Sea Elves: Sea elves fell in love with the wild beauty of the ocean in the earliest days of the multiverse. While other elves traveled from realm to realm, sea elves navigated the currents and explored the waters of many worlds. Today these elves can be found wherever oceans exist, as well as in the Elemental Plane of Water. They are frequently found among a race known as Tritons, allying themselves against the evil humanoids that lurk beneath the depths; and while they abhor violence, they will not tolerate destruction to the sea or sea life.
The Drow/Dark Elf: There is very little that is known about the Drow Elves. Hailing from somewhere, deep beneath the mountains (in an area the Dwarves call “The Shadow Stones”) – Drow Elves as masters of Magic. However, most of them have become corrupted by the very magic they wield. The few Drow Elves that ever came to the surface and survived (not being killed by Dwarves, Elves and Humans), Mages have learned that the Magic that Drow Elves yield is far more different than that used by standard Magic Users. Drow Elf Magic seems to come from some ancient source; spells are spoken in a language that most Magic Users simply can not decipher.
The history of the Drow Elf is not documented in standard history documents, simply because very few people know the truth about the Drow Elves, or their origins; including The Drow themselves. As far as Drow history records; the Drow have been servants to a race of underground humanoids known as The Mind Rippers. Only recently did the Drow overthrow the Mind Rippers and gain their freedom in the Shadow Stones; where now, they have grown stronger and wage a war against their former masters. Generations of slavery and exposure to the ancient magic has corrupted the Drow Elves so that they have become malicious and cruel and seek to inflict pain – and eventually, death – to those that are not of their own kind.
Drow Elf Names: Drow Elves typically have “hard” sounding single syllable names, such as: Krek, Brel, Tren, etc. Drow Elves have no last name (never having been given one, through the generations of slavery).
Astral Elf: These were High Elves who made it their mission to hunt down the Githyanki and put an end to their ways. Generations spent growing up in the Astral Plane and being exposed to all kinds of magic eventually changed these High Elves into a very unique form of Elves – and they no longer wanted to return “home” again. Most sought to continue their hunt of the Githyanki in the Astral Plane and live their lives there.
Eladrin Elf: These are elves whose homes were in the Feywild; and unlike others – they find themselves often at the mercy of the seasons in terms of their attitude and demeanor – shifting from cold and callous during winter and fiery and spiteful during summer; their bodies, even changing to match the seasons.

Shadar-kai: The Shadar-kai (translated from Dark Elf means “Dark Blessing”) are the faithful of Lakrona – who, upon her rebirth, granted the “faithful” her dark blessings. Most of the Shadar-kai are females who were devote priestesses of Lakrona, but a select few of the males who helped Lakrona’s return from banishment were rewarded with the dark gift as well. The Shadar-kai are devoted to Lakrona, the Spider Queen, and continue to follow her commands. There are a few who were devote followers of Lakrona who were granted the dark gift, who, after the loss of Krill’ith questioned Lakrona’s “great powers” and have turned their back on her. Most of these who have turned their back on her have found themselves hunted down by the faithful.