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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) – Missed Session
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
- After a week, the party is ready and Disnarium places the star fragment into the Spelljammer and the ship seems to come alive – boards that were mostly mended, suddenly come together; the sails, now repaired suddenly fill with an invisible wind – and the Spelljammer lurches into the Astral Plane
- The party observes the beauty of the astral plane… other… worlds… and even animals that swim through the Astral Plane, as easy as one would through the sea
- Disnarium explains that the “space whales” are known as Kindori – as well as explains that a kindori is large enough to have its own gravity plane and air envelope, enabling smaller creatures to live and travel on its body. Mosses, molds, and other parasitic organisms grow on its surface, which in turn attract predators to clean them off.
- As the party listens to the incredible sound of the kindori song; Disnarium suddenly shouts “Brace for impact!” as he points to the other side – and before anyone can truly realize what’s happening – something strikes the back of the ship, sending it spiraling out of control, the back of the ship, destroyed – destroying the lower half where the foot storage was – but also where the rudder of the Spelljammer was located!
- Everyone tries to grab onto the ship – but unfortunately, Don Kanin is thrown off balance, and slams into Dusk – sending them both overboard – where once they leave a specific area of the ship – they realize that oxygen is very difficult to come by!
- Even as his comrades sail off into the Astral Plane choking, Buppido shouts at the streaking formation, “Hey! Watch where you’re going! You clearly had all this space here!”
- DM Note – I had Dusk and Don Kanin roll to see how far (how many feet) they were knocked off the ship and both rolled 14.
- Adrian quickly grabs his silk rope and throws it out – and Buppido uses Mage Hand to guide the rope towards Don Kanin – and Don is able to grab Dusk and the rope is pulled closer to the ship – and once they are within 5 feet, they suddenly can breathe and collapse aboard the ship with gravity and air taking over
- That’s when Don Kanin shouts, “While I was floating in space – the back of the ship where we were hit – the storage of our food is flying away in space.”
- Using a Fly spell Buppido flies out into the Astral Plane; but once he gest past 5′ of the ship, he can feel that moving through the Astral Plane is like moving through a body of water; the very thickness of the Astral Plane slows him down – but he’s able to reach a crate, tie a rope around it and have the others pull it back, so that they have some food aboard the Spelljammer.
- Disnarium, on board the ship looks around and says, “Where is your Genasi friend?”
- Quickly everyone scans and Korra is nowhere to be seen. That’s when Adrian recalls that she’d been in the lower deck area – near where the comet had struck the back of the ship. As Adrian raced down to check on Korra, Disnarium looked at the others and grimly stated, “We may have a bigger problem. It would seem the murder comet struck the back of the Spelljammer, not only putting a hole in her… but it also took out the rutter of the ship… without it, the Spelljammer Helm to control it is pointless… I am afraid we’re stuck, floating adrift within the Astral Plane.”
- At that moment, Adrian comes up with Korra who has a large gash on her head and explains he found her next to the storage room that had been blown out and that she took a hard hit to the head. She seems fine, other than the gash on her head, but seems to have been knocked unconscious. (This was an easy way to explain why Korra would not be partaking in the rest of tonight’s session since she was not able to attend)
- Disnarium explains that they need to find a way to fix the ship – and that they need wooden supplies to recreate the rudder. Or if another Spelljammer comes by we need to hail them as quickly as possible.
- Adrian, who is able to speak Celestial cries out to the Kindori whom Disnarium explained there were more celestial than beast; but the Kindori simply change the tune of their song to a sadder song for the adventurers trapped on their Spelljammer but continue to slowly swim through the Astral Plane
- The Spelljammer continues to spin, adrift on the Astral Plane for one day (DM Note – I had all the players roll a D20 – Don Kanin got the highest – I think had him roll a Perception check then a d6 – he rolled a Natural 20 on Perception then a 1 on the D6 so the ship was only adrift for a single day before Don Kanin spots a derelict ship also adrift)
- Don points out the ship that’s adrift – but notes the unusual structure of the ship… he notes that it took appears to have been struck by what Disnarium called a “murder comet”…
- The other derelict ship is massive in size, well over three or four times the size of their own Spelljammer
- As the party’s ship continues to drift, Don Kanin keeps observing the other derelict ship while others try to figure out how to get closer; and Don notes that whatever that ship is – portions of it were at least, one time, alive and seem to be rotting – namely the tentacles and the bottom half of the ship
- The party’s ship gets as close as 75′ away from the other derelict ship when they realize if they don’t act soon, they’re going to drift further and further away from it for who knows how long
- Buppido and Dusk stand on the opposite side of their ship casting Fire Bolt and Thunderwave respectively, using the laws of physics – since the ship is adrift, opposite force begins pushing their ship towards the other derelict ship
- The plan works and Adrian with rope in hand is able to leap across to the derelict ship and tie their ship and secure it to the other floating ship
- Thankfully, despite being severely damaged, this derelict ship has an oxygen barrier still around the ship
- Korra who has regained consciousness, looks at the ship and explains that it looks abandoned so she will remain on their ship and assess the damage taken to their ship and see what supplies were lost (DM Note – She, as noted missed this session, but I anticipated that she’d be at the next session – and I like the provide information to folks who miss a session so when they do come back – even though they missed something they have something to RP – so I wanted to show she’d regained consciousness)
- Everyone else successfully leaps onto the other derelict ship successfully as well – that is, until Dusk attempts… Natural 1
- Sephrenia sighs about having to rescue Dusk again
- However, Dusk is able to turn himself around and cast Fire Bolt to trajected his body back towards the others who successfully grab him
- As they make their way into the inside of this new derelict ship – they quickly smell decay and realize they appear to be moving through what looks to be a hall – but is undoubtedly some intestine or vein that this living ship once had
- As they progress – they’re ambushed by an odd, lizard like creature that they’ve never seen before
- As they defeat one, a second makes itself known, but the party quickly dispatches it as well; but now begin to move more cautiously through the ship knowing that there was at least some living creatures on there derelict ship
- They continue moving through – when Sephrenia points out some tracks in the decaying intestines – and Dusk and Buppido – both whom have done immense amounts of studying (Dusk, seeking knowledge about the Astral Plane and space in general; and Buppido, with wizardry learning of magic and the Astral Plane) – know of various races that have supposedly traveled to the stars – one such being is a species known as The Illithid, better known to most as Mind Flayers; and they know that the Illithid enslaved their ships into servitude, which would match why this ship seemed to be a living vessel – and the footprints appear to be something that belongs to creatures known as Intellect Devourers though neither had ever seen any… they’d only seen supposed diagrams… these printers were similar… but also distinctly different… they were smaller… and appeared to be hundreds of them.
- As they progress – they hear something skittering around in the darkness and finally catch sight of another creature – far more frightening in appearance – as it seems to be devouring brains…
- This horror however, is ready for combat – eager to devour brains… Natural 20.
- The beasts starts off by using its psychic ability to cast Arms of Hadar which only manages to truly effect Buppido
- However, the party is able to dispatch this odd beast as well
- Now they’re on further alert; because of the idea of an Illithid, known for devouring brains; and the beast … here not only looking like a horrifying brain… but it had devoured a brain during combat… clearly indicates there may be an Illithid or something similar to an Illithid on the ship
- The party finally reaches a room – and as they investigate some of the doors in the room – Sephrenia notices that one of the plants seems to be edging towards them
- The others all sense this odd feeling of discomfort in the room; as if there was something just out of focus from the corner of their eye… the derelict ship drifting freely, has metallic doors in the room slamming opened and closed repeatedly, among the four closed doors adding to the tension
- Suddenly Sephrenia hears a voice in her head: Get Off My Ship.
- Sephrenia asks if anyone else heard a voice; but no one else did
- The party decides they will swing the door open and Buppido will cast a Fire Bolt; so Adrian swings open the first door, the Fire Bolt goes streaking through the dark, lightless room, and as it does, they can see hundreds of miniature creatures that resemble Intellect Devourers; similar to the odd tracks they’d found. The Fire Bolt continues its trajectory and hits the back wooden crates, catching them on fire. The party opts to simply close that door.
- Adrian opens another door and Buppido looks into the second room and sees more wooden crates and sees more miniature Intellect Devourers; there’s not as many as the first room, but there’s some
- Buppido explains his mage hand only goes 30′ feet, and the closest crate is about 100′ feet in the room and he doesn’t feel comfortable going in the room with dead or potentially alive – Intellect Devourers – even tiny ones. So he decides he will ritual cast to summon his familiar which he hadn’t used in a very long time (lase session Session 66 – and prior to that way back in Session 56)
- Sephrenia suddenly hears a voice in her head: I will feast on the brains of the gnome, first. His mind will feed me well.
- Knowing the answer – Sephrenia asks anyway – if anyone else heard the voice. No one else has. She begins explaining that something is talking to her – and she’s convinced that one of the plants is still moving closer. The others disregard it as the odd, creepy feeling lingering over the derelict ship. But Sephrenia’s had it and casts Ray of Frost at the plant – which, to the surprise of everyone (except Buppido who is lost in his mind, casting the ritual spell to summon his familiar) – the plant reacts and attacks her!
- The odd plant creature, like the other creatures thus far, is quickly defeated
- Believing that perhaps it was the plant monster speaking into her head – she’s disappointed when she hears the same voice: My pet is coming for you.
- Sephrenia shakes her head and explains some kind of pet is coming for them
- They open a third door – and see supplies in the room. Dusk and Adrian go inside the room, and suddenly the door slams shut behind them – and seems to magically seal behind them
- Sephrenia, Buppido and Don try to open the door – but can’t – and as Sephrenia looks around for something to pry the door open – she suddenly sees a beast emerging from the shadows… it looks like a magically altered Intellect Devourer… whose brain seems to be a colorful storm of activity and it’s much larger than the standard Intellect Devourer… the size of a large dog…