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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) – Missed This Session
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger) – Missed First Half Of The Session
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – Missed Second Half of the Session
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
- The party stares in awe at the Sphinx Spelljammer before them
- As the party walks around the Spelljammer they can see that the ship is in a state of disarray; the wood looks broken and rotten in some areas; there are a number of gaping holes along the hull of the ship, as if it’d been attacked; the sails are also tattered, torn and ripped; only the figurehead seems to shine as if it were just made
- Disnarium notes that they’re going to need to hire people to help fix the Spelljammer, but also they will need a crew sooner than later, as to effectively run a Spelljammer, it should be crewed by twenty people for the size of the Spelljammer they have
- As they discuss their options – needing someone who handles lumber for the wood on the ship; some blacksmiths to reforge the metal on the ship; some seamstresses to fix or replace the sails; they also realize, if they are to pursue the beholder – that would mean leaving the pyramid base behind – potentially unprotected, with only Isabella inside (which is something that does not sit well with Adrian)
- Dusk offers to bring his two constructs over
- Adrian declines such an offer, reminding Dusk that his constructs had attacked him
- Dusk explains that he had programmed them to do that, to protect himself… from himself
- Adrian explains that if they can get to the dwarves, they know a number of dwarves there who can work a forge
- Dusk asks if they can use the teleporter
- Buppido explains that the guards of the city seemed reliable; they’re all extremely loyal to the law; and that the people of Drastor were kept in line
- Kraun explains that the party can use the teleporter (since he considers himself part of the party now), however there is no teleporter to the inside of Thoridun, the Dwarven Kingdom. Between patrols by dwarves, attacks from the drow and the raids by the Illithid, it was ruled that placing a teleporter in the area was too dangerous
- Korra recalls that Kraun had developed a teleporter (back in Session 61), however the teleporter (and most of Dusk’s abode were destroyed by the Beholder in Session 69) and after perishing and releasing the magic into the world, Dusk’s mind was fractured (see Session 66) – but Dusk was confident that if he was left alone, he could potentially reproduce the teleporter in 83 days. (DM Note – Had Dusk roll a Wisdom check to see if he could create it; then a D100 to see how many days it would take if he did that and nothing else. Even if he’d had rolled low, there was going to be another D100 to see how confident he thought it would work properly. At the time when the party first met Dusk he was an “NPC” – however he was part of a story that would result in Ragnaroc’s death – intentionally – so that the player would then take over Dusk – so prior to the magic release, I used the NPC as an easy means to move the story – like having created a teleporter that could send them to the dwarves or go back in time for another story – see Session 62 – explaining that all of this knowledge would be shattered due to Dusk’s death then resurrection then shattering of the sphere)
- Realizing they can not wait that long – especially Korra who is desperate to get back to her own plane – they know they need to find another option
- Korra asks if the gold is the concern – they could put in the bag of holding; however, Buppido points out that the bags of holding only hold 500 pounds each – and with each gold coin weighing in at 0.02 pounds – that means each bag can only hold 25,000 gold – and that’s if there’s nothing else inside the bags of holding. So with their horde of 30,000 gold – they should be able to take most of it
- Kraun, being the “businessman” that he is – explains that if they plan on renovating the pyramid to be a “home base” – they will need to leave some of the money behind for Isabella to pay the employees who work on the inside
- Kraun then says, “I’ve an idea. The damn beholder attacked me in my own base; and it has made a mess of this place. I’ve got an idea. While the pyramid is being fixed, why don’t we relocate my… business here in Drastor to the pyramid… and my men and women will work as guards for the pyramid. I will keep a few at the teleportation ring in Drastor to get it fixed up, so that if the time comes I can relocate back to Drastor.”
- “How do you know you won’t steal from us,” Korra asks. “There is no honor among thieves.”
- Kraun explains that they’re loyal to him; and treat him well, they will treat them well
- The party discusses the options – and they agree – using Kraun’s own “employees” to help protect the pyramid is the best way to go because they’ve been shown to be quite capable over all and very faithful to Kraun
- Kraun smiles and departs to head for the guild to pass the news
- Adrian turns to Korra and asks her to draft up a contract for Kraun and his soldiers; and Buppido pulls out parchment and scrolls and says, “If this is good enough for magic, it’s good enough for legal paper!” And the two of them draft up contracts (DM Note – since Korra was assigned, I had her roll a History check at Advantage since Buppido was offering a Help action)
- Buppido reviews it after (and believes it’s good, rolling lower than Korra) – then Dusk demands to see it – and barely glances at it and says it’s great – realizing that Korra must have had incredible business sense, as well, some formal training in royalty courts, with the way she’d written out the agreement/contract
- Buppido makes sure that they can use the resources of the guild; however, they are never responsible for any theft that the guild members may be responsible for
- As they ponder about blacksmiths, seamstresses, and other such things they will be needing; Korra mentions that they should attempt to hire from Drastor first and foremost; many of those people lost their businesses during the Dragon attack – thinking immediately of Vanara’s Potion Shop which was damaged (See Session 70)
- The party agrees that this is a good idea; and that for blacksmiths, if they need to – they can use Kraun’s teleportation disc to go to Ridgecrest or Lakefront – and from there, travel to Thoridun, the Dwarven Kingdom by horse (Kraun informs them that the portals his employees have go to: Drastor, Ridgecrest (Mid Ridge), Ivory Coast and Lakefront)
- Korra grabs Isabella and says, “Let’s go do inventory, and see what we need.” Arm in arm, they walk and talk – with Isabella asking Korra what the group has been up to since their departure from Lakefront; with Korra filling her in on all of the instances and stories, usually focusing on Adrian since that’s who Isabella really wanted to know about
- Dusk heads heads for Drastor (alone, crossing the perilous desert between the pyramid and Drastor) to look for someone who can sell or make a shield for him – however, he ends up running into Sephrenia who is telling him all about the things between the dragon attacks and the demon attacks – and Dusk fills her in on the demon attack since she wasn’t with the group when they took care of the Lamia who was responsible – and by the time he’s done, he’s forgotten what he was looking for and heads for his abode

- After struggling to recall the correct activation word (DM Note – He’d mentioned previously “The password is password” as the activation – and Buppido said it out of character during this session! I was going to see if he remembered his own password activation!) and convinces the Shield Guardians to follow him
- Dusk tries to ride the Shield Guardians – keeping one in front and one behind him – but the heat of the metal is too hit to maintain riding on them – he makes his way back towards the Pyramid, trying to keep an eye on the potential Sand Sharks that dwell in these endless, golden, dunes of sand
- Meanwhile, inside the Pyramid – Buppido realizes that they’ve not explored any of the upper layers of the pyramid; as Buppido goes wandering off, neither Adrian or Don notice as he walks around a corner and opens a door, heading towards the upper areas of the pyramid
- As Buppido heads up stairs, the hall is magically, dimly lit – and it’s a long hall with rooms on either side. As he begins walk through the hall, he peers inside the rooms connected to the hall occasionally and notes the bunkers; some of which have skeletons in them, and old chests that have rotted away, that looked to hold possessions. As he continues further down the hall, a shadow suddenly appears above him as something attempts to drop on top of him
- Meanwhile, Korra and Isabella make it safely into Drastor – and Korra looks around to see where they might find someone to hire – but the city still seems to be in a state of chaos. Sephrenia sees Korra and rushes to her – sees Isabella and asks what’s going on. Korra gets side tracked explaining all that’s been happening (DM Note – Sephrenia was not present when they traveled back to Lakefront and picked up Isabella in Session 71)
- Korra hears Isabella say, in shock, “What are you doing here?”
- When Korra turns she sees a man, a few years older than Isabella, but bore a strong resemblance to her; and next to the man, another woman
- Korra introduces herself, and Isabella introduces Korra to her brother, Brandon Crowfeather, and his wife Erica Crowfeather (DM Note – This was just for fun to connect everything. When I’d originally created Brandon Crowfeather, it was for the Servants of the Wizard game; where the players who control Adrian/Aros, Korra/Galiena, and Buppido/Baldur, have met Brandon Crowfeather and Erica Crowfeather on the cursed island of Eagle Rock in the Servants of the Wizard game – and when I named him “Crowfeather” I hadn’t realized I used the same surname for Isabella and took the opportunity to make them related)
- Brandon explains, “After the assassin attack in Lakefront, a few weeks ago; seeing that they had not returned, Erica and I made our way to Drastor – because from here, we were going to book passage to Eaglerock. We heard there’s a swamp on that island that’s well known for having a high volume of Whistle Leaf, for healing potions, among other exotic plants. We would ship them from there to you – either in Lakefront, or here, for supplies to keep making potions.” (It’s true! See Servants of the Wizard: Session 6, Session 17, Session 22, Session 23, and Session 24 to name a few)
- Isabella begins telling her brother about Adrian, and how they’d come to Drastor, and the beasts they’d fought, and how their gnome wizard turned her into a giant ape; which leads to Brandon and Erica asking questions of Korra, and the four of them talk, until Korra notices the sun is setting and realizes they’d spent most of the time talking (DM Note – All of this to explain the Critical Fail)
- Adrian summons up Ms. Claws while Don summons up his drake, Halia and they begin riding towards Drastor
- Inside the pyramid, Buppido finds himself combatting a Greater Trapper – similar to Piercers, Lurker Above, Cloakers, and Dark Mantles; the Trapper is able to camouflage itself to appear like stone when it is motionless; and often imitates a floor covering a hole so that people fall into it; or like the Lurker Above, drops from the ceiling like a net

- The large trapper manages to fall on top of Buppido and envelope him and in doing so also hits him for damage with acid as it tries to digest him
- Trapped inside the beast – Buppido touches it and casts Polymorph, turning it into a “murder turtle” (using his Portent ability to ensure it failed its savings throw) – and Buppido falls to his knees taking in a deep breath muttering, “What is with this place and these creatures that have all these hiding abilities?” (DM Note – Buppido had encountered a slime creature in the dark in Session 68, which he had also polymorphed into a “murder turtle”)
- Buppido wraps his hands around the turtle (careful not to crush it) and mutters, “How do you like it?”
- Buppido puts the turtle in his pocket, knowing he has an hour, in case he needs it; he can throw the turtle, inflicting damage – which would break the polymorph spell
- Continuing to explore the rooms – Buppido discovers another room where three unusual creatures hang upside down… appearing to look like brown, rotting flesh, with wings wrapped around it. Buppido, not taking a chance uses Mage Hand to extend it up to the creature – and hits one – which then awakens it
- The three creatures attack the turtle which breaks polymorph and turns it into it’s greater lurker form – and they begin to battle – and Buppido quickly closes the door – and not one to easily learn his lesson – when Buppido comes to a wall that appears to have several gold coins embedded into it – decides to pry one out – and discover – they’re alive – all of them – and quickly pursue him as he runs back to the main room, closing all the doors behind him as he flees; and manages to escape
- Seeing Disnarium, Buppido huffs, “We need to hire some exterminators. The upper floors are littered with things that live in here.”
- Back to Korra and Isabella, Brandon and Erica bid their farewell, and Korra says that when they get to Eaglerock – if they run into someone named Ramgor, tell them that Korra said thank you for the potions
- With evening upon them, Korra explains to Isabella, that there was an inn that they’d been staying at that wasn’t damaged in the recent dragon and demon attacks (to which Isabella clearly begins to question if having come here was any safer… although, to be fair, Lakefront had been attacked by an undead dragon and defeated by another group of heroes (See The Arrival – Session 11 – though this group learned of it in Session 44)
- Korra and Isabella head for Alashamar Alkalhara (which translates to The Eternal Sun)
- The Innkeeper greets Korra and calls her “the hero of the town” – explaining to those gathered inside, that she and her friends were the ones who battled the Lamia – just outside his inn – who had summoned the demons. (Little did he know the Lamia was after them and was using the demons to try and track them down – this was due to the adventurers interfering with a deal the Lamia was involved in in Session 57 – they’d helped to use Lilli as a beacon to track down the sphere as noted in Session 58)
- The Innkeeper asks how he can help them; and Korra mentions they’re looking for a carpenter, seamstress, beds, blacksmiths, cooks
- After speaking to the Innkeeper – the Innkeeper gives it some thought…
- The innkeeper finally says, “Well, most of those who deal with lumber and blacksmithing… they’ve been really involved in helping rebuild the city… and a lot of the cooks are out there offering their services for free… a lot of people are tangled up in helping the town.”
- Korra nods, understanding. She glanced outside, seeing it was dark and asks if there was any spare rooms; and the innkeeper explains that all the rooms have been taken, because his inn was the only place not attacked, so he’s offering rooms for free for those who lost their home or business during the back to back attacks on the city
- Korra says she understands; but the innkeeper says that a few of his employees have their own rooms – he can combine some of them to make room for someone such as Korra, who put her life on the line for the city
- Isabella asks why they don’t head back; and Korra explains the danger of sandsharks; and Isabella says when she first sailed to Lakefront – she recalled hearing about those sharks, but wasn’t clear how they were a danger in an area with no water; and Korra explains that these sandsharks live in the sand and move as easily as sharks in the water – enchanted by the magic that runs rampant in the land – and are extremely deadly
- The innkeeper clears a room for Korra and Isabella to share; and explains he will put out word to some people he knows to meet with Korra, for potential business
- Elsewhere, Adrian and Don employ a cleric to send an urgent message: Pren, we need the services of your expert blacksmith skills – or anyone else you know who can smith. We’re in Drastor.
- The cleric after casting the spell says, “Your recipient said: Just tell me where to go. Hopefully there isn’t a lot of sunlight. I hate sunlight. Bringing plus one.“
- Adrian pays 10 gold for the cleric’s services
- Adrian says that they should look for some able body people
- Don looks around and uses his elven hearing; and clearly hears the sound of a hammer and anvil clashing in a rhythmic, repeating, pattern – he tells Adrian to follow him, and Don is able to track down the source of a sound. A larger human, whose muscles ripple with each blow of hammer to anvil; his skin glistening from both the work and the heat that even during the night in the Gold Coast can cause intense humidity
- Adrian approaches the blacksmith and tries to recruit him; but upon seeing the symbol of Prena on Adrian’s armor, the blacksmith explains that he’s sorry that the House of Prena has also suffered damaged, but he’s focusing on making weapons for the guards and the people of the city; fearful that looters may take advantage of the chaos. Don is watching the exchange back and forth between Adrian and the blacksmith, as Adrian tries to clarifying, saying he needs the blacksmith’s “services” – before Don steps in and explains, that despite the crest his friend wears, it’s not for the House of Prena, but rather a pyramid that they have recently claimed, outside of Drastor and are using for a base
- With the clarification, the blacksmith explains he has about two more days of work ahead of him, making weapons and armor, but after that he should be able to help. He asks where he can find this base
- Adrian offers to pick him up; and the blacksmith indicates again, he’s not one to be picked up on, and has a family
- Adrian clarifies that they can come back in two days and escort him
- And the blacksmith explains he needs no “escorts”
- Adrian finally turns to Don who explains it without the double entendre
- As Don and Adrian thank the blacksmith and leave, Don leans over to Adrian and says, “Maybe when we meet new people, maybe cover that crest of yours. Makes people assume things.”
- Adrian looks at his ring and envisions Isabella, and thinks, “Hello, love – I am in town with Don. Where are you and Korra?”
- A moment later, Adrian hears Isabella’s thoughts, “Oh! I am at an Inn with Korra. Speaks talking to the innkeeper about hiring people. He just got us a room here because it was getting late and dark outside. She was telling me about sharks that swim in the sand…”
- “We’re on our way,” Adrian thinks and explains to Don that they’re at the Inn
- Back to Buppido, Disnarium asks, “What happened to you? Some of your gems look faded and slimy?” (DM Note – I figured I’d keep the theme running from when this happened to Buppido when he’d encountered the slime in the dark hall, previously mentioned)
- Buppido mutters, looking at his newly acquired armor that had only recently been infused with new gems. “I know, this is unacceptable.” He looks at Disnarium, “There was gold up there. It was mine. I went to get it – and it attacked me.”
- “Golden scarabs,” Disnarium mutters
- “Wait, how do you know about the golden scarabs?” Buppido asks
- Disnarium smiles, “I’ve been around for a long time.”
- “Oh,” Buppido returns to buffering the gems on his armor. “How do I get them to turn back into gold so I can use them?”
- Disnarium laughs, “That’s how they lure they’re victims. They’re not real gold. They simply look like that. They’re actually magical insects. Wizards, when the Gold Coast first came to be, supposedly created them as a means of protecting their treasure – using the idea similar to the creatures known as mimics.”
- Disnarium continues working on the Spelljammer – and Buppido decides to help casting Mending – and begins asking Disnarium about how the Spelljammer works – Disnarium starts talking about the various parts of the Spelljammer – and he points out the chair, and says, “This is where the magic literally happens. As you can see next to the throne is this helmet connected to the throne – he explains that creating the Spelljammer Helm costs 5,000 gold – and from what Disnarium can tell – it’s been sitting dormant entirely too long and has lots its true power – and that they will need to sacrifice a powerful magic item and channel the magic into the helm or find some way of repowering the magical abilities of the Spelljammer Helm because there is no one he knows of who can recreate the helm. (And admits he doesn’t trust Dusk to try and create it)
- Disnarium explains that the party had mentioned that they’d heard a roar – and Disnarium explains that was probably the Spelljammer’s “cry for help” – and that the only reason it has probably survived as long as it has – is because it’s sitting in the Golden Coast – which is thriving with magic – he explains that the Astral Plane is full of so much magic, it constantly charges the Spelljammer‘s enegy
- DM Note – I did this because of the previous session where Buppido looked up the meteorite and came up with an idea
- Back in Drastor, Adrian and Don arrive at the inn – and the innkeeper greets them both with the same intense greeting he’d greeted Korra and Isabella
- Adrian explains he’s here looking for his fiance’ and the innkeeper points them towards the back room, where the employee room is that he’d set up for Korra and Isabella
- The four of them are united and Adrian and Don explain how they’ve recruited a blacksmith and Korra explains that the innkeeper has some feelers out for some potential employees
- Korra explains they booked a room because it was getting late, and it’d be more difficult to spot approaching sandsharks
- Don, in a blustery tone, says, “I wouldn’t worry. I’ve seen Adrian double up and handle himself like a man.” He then winks at Isabella who blushes deeply
- The four discuss it further and decide that it’s best to stay int he room. They talk for awhile, catching Isabella on all of their adventures, before and since they’d met her and she’s amazed at what they have to tell. Eventually the party falls asleep
- Nine hours later, a knock comes to the door
- The woodworker introduces himself as Nassif Lumzin Zahra (though some have called him Lum)
- He explains he has several sons who he will bring along since Korra explains that it’s a very large job
- They agree to meet back at the inn later
- Four hours later, a seamster knocks on the door by the name of Haroon Sean ‘The Seam’ Vohra and Korra pitches the same work; and asks what they will be doing
- Korra explains that they’d be working on a boat to help repair the sails and some of the sheets and things in the ship
- Haroon asks, “Well, where is this ship? Is it at the dock?”
- Korra pauses, “Not really. We’ve not gotten out to the dock yet.”
- “Wait,” Haroon asks, “it’s not? Where is it?”
- “It’s at our base,” Korra explains and confused by it all, but still Haroon agrees to meet at the inn later
- The four make their way down to the Thieves Guild run by Kraun, making their way through the passage, having access thanks to the deal Kraun has established with the party, and eventually make it to the teleportation room where they see the familiar halfling, Squeven. He looks at the party and growls, “Kraun has told me of no deal about teleporting all of you, so I know you’re not here for that. What do you want?”
- “We’re not looking for you, we’re looking for Kraun,” Korra growls.
- “Well, perfect,” the halfling remarks with a snarky tone, “because he’s not here. He went back to your place a few hours ago – just before day break.”
- “How?” Korra asks
- “On foot,” Squeven replies, making a walking gesture with his fingers
- Korra heaves a deep sigh. “Fine. I will ask you. Do you have a wagon that we can use to bring supplies back to our base.”
- “Sure,” Squeven winks. “If you have a note from Kraun, I’d be happy to supply you with one of our wagons.”
- Korra curses a word in her native tongue and says, “We’re on the same team.”
- “Yeah, but with the town the way it is,” Squeven says, with a shrug of his shoulder. “I suppose I could pull one off a supply line and give it to you – but it’s going to cost you.” After a moment, he finally says, “Fine, take a wagon and take that horse over there.”
- Korra looks at Squeven and says, “I am sure to tell Kraun how helpful you were,” sarcastically.
- They take the wagon – and Korra steers the wagon, while Isabella rides with Adrian and Don taking up the back to make sure no sandsharks come up behind them; and head back to the pyramid to speak with Kraun about using the teleporter to go to the Ivory Coast or Ridgecrest to get some supplies (bed linens and things that Drastor is currently using for those impacted by the attacks). When they arrive they see one of Dusk’s guardians at the door and see Dusk inside with a few bites. He explains that sandsharks had engaged him on the way back to the pyramid and he had to sacrifice one of his animatronics to fight off the sandshark
- Inside, Isabella asks where she would set up shop
- Adrian notes that the very top of the pyramid has a glass chamber
- Buppido chimes in that they need people to exterminate or relocate some of the wildlife that has made their way into the pyramid
- Korra adds that they can use the teleporter to get plants from Ridgecrest or Ivory Coast to begin the new apothecary
- Korra looks to Adrian and says, “Have you told her about how the dwarves know how to make it rain in places where it can’t rain?”
- Adrian shakes his head, “No. I hadn’t. If I can get another message to Pren, I can ask if he can bring some adamantine and create that rain, how the dwarves do in the Shadowlands.”
- Adrian then asks if the thieves guild could make a teleporter there; and Kraun explains again, how the dwarves hate the thieves guild; and the drow and illithid launched too many attacks on the smaller area outside the kingdom that they’d tried to establish a teleporter at
- Adrian explains that they know the king; and Kraun says the king would never allow the thieves guild there
- Adrian then thinks, “We know someone named Nor’Orn who has a cave. Could the teleporter work in there?”
- “As long as it’s protected,” Kraun explains
- Adrian then explains about how Pren and his wife, Lady Gemstar
- Kraun explains that’s fine – and that, while he’s not been one for interspecies love and passion, he understands how Prena works
- Adrian explains it’s nothing like that – they’re friends they’d made there, and there were coming to lend their hand with blacksmithing and helping get the base up as quickly as possible
- The party looks at the Spelljammer and then think about the base, and know that they have a beholder they need to chase… but also a base to help secure.